CNSA National Assembly 2015 - The Canadian Nursing Students

Canadian Nursing Students’ Association
Association des étudiant(e)s infirmier(ère)s du Canada
CNSA National Assembly 2015
January 29th, 2015 1700 – 2130
January 30th, 2015 1700 – 2100
January 31st, 2015 1300 – 1700
Delta Regina
Regina, SK
2 min
Call to Order at 1709 CST
3 min
Roll Call
 33 voting members present out of 45
 minimum of ½ present required which is 23
 quorum met
5 min
10 min
10 min
30 min
NA gives the board future direction
Expect all delegates and observers are professional in according with CNSAs
code of conduct
Standing Rules of Order
 Appointment of Parliamentarian
 Bournoit rules of order
 Observers may be asked to leave
 Delegates who already spoke must wait to speak again
 When speaking you’re address the chair
 Members only speak to a motion if they have new information to provide
Motion 1
Adoption of Agenda
Motion 2
Motion 3
Acceptance of Minutes
 National Assembly Meeting, January 2014
No discussion
Motion 4
CNSA’s Annual Report
 Questions to be asked at the end of presentation
 Great deal was accomplished
 Efforts made to increase social media presence
 Sign contract with Wulter Kluwers Health - passpoint
 Collaborate with the personal
 Updated bylaws and governance ensure compliance with non for profit act
 Advocacy committee was made permanent to support students to raise
awareness about issues
1145 Hunt Club Road, Unit 450, Ottawa, ON, K1V 0Y3
T: 613-235-3150 ext. 29 F: 613-235-4476
Canadian Nursing Students’ Association
Association des étudiant(e)s infirmier(ère)s du Canada
45 min
45 min
 To ensure direction each committee created terms of reference
 Regional conferences were successful
 Contracts provide services and resources to our membership
 Always looking for ways to expand benefits
 Press release for passpoint
Financial Report
Motion 5
 All non-members asked to leave during exec session except parliamentarian,
and incoming/outgoing AO
7.1 Membership Report 2013-2014
 Second year of membership fee increase
 43 chapter members, over 29,553 nursing students
Motion 6
Motion 7
7.2 Membership Report 2014-2015
 Hope it will be a very successful year
 45 chapters – over 28,000 nursing students
7.3 2014-2015 Financial Report
 Go over balance sheet as of nov 30th 2014 and includes budget for following
 3 main components
 ASSESTs, liabilities and net assets
 Two months – surplus of 83k compared to project 2269 based on straight line
 Budget as presented
Motion 9
7.4 Audit Report 2013-2014
 Has been this format for the last two years.
 Association has changed its year-end from March 31st to September 30th. This
audit is for 18th months period compared to 12 month of the year before.
 A lot of the variations are because we are comparing the 18 th to 12th month
year and year-end is in a different month of the year.
 Management is responsible for preparing audit.
 Perform tasks we find necessary to ensure the financial statements are free of
error. Have gone through steps and procedures and can give the option that the
financials statements present clearly.
 Cash 282k – increase of 80k for year.
 Accounts receivable are lower – 1800 this year – because last year in the 30k
there was a large amount that was reviewable for HST. At the end of September
the association owed the government 3000 because of timing of the year end
and because the year before the government had not given its HST refund
1145 Hunt Club Road, Unit 450, Ottawa, ON, K1V 0Y3
T: 613-235-3150 ext. 29 F: 613-235-4476
Chair &
Canadian Nursing Students’ Association
Association des étudiant(e)s infirmier(ère)s du Canada
because there was a audit underway.
Account payable – reason for increase is base on the 20k accruable for the past
year of the admin support that is paid by management team. ½ was not paid
yet as of September. HST amount owed to the government.
March 31st 2013 year end the membership that had been received was for the
year end in November. Because the year end earlier there is a drop .
Overall picture – total assets subtract liabilities = net assets 161k – equity that
the association has on hand to carry on operations for the upcoming year.
Page 3 statement of income- 18 compared to 12 month the column will be 1.5
times compared to previous year.
National conference – 211k – because of the location of the 2014 conference
had much more attendees from the year before, therefore increase in fees.
Much more sponsorship received in the year 2014 than the year before.
Membership fee increased from 160 to 300 – much more than 1.5 increaseincrease sub. Because of the increase in members
Last year more emphasis on collecting sponsors than advertisements.
Total rev – 644k in 2014 compared to 359 – substantial increase.
