Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture

Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture
Imagine Looking 10 Years Younger !
Without Risky and Expensive Surgery, Chemical Peels,
Resurfacing, Restylane®or Botox®
"I was hesitant to believe that anything but facial surgery could improve the lines
and sagging in my face...This week, two friends said I look 15 years
younger...Thank you for changing my life!”
- Debbie, 47, Ottawa
Have you recently caught a glimpse of yourself in a mirror or window and felt a
mixture of surprise and discouragement at seeing your reflection?
Is cosmetic acupuncture really the answer to avoid the dangers of:
Microdermal Abrasion,
Chemical Peels,
Surgical Facelifts,
and other injectibles?
A Study Showed:
In New York, two acupuncturists joined forces to investigate the results of facial
rejuvenation via acupuncture on study subjects.
Diane J. Krause, M.D. and Shellie Goldstein, M.S., both licensed acupuncturists in New
York State studied 10 Caucasian women over 40. Each were given a series of
treatments. The practitioners took before and after pictures. Later, based on
assessment tests, the researchers reported ALL the women noted improvements in
skin color, texture and muscle tone.
An Even Larger Study Showed:
Reported in the International Journal of Clinical Acupuncture. A study was done on 300
people who received facial acupuncture. The conclusion was that 90% saw marked
results after the first course of treatment of cosmetic acupuncture.
Yes! It really does work. But it’s not a magical quick fix. Don’t expect miracles
overnight. This is an organic, natural process of facial rejuvenation. A process that you
will enjoy at our Ottawa clinic.
It’s important to realize that everyone responds differently to these treatments. We will
be rejuvenating your face from the inside-out. The tell-tale sign of someone getting
facial acupuncture is called the “acu-glow”. Your skin seems to glow from within. You
will have a clear and attractive glow, which usually compels people to complement how
great you look.
Some people begin to show the “acu-glow” almost immediately. While other’s respond
at a slower rate, and may take weeks before an improvement is seen.
What some of our clients have to say...
"Within two weeks, people told me I looked rested. Then they asked why I looked
so good...had I changed my hair or something? Finally, I had girlfriends suspect
that if I looked so young, it must be because I had a secret lover. My secret is that
I look 10 years younger because of Lumina's skill with acupuncture needles. It
does not hurt and I always fall asleep during treatments."
- Beverly, 46, Lawyer, Ottawa
"Initially, I began my acupuncture treatments with the hope of eliminating some of
my wrinkles as well as enhancing my skin tone. After a few treatments, not only
was there significant improvements in my facial appearance but I felt better
overall and I had more energy. I received comments from family and friends how
energized and glowing I looked. I am convinced that with a combination of
acupuncture treatments, exercise, good nutrition and rest that you can achieve
optimal health and a younger looking face."
- Suzanne, 43, Teacher, Ottawa
Will Others Notice The Difference?
Imagine what it will feel like to go to a family or friend function and have everyone
comment about how great you look.
Often people won’t be able to put their finger on what looks different with you. They'll
probably ask if you've changed your hair or lost weight. Some of my clients have even
been asked if they've had a surgical facelift!
These treatments can usually erase fine lines all together. Sagging skin can normally
be tightened and lifted. Even drooping eyelids can be lifted and darkness under the
eyes can be reduced.
Don’t expect to look like you did when you were 20. Larger wrinkles can be softened,
but usually not eliminated. If you have a lot of sagging, it may not all become taught.
Also, don’t expect to lift drooping eyelids the way a surgical operation could. The same
goes for large under-eye bags and puffiness. Sometimes great results are achieved.
Other times the treatments will make you look 5 years younger… But some puffiness,
sagging and lines may remain.
Interestingly, those with the most wrinkles will show the most dramatic change. The
reason is that the changes can be quite subtle at times. But the more wrinkles you have
the more subtle changes will show with cosmetic acupuncture.
If you have relatively good skin , the treatments are more preventative. We focus on
enhancing the clarity and glow of your skin that is the main feature of an attractive face.
YES! A beautiful, bright and clear complexion can be Yours!
Click here to book your first appointment.
How does it work?
According to the latest studies in dermatology, performed by one of the professors of
UCLA’s dermatology department, Dr. Howard Murad, whom Vogue magazine called
“One of America’s top dermatologists.”, the problems are free radicals.
Basically, aging skin…wrinkles, sagging, enlarged pores, puffy and baggy eyes, thin
and dry skin… is caused by free radical damage.
Simply explained:
Free radicals are destructive molecules. They destroy the integrity of other molecules.
