<p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><ac:link><ri:page ri:contenttitle="Security classification of information" /></ac:link></span><span style="color: rgb(255,255,153);">:</span> <span style="color: rgb(51,153,102);"><strong>Public</strong></span></p> <ac:macro ac:name="expand"><ac:parameter ac:name="title">Access rights</ac:parameter><ac:rich-text-body> <p>no restrictions</p></ac:rich-text-body></ac:macro> <p><br class="atl-forced-newline" /></p> <hr /> <p><ac:macro ac:name="anchor"><ac:default-parameter>Top</ac:defaultparameter></ac:macro></p> <ac:macro ac:name="note"><ac:rich-text-body> <p>Please delete any dublets</p></ac:rich-text-body></ac:macro> <ac:macro ac:name="unmigrated-inline-wiki-markup"><ac:plain-textbody><![CDATA[{glossary} 5-FU: 5-fluorouracil AA: Anaplastic astrocytoma AAALAC: Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care ABP: Activity Based Planning AC: Accounting & Controlling ACO: Accountable Care Organization AD: Alzheimer Disease AD: Atopic Dermatitis ADCC: Antibody-Dependent Cell-Mediated Cytotoxicity ADME: Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, Excretion AE: Adverse Event AEMPS: Agencia Espanola de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios / Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products AHRQ: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US) AIA: Adjuvant Induced Arthritis AIFA: Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco / Italian Medicines Agency (Drug and HTA authority Italy) AIID: AutoImmune and Inflammatory Disease AIO: Arbeitsgemeinschaft Internistische Onkologie (German Cooperative Group) ALK: Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase (marker in NSCLC) AMCP: American Managed Care Pharmacy (HTA research US) AMES: Bacterial Reverse Mutation Assays AMR: Alliance Management Research ANOVA: Analysis of Variance AO: Anaplastic oligodendroglioma AOB: Any Other Business AOFP: Absolute Open Flow Potential test (also referred as conventional backpressure test) AOTM: Agencja Oceny Technologii Medycznych / Agency for Health Technology Assessment (HTA agency Poland) APA: American Psychiatric Association APC: Analytical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry API: Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient APP: Amyloid Precursor Protein AS: Serono Compound Number ASCO: American Society of Clinical Oncology ATC: Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical AtO: Answer to Objection AUC: Area Under the Curve AWSMG: All Wales Medicines Strategy Group (HTA body Wales) BA: Business Analytics BACE: Beta-site APP-Cleaving Enzyme BBB: Blood Brain Barrier BCCP: Breast & Cervical Cancer Program BD: Business Development BDP: Biomarker Development Plan BEMC: primary Brain Microvascular Endothelial Cell BH4: tetrahydrobiopterin BI: Business Intelligence BI: Budget Impact BID: Twice daily BIM: Budget Impact Model BLA: Biologics Licensing Application BOR: Best Overall Response BOS: Boston Hub BRAT: Benefit Risk Assessment Team BRACE: Benefit Risk Assessment Center of Excellence BrdU: BromodeoxyUridine BSA: Body Surface Area BSC: Best Supportive Care BSC: Balanced Score Card BTC: Biliary Tract Cancer BU: Business Unit CA: Corporate Auditing CA: Chromosome Aberration assay Caco-2: Human epithelial colorectal adenocarcinoma cell line CADTH: Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (HTA authority Canada) CAPA: Corrective And Preventive Action CAPOX: Capecitabine (Xeloda), oxaliplatin CATS: Cross Application Time Sheet CBA: Cost Benefit Analysis CBF: Cerebral blood flow CBS: Cost Breakdown CBTC: Canadian Brain Tumor Consortium CC: Corporate Communications CCRT: Centralised Coding Review Team CD: Crohns Disease CDA: Confidentiality Agreement CDC: Clinical Data Coordinator CDC: Complement Dependent Cytotoxicity CDD: Customer Defined Database CDE: Center for Drug Evaluation Taiwan (HTA agency Taiwan) CDER: Center for Drug Evaluation and Research CDM: Clinical Data Manager CDP: Clinical Development Plan CDT: Clinical Development Team CDTL: Clinical Development Team Leader CDU: Clinical Development Unit CE: Cost Effectiveness CEA: Cost Effectiveness Analysis CEAC: Cost Effectiveness Acceptability Curve CECOG: Central European Cooperative Oncology Group CED: Coverage with/for Evidence Development CER: Comparative Effectiveness Research CES: Corporate External Services CF: Corporate Finance CH: Consumer Healthcare ChAT: Choline Acetyl Transferase CHMP: Committee of Medicinal Products for Human use CHO: Chinese Hamster Ovary CI: Corporate Information Services CI: Confidence Interval CI: Competitive Intelligence CIA: Collagen Induced Arthritis CIDD: Commercial Image Decision Document CIL: Clinical Information & Learning Management CIR: Cartilage Injury Repair CIS: Clinically Isolated Syndrome CIS: Corporate Information Service CL: Corporate Legal and Compliance CL: (Total Body) Clearance CLM: Confined Liver Metastases CMA: Cost Minimization Analysis Cmax: Maximum concentration CMC: Chemistry, Manufacturing and Control CMC: Cardiometabolic Care CMC-D: Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls - Development CMG: Company of the Merck Group (legal entity) CMGs: Companies of the Merck Group CMH: Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel CML: Clinical Monitoring Leader CMO: Chief Medical Officer CMO: Contract Manufacturing Organization CMR: Carcinogenicity, Mutagenicity, Reprotoxicity CMR: Central Medicine Research CMS: Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (US) CNS: Central Nervous System - brain & spinal cord CNTF: Ciliary NeuroTrophic Factor COA: Clinical Outcome Assessment CoA: Certificate of Analysis CoE: Center of Excellence CoG: Cost of Goods COMET or SCGE: Single Cell Gel Electrophresis Assay CONITEC: Comissao Nacional de Incorporaca de Technologias (HTA body Brazil) COSTART: Coding Symbols for a Thesaurus of Adverse Reactions Terms CP: Corporate Procurement Global CP: Check Point CPM: Critical Path Method CPO: Clinical Portfolio Optimization CPP: Capacity, Process and Performance CPPK: Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics CR: Complete Response CRA: Clinical Research Associate CRC: ColoRectal Cancer CRF: Case Report Form CRO: Contract Research Organization CRO: Clinical Research Organization CRO: Clinical Research Officer CRPC: Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer CRT: Chemo-Radiotherapy CS: Corporate Strategy CS: Concept Sheet CSF: CerebroSpinal Fluid CSRC: Concept Sheet Review Committee CSV: Computerized Systems Validation CT: Chemotherapy CT: Computed Tomography CT: Corporate Tax CTA: Clinical Trial Authorization CTCAE: Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events CTD: Common Technical Document CTL: Clinical Trial Leader CTM: Clinical Trial Manager CTMS: Clinical Trial Management System CTR: Clinical Trial Report CTS: Clinical Trial Supplies CUA: Cost Utility Analysis CV: Coefficient of variation CVZ: Het College voor zorgverzekeringen / The Health Care Insurance Board (HTA decision body Netherlands) CYP: Cytochrome P450 DA: Darmstadt hub DAF: Disease Activity-Free DB: Database DBD: Database Developer DC: Development & Commercialization DCP: Decentralised Procedure DCR: Disease Control Rate DD: Due Diligence DDD: Defined Daily Dose DDI: Drug-Drug Interaction study DDPS: Detailed Description of Pharmacovigilance System DE: Data Entry DFS: Disease-free Survival DIPG: Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma DLS: Dynamic Light Scattering DLT: Dose Limiting Toxicity DM: Data Management DMARDs: Disease-Modifying AntiRheumatic Drugs DMC: Data Monitoring Committee DMD: Disease Modifying Drug DMD: Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy DME: Drug-Metabolizing Enzymes DMOADs: Disease-Modifying