NC went from 167 to 238 – in line with increase of revenues
In line with revenue
BOD meetings – 1.5 increase – explained by 12month vs 18 months
Most other expenses are increase of 1.5
Regional executive – 2014 – 7500 – 856 year before – more claims for awards
and other promo expenses during 18 month period
Increase in translation that was outsources
Net rev – 123 – dramatic turn around in net result – explained by 18m vs 12m in
part by conference – mostly increase in membership fees
Net assest – 161k – equity that is available.
Page 4 – more breakdown of revenue and expense
Page 5 – statement of cash flow – explains movements of cash in the yearprofit of 123k cash would also go up but it didn’t
Net income 123k – changes in cash
Accounts rec changed because of HST refund – 28k
Account payable went up – 20k of expenses had not been paid at the end of the
year for admin – kept cash because we didn’t pay
Decrease in deferred revue – last year had received and deposited income that
was not recognized as income
Liability dropped
Increase 80k – add to beginning of the year – explains cash of 282k
Notes of financial statements – give more info to user
1 – purpose of organization and tax pattern
Organization incorporated 1985 under old act – 2014 continued under the new
act. – some rules of when the members were to meet. Final statement will be
different than draft. Will change note to put in the date of actual continuance
of the new act.
1145 Hunt Club Road, Unit 450, Ottawa, ON, K1V 0Y3
T: 613-235-3150 ext. 29 F: 613-235-4476
Canadian Nursing Students’ Association
Association des étudiant(e)s infirmier(ère)s du Canada
Second paragraph – NFP – permitted to keep profit because it is incorporated
under the special section of the income act
 2 – which accounting policy was chosen by the association
 Membership fee recognized – deferred payment- recognized as it is earned –
conference recognized when it is held.
 2b – financial instruments – cash. Other financials instruments are under
 2c – set up at cost. No decontributed services – ass. Could not service without
volunteers but not recognized as expense or revenue
 3 – financial instruments and risk – this note gives the user info about whether
assets or liability is at great risk because of policy of the board. If the association
have 100k and decided wanted to invest all the 100k on market this note would
highlight that as it would put the association at risk. Have gone through all the
assets and liability and study the risk and none of the assets or liability is at risk
of being lost. All management is conservative. Cash in bank account earning
interest where possible. Ensure cash is available to pay liabilities. Highlights risk
and how they are taken care of by board.
 4 – capital assets – only trans. Depreciation
 5 – if association had entered into long term commitments – contract with
CASN for administrative office
 6- change in year end. Form march to September. Repayment of comparative
figure. Have been an audit of CRA of 2012-13 HST receivable. Get an amount
that was thought to be received. CRA knocked it down. Reflect results of CRA
Motion 10
7.5 Appointment of Auditor for 2014-2015 fiscal year
Faye, OD, Humber – wondering if we should add “the CNSA NA…”
Kaliegh, VP: not necessary to include CNSA as we are the only people who
have the power to appoint an auditor for our association.
Motion 11
Motion 12
7 min
8.1 Board of Directors’ Reports
 President
 Vice President
 Director of Communications
 Director of Membership Services
 Director of Bilingualism & Translation
 Director of Career and Leadership Development
 National Conference Director
 Prairie Regional Director
 Ontario Regional Director
 Quebec Regional Director
 Atlantic Regional Director
1145 Hunt Club Road, Unit 450, Ottawa, ON, K1V 0Y3
T: 613-235-3150 ext. 29 F: 613-235-4476
Canadian Nursing Students’ Association
Association des étudiant(e)s infirmier(ère)s du Canada
 Administrative Officer
 Past President
8.2 Committee Chairs’ Reports
 Community & Public Health Committee Chair
 Diversity Committee Chair
 Informatics Committee Chair
 Education and Scholarship Committee Chair
 International Health and Outreach Committee Chair
 Advocacy Committee
 Bilingualism and Translation Committee
 Career and Leadership Development Committee
 Awards Committee
 Governance Committee
AD, McGill University
Community and public health CC
Community and public health is integral to CNSA and important to students
Why it was not filled once it was clear that the duties were not being filled?
Kaleigh, VP: – ongoing communication with the CC and encouragement to CC – no
breakdown of communication was noted
120 min
Motion 8
Resolutions and Position Statements
10.1 Resolutions
10.1.1 Resolution entitled, Creating a Partnership for Aboriginal Health Promotion
presented, with changes as discussed.
 Jessie: defer to Julia
 Julia AD: One of the inspirations was at the CNA AGM. There was a movement
towards addressing aboriginal issues. This RS was written because we feel
creating this partnership would be in line with CNSA’s strategic plan. The
cultural climate to support aboriginal people is a big part of nursing. We should
take a leadership role by adopting this resolution statement.
