EUROPEAN COMMISSION Evaluation Form 2012 Sector: Business Politics Academia Local/Regional Adm. Media Intern. Org. Moderator Media NGO Other_______________________ BDF Relation: Member Partner Speaker Other_______________________ No Relation EUSBSR Relation: Priority Area/Horizontal Action Flagship Project National Coordination Level Funding Programmes Other_______________________ No Relation Gender: Female Male Part 1: General Evaluation of the Summit/Forum 1. What is your opinion of the Summit/Forum as a whole? Excellent Good Average Below average Poor 2. What is the main reason for your participation? Networking Specific Sessions Company/project presentation Other_______________________ 3. In your opinion, did the themes of the Summit/Forum cover the current political and economic situation? Yes No 4. Did the Summit/Forum meet your expectations? Yes No Thank you for your time! 1 EUROPEAN COMMISSION 5. How did you find the Summit/Forum programme? Excellent Good Average Below average Poor 6. What was your main area of interest? (can mark more than one) Political platform Business/Private platform EU/Russia EU Strategy/EU Agenda 7. Sessions you would like to highlight +_________________________________ -_________________________________ 8. How would you evaluate the level of speakers at this year’s Summit/Forum? Excellent Good Average Below average Poor 9. Speaker or moderator you would like to highlight +_________________________________ -_________________________________ 10. In your view, what topic was not addressed at this year’s Summit/Forum that should have been? _____________________________________________________________________________ 11. In your opinion, how important is BDF’s role for regional cooperation in the Baltic Sea Region? Very Important Significant Average Not Significant Not Important 12. In your opinion, how could the Summit be improved (in terms of content)? _____________________________________________________________________________ 13. In your opinion, how could the EC’s Annual Forum be improved (in terms of content)? _____________________________________________________________________________ 14. Did you get a chance to voice your view on the EU Strategy for the BSR? Yes No Thank you for your time! 2 EUROPEAN COMMISSION 15. If not, please use the box below to add additional view points Part 2: Detailed Evaluation of the Summit/Forum 1. Do you find the Handbook useful? Yes No 2. How do you find the Networking Village activities? Excellent Good Average Below average Poor 3. How do you find the interactive discussions between speakers and participants? Excellent Good Average Below average Poor 4. In your opinion, how would you evaluate the ‘informal’ Gala Dinner of the Summit/Forum? Excellent Good Average Below average Poor 5. Do you find BDF’s Baltic Sea Award valuable part of the Summit/Forum? Yes No 6. Do you find Vinnova’s Innovation Award a valuable part of the Summit/Forum? Yes No Thank you for your time! 3 EUROPEAN COMMISSION Part 3: Evaluation of the organisation of the Summit/Forum 1. In general, how did you find the overall service of the organisers of the Summit/Forum? Excellent Good Average Below average Poor 2. How would you evaluate the Summit/Forum Website and the information it provided? Excellent Good Average Below average Poor 3. What information do you think was not provided sufficiently? _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. How would you rate the online registration for the Summit/Forum? Excellent Good Average Below average Poor 5. How did you find the choice of venue? Excellent Good Average Below average Poor 6. Please evaluate the Summit/Forum in one word. _____________________________________________________________________________ Part 4: Travelling Green 1. How did you travel to the Summit/Forum? (if you travelled by air transportation, please answer question 2 and 3) Plane Car Train Bus Bike 2. Which airline did you use for the major part of your journey? _____________________________________________________________________________ 3. Were you aware that SAS is the Official Airline for the Event? Yes No Thank you for your time! 4