Table 5a. Case ascertainment: Criteria for reporting and case finding by data source and jurisdiction, 2009-2011 Data Source PCC FL Medical outcome=minor, moderate, major effect; death. Hospital inpatient ED Syndromic where chief complaint=”carbon” or “carbon monoxide” or “CO” ME Call type = exposure. Substance= carbon monoxide ICD9 codes: 986.0, E868.2, E868.3, E868.8, E868.9, E982.0, E982.1 in primary or secondary discharge diagnosis field ICD9 codes: 986.0, E868.2, E868.3, E868.8, E868.9, E982.0, E982.1 in primary or secondary discharge diagnosis field. Syndromic chief complaint = carbon monoxide or CO. Hospital outpatient Lab carboxyhemogl obin (COHb) level COHB≥9% >= to 5% Hyperbaric Known or suspected CO Anyone who received MI Call type=exposure. Substance=carbon monoxide. Reason for exposure=unintenti onal. Medical outcome=minor, moderate, major effect; death. ICD9 codes: 986.0, E868.3, E868.8, E868.9, and E982.1 in primary or secondary diagnosis field MO - - Medical records with ICD9 codes: 986, E868.3, E868.8, E868.9, and E982.1 in primary or any secondary diagnosis field Syndromic where chief complaint=”carbon” or “monoxide” or “CO”, excluding records when “CO” means “complaint of” or “county” ICD9 codes: 986, E868.3, E868.8, E868.9, and E982.1 in primary or any secondary diagnosis field COHB>10 - - All COHb tests poisoning hyperbaric treatment for carbon monoxide poisoning Clinician reporting Known or suspected CO poisoning Reporting requirements: All cases with clinical signs, symptoms or known exposure consistent with a diagnosis of carbon monoxide poisoning and/or a carboxyhemoglobi n (COHb) level equal to or above 5.0% Death certificate ICD10: T58 as underlying cause ICD10: T58 as underlying cause or contributing cause of death? News reports ? Google alerts: (online, or for carbon “clipping monoxide service”) exposure/poison ing. Emergency Medical Service Reports: real time reports of carbon monoxide exposures. “-“: Cases not identified from that source Known or suspected unintentional CO poisoning - ICD10: T58 as underlying cause ICD10: X47,Y17,T58 underlying or contributing cause - ? Table 5b. Case definitions for case classification, by jurisdiction State Classification FL Confirmed case* Definition 1) A case with signs and symptoms consistent with acute CO poisoning and a confirmed elevated COHb level (≥9%), as determined by either a blood specimen (See laboratory criteria for diagnosis below) or pulse CO-oximetry or a case with signs and symptoms consistent with acute CO poisoning (in absence of clinical laboratory data), with supplementary evidence in the form of environmental monitoring data suggesting exposure from a specific poisoning source. Probable Case Suspect Case ME Confirmed case Probable case Suspect case MI Confirmed case* MO Confirmed case* 2) A case with a reported blood specimen (in the absence of clinical and environmental laboratory data) with COHb level that is equal to or greater than a volume fraction of 0.12 (12%). 1. A case with signs and symptoms consistent with acute CO poisoning and the same environmental monitoring evidence of exposure with the same environmental exposure as that of a confirmed case. (No laboratory and/or environmental monitoring evidence of exposure present). OR 2. A case with signs and symptoms consistent with acute CO poisoning and history of environmental monitoring evidence of exposure with smoke inhalation secondary to conflagration (explosive fire). (No laboratory and/or environmental monitoring evidence of exposure present). OR 3. A case with a reported blood specimen of COHb level that is equal or greater than a volume fraction of 0.09 (9%) and less than a volume fraction of 0.12 (12%),(9%≤ COHb ≤ 12%) in the absence of compatible symptoms or environmental monitoring data. A case with signs and symptoms consistent with acute CO poisoning and a history consistent with recent exposure to carbon monoxide. T58 listed as underlying or contributing cause of death – or - COHb >=5.0% in non-smokers - or - COHb >= 12.0% in smokers or when smoking status unknown - or - Signs and/or symptoms consistent with CO poisoning accompanied by evidence of an environmental exposure consistent with CO poisoning. 9.0%<= COHb <= 12.0% in smokers or when smoking status unknown – or – Signs and/or symptoms consistent with acute CO poisoning and concurrent environmental exposure as that of confirmed CO poisoning case – or -Loss of consciousness or death without alternative explanation and exposure to source of CO – or - Evidence of an environmental exposure consistent with CO poisoning COHb >= 12.0% as measured by pulse co-oximeter 1 or more non-specific symptoms of CO poisoning and environmental monitoring consistent with CO in the environment (e.g. CO detector) or documented exposure to a source of CO *CoHb levels: unless there is a more plausible conflicting clinical explanation for these results 1) A patient who was treated by a health care provider for health effects of exposure to carbon monoxide, where the exposure was not intentional (i.e. suicides with CO are excluded). Some evidence of an exposure source is required (e.g., medical record noted CO alarm went off, malfunctioning furnace fixed, patient was using gas powered equipment in enclosed space), but a quantitative exposure of CO in air is not required. 2) A death where ICD10 code was T58 as underlying cause and “manner of death” on the death certificate is not homicide or suicide. 1) A case meeting criteria for case finding using the case finding algorithm for syndromic from EDs (see table 5a). 2) All cases with a laboratory report of a COHb level of 15% or higher. 3) All deaths with ICD-10 X47, Y17, T58 in the underlying or any contributing cause field on death certificate, excluding intentional, fire-related, and exposures to gases other than CO. *Michigan, Florida and Missouri have a definition for a “confirmed” case, and do not classify cases using the CSTE/CDC system of “confirmed”, “probable” and “suspect”. Final case counts do not include cases classified as Suspect.