 Jonathon, OD, Dal Yartmouth: page 2 resolution statement one.
 A.N.A.C. be changed to the full name since the statement will be posted in a
separate document.
 Amber Scarland OD, UofT. – page 3. Cultural competence use to cultural safety
– cultural awareness, come, aware – safety recognized biases. Cultural safety is
what we’re addressing. Modification would recognize colonial history and selfreflection.
 Rajet: A.N.A.C. will be corrected. The changes to the rest of the document are
not necessary, as the changes will not be published. Only resolutions are
 Jessy: accept the change and acknowledge the hard work of the team.
 Dawn: for upcoming issues that may be discussed it is important to note that
1145 Hunt Club Road, Unit 450, Ottawa, ON, K1V 0Y3
T: 613-235-3150 ext. 29 F: 613-235-4476
Canadian Nursing Students’ Association
Association des étudiant(e)s infirmier(ère)s du Canada
there is a self-governance it is important for CNSA to be leaders and represent
CNSA aboriginal nursing students.
10.1.2 Resolution entitled, Quality End of Life Care in Nursing Education presented,
with changes as discussed.
 Alison, OD, Memorial – writers are not present at the conference
Motion 14
Abstentions: York University
10.2 Position Statements
10.2.1 Position Statement entitled, Cultural Competence in the Context of Aboriginal
Health in Nursing Education as presented, with changes as discussed.
Abstentions: York University
 Julia: entry level components by CASN and college have recommended that
cultural competence needs and specific address knowledge of aboriginal
disparities. Many students don’t know the trauma and disparities of aboriginals.
So that all the students have the opportunity to learn
 Julie, OD, Moncton: Title in French is not the same as English
 Rajet: French motion will verify the literature and then verify the motion
 Vitoria, Mcgill OD – may be clarification regarding the use of the term “ways of
knowing” under position, as this is vocabulary that may not be used in all
 Dawn – ways of knowing pertains the different ways of knowing. Ingenious
ways of knowing is a valid and important nursing concept and is valid in
relational practice. Recognize they exist and incorporated as a valid source of
knowledge for nursing research
 Jessie TRU – accept change from cultural competence to cultural safety
Motion 16: the NA change title – GET FROM RAJ IN NA SLIDES
Faye – it would change the context of the position safety. Competence is what
nurses would do that would result in cultural safety that would be recognized.
PS is about Incorporating education
Amber UofT – clarify that cultural safety is going to be a competence and is a
revolution tool. Studies show cultural competence emphasizes the wrong
things. The problem is nurses are trying to understand the culture and not
asking to be understood in regard to biases. Safety recognizes and learning
putting competence in the curriculum. They are linked.
Lindsay McEwan, OD – most references are regarding competence not safety.
Sarah, TRU – wanted to clarify most of competence is talking about nursing
competence not cultural competence. Majority of the reference are talking
about entry level competencies. We can change the meaning with the word
safety instead.
1145 Hunt Club Road, Unit 450, Ottawa, ON, K1V 0Y3
T: 613-235-3150 ext. 29 F: 613-235-4476
Canadian Nursing Students’ Association
Association des étudiant(e)s infirmier(ère)s du Canada
Abstentions: St. Lawrence Kingston, McEwan University, Memorial University, York
University, University of Manitoba, University of Saskatchewan - Regina, SCBSCN Saskatoon
10.2.2 Position Statement entitled, Accommodation within Clinical Placements for
Students with Temporary, Transient, or Sporadic Disability or Injury as presented,
with changes as discussed.
 Matthieu: the PS rose out of a story of one of my classmates. Classmate put
into a cast after an injury and informed that we would not be able to participate
in clinical placement. Removed from the course and delayed graduation. Upon
bringing it forward, found that it is a common occurrence.
 Hilary, AD, UofT – proposed that the last sentence of second page that equal be
changed to equitable.
Motion 18
 Mitchel Vong, OD, Langara College - wondering if there might be specific
accommodations as the PS is not specific
 Matthieu: in addressing the point specific accommodation I did not include
that, as it is more important that each OD would negotiate the accommodation
process within their faculty as each person and will be different. This is more
about the conversion to begin and that every student has equitable access to
placement and the opportunity to continue.
10.2.3 Position Statement entitled, The Transitional NCLEX-RN® Examination for
Canadian Candidates as presented, with changes as discussed.
