BOARD MEETING MINUTES October 21, 2014 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------OFFICERS: President: Robert Levesque X Pres-Elect: Christopher Eckert X DIRECTORS: Secretary: Ryan Caster X Treasurer: Paul Vinkle X Class of 2015: Class of 2016: COMMITTEES: Steven Chizuk X David Bonk X Jill Johnson P Tracy Gates Assistant Mary Mahaney X Jessica Vanessa X Treasurer: Landers Hinderliter Davis Chapter Rachel Davis P Mary X Joseph X Management: Mahaney Romano Certification: John Eichner P David Bonk X Educational Christopher Eckert X Program: Tracy Gates Ryan Caster X Membership: Steven Chizuk X Jill Johnson P Newsletter: Jeffrey Jacobs Jessica Landers Reimbursement: Russell Previte Paul Sweet X Revenue Cycle: Susan Brown John Galley Social Events: Vanessa X Hinderliter Stephanie P Bottomley Sponsorship: Jennifer Dunn X Larry Nowak X Founders: Pamela Thanki LINK: Robert Levesque X Webmaster: Jill Johnson P X Indicates Present P Indicates Phone Conference President’s Report (offered by Bob): Regional update o Fall President’s Meeting held in Chicago (Bob & Chris attended) o Lengthy discussion on balanced scorecard (membership / education) All or nothing for points Been talking about pro-rating those metrics o Best practices / succession planning (volunteerism) o Discussed Regional Budget (min/max in Regional treasury) – had a successful year (Chapter will be getting some money back ~$5k) o Region II treasurer (John Cousins former WNY Chapter President, currently lives in Florida, term comes up next May, 3 year term, informed membership that the position is open) o Mini LTC (Hudson Valley / WNY sponsoring next year – tentative dates June 7th – June 8th Chris Eckert will be working on this from WNY) o Region II Institute – registrations are higher than prior year….get points based on who attended o Regional Operating Agreement discussed o Regional Webinar Committee discussed o Certification study group – passed information on to David Bonk Member Satisfaction Survey o Scheduled to go out to membership today Officers are excluded, believe the Board also does not receive Need to get extremely satisfied or very satisfied Need to score at least 60% to get 20 points for the year Bob sent out an alert correspondence to membership on Friday December meeting options o Plans are to meet offsite prior to the Holiday social o Looking at the first week of December Bob has suggested Ulrich’s Tavern for holiday social Near new medical campus, maybe someone could open up a board room for our meeting 4 PM board meeting with a 5:30 PM social o Targeting first Friday of December (12/5), location TBD Secretary (offered by Ryan): Approval of August minutes – Motion was made to approve. 1st - Mary, 2nd - Steve, all approved. Treasurer Report (offered by Mary): Revenue from Golf ~$6k, expense approximately ~$8k Advanced Airfare to Bob for Fall President’s Meeting Mary received $599 for ANI Motion was made to approve. 1st - Ryan, 2nd - Chris, all approved. Scholarship Funds Policy Review (offered by Bob): Approved last meeting, after approved, had discussion regarding Region II, people receiving scholarships have a requirements (3 year requirement for Board Member and then active in leadership role) o It went out and received very few responses due to these requirements o Encouragement to be involved but not required and eliminated the 3 year requirement and therefore the drawing is open to all current active members Bob sent out revised policy with agenda o Revised for Region II seminar drawing o Motion to approve the revised policy. 1st – Mary, 2nd – Vanessa, all approved. Education Committee (offered by Chris): Monthly calls regarding planned sessions All meetings set for November o No Fault – 11/7 Pricing discussion held 31 people currently registered o LTC Institute – 11/20 Close to finishing December session o Data Analytics New Session – Women’s Initiative – January Chargemaster - February March 11th – Spring Institute o Location TBD Joint Session on ICD-10 with Central NY and Rochester Chapters o Most people likely wouldn’t travel for the session o Western NY took a pass on participation for this event Membership Committee (offered by Steve): All people on the non-renewal list have been contacted Couple inquiries throughout the webpage 2 new members – both from ECMC Currently at 169 (per Bob), goal for the year is 189 Re-distribute renewal list next meeting Have chapter leadership talk to CEOs & CFOs Discussion held regarding membership challenges Independent Health – all joined to take the certification exam (7 of them) o No current members from IHA Sponsorship Committee (offered by Jen and Larry): 2 email blasts went out yesterday o 1st was to current sponsors o 2nd was to prospective sponsors Cost, incentives are all the same from last year List provided and discussed to determine appropriate point of contact Certification (offered by Dave): Going to send out a survey re: participation and interest within the next week DCMC (offered by Rachel): Everything up to date Have until 11/10 to get all hours in Newsletter (offered by Bob): Bob submitted articles and pictures Due by the end of the month Motion for adjournment Chris and Steve, all approved. Respectfully Submitted, Ryan Caster Secretary