March 2013
March is here and the Joeys are looking forward to the arrival of Spring and warmer weather.
We already have a few daffodils blooming in our science center!!
Within the next week I will be sending home progress reports. You will recognize the format from our conferences in December. Please contact me if you have any questions after you review the report. We will have formal conferences in May.
On Monday, March 11, we will have the annual Pre-K “READ-IN DAY”. This is a day dedicated to relaxing with some good books. Children should come to school that day dressed in their pajamas. They may bring their favorite blanket/sleeping bag/night time stuffed animal etc.
I am also asking each child to bring in three of their favorite books. Please label the books with your child’s name. We will share our favorite stories and hear stories from some of our favorite teachers and CCDC staff. We might even have some special mystery guest readers. If you would like to be a mystery guest reader that morning please send me an email. If your child stays for the afternoon please pack regular clothes to change into for the afternoon activities.
On Thursday, March 14 we will head to the Upper Dublin Library for story time with Miss
Barbara. You should know that Miss Barbara is always very happy to have us and has complimented your children on their listening skills and polite behavior. The permission form will be out on the desk for you to sign prior to the trip. I will need one parent to volunteer to drive.
Get your smiles ready!! Picture day will be on March 20. More information and order forms will be sent home soon.
March 11 – READ-IN Day
March 14 – Library Trip
March 20 – Picture Day
March 27-28 Half-Day Class Holiday
March 29&April 1- Center Closed
Easter Holiday