 Lauren , Sault College, (writer) on the phone: written with the help of others for
CNSA to take a position on the change from CRNE to NCLEX. See come concerns
within the PS. CNSA being as involved as we can to be as advocates for students
across Canada and help with transitioning students. Here for questions or
 OD, Univerty College of the north: focus on prep and access to prep. Does not
state about ensuring students have access to write the NCLEX. Should CNSA
address that issue as well.
 Sara, OD, TRU – NCLEX is more accessible because you don’t have to wait for
the 3 tests like previous year. Go to permanent and temporary sites. Is actually
more accessible.
 OD, University college of the north : given that the CRNE required certain
number of students to write. The temp testing center rural nurses move a great
deal and may not be able to make it to a permanent testing center within a
reasonable time after graduation. Students have waiting over 9 months to write
the NCLEX.
 Julia, AD, North Island College – from north Vancouver island. Have temporary
test sites. Doesn’t really change as testing site are in the same locations as
CRNE sites were according to my understanding.
Motion 19
1145 Hunt Club Road, Unit 450, Ottawa, ON, K1V 0Y3
T: 613-235-3150 ext. 29 F: 613-235-4476
Canadian Nursing Students’ Association
Association des étudiant(e)s infirmier(ère)s du Canada
10.2.4 Position Statement entitled, Nursing Leadership Development as presented,
with changes as discussed.
 Carly Whitmore, Past President (on phone): spirit of NA. Born of 5 years of
being involved and love of association. Story telling is best form of knowledge
translation. Education importance of leadership. Finished orientation as
registered nurse. Was told would be charge nurse early one. Delegation of tasks
and if any events happened it would be her responsibility. Significant event. At
some point soon after, put into leadership position. Hoping that this position
statement starts a conversation so that you don’t have to be put into such
harsh position right away. To be prepared for what will happen once
graduation. Soon we will be the ones put out there and tackling those
Motion 20
Motion 21
Saturday January 30, 15
Roll Call
37 voting members present quorum is met
45 min
9.1 Bylaw Changes
Motion 22
 Section 9.01.4 – change that national stakeholder is only CASN
The new bylaw would read “The Board may appoint a National
Stakeholder. If appointed, the National Stakeholder shall perform
such duties as outlined in the Board rules and regulations and as
may, from time to time, be imposed on him/her by the Board. The
National Stakeholder need not be a Director. The National
Stakeholder shall be the, Executive Director, President or
President-elect of the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing.”
To ensure a consistent advisory and for continuity. Since the
BOD changes every year and the AO and past president, the
stakeholder would be a consistent advisor and continuity. This
would be lost with a rotation.
9.2 Rules and Regulations Changes
Motion 23
Section 5.5.5 – removed CFNU or CNA – done to further
1145 Hunt Club Road, Unit 450, Ottawa, ON, K1V 0Y3
T: 613-235-3150 ext. 29 F: 613-235-4476
Canadian Nursing Students’ Association
Association des étudiant(e)s infirmier(ère)s du Canada
provide continuity and ensure consistent advisor to bring
stability and continuity.
Change from scholarship to research to promote research
Change from international to global, reflects current paradigm
shifts and address health and equity to extend national
President advocacy group
President shall be nominated for position of student rep. and
if elected be principle liaison with CNA to incorporate new
policy and voting process
New addition for VP to sit – growing portfolio
Diversity chair to act as liaison. Start support resolution
statement we adopted. Develop and create national
Past President would work with diversity
Regional conference shall occur no earlier, except Quebec
which can occur as late as November.
Better chance of success as witnessed in the two past regional
Chair oversees committee – raising awareness about issues.
Move the ad hoc committee to a permanent committee
Jessy Dame, OD, TRU – move to amend the governance
changes to strike part 5
MOTION 24: The Diversity Committee Chair Shall: “Act as the
liaison between the Aboriginal Nurses Association of Canada
(ANAC) and CNSA” to support the resolution statement
presented at the 2015 National Assembly.
Moved by: Jessy Dame, OD, TRU
Seconded by: Shawn, OD, UofA
Jessy Dame: acknowledge Dr Lisa Bursen is here and welcome
her. Cultural safety is defined by the client and allows us to
engage in discussion. Restore through equity through equality
and the right to self governance. This change comes from
power over. By not telling us how we should be governed and
collaborate with us and find a fit that works for us all. If
accepted it would not reflect positively on the association.