OsteoArthritis Drugs DMP: Data Management Plan DMPK: Drug Metabolism and PharmacoKinetics DMR: Data Management Report DOC: Development Operating Committee (previously Product Development Committee) DOR: Duration of Response DP: Discovery Program DP: Drug Product DP: Decision Point DP0: Decision Point to initiate the first Good Laboratory Practices animal tox study DP1: Decision Point phase I: decision to initiate the first trial in humans DP2: Decision Point phase II: decision to initiate the first patient trial (PoC or Phase II) DP3: Decision Point phase III: decision to initiate the first pivotal trial DP4: Decision Point phase IV: decision to submit the dossier in first core/key country(s) DP5: Decision Point phase V: decision to launch the product in first core/key country(s) DPED: Decision Point Exploratory Development DPHD: Discovery Point Hit Discovery DPHO: Decision Point Hit Optimisation DPLO: Decision Point Lead Optimisation DPM: Discovery Project Management (a department in Project Management, under Product Leadership) DPP: Discovery Project Proposal DPPR: Development Project Process Reports (from KITE) DPT: Discovery Project Team DPTL: Discovery Project Team Leader DQP: Department Quality Policy DQS: Department Quality Standard DQSP: Data Quality Surveillance Plan DR: Disaster Recovery DS: Drug Substance DSC: Differential Scanning Calorimetry DSMB: Data Safety Monitoring Board DSO: Data Structure Output DSO: Drug Safety Officer DST: Data Standards DUS: Drug Utilization Study DVP: Data Validation Plan EAE: Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis EBM: Evidence Based Medicine EC: European Commission EC: Ethics Committee ECM: Extracellular Matrix ECOG: Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group eCRF: Electronic Case Report Form ECTD: Electronic Common Technical Document ECTRIMS: European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis ED: Exploratory Development EDC: Electronic Data Capture EDMS: Electronic Document Management System EDSS: Enhanced Disability Status Scale EES: Employee Engagement Survey EFPIA: European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations EGF: Epidermal Growth Factor EGFR: Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor EHD: Extrahepatic Disease EHS: Environmental, Health, Safety EJP: Economically Justifiable Pricing ELISA: Enzyme Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay ELISpot: Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Spot EM: Exploratory Medicine EMA: European Medicines Agency EMD: Merck Compound Number EMEA: European Medicines Evaluation Agency EMR: Electronic Medical Record eNPV: expanded Net Present Value ENS: European Neurological Society EORTC: European Organisation for the Research and Treatment of Cancer EPAR: European Public Assessment Report EPFL: Ecole Polytechnique Federal de Lausanne (famous university in Lausanne, Switzerland) EQ: Environment, Health, Safety, Security, Quality ErbB: Epidermal growth factor receptor family of transmembrane receptor tyrosine kinases comprising ErbB1-4 ERDT: Effective Research and Development Teams ERO: External Research Organisation ESL: Early Stage Licensing ESMO: European Society for Medical Oncology ETH: Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (famous university in Zurich, Switzerland) ETS: Early Tumor Shrinkage EU: European Union EUnetHTA: European network for Health Technology Assessment EU QPPV: Qualified Person responsible for Pharmacovigilance in the European Union EVC: Ethical Validation Committee EVD: Evidence & Value Development (former HSR) F: Bioavailability FA: Folinic Acid FAC: Focal Adhesion Complex FACS: Fluorescent Activated Cell Sorting FAK: Focal Adhesion Kinase Fc: Fragment Crystallizable Region FCF: Free Cash Flows FCGR: Fc-gamma receptor FCS: First Commercial Sale FDA: Food and Drug Administration FDC: Full Development Committee FDG-PET: 