AWATT AFGHANISTAN WATER, AGRICULTURE & TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER PROGRAM FIELD DAY REPORTS DR. HAMDY OUSHY JULY 18- 23, 2009 AWATT-Forage Field Days Program: Eight forage field days have been carried out through July 18-23, 2009 in five Districts in Balkh as shown in Table (8): Table 8. Eight field days were carried out in five Districts by AWATT-Forage Technology Transfer Program in Balkh Province to demonstrate forage on-farm demos and forage research trials. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Date District 7/18 Kholm (Female) Village Ganda Baghat 7/18 Kholm (M + F) Ganda Baghat 7/19 Dehdadi Baba Kona 7/19 Dehdadi Posht-eBaghe 7/20 Nahri Shahi Choghdak 7/21 Balkh Kata Khil 7/22 Chemtal 7/23 Mazar-eSharif Mer Qassem Balkh University, College of Agriculture Farmer/Site Amir Khan, Farmer Leader Amir Khan, Farmer Leader Mohamed Hanif, Farmer Leader Dehdadi Agricultural Research Station Abdul Gafar, Farmer Leader Sultan Bey Khan, Kuchi Leader Alem Shah, Farmer Leader College Agronomic Research Farm Participants MAIL, BU & group of 30 livestock rural women MAIL, BU, Farmers MAIL, BU & Farmers No of Participants Time 36 7:009:00am 60 9:3012:00am 86 7:009:30am Per Diem ($) 300.0 450.0 655.0 MAIL, BU, and Farmers MAIL, BU, JDA, and Farmers MAIL, BU, JDA, and Farmers MAIL, BU, and Farmers MAIL, BU, JDA 86 10:00am – 1:00pm 66 9:00am – 12:00am 515.0 154 8:00am – 1:00 pm 665.0 69 136 9:00 am – 12:00am 8:00 am 1:00 pm 530.0 635.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Total Per Diem Expenditures: *. MAIL: Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock; **. BU: Balkh University; Dean of College of Ag, faculty and students 693 $3750.0 Table 9. Analysis of attendances per gender category in the eight forage technology transfer field days. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 District Kholm (F) Kholm (M) Dehdadi (Farmer) Dehdadi Res. Station Nahri Shah Balkh Chemtal Balkh Univ. Date 7/18 7/18 7/19 MAIL-Stuff Leadership M F 3 3 MAILExtension M F 1 6 BU Faculty M F 2 7 2 BU Student M F Farmers M F 30 NGOs M 22 F Not invited Farmers Total 20 36 60 4 4 7 9 3 31 1 27 86 4 6 3 6 3 4 3 3 7 8 8 5 9 1 3 31 32 74 39 10 1 1 2 27 15 54 19 35 86 66 154 69 136 40 5 197 693 7/19 7/20 7/21 7/22 7/23 3 26 23 41 1 Total: *. 14% of field day’s participants were women. 10 3 75 7 36 13 75 7 229 AWATT-Forage On-Farm Demonstration of Improved Forage Technologies: Twenty Nine forage on-farm demonstration plots of pearl millet and sorghum/Sudan hybrid in comparison with local forage Jawari (Yellow corn) were demonstrated, in 500.00 m2 plot area size, by the AWATT-Forage program over five Districts in Balkh Province as shown on Tables (1-5). Table 1. Ten on-farm demonstrations have been carried out in Dehdadi District. No Farmer Village Plot Size No of Costs (US $) Trained Farmers 1 Abdullah Rahmati Post-e-Bagh 500.00 m2 17 263.20 2 Zulmay Mohammad Ali Sher Abad 500.00 m2 21 263.20 3 Mohammad Qassem Rajab Tokhta 500.00 m2 19 263.20 4 Hajy Ismaiel Ayub Shah Karmalik 500.00 m2 25 263.20 5 Abdul Wadood Shah Mardan Kol Tokhta 500.00 m2 22 263.20 6 Lal Mohammad Atta Now Abad 500.00 m2 24 263.20 7 Mohammad Hanif Sultan Baba Kona 500.00 m2 20 263.20 8 Takey Najaf Sheikh Abad 500.00 m2 19 263.20 9 Abdul Momen Abdul Rahim Karmalik 500.00 m2 19 263.20 10 Mohammad Aref Ghulam Rasul Hazar Jereb 500.00 m2 17 263.20 Total: 203 $ 2,632.00 Table 2. Six on-farm demonstrations have been carried out in Nahri Shahi District No Farmer Village Plot Size No of Costs (US $) Trained Farmers 1 Ghafar Khan Haji Qusha Baba Yadgar 500.00 m2 23 263.2 2 Abdul Razaq Baba Yadgar 500.00 m2 24 263.2 3 Bashir Ahmad Baba Yadgar 500.00 m2 22 263.2 4 Amrudin Ghulam Postgir Takhat Pool 500.00 m2 22 263.2 5 Nasir Ahmad Takhat Pool 500.00 m2 20 263.2 6 Mohammad Hussain Ali Yulmarab 500.00 m2 25 263.2 Total: 136 $ 1,500.00 Table 3. Five on-farm demonstrations have been carried out in Kholm District No Farmer Village Plot Size No of Trained Farmers 1 Amir Khan Aziz Khan Ganda Baghat 500.00 m2 25 2 Aienullah Amanullah Damula Lashkari 500.00 m2 17 3 Chotbye Barat Sert 500.00 m2 15 4 Mohammad Azim Khanaqa-Merza 500.00 m2 16 Khairudin 5 Mohammad Sharif Ganda Baghat 500.00 m2 23 Total: 96 Table 4. Five on-farm demonstrations have been carried out in Chemtal District