They first attack and destroy the walls of your skin cells. So if you imagine your cells as
being like a water balloon. Free radicals are like a knife that pokes holes into it. The
balloon will then leak like a sieve…and your cells become dehydrated.
They become deflated and dehydrated, because all the vital fluid and nutrients have
leaked out.
Acupuncture and facial rejuvenation acupuncture helps to restore the integrity of your
This happens because the acupuncture stimulates the nervous, hormonal and
circulatory systems to boost collagen and elastin production.
More Testimonials...
"After my sixth treatment I began to notice improvements in my
face. At about the same time I began to get comments from
people that I looked fresh and alive. Steadily I could see the
lines diminishing, particularly around my eyes and on my
forehead. I have now had 12 sessions and over the past week or
so I have received compliment after compliment about how great I look, many of
them from male acquaintances. One woman asked if I had had a face lift because
the lines that she used to see under my eyes were no longer there. And most
recently I was asked out by a very attractive 22 year old university man (I am 47
years old)! I am so pleased with the changes in my skin and equally pleased with
the energy and vitality that I feel inside."
- Deborah, 47, Web Manager, Ottawa
"Like most people, I had believed that only by going under the knife can we fight
the signs of aging...Gradually (with acupuncture) the colour, tone and texture of
my skin began to improve, and wrinkles began to "fill in". My wrinkles have
definitely been reduced, and what I like most is the wonderful new glow on my
skin which I haven't seen for years, if ever before. I look forward to many more
sessions to come."
- Tara, 63, Civil Servant, Ottawa
"It begins with your friends and family saying how great you look! Then one day
you too notice how your skin has tightened, gotten softer and even has less
lines! That's not all, the 'Wizardry' continues with you feeling more physically
balanced and healthy. What more could you ask for? 'A younger face and a
healthier body?'"
- Terry, 50, Financial Advisor, Ottawa
"I am very pleased with the results of my treatments using acupuncture to
rejuvenate my face. The sagging, fine lines and puffiness under the eyes have all
disappeared or been greatly improved and all without painful surgery. Also
through acupuncture, I have been able to remove a build up of overall body
cellulite, which accumulates in aging. The treatments are effective, virtually
painless and can be maintained with a few monthly visits. But the best result of
having these treatments is that it improved my overall health. My friends are
telling me that I look wonderful and glowing, which is what good health reflects."
- Laura, 63, Retired, Ottawa
"I am a new, younger, more vibrant and optimistic me. I look and feel at least 10
years younger. "
- Gina, 38, Teacher, Ottawa
By starting our rejuvenation program at our James street clinic, you will look
better and younger, and you will have more energy, and...
You can look up to 5 to 15 years younger with facial acupuncture.
Wrinkles can be softened or eliminated, sagging can be lifted.
You can tighten your skin, lift your jowls, define your jaw line, lift drooping
eyelids, tighten enlarged pores, clear up blemishes and spots, reduce
puffiness and bags under your eyes.
This is an investment in your image.
If you are a professional, how much is your image worth to you? What if an
improvement in your image landed you just one huge client? How much would that be
worth to you?
This is an investment in your self-esteem and self-confidence.
Studies have shown that when people don’t feel good about how they look, their body
posture changes. And people pick up on this body posture and respond differently.
Imagine how you would hold yourself if you felt great about how you look? If you were
proud about your face? If you knew that your face glowed and radiated, wouldn’t you
hold yourself differently? Imagine how people would respond differently to you?
This in an investment in your beauty.
Whether you are trying to attract a mate, more friends, or more clients. When you look
beautiful, you feel more beautiful. And when you feel more beautiful, you become more
attractive. Imagine how strong and powerful you will feel when you begin to notice that
men are more attracted to you and looking at you?
At Lumina, we focus on giving you the best possible treatment. We use the best
research, technology, techniques, support material and knowledge available. Our end
product is miles ahead of what the majority of cosmetic acupuncturists around the world
can achieve. Just click this link to see how we compare to other cosmetic acupuncture
clinics. Not just in Ottawa-Gatineau, but around the world.
Just as some surgeons specialize in brain surgery and others in heart surgery, the
same is true for acupuncturists. Would you rather have heart surgery with a jack-of-alltrades surgeon, a brain specialist, or would you want the renowned heart surgeon?
Our treatments are deeply rejuvenating and specialized for your individual needs and
include support around everything you will need to rejuvenate yourself.
Experience Ottawa's deepest and most profound rejuvenation program. Tailored to
your specific needs. Enjoy a cosmetic acupuncture treatment today.