Julia, NIS, AD: co author of passed statements. the rationales
was this change does not reflect. Stop assimilation of
aboriginal people. Stop the cycle and pass this motion to
approve change. Not in the best interest of aboriginal nursing
Ryan DCC – I believe the aboriginal nursing student deserve
their own voice and the right for self governance. Should
1145 Hunt Club Road, Unit 450, Ottawa, ON, K1V 0Y3
T: 613-235-3150 ext. 29 F: 613-235-4476
Canadian Nursing Students’ Association
Association des étudiant(e)s infirmier(ère)s du Canada
listen to the nursing students.
Matthieu – I believe the addition would be an injustice to that
committee is a heritage issue
Virotai, Mcgill uniersiy – agree with the spoken words –
ensure that the strike of the motion and safeguards to ensure
there is representation of aboriginal students on the board or
someone to liaise with them
Julia NIC AD – the reason for the strike and not amendment,
did know how to reflect the change. The diversity chair can be
elected by anybody. By not allowing this change we are
allowing the framework to further development this issue and
she how they want to be governed. Not looking for answers
right now. Can ensure that right now that the diversity officer
is not the liaison for aboriginal nursing students.
Sara OD, TRU – even if there isn’t an amendment because we
passed, the board is bound to find a representative and find a
way to work with A.N.A.C., just asking that it is not the
diversity chair.
9.3 Proposed changes to the code of professional conduct.
Motion 25
 Code of professional conduct offering suspension of “eligibility
to run …” consequence the number would be 5.1.1
 To ensure BOD uphold the policy of the association when
breaching CNSA policies
 Victoria, Mcgill, OD – like to address a possible concern with
this policy change. At this time under dis. Corrective action
will include any or all which I find restricts the ability of the
BOD to discipline members of the CNSA requires they take
one of these courses of action that it will now read. May or
may not include which would allow board greater freedom for
disciplinary action.
 Alex, NIC, OD – I move to amend to remove part
 Kaleigh: Out of order as it changes the intent of what it is now.
Propose to make an amendment to 5,1,1,2 – if the BOD judges
Rajet: already mentioned CNSA would
The stem says “any or all of the following depending on”
These corrective actions are at the discretion of the board.
Kaleigh: would be repetitive as it is already there.
1145 Hunt Club Road, Unit 450, Ottawa, ON, K1V 0Y3
T: 613-235-3150 ext. 29 F: 613-235-4476
Canadian Nursing Students’ Association
Association des étudiant(e)s infirmier(ère)s du Canada
OD MCGLL to change the wording “ corrective actions
That is out of order as it is not what we are discussing would
have to be a change for next year.
9.4 Policy for Voting Selection Process for the elected CNSA
Motion 26
 representative to the Canadian Nurses Association Board and
Voting Delegate Selection Process for Canadian Nurses
Association Membership Meetings
Continued to the NFP act. Transition required CNA to make
changes in order to comply with the new act. Certain rules were
changed to the rules of rights for CNSA to be a member for CNA.
CNSA became sole class B member to exercise 5 votes. CNSA could
select up to 5 voting delegates who can exercise these vote on
behalf of CNSA in the CNA members. CNSA is entitiled to elect one
director to the CNSA board. Similar to our regions. Within regions
the chapter schools selects and elects the regional director for that
region. That regions schools determine RD. 5 voting delegates
determine their director or class 5 director.
Kendra OD, U of victoria – because the votes are new if the chair
could clarify out often and the budget CNSA would have to put
Rajet: only one members AGM.
Jessie Danes, OD, TRU – clarify how much of the budget will be
allocated to that. Or would it be the same amount.
Rajet: 5 delegates that will be sent will have to follow the CNSA
travel and accommodations policy and can attend the meeting
electronically. Those voting delegates would be applying for
external travel proposals as per travel and accommodations policy.