No Farmer Village Plot Size No of Trained Farmers 1 Alim Shah Hazrat Kol Merqasem Jan 500.00 m2 20 2 Sayed Jalal Sayed Jamaludin Merqasem Jan 500.00 m2 23 3 Lal Mohammad Gorg Ali Merqasem Jan 500.00 m2 21 4 Sayed Hamid Sayed Tahir Merqasem Jan 500.00 m2 19 5 Sayed Hashem Sarasyab 500.00 m2 25 Total: 108 Table 5. Three on-farm demonstrations have been carried out in Balkh District No Kuchi Farmer Village Plot Size No of Trained Farmers 1 Sultan Bye Khan Jan Kata Khail 500.00 m2 30 2 Hafezullah Ajab Khan Kata Khalid 500.00 m2 26 3 Nagebullah Mohammad Zahir Kata Khail 500.00 m2 27 Total: 83 Costs (US $) 263.2 263.2 263.2 263.2 263.2 $ 1,316.00 Costs (US $) 263.2 263.2 263.2 263.2 263.2 $ 1,316.00 Costs (US $) 263.2 263.2 263.2 $ 789.00 The AWATT-Forage Technology Transfer Program has provided gratis the following agricultural materials to every forage on-farm demo plot: 1. 2. 3. 4. 50.00 Kg of chemical fertilizer (UREA 46% N). 50.00 Kg of chemical fertilizer (Phosphorous). Seeds of forage Pearl Millet, sorghum/Sudan hybrid, and local Jawari (yellow corn). Training and technical assistance. AWATT-Forage Pearl Millet Seed Production Program: A seed production program was established for Pearl Millet crop by the AWATT-Forage Program in parallel with the introduction of the crop to farmers through the on-farm demonstration plots in Balkh Province. Two plots in every demo have been carried out; the first for pearl millet fresh forage production and the other was for seed production. Farmers have been trained on seed production of pearl millet; therefore, the AWATT-forage program has ensured the sustainability of the transferred forage technology after the end of the project. Thus, the collaborating farmers will be able to plant their own pearl millet seeds for the next growing season. The AWATT-Forage Technology Transfer Program has established two pearl millet seed production farm sites in two Districts of Balkh Province: Chemtal and Balkh, respectively as shown in Table (6): Table 6. Two forage pearl millet seed production farm sites have been established in Chemtal and Balkh Districts. No Farmer District Village Planting Date Plot Size 1 2 Sayed Alem Chemtal Sarasyab June 18, 2009 5000.00m2 Aziz Rahman Balkh Plas Posh July 10, 2009 5169.00m2 Total: *. (+): Still there running costs until harvesting seeds. No of Trained Farmers Costs (US $) 29 31 60 600.00 + 620.00 + $ 1,220.00 + To keep running this program The AWATT-Forage program has contracted both farmers to produce seeds of the introduced forage pearl millet, variety Shandawel-1 from Egypt. The land preparation, fertilizer, plantation, and seeds costs were covered by the AWATT-Forage program. In addition to the fertilizer applications, irrigation and weed control costs were covered during the growing period up to the maturity stage. The MAIL-extension agents at both Districts have been trained to take care of all agricultural practices for seed production. The AWATT-Forage Technology Transfer Program has provided gratis the following agricultural materials for the two seed production farm sites in Chemtal and Dehdadi: 1. 2. 3. 4. 200.00 Kg of chemical fertilizer (UREA 46% N). 200.00 Kg of chemical fertilizer (Phosphorous). Seeds of forage Pearl Millet. Training and technical assistances. AWATT-Forage Program for Training Farmers: Throughout the establishment stage up to the first cut of the forage on-farm demonstration plots, farmers were trained by the AWATT-Forage team on the following best agricultural practices related to forage technology transfer: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Land preparation for pearl millet, sorghum/Sudan hybrid, and local Jawari (yellow corn). Method of fertilizer applications as well as kind and doses of fertilizer. Method of plantation. Irrigation regime and number of needed irrigations. Weed control. Plant thinning on pearl millet seed production plots. Harvesting time. 8. Method of harvesting pearl millet and sorghum/Sudan hybrid. 9. Feeding methods for livestock. 