Anesthesia test practice questions. Dr M . Sirati Nir --

Anesthesia test practice questions. Dr M . Sirati Nir --- Jan 2016
Anesthesia BSc
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Select and Mark the Best Answer in the Following Medical Passages .
1. decreased pain perception in the internal organs
a) neuroleptanalgesic
b) somatic analgesia
c) general anesthesia
d) visceral analgesia
2. a device for measuring low pressures as in the anesthetic breathing circuit
a) antiemetic
b) vaporizer
c) regulator
d) manometer
3. sensation without feeling
a) -algesia
b) fentanyl
c) reservoir
d) -esthesia
4. dilation of small blood vessels near the body surface increasing blood flow to those areas
a) peripheral vasodilation
b) reservoir
c) visceral analgesia
d) general anesthesia
5. preliminary medications administered prior to the induction of anesthesia
a) propofol
b) pop-off
c) premeds
d) Opioids
6. drug that blocks the effects of acetylcholine and inhibits parasympathetic functions example:
atropine, glycopyrrolate
a) antiemetic
b) tranquilizer
c) anticholinergic
d) atropine
7. a drug formed as the combinations of an opioid and a tranquilizer example: gabbapentin
a) visceral analgesia
b) somatic analgesia
c) -algesia
d) neuroleptanalgesic
8. a drug that inhibits vomiting example: Acepromazine
a) antiemetic
b) premeds
c) manometer
d) atipamezole
9. decreased pain perception in the internal organs
a) somatic analgesia
b) visceral analgesia
c) neuroleptanalgesic
d) general anesthesia
10. decreased pain perception in the skin and musculoskeletal structures
a) neuroleptanalgesic
b) -algesia
c) somatic analgesia
d) visceral analgesia
11. a pharmacologically induced, controlled, and reversible loss of consciousness with absence of pain
Anesthesia test practice questions. Dr M . Sirati Nir --- Jan 2016
Anesthesia BSc
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a) -esthesia
b) dissociative anesthesia
c) general anesthesia
d) visceral analgesia
12. injectable IM, injectable IV, and gas agents
a) local anesthesia
b) preanesthesia
c) Types of general anesthesia
d) general anesthesia agents:
13. a state of controlled and reversible unconsciousness characterized by lack of pain sensation, lack
of memory, and relatively depressed reflex responses.
a) general anesthesia
b) preanesthesia
c) analgesia
d) Types of general anesthesia
14. most are removed from the body via exhalation from the lungs.
a) cyanosis
b) antisedan
c) Zolazepam
d) inhalations(gas)
15. general anesthesia that is deep enough to provide muscle relaxation so the specific surgery being
performed is painless and without struggle.
a) Types of general anesthesia
b) surgical anesthesia
c) local anesthesia
d) preanesthesia
e) surgical anesthesia
16. drugs given prior to general anesthesia induction.
a) Thiazine Drugs
b) Benzodiazepines Drugs
c) preanesthetic drugs
d) phenothiazine drug
17. agents given after the preanesthesia drugs actually put the animal to "sleep"
a) surgical anesthesia
b) general anesthesia agents:
c) Benzodiazepines are
d) preanesthetic drugs
18. lack of memory
a) codeine
b) analgesia
c) cyanosis
d) amnesia
19. Dr. Butler is a physician who operates on hearts. He trained as a (neurologic, cardiovascular,
pulmonary) surgeon. Often, his procedures require that Dr.Smith, a (an) (gynecologic, ophthalmic,
thoracic) surgeon, assist him when the chest and lunges need surgical intervention.
20. Pauline noticed a rash over most of her body. First she saw Dr. Cole, her (family practitioner,
oncologist, radiologist) who performs her yearly physicals. Dr.Cole, who is not a (an)
(endocrinologist, orthopedist, dermatologist) by training, referred her to a skin specialist to make
the proper diagnosis and treat the rash.
21. Dr. Liu is a (an) (internist, obstetrician, pediatrician) as well as a (an) (nephrologist,
urologist,gynecologist) and can take care of her female patients before, during, and after their
Anesthesia test practice questions. Dr M . Sirati Nir --- Jan 2016
Anesthesia BSc
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22. After her sixth pregnancy, sally developed an abnormal condition at the lower end of her colon. She
went to a ( an) (gastroenterologist, hematologist, optometrist), who made the diagnosis of
protrusion of the rectum into the vagina. She then consulted colorectal and gynecologic surgeons to
make an appropriate treatment plan for her condition, known as a (vasculitis, rectocele, colostomy).
23. In the cancer clinic, patients often must see a medical (oncologist, prthopedist, rheumatologist), who
administers chemotherapy, and a (an) (psychiatrist, radiation oncologist, radiologist), who
prescribes and supervises (drugs, surgery, radiation therapy) to treat tumors with high- energy
protons and electrons.