20 min
Lifetime & Honorary Award
11.1 Nominees for Lifetime Contribution Award
Motion 27 – Sonja MacDonald
Motion 28 – Lise Schultz
Motion 29 – Maggie Danki
Motion 30 – Ana Golubovici
Motion 31 – Kevin Byrne
11.2 Nominees for Honorary Contribution Award
1145 Hunt Club Road, Unit 450, Ottawa, ON, K1V 0Y3
T: 613-235-3150 ext. 29 F: 613-235-4476
Canadian Nursing Students’ Association
Association des étudiant(e)s infirmier(ère)s du Canada
Motion 32 – Dr. Sandra MacDonald
Motion 33 – Paul Petrie
Motion 34 – Dr. Sandra Bassendowski
Motion 35 – Janine Lennox
35 min
Acceptance of Nominations
Dawn Tisdale - Accept
Matthieu Payette - Accept
Terence Denomy – Accept
Mackenzie Heath – Accept
Tonie Castro – Accept
DMS - Vacant
Director of CLD
Alexandra Statola - Accept
Kristen Delcousy - Accept
Megan Bruce – Accept
Katelyn Patrick – Accept
Jonathon Hosberger – Accept
Lindsay Smith – Accept
Jaime Carier – Accept
Kendra Davis – Accept
Faye De Vera – Accept
Karen Hung – Revoke nomination
Jonathon Natais – Accept
Bryce – Accept
1145 Hunt Club Road, Unit 450, Ottawa, ON, K1V 0Y3
T: 613-235-3150 ext. 29 F: 613-235-4476
Canadian Nursing Students’ Association
Association des étudiant(e)s infirmier(ère)s du Canada
Newman Ali – Accept
Courtney Hunter – Accept
Catherine Van Amni – Accept
Lindsay Carter – Accept
Jane Galiazo – Accept
Jonathon Goguin – Accept
Elenoir Yip – Accept
Victoria COncoti – Accept
Paige Buli – Accept
Keeli Clarck – Accept
Betty Wang – Accept
Paisy Simack – Accept
ESCC - Vacant
Motion 36
40 min
Members’ Voices Part 1
Julie OD, university Moncton
Ask situation every year. One of the unisverity rules. Teacher must
communicate results in the two weeks which follow tests. Some
people extend. A factuly took 3 weeks. Formal complaints were
made. Was forgot after marks were handed out. Ask that the
board finds a way to deal with this problem.
Jessie Dane, OD, TRU – trinty western – how they are a chapter in
good standing and the issue going on in their school and is against
what CNSA stands for.
Andrea – bylaws have a few stipulations regarding who can be a
chapter. We don’t have anything in our policies or bylaws that
goven the actions of a school. Have paid fees and handed their
forms. Not overly active member.
1145 Hunt Club Road, Unit 450, Ottawa, ON, K1V 0Y3
T: 613-235-3150 ext. 29 F: 613-235-4476
Canadian Nursing Students’ Association
Association des étudiant(e)s infirmier(ère)s du Canada
Jessie Dane –clarification - trity western private uni – law
producing lawyers that are biased to the LGBT community.
AD, Macmaster university – January 28th – mental health
discussion was opened. Linkages with bell and CNSA. Hope to
continue tradition by introducing the bell lets talk day in future
Mitchel Vong, OD, Langara – Why passpoing was chosen over
other NCLEX review options.
Kaleigh – past EC reviewed all the products and decided which
one. Recommendation came from past EC
Fay de vera, OD, Humber – PRN invite them to become members.
Have successfully incorporated that RPN bonded and they have a
place in CNSA and believe in the collab with RNs and RPNs
Paisly, University of Alberta – change of language to global
commend everyone for that change
Jeffery james, sault – rec of Ontario regional award, thank the
members of the board and the board and delegates that make it
possible to come here.
Katie AD, Langara – nurseone – recenetly that they are removing
access to ebsco host if CNSA will look into any other resource
Kaleigh – thank you, has been brought to our attention, looking
into specific and what will happen
Kris, AD, MacEwan – as register psychiatric nursing students we
are extrememly underrepresented in CNSA. Official position on the
Kaleigh – at this time it hasn’t been discussed but is something the
DMS could
Kendra OD, Western – suggested that members of Ontario and
quebec to strengthen collaborationg
OD Laval – deal with insitdent – dues take up a big part of the
association. Defend the majorty of the students. We don’t like that
the dues are very high and take a majority of our budget. In order
to convince students to remain in the assoaition.
1145 Hunt Club Road, Unit 450, Ottawa, ON, K1V 0Y3
T: 613-235-3150 ext. 29 F: 613-235-4476
Canadian Nursing Students’ Association
Association des étudiant(e)s infirmier(ère)s du Canada
TOnie Bryans – OD, College of the rockies. –
Jamie, MCgill university – concern for mcgill as well. Memerbship
fees take up a large part scared we will disaccoiate – issue with
other chapters.
Dana – U of sasak – Saskatoon – almost not able to attend the
conference – unable to raise the funds in time.
OD, college of the north – represent pot and Thompson campus –
Thompson paid their fees unknowing – fees are rasied through
auxiliary fee – believe fee is. – pay the fee not knowing – caught
off guard what was available. – scholarly articles are gone on
nurseone. Auxillary great idea – ods and ads explain what else is
Jamie, OD, mcgill – egional within Ontario and quebec merging –
to increase membership fee awareness
Jonathon, OD, dal – yartmouth – regards merging – atlantic has
French speaking universities and that is another option.