18Fluorodeoxyglucose-Positron emission tomography FFS: Failure-free survival FGF: Fibroblast Growth Factor FH: Function's Head FIA: First in Animal FIC: First in Class FIH: First In Human FIM: First in Man FIP: First in Patient FISH: Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization FLAIR: Fluid-Attenuated Inversion Recovery FOLFIRI: Folinic acid, 5-Fluorouracil, Irinotecan FOLFOX: Folinic acid, 5-Fluorouracil, Oxaliplatin FOP: Functional Operating Procedure FOS: Functional Operating Standard FPFV: First Patient First Visit FPI: First Patient Infused FRT: Functional Related Tool FSH: Follicle Stimulating Hormone FTE: Full Time Employee / Equivalent FTO: Freedom To Operate FY: Fiscal Year FY: Full Year G-BA: Gemeinsamer Bundesausschuss / Federal Joint Committee (HTA decision body Germany) Gad: Gadolinium GBD&S: Global Business Development & Strategy (previously Portfolio Development) GBI: Global business intelligence GBM: Glioblastoma (A malignant tumor of the central nervous system, usually occurring in the cerebrum of adults) GBS: Global Biostatistics GC: Gastric Cancer GCDU: Global Clinical Development Unit GCLP: Good Clinical Laboratory Practice GCO: Global Clinical Operations GCP: Good Clinical Practice GCPM: Global Clinical Program Manager GCT: G-Classification Team Gd-MRI: Gadolinium-enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging GDM: Global Development and Medical (previously Development) GDM: Global Data Management GDP: Global Development Plan GDP: Guanosine Diphosphate GDP: Gross Domestic Product GDS: Global Drug Safety GDU: Global Development Unit GEC: Global Executive Conference GEDU: Global Early Development Unit GERONIMO: Global ElectRONIc Medical affairs Operating system GH: Growth Hormone GHD: Growth Hormone Deficiency GI: GastroIntestinal GIA: G6P1 Induced Arthritis GL: Geschäftsleitung GL: Gold line GLL: Global Line Leader Meeting GLP: Good Laboratory Practice GMA: Global Medical Affairs GMADB: Global Medical Affairs Decision Board GMG: Gesellschaft der Merck Gruppe GMP: Good Manufacturing Practice GMVD: Global Master Value Dossier GPIC: Global Product Information Committee GPM: Global Project Management GPMS: Global Price Management System (Merck Serono) GPT: Global Product Team GPTL: Global Product Team Leader GPU: Global Product Unit GRA: Global Regulatory Affairs GRAPT: Global Regulatory Affairs Product Team GRC: Geneva Research Center GRED: Global Research and Early Development (previously Research) GRPI: Global Regulatory Product Information GSEC: Global Safety & Ethics Committee GSH: Glutathione GSM: Gamma-secretase modulator GSP: General Safety and Pharmacology GSP: Global Strategic Plan GTI: Genotox Impurities GTP: Guanosine Triphosphate GVA: Geneva hub Gy: Gray H2L: Heat to Lead HA: Health Authorities HAS: Haute Autorité de Santé / French National Authority for Health (HTA decision body France) HB-EGF: Heparin Binding EGF HCC: Hepatocellular carcinoma hCG: Human chorionic gonadotropin HCP: High Corrective Priority HD: Hit Discovery HD: High Dose HepO: Hepatocytes hERG: human Ether à go-go Related Gene HEOR: Health Economics & Outcomes Research HER: Human Epidermal growth factor Receptor HET: Hit Evaluation Team hFSH: human Follicle Stimulating Hormone HGG: High Grade Glioma HIRA: Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service (HTA decision body South Korea) HLA: Human Leukocyte Antigen HO: Hit Optimisation HP: High Priority HPA: Hyperphenylalaninemia HPLC: High Performance Liquid Chromatography HPRT: Hypoxanthine PhosphoRibo Transferase HR: Corporate Human Resources HR: Hazard Ratio HRAS: v-Ha-ras Harvey Rat Sarcoma viral oncogene homolog HRGs: Health Resource Groups HRU: Health Resource Utilisation HSR: Health Services Research HTA: Health Technology Assessment HTAi: Health Technology Assessment international (international society for HTA) HTRF: Homogeneous Time - Resolved