10. Method Pearl Millet seed production A large number of farmers and their invited neighbors, who have attended the entire establishment stage at the demo plots, have received hands-on training on summer forage technology transfer as shown in Table (7): Table 7. Number of trained farmers who have received hands-on training on the establishment of forage demo plots and pearl millet seed production in five District of Balkh Province. No District Period of Training Number of Trained Farmers Total Trained Farmers On-Farm Demo Seed production 1 Dehdadi June & July, 2009 203 203 2 Nahri Shahi June & July, 2009 136 136 3 Kholm June & July, 2009 96 96 4 Chemtal June & July, 2009 108 29 137 5 Balkh June & July, 2009 83 31 114 Total: 626 60 686 Farmers Farmer Job Opportunities: The AWATT-Forage Technology Transfer Program has spent US$3,500 in land preparation of 29 forage demo plots on two farm sites for pearl millet seed production. Therefore, the program has created 875/days job opportunity for tenant land farmers on AWATT-Forage demo plots. These farmers are among the most impoverished, very susceptible to changing markets, and most importantly, they must be flexible to make a living. They are hard workers, patient, and simply need reasonable job opportunities to feed their families. AWATT-Forage Research & Training Program at MAIL-Dehdadi Research Station: The AWATT-forage team leader will establish working relationship and partnership with the Dehdadi Research Station in Dehdadi District. AWATT-forage program objectives of our collaboration will be as follows: Establish a number of forage trials. Train MAIL’s researchers at the Dehdadi Research Station in applied forage research. Strengthen the research base in forage production at MAIL in Balkh. Report on results from trials with appropriate recommendations for varieties, seed rates, fertilizer rates, and cutting regimes. Accomplishments: Three forage research trials have been carried out by the AWATT-Forage Program at MAIL’s Dehdadi Research Station. At Dehdadi, trials include assessing performance of forage crops under differing fertilizer regiments, assessing varietal performance of newly introduced forage crop varieties and local Jawari (yellow corn), observing the performance characteristics of Pearl Millet seed production under standard conditions of the farm: Forage Research Program: First Experiment: Title: Forage Yield Performance of Pearl millet, (Pennisetum glaucum), Sorghum/Sudan grass Hybrid and Local Jawari (Yellow corn) under Dehdadi-Balkh Province conditions in Afghanistan. Experimental Objectives: To evaluate the fresh and dry matter yield of the three forage crops under Dehdadi conditions. To recommend the best performing forage crop under Dehdadi conditions in Balkh Province. To demonstrate and train MAIL-Researchers, Faculty and students in forage varietal research. To produce a farmer field guide for farmers and extension agents in Dari about pearl millet best agricultural practices. Treatments: a. Three Forage Crops: 1. Pearl Millet, variety Shandawil-1 2. Sorghum/Sudan Hybrid, variety Mabrouk 3. Local Jawari (Yellow corn) Measurements: 1. Fresh forage yield 2. Dry matter percentage 3. Dry matter yield 4. Number of cuts 5. Plant height per cut Experimental Design: A Randomized Complete Block Design with four replications will be used. Plot Size: 4x6 m = 24 m2 Experimental Plots = (3 x 4) 24 = 288.00 m2 Walking Area = (2 x 34) + 34 = 102.00 m2 Canals = (34 x 2) + (15 x 8) = 188.00 m2 Total Experimental Area = 578.00 m2 Note: This experiment will be replicated on time next year in the same place. Second Experiment: Title: Effect of Different Nitrogen Fertilizer Rates on the Forage Yield of Pearl Millet, (Pennisetum glaucum), under Dehdadi-Balkh environmental conditions in Afghanistan. Experimental Objectives: To evaluate the fresh and dry matter yield of pearl millet under different N fertilizer rates. To recommend the best N fertilizer rate for pearl millet under Dehdadi conditions in Balkh. To demonstrate and train MAIL-Researchers, Faculty and students in forage fertilizer research. To produce a farmer field guide for farmers and extension agents in Dari about the best N rate and fertilizer application for pearl millet. Forage Crop: Pearl Millet, (Pennisetum glaucum). a. 1. 2. 