Beth ARD – Ontario has closer to majority – atlantic would be a
great idea – very upbeat
Open to suggestion for quebec to collaborate with atalantic – hard
to get quebec students to atlantic conferece
Nick sharing od and ad report forms with chapters to find out
Matthieu payyete od, Macmaster – issues about the strenghth of
prepu – should prepare someone to review nclex prep early or biyearly so the information doesn’t slip into decline so we are gving
he best available information to the students.
Kaleigh – no termination date on conference – will be continually
reviewed – open to suggestion for other – suggestions to the
incoming EC
Andrea – 3 year contract – unless terminated after 3 years.
Looking at other options for live reviews
Janson – recipet for Ontario award – thank the board
Mitchell vong, OD, langara – nclex and our choice – wondering
why it was a 3 year term
1145 Hunt Club Road, Unit 450, Ottawa, ON, K1V 0Y3
T: 613-235-3150 ext. 29 F: 613-235-4476
Canadian Nursing Students’ Association
Association des étudiant(e)s infirmier(ère)s du Canada
Andrea – because 5 years was too long – split the difference with
them. Unless we atively terminate it
Jennifer paron st lawaraence Kingston – thank cat and everyone in
Kingston we include the fees promoted NNSW
Jessie danes – od, TRU – was it a vote for the students or the EC
Andrea – board decision. Contract was outlined last year. EC
presence signed this year. Went through full legal review. And was
fully gutted
Tori, Mcgill, OD – clarify to NA how they could be involved with
future governance changes and changes to rules and regulations.
Kaleigh – if any members would like to request a change at any
time thorugh the year can address it to the past president. The
board moves to bring to NA
Nick – clairifiation on Ontario award
Tonie bryan – od college of the rockies – sincere thank you to
Katelyn for giving the oppurint and inspritation to be here.
Jeffery done – RPN first year – lack of RPN presence here – suggest
that in the future have a rep from RPN student body on the board
Kaleigh – clarify – practice nurse can run for any board position if
they feel they wish to
Tonie bryans college of the rockies OD – is RPN
University college of the north OD – regions set up – small school
wondering if there was a way for the communications or
inforamtics to ensure smaller schools are connected
Mitchell vong od, langara – Katelyn created quarterly newsletters
to inform us what is going on with BOD – include the success of
the schools so smaller schools could relay those points
Victoria od mcgill – prior to na create more instruction materials
regarding procedures and rules of order. Uncertain of the rules
and intimiated by the precedings. Regarding how to present self
and rules of order
1145 Hunt Club Road, Unit 450, Ottawa, ON, K1V 0Y3
T: 613-235-3150 ext. 29 F: 613-235-4476
Canadian Nursing Students’ Association
Association des étudiant(e)s infirmier(ère)s du Canada
Veronica, OD, university of Manitoba – college of the north
comment – we are a large university but would love to take them
under their wing
Jonathon Hans, OD, dal yartmouth – speaking as small uni
welcome to consult with us.
Jessica Crawford od, George brown – thank Justin and team for
conference and cat for support – promote mental health – invite
everyone to mental health week – feburary from 17th to 20th –
anyone is welcome and can give more information – keep convo
open, never know who you could save
Joan denly – DCLD – days for girls international – help a girl and
community – access to feminine hygiene products is an issue sault sent students to Nicaragua – collect hotel soaps, bar soap –
drop them off at 2003
Erin, AD, UNB humber – disconnect between students of all years
– humber new school – closer together throughout years –
inclusion of RPN students in cnsa
Courtney hunter – humber – clarify process by which ad hoc
committee could be formed – ie. aboriginal committee
Kaleigh – read from rules and regs – ad hoc – struck by any
member of the association – must be approved by the BOD –
procdure for creating an ad hoc committee in the rules and regs –
create written proposal to the BOD
Rachel turnbet AD, lakehead – opening convo about accomidation
invite memebrs to consider recognizing as diversity – keep in mind
the support is important
Kendra Davis, OD, Western – change from international to global
health – added a global health course to see what it means to be a
nurse as a global citizen for 4 weeks in May – if any other school
has suggestion
Paisley, university of alberta – have had a global health office
Andrew – encourage anyone interest speak to me and join the
1145 Hunt Club Road, Unit 450, Ottawa, ON, K1V 0Y3
T: 613-235-3150 ext. 29 F: 613-235-4476
Canadian Nursing Students’ Association
Association des étudiant(e)s infirmier(ère)s du Canada
Beth Williams ARD – is a LPN – would have loved to be involved in
CNSA at the time of education
Kendra Wilson DMS – byelections for DMS and ESCC will be going
up within the next couple weeks.
