SAMPLE LETTER - TRAINER Your Name Address City State, Zip

Your Name
State, Zip
Representative or Senator
State, Zip
Dear (Representative or Senator),
I am resident of (XXX) County and have been involved in the thoroughbred racing business for (XX)
years. I am a licensed trainer , I currently have (XX) horses in training at (farm, track) and I employ (XX)
people to exercise, manage and care for the horses.
The passage of ACT 71 revitalized racing in Pennsylvania and the number of horses I trained grew from
(XX) to (XX) in just a few years. The additional horses meant that I added (XX) staff and I also increased
the amount I spent on hay, feed and machinery by (XX%). In fact, immediately after slots came to
Pennsylvania, I was able to buy a new (truck, trailer, other) which I purchased from a dealer in the state.
(Use examples of how slots money contributed to economy, use personal examples of how your business
grew after slots)
The Governor's plan to raid the Race Horse Development Fund of $72 million will be a devastating blow
to the horse racing industry. It will have a major impact on my training business due to lower purses
and therefore reduced funds to cover the costs of training. My Owners will lose confidence in
Pennsylvania’s commitment to racing and my business will decline as horses leave Pennsylvania to
neighboring states, specifically New York. As a result, I will need to reduce my staff and the amount of
agricultural products I purchase each month.
Currently, I spend approximately ($XX) on (hay, feed) each month and this comes from a (farmer, feed
store) in Pennsylvania. The 30% cut to the Racing Fund will not only hurt my business , it will hurt
farmers, veterinarians, blacksmiths, tack shops, and other related businesses in my community.
Please work with your colleagues in the Legislature to oppose the Governor's raid on the Racing Fund.
The Governor's action will hurt thousands of Pennsylvanians whose businesses are related to the horse
racing industry. ACT 71 successfully strengthened Horse Racing in Pennsylvania. Please don't let the
Governor destroy everything we have achieved over the past 6 years.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Your Name
State, Zip
Representative or Senator
State, Zip
Dear (Representative or Senator),
I am resident of (XXX) County and have been involved in the thoroughbred racing business for (XX)
years. I am a licensed owner and I currently have (XX) horses in training at (farm, track).
The passage of ACT 71 revitalized racing in Pennsylvania and the number of horses I own increased from
(XX) to (XX) in just a few years. The additional horses meant that my trainers added (XX) staff and I also
increased the amount I spend on training expenses.
The Governor's plan to raid the Race Horse Development Fund of $72 million will be a devastating blow
to the horse racing industry. It will have a major impact on my business due to lower purses and
therefore reduced funds to cover the costs of training. Horsemen in Pennsylvania will lose confidence in
the state's commitment to racing and will leave for Maryland, New York and other states.
Currently, I spend approximately ($XX) on training fees and this includes (hay, feed) with the majority of
agricultural supplies coming from vendors in Pennsylvania. The 30% cut to the Racing Fund will not only
hurt my business, it will hurt farmers, veterinarians, blacksmiths, tack shops, and other related
businesses in my community.
Please work with your colleagues in the Legislature to oppose the Governor's raid on the Racing Fund.
The Governor's action will hurt thousands of Pennsylvanians whose businesses are related to the horse
racing industry.
ACT 71 successfully strengthened Horse Racing in Pennsylvania. Please don't let the Governor destroy
everything we have achieved over the past six years.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Your Name
State, Zip
Representative or Senator
State, Zip
Dear (Representative or Senator),
I am resident of (XXX) County and have been involved in the thoroughbred racing business for (XX)
years. I breed thoroughbreds and currently have (XX) mares on my farm (farm name) and I employee
(XX) people to manage the farm and care for the horses.
The passage of ACT 71 revitalized racing and breeding in Pennsylvania and the number of horses on my
farm grew from (XX) to (XX) in just a few years. The additional horses meant that I added (XX) staff and I
also increased the amount I spent on hay, feed and machinery by (XX%). In fact, immediately after slots
came to Pennsylvania, I was able to (buy, purchase) a new XXX (truck, trailer, fence, shed, other) which I
purchased from a dealer in the state. (Use examples of how slots money contributed to economy, use
personal examples of how your business grew after slots)
The Governor's plan to raid the Race Horse Development Fund of $72 million will be a devastating blow
to the horse racing industry. It will have a major impact on my breeding business due to lower purses
and the corresponding decline in Awards paid to Breeders and Stallion owners.
Owners and breeders will lose confidence in Pennsylvania’s commitment to racing and my business will
decline as mares and stallions leave Pennsylvania to neighboring states, specifically New York. As a
result, I will need to reduce my staff and the amount of agricultural products I purchase each month.
Currently, I spend approximately ($XX) on (hay, feed) each month and this comes from a (farmer, feed
store) in Pennsylvania. The 30% cut to the Racing Fund will not only hurt my business , it will hurt
farmers, veterinarians, blacksmiths, tack shops, and other related businesses in my community.
Please work with your colleagues in the Legislature to oppose the Governor's raid on the Racing Fund.
The Governor's action will hurt thousands of Pennsylvanians whose businesses are related to the horse
racing industry. ACT 71 successfully strengthened Horse Racing in Pennsylvania. Please don't let the
Governor destroy everything we have achieved over the past 6 years.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Your Name
State, Zip
Representative or Senator
State, Zip
Dear (Representative or Senator),
I am resident of (XXX) County and own (vendor) in (city), Pennsylvania.
My business has been servicing the horse racing industry for (XX) years through the sale of (hay,
feed, fencing, other ...) and (XX%) of our sales are tied racing and breeding farms.
As an example, we supply (name of farm, location) with (hay, feed, fencing, other ...) and had
sales of $XXX in 2011. In fact, we have seen sales to racing and breeding farms increase XXX%
a since the passage of Act 71 in 2004.
The Governor's plan to raid the Race Horse Development Fund of $72 million will be a
devastating blow to my business. Trainers and breeders will cut back on the horses they race
and bred and many will simply get out of the business. The 30% decline in the Racing Fund will
make it impossible for many of my clients to break even and this will have a direct impact on
my revenue.
Many people think of the racing industry as a sport for the rich, but in fact, most people in
racing and breeding are hard working folks like me who struggle to make a small profit each
Please don't let the Governor destroy the racing industry. My business will suffer and the
state's agricultural economy will also decline.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
SAMPLE LETTER - EMPLOYEE of farm/business
Your Name
State, Zip
Representative or Senator
State, Zip
Dear (Representative or Senator),
I am resident of (XXX) County and work for (farm name) in (city), Pennsylvania.
My employer (breeds race horses, trains race horses, other ...) and employs XX full time staff on
the farm.
I am so proud to have seen the farm grow since the passage of Act 71 and in fact the number of
employees has increased from X to X since 2004. We have directly benefitted from the passage
of the slots bill and I owe my job to Act 71.
But now the Governor plans to raid the Race Horse Development Fund of $72 million. The 30%
cut to the Racing Fund will result in lower purses, which will result in less money for suppliers
and other vendors supporting the racing industry.
The cut to the Racing Fund will also make horses bred in Pennsylvania less attractive to own
and will therefore drive down prices and result in a corresponding decline in the breeding
business. All aspects of the racing and breeding industry will be negatively impacted, and jobs
will be lost.
Equally important, the Governor's budget will derail all the progress made since the passage of
Act 71 and will undercut confidence in the state's commitment to the racing and breeding
Please don't let the Governor destroy the racing industry. My job is at stake!