Fluorescence HTS: High Throughput Screening HUVEC: Human primary Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cell i.c.v.: intracerebroventricular i.d.: intra-dermal i.p.: intraperitoneal i.v.: intravenous IACUC: Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee IB: Investigator's Brochure IBD: Inflammatory Bowel Disease IC: In-house Consulting IC50: Half maximal inhibitory concentration ICER: Incremental Cost Effectiveness Ratio ICF: IntraCellular Fluid ICF: Informed Consent Form ICh: Intermittent chemotherapy ICH: International Conference on Harmonization of technical requirements for registration of pharmaceuticals for human use ICS: Intracellular Cytokine Staining ICSC: Integrated Clinical Study Committee IDMC: Independent Data Monitoring Committee IFL: Irinotecan, bolus fluorouracil, leucovorin IFN: Interferon IFNß: beta interferons iGDP: integrated Global Development Plan IgG: Immunoglobulin G IgG1: Immunoglobulin G1 IHC: ImmunoHistoChemistry IIT: Investigator Initiated Trial IL: Interleukin IL-2: Interleukin-2 ILD: Interstitial Lung Disease IMI: Innovative Medicine Initiative IMP: Investigational Medicinal Product IMP: Investigational Medicinal Program IMPD: Investigational Medical Product Dossier IN: Corporate Insurance IND: Investigational New Drug INAHTA: International Network of Agencies for Health Technology Assessment INN: International Non-proprietary Name IP: Intellectual Properties IPF: Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis IPMA: International Project Management Association IQWiG: Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen (HTA body Germany) IRB: Institutional Review board IRC: Independent Review Committee IRMA: Integrated Risk Management Activities IRR: Infusion-Related Reactions ISE: Integrated Summary of Effectiveness (US-specific) ISPOR: International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research ISS: Integrated Safety Summary ISS: Internal Sales Service IST: Investigator Sponsored Trial ITC: Indirect Treatment Comparison ITC: Isothermal Titration Calorimetry ITT: Intention To Treat IVRS: Interactive Voice Response Systems iv: intravenous JGPT: Joint Global Project Team JSC: Joint Steering Committee KAM: Key Account Manager Kd: Dissociation constant KHSA: Binding constant to Human Serum Albumin Ki: Inhibitory constant KI: Key Initiative KOL: Key Opinion Leader KPI: Key Performance Indicators KPS: Karnofsky Performance Status KRAS: Kirsten Rat Sarcoma KRAS: Kirsten-RAS-oncogene-associated gene KTL: Key Thought Leader L2: Merck acronym: level 2 leadership, those people reporting to the PEC LA: Locally Advanced LAP: Last Approved Plan LBA: Biologics Licensing Application LBE: Last Best Estimate LCM: Life Cycle Management LCMS: Liquid Chromatography coupled to Mass Spectroscopy LCP: Low Corrective Priority LD50: Dose leading to 50 % of dead subjects LD: Low Dose LDC: Lead Discovery Committee LDH: Lactate Dehydrogenase LDP: Lead Discovery Plan LDSO: Local Drug Safety Officer LFC: Lead Finding Chemist LID: Levodopa Induced Diskynesia LIL: Local Investigator Liaison LIMS: Laboratory Information Management System LLD: Liver Limited Disease LMIC: Low- and Middle-Income Country LN: Lupus Nephritis LO: Lead Optimisation LOT: Line Of Therapy LPI: Last Patient Infused LPS: Lipopolysaccharide LRF: Legal Request Form (legal reference number given to each R&D agreement in order to archive them properly) LSF: Legal Service Form LTFU: Long Term Follow Up (refers to studies) LTM: Leadership Team Meeting LV: Leucovorin LY: Life-Year M&S: Marketing & Selling MAA: Marketing Authorization Application (submitted to EMA) MAb: Monoclonal Antibody MAH: Marketing authorization holder ManGo: Management of GxP Documents (MerckSerono Global R&D) MAP: Medical Affairs Plan MAPI: Merck Award Plan for Inventions MAPK: Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase MARC: Medical