24. While recovering from successful surgery in the hospital, Janet developed a cough and fever. Her
surgeon ordered a chest X-ray and suspected a (an) (oncogenic, nosocomial, iatrogenic) pneumonia.
A(an) (anesthesiologist, neurologist, infectious disease specialist) was called in to diagnose and treat
the hospital acquired disease condition.
25. Sam had noticed bright red rectal bleeding for days when he finally saw his family practitioner. This
physician referred him to a (an) (endocrinologist, urologist, gastroenterologist) . A (laparoscopy,
colonoscopy, bronchoscopy) was scheduled, which revealed a large pedunculated (on a stalk) polyp
(benign growth) in the descending colon. The polyp was resected and sent to ( pathology,
hematology, infections disease) for evaluation. Fortunately, it was a noncancerous or (malignant,
metastatic, benign) lesion. Sam will need follow-up (laparotomy, endoscopy, laparoscopy) in a year.
26. As part of her (intravenous, postpartum, prenatal) care, Bea underwent (ultrasonography,
endoscopy, urinalysis) to determine the age, size, and development of her fetus.
27. Ellen' s pregnancy test was positive, but she had excruciating pelvic pain. After an examination and
ultrasound, the doctors diagnosed a (an) (epidural, ectopic, subscapular) pregnancy. She then
underwent emergency surgery to remove the early pregnancy from the fallopian tube.
28. After noticing a suspicious- looking mole on her upper arm, Carole was diagnosed with (malignant,
benign, subtotal) melanoma. This type of skin cancer is a (an) (intrauterine, extrahepatic, neoplastic)
process and has a high likelihood of (paralysis, dysplasia, metastasis) to other areas of the body.
29. Carole' s daughter, Annabelle, found a mole on her back and quickly had it checked out by her
physician. Fortunately, after a biopsy, the pathology revealed a (transabdominal, precancerous,
perianal) nevus (mole) that was considered (chronic, unilateral, benign). In the future, Annabelle will
need close follow- up for other suspicious lesions.
30. Milton' s blood pressure was 160/110. Normal blood pressure is 120/80. Because of his (bradycardia,
hypertension, dyspnea), Milton' s physician prescribed medication to reduce his risk of stroke.
31. Selma ate a spicy meal at an Indian restaurant. Later that night she experienced (osteoarthritis,
dermatitis, gastroenteritis). Fortunately the cramping and diarrhea subsided by morning.
32. Christina was feeling very sluggish, both physically and mentally. Her seemed coarse, she had noticed
weight in the past weeks, and she had hot and cold intolerance, never really feeling comfortable. Her
internist referred her to a gland specialist, a(an) (gynecologist, endocrinologist, pathologist). The
physician ordered a blood test that revealed low levels of a hormone from a gland in her neck. The
Anesthesia test practice questions. Dr M . Sirati Nir --- Jan 2016
Anesthesia BSc
Name and Surname :
diagnosis of (hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, psychosis) was thus made, and proper treatment
33. Dr. Fischer examined the lump in Bruno’s thigh. An imaging technique using magnetic waves and
radio signals (MEI scan) revealed a suspicious mass in the soft connective tissue of the
thigh.Suspecting a cancerous mass of flesh tissue, or (hematoma, carcinoma,sarcoma),Dr. Fischer
suggested a (an) (prognosis, biopsy, autopsy) of the mass.
34. On her seventh birth day, Susie fell down during her birthday party. Her mother noticed bruises
on Susie’s knees and elbows that seemed to come up "over night". Her pediatrician ordered a
blood test that demonstrated decreased platelet count and elevated (leukocyte, erythrocyte,
thrombocyte) count at 40,000 cells. Susie was referred to a (an) (dermatologist, nephrologist,
oncologist) who made a diagnosis of (hepatitis, anemia, leukemia).
35. When Mr. Saluto collapsed and died while eating dinner, the family requested a (an) (laparotomy,
gastroscopy, autopsy) to determine the cause of death. The (hematologist, pathologist,
gastroenterologist) discovered that Mr. Saluto had died of a (cardiovascular accident, dysentery,
cerebrovascular accident), otherwise known as a stroke.
cardiovascular, thoracic
family practitioner, dermatologist
obstetrician, gynecologist
gastroenterologist, rectocele
oncologist, radiation oncologist, radiation therapy
nosocomial, infectious disease specialist
gastroenterologist, colonoscopy, pathology, , benign, endoscopy
prenatal, ultrasonography
malignant, neoplastic, metastasis
precancerous, benign
endocrinologist, hypothyroidism
sarcoma, biopsy
leukocyte, oncologist, leukemia
autopsy, pathologist, cerebrovascular accident