Roll Call
33 voting members present – quorum is met
Members voices part 2
Kendra, AD< official delegate
Request for clairification on deposit
Andrea, AO: deposit that everyone would hold on the credit card.
Any destruction on the floor they will be able to hold that deposit.
0 policy tonight. Any noise will result in an immediate eviction
Bryce, OD, uofs regina – wrong to hold everyones deposit when its
based on a couple individuals.
Tonie bryans, cotr, od – those here on funding and unforeseen
costs on other people indiscretion. Any chance if you don’t know
who they are if they could step forward and take responsibility
Andrea AO – not definitely and that it is an option
Dawn tisdale, dbt – had the option of giving 50 deposit which
mean would only be charging people. Only a select few
Bryce, od, uofs regina – felt that the 50 came across as a threat to
charge us. Felt like you were telling us we were going to be
Laurie ,sbscn Saskatoon – rooms are on credit card, would be
penalized for 5 rooms
Od ,college of the north – credit to book the rooms or registration
Already have receipt and rest of delegates have been checked out
Vicotira, od, mcgilll – bod intention to send out formal email to
inform the attendees, may be difficult for ods and ads to
dimeminate this information. Rooms have been booked on
personal credit card. We should advocate for the fact that its only
a few individuals
1145 Hunt Club Road, Unit 450, Ottawa, ON, K1V 0Y3
T: 613-235-3150 ext. 29 F: 613-235-4476
Canadian Nursing Students’ Association
Association des étudiant(e)s infirmier(ère)s du Canada
Kaleigh, vp – clarify was not a cnsa board decision or threat. This
was something from the hotel that was brought to the board.
Julia, ad, north island college – concerning behavior. Reflects
poorly on nursing students and the profession. If you have done
damage you are accountable. Let the board know if we see people
making those damages. Pres write an apology letter to the hotel.
Grant, ad, mac – would the whole floor be charged? Does hotel
have evidence for this charge?
Andrea – not definitely going to happen. Similar to getting
charged for doing illegal drugs in room. Was informed by hotel
staff during check in about rules, such as non-smoking hotel. It is
an optional of hotel to charge the fee or get evicted. Hotel has
zero tolerance so you might be charged the $50 fee. Could affect
the credit of the organization because we would have a bad
Laurie pal – SCBN, Saskatoon – more about profession than
monetary value. Address professionalism at closing ceremony.
Bryce – uofs, regina- ask Raj to write up all the concerns and give it
to the hotel to prevent having to run up at once.
Matthieu, OD, Mcmaster – hope this doesn’t happen. Association
should take on the charge and not the students even if it affects
credit rating.
Jessy, OD, Thompson River – where is the policy and agreement
that allows for the charge
Andrea – ppl doing the actual damage would get charged, but if
hotel does not know then all delegates might be charged. This is
up to the hotel’s discretion.
Laurie pal – Saskatoon – if CNSA can come up with a solution to do
deal with this in the future
Bryce – uofs, regina – passed a code of professional conduct
positions tatement. Wonder if this will hold all these individuals to
these acts.
Raj – absolutely.
1145 Hunt Club Road, Unit 450, Ottawa, ON, K1V 0Y3
T: 613-235-3150 ext. 29 F: 613-235-4476
Canadian Nursing Students’ Association
Association des étudiant(e)s infirmier(ère)s du Canada
Jonathan , OD , Dalhousie Yartmouth – wonder how hotel staff
knows that CNSA delegates are the ones causing the damage.
Where does this assumption stem from
Jamie AD, mcgill – where is regional conference be held in other
Kendra davis, OD, fanshawn, western – university of Ottawa allows
for biligiusm and accessibility with Quebec region
AD, north island college – western prairie conference
University of victoria, OD – western region, want to thank Katelyn
toal for her leadership and wish her the best; for recruiting region
of rockies
Jonathan , OD, dal – western regional school of nursing will be
hosting regional conference for..
Victoria, mcgill, OD – special shout out for ppl that ran for
committee chair and BOD positions and hope candidates will
continue to stay involved with CNSA
Faye de vera, OD, university of humber – thank Ontario region for
nominating them for the regional achievement award. Proud of
everything. Let’s continue to inspire each other. It’s been a
humbling experience
AD, north island college – encourage outstanding chapters to
reach out to the new chapters. Welcome to help any new chapters
because they are pretty new chapter as well.
AD, Moncton – asking BOD for an answer; what is CNSA’s role if a
student helping write rules at their