Affairs Review Committee mBC: metastatic Breast Cancer MBP: Myelin Basic Protein MCB: Master Cell Bank MCC: Merkel Cell Carcinoma mCRC: metastatic ColoRectal Cancer MCDA: Multi Criteria Decision Analysis mCRPC: metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer MDACC: MD Anderson Cancer Center (Houston, Texas, USA) MDD: Major Depressive Disorder MDR: Multi Drug Resistance MedDRA: Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities MEK: Mitogen activated Extracellular signal regulated protein Kinase MERLIN: Merck Serono Research and Development Information Network MFISH: Multiplex Fluorescence In-Situ Hybridization MGMT: O6-Methylguanine-DNA Methyltransferase MHC: Major Histocompatibility Complex MHLW: Ministry of Health Labour and Welfare (HTA decision body Japan) MHRA: Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (UK based) MIA: Monosodium Iodoacetate MIR: Medical Indication Review MIST: Metabolites In Safety Testing ML: Molecule Leader MLA: Mouse Lymphoma Assay MM: Merck Millipore MNT: MicroNucleus Test MoA: Mode of Action MOG: Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein mOS: Median Overall Survival mPFS: Median Progression-Free Survival MPD: Manufacturing Product Development MPPE: Merck (Serono) Preclinical Proposal Evaluation MR: Medical Responsible MR: Market Research MRA: Magnetic Resonance Angiography MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging mRNA: messenger RiboNucleic Acid MRP: Multidrug Resistance Protein MRP: Mutual Recognition Procedure MS: Multiple Sclerosis MS: Mass Spectrometry MS: Milestone MSA: Master Services Agreement MSA: Merck Serono Aubonne, one of the manufacturing sites MSB: Merck Serono Biological compound number MSC: Merck Serono Chemical compound number MSFC: Multiple Sclerosis Functional Composite MSI: Medical Science and Innovation MSR: Merck Serono Research MSSA: Merck Serono S.A. MSSE: Merck Shared Services Europe mt: mutant MTC: Mixed Treatment Comparison MTD: Mean therapeutic dose MTD: Maximum Tolerated Dose MVVG: Versicherungsvermittlung NA: Not Available NABTC: North American Brain Tumor Consortium NABTT: New Approaches to Brain Tumor Therapy NBE: New Biological Entity NCD: Non Clinical Development NCE: New Chemical Entity NCI: National Cancer Institute (USA) NCIC: National Cancer Institute of Canada NCS: Non Clinical Safety NDA: New Drug Application NDA: Non-Disclosure Agreement NDD: Neurodegenerative Diseases NHS: National Health Service NICE: National Institute of Health & Clinical Excellence (HTA body UK) NIM: Non Clinical Issue Meeting NIS: Non-interventional studies NK: Natural Killer (cells) NMA: Network Meta-Analysis NMDa: N-Methyl-D-aspartic acid NME: New Molecular Entities NOAEL: No Observable Adverse Effect Level NOEL: No Observed Effect Level NPV: Net Present Value NR: Not Reported NRAS: Neuroblastoma RAS viral (v-ras) oncogene homolog NS: Not Significant NSAID: Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drug NSCLC: Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer OA: OsteoArthritis OE R&D: Operational Excellence Research and Development OECD: Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development OHDA: Hydroxy-Dopamine ONC: Oncology OOO: Out Of Office OP: Operative Planning OPM: Operational Project Management OR: Overall Response ORR: Overall/Objective Response Rate OS: Overall Survival OSM: Option Space Mapping PHE: Pricing & Health Economics - OBSOLETE p.o.: per os (oral administration) PA: Psoriatic Arthritis PAES: Post-Authorization Efficacy Study PAMPA: Parallel Artificial Membrane Permeability Assay Papp: Apparent Permeability PAS: Patient Access Scheme PASS: Post-Authorization Safety Study PBAC: Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (HTA decision body AU) PBL: Peripheral Blood Leukocyte PBMC: Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell PBS: Phosphate Buffer Solution PC: Project Coordinator PCD: Pre-Clinical Development PCI: Process and Capability Improvement pCODR: pan-Canadian Oncology Drug Review (oncology HTA body Canada) PCR: Polymerase Chain Reaction PCS: Protein and Cell Sciences PCT: Pragmatic Clinical Trial PD: Progressive Disease PD: Parkinson Disease PD: PharmacoDynamics PD: Portfolio Development PDC: Product Development Committee PDGF: Platelet-Derived Growth Factor PDs: Pharmacodynamics PEAT: Protein Engineering & Antibody Technologies PEC: Pharmaceutical Executive Committee (previously Executive Management Board) PERT: Project Evaluation and Review Technique PfD: Portfolio Development PfM: Portfolio Manager / Portfolio Management PFS: Progression free Survival PGP: P-GlycoProtein PGx: Pharmacogenomics PI: Prediction Interval PIA: Pristane Induced Arthritis PIMS: Project Information and Management System PIP: Pediatric Investigational Plan PK: Pharmacokinetics PK / PD: PharmacoKinetics / PharmacoDynamics PKs: Pharmacokinetics PKU: Phenylketonuria PLP: Pyridoxal Phosphate PLT: Project Leadership Training PM: Performance Materials PM: Project Manager PM CoE: Project Management Centre of Expertise PMA: Phorbol 12-Myristate 13-acetate PMBOK: Project Management Body Of Knowledge® PMC: Preclinical Medicine Committee PMCoE: Project Management Center of Excellence - former name of PfD's Global Project Management department, renamed in April 2010 PMO: Program Management Office PNS: Peripheral Nervous System (nerves coming from central nervous system (brain & spine) and the autonomic nervous system (vital organs) PoC: Proof of Concept PoP: Proof of Principle PoS: Probability of Success po: Per os, per oral PPB: Plasma Protein Binding PPMS: Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis (primary activity in the spinal cord) PPRS: Prescription & Price Regulatory Services (UK) PR: Partial response PS: Performance Status PS: Patents & Scientific Information PSO: Psoriasis PSUR: Periodic Safety Update Report PTP: Pharma Transparency Portal (CIS countries) pts: Patients q2w: every two weeks/biweekly QA: Quality Assurance QALY: Quality Adjusted Life Year QC: Quality Control QD: Quality Document Qde: Quality Delegate QDeSC: Quality Delegate Site Coordinator QMS: Quality Management System QOL: Quality Of Life QPPV: Qualified Person for PharmacoVigilance QRM: Quality Risk Management QSAR: Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship R: Randomization R&D LT: Research and Development Leadership Team R&R: Roles and Responsibilities R/M: Recurrent/Metastatic RA: Regulatory Affairs RA: Rheumatoid Arthritis RA: Risk Assessment RACI: Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed RAF1: v-raf1 murine leukemia viral oncogene homolog 1 RAMP: Research Alliance Management Program RBS: Resource Breakdown Structure RCK: Rockland RCM: Ring-Closing Metathesis RCM: Regulatory Compliance Management RCM: Restrictive CardioMyopathy RCT: Randomized Controlled Trial RD: Recurrent Disease RDI: Relative Dose Intensity RDMM: Research and Development Management Meeting RDMT: Research and Development Management Team REA: Relative Effectiveness Assessment RECIST: [Response Evaluation Criteria In Solid Tumors|HSR:RECIST Criteria] REG: Regulatory rhFGF18: Recombinant Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 18 (in our pipeline - for Osteoarthritis) RGD: Arginine-Glycine-aspartic acid r-hGH: recombinant human Growth Hormone (our Saizen product) RIMPFT: Relatively Ineffective Medical Procedure for Treatment (e.g. of children) RI-KM: Research Information and Knowledge Management RLCM: Rebif Life Cycle Management RNF: Rebif New Formulation RNG-1: Rebif Next Generation ROC: Research Operating Committee (prev. Discovery Review Committee) ROP: Rules of Procedures ROW: Rest of World RR: Response Rate RPRS: Research Portfolio Review System RRMS: Relapsing/Remitting Multiple Sclerosis (primary activity in the brain) RSA: Risk-Sharing Agreement RT: Radiotherapy RT: Related Tool RWE: Real World Evidence Rx: Radiological S&E: Search & Evaluation s.c.: subcutaneous S.D.: Standard Deviation SAE: Serious Adverse Event SAP: Statistical Analysis Plan SAR: Structure Activity Relationship sc: Subcutaneous SC: Site Coordinator SCC: Squamous Cell Carcinoma SCCHN: Small Cell Cancer of the Head and Neck SCE: Small Chemical Entities SCGE or COMET: Single Cell Gel Electrophoresis Assay SCLC: Small Cell Lung Cancer SD: Stable Disease SDD: SAS Drug Development SDM: Safety Data manager SDM: Streamline Decision Making SEED: Shaping European Early Dialogues (HTA collaboration Europe) SIRPM: Strategic Innovation and Research Portfolio Management SLA: Service Level Agreement SLE: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus SLS: Static Light Scattering SM: Stratified Medicine SME: Site Molecule Expert SMEDDS: Self MicroEmulsifying Drug Delivery System SMC: Scottish Medicines Consortium (HTA body Scotland) SmPC: Summary of Product Characteristics SMQ: Standardized MedDRA Queries SOBP: Society of Biological Psychiatry SoC: Standard of Care SOP: Standard Operating Procedure SOPD: Sum of the Product of Diameters SOW: Statement Of Work SP: Study Plan SPA: Special Protocol Assessment SPC: Summary of Product Characteristics SPE: Special Purpose Entity (financial term) SPR: Surface Plasmon Resonance SR: Sustained Release (Rebif / Medusa) SRE: Serious Reportable Event SRE: Systematic Review of Evidence SSc: Systemic Sclerosis, Systemic Scleroderma STEPP: Subpopulation Treatment Effect Pattern Plots STS: Soft Tissue Sarcoma SUSAR: Suspected Unexpected Serious Adverse Reaction SWAN: System We All Need (Clinical Trial Management System) SWOG: Southwest Oncology Group SWOT: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats T&SC: Technologies and Site Coordination t1/2: Half Life TA: Therapeutic Area TALT: Therapeutic Area Leadership Team TBFA: Target Binding Filtration Assay TC: Target Chemist TC: TeleConference TCD: Therapeutic Concept Discovery TCM: Therapeutic Concept Discovery Meeting TCM: Traditional Chinese Medicine TCP: Target Compound Profile TCT: Therapeutic Concept Team TDM: Trial Data Manager TDP: Transforming Development Program TDROC: Time-Dependent Receiver Operating Characteristics TEAE: Treatment-Emergent Adverse Event TEER: Transepithelial / Endothelial Electrical Resistance THLD: Threshold Pharmaceuticals, Inc. TK: Toxicokinetics TLP: Target Lead Profile TLV: Tandvards och Läkemedelsvörmansverket / Dental and Pharmaceutical Benefits Agency (HTA body Sweden) TGF: Transforming Growth Factor tmax: Time to maximum concentration TMF: Trial Master File TMZ: Temozolomide TNF: Tumor Necrosis Factor TNM: Tumor-Node-Metastasis staging system TOX: Toxicology TPC: Target Product Claim TPP: Target Product Profile TSMP: Talent and Succession Management Program TT: Trial Team TTC: Threshold of Toxicological Concern TTF: Time to Treatment Failure TTP: Time To Progression UAT: User Acceptance TEST UC: Ulcerative Colitis UDS: induction of Unscheduled DNA Synthesis UGT: Uridine diphosphate GlycosylTransferase UHC: Universal Health Coverage UMN: Unmet Medical Need UMT: User Management Tool USP: Upstream Process USP: Unique Selling Point VBP: Value-Based Pricing VCAM: Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule VCL: Virtual Central Laboratory Vd: Volume of Distribution VEGF: Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor VEGFR: Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor Vss: Volume of distribution at steady state WBS: Work Breakdown Structure WCB: Working Cell Bank WHO: World Health Organization WI: Work Instructions WL: Werksleitung WPG: Working Practice Guideline WS: Work Stream wt: wild type WTP: Willingness To Pay XELOX: Xeloda (capecitabine), oxaliplatin XRD: X-Ray Diffraction {glossary}]]></ac:plain-text-body></ac:macro>