3. Treatments: Three levels of fertilizer (Urea 46% N): 80.00 Kg/Acer 120.00 Kg/Acer 160.00 Kg/Acer These three levels will be applied in three equal doses (15 days after emergence, after the first cut, and after the second cut). Di-Ammonium Phosphates (48%P) and (18%N) will be applied 70.00 Kg/Acre; it will be applied at land preparation. Measurements: a. Fresh forage yield b. Dry matter percentage c. Dry matter yield d. Number of cuts e. Plant height per cut Experimental Design: A Randomized Complete Block Design with four replications will be used. Plot Size: 4x6 m = 24 m2 Experimental Plots = (3 x 4) 24 = 288.00 m2 Walking Area = (2 x 34) + 34 = 102.00 m2 Canals = (34 x 2) + (15 x 8) = 188.00 m2 Total Experimental Area = 578.00 m2 Total experimental area size = 578 +578 = 1156.00 m2 Third Experiment: Observation plots of Pearl Millet Seed Production Performance Characteristics under Dehdadi environmental conditions in Afghanistan. Experimental Objectives: To evaluate the seed production performance characteristics of forage pearl millet under Dehdadi Research Station conditions. To recommend the best agricultural practices for pearl millet seed production under similar environmental conditions in Afghanistan To produce a farmer field guide for farmers, seed producers, and extension agents in Dari about forage pearl millet seed production technology. To demonstrate and train MAIL-Researchers, seed producers, faculty and students in forage pearl millet seed production technology. Area Size: 2,844.00 m2 Pearl Millet seeds: Seeds have been sown in rows within plots of (5.0 x 6.0 m) in 20.0 cm a part. Measurements: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Planting date Fertilizer application (120.0 Kg/acre) Germination Percentage Number of tillers Number of tillers that carry head Date of flowering Date of maturity Date of harvesting Weight of seed per head Seed Yield Number of seeds per gram Straw Yield (per m2) Forage Training Program: AWATT-Forage Technology Transfer Program has accomplished the following objectives at the MAIL-Dehdadi Research Station: Three national researchers at Dehdadi have been trained on forage research, layout design, forage experimentation, data collection, fertilizer experiment, varietal experiment, and seed production experiment. They have been responsible for applying treatments, applying agricultural practices, and collecting data in cooperation with the AWATT-Forage Program. We have been told that this is the first time that a full replicated research trial has been carried out at Dehdadi. All previous works at the station have been to produce breeder seeds of wheat and some screening lines of wheat in non-replicated experiments. So, that this first attempt is to strengthen the research base in applied forage production at Dehdadi research Station. Forage Research Program at College of Agriculture: The following forage varietal comparison trial was carried out at the College of Agriculture in the Agronomic Research Farm at Balkh University in Mazar-e-Sharif. Title: Forage Yield Performance of Pearl millet, (Pennisetum glaucum), Sorghum/Sudan grass Hybrid and Local Jawari (Yellow corn) under Dehdadi-Balkh Province Conditions in Afghanistan. Experimental Objectives: 1. 2. To evaluate the fresh and dry matter yield of the three forage crops under Dehdadi Conditions. To recommend the best performing forage crop for Dehdadi conditions in Balkh Province. 3. To demonstrate and train MAIL-Researchers, Faculty and students in forage varietal research. 4. To produce a farmer field guide for farmers and extension agents in Dari about pearl millet best agricultural practices. Treatments: b. Three Forage Crops: 4. Pearl Millet, variety Shandawil-1 5. Sorghum/Sudan Hybrid, variety Mabrouk 6. Local Jawari (Yellow corn) Measurements: 6. Fresh forage yield 7. Dry matter percentage 8. Dry matter yield 9. Number of cuts 10. Plant height per cut Experimental Design: A Randomized Complete Block Design with four replications will be used. Plot Size: 4x6 m = 24 m2 Experimental Plots = (3 x 4) 24 = 288.00 m2 Walking Area = (2 x 34) + 34 = 102.00 m2 Canals = (34 x 2) + (15 x 8) = 188.00 m2 Total Experimental Area = 578.00 m2 Note: This experiment will be replicated on time next year in the same place. This scientific research work has been done in full cooperation between AWATT-Forage program and Professor Mir Abdul Qayyum Anssari, Dean of College of Agriculture. Throughout the implementation of the forage experiment, the AWATT-Forage Technology Transfer Program has accomplished the following objectives with the College of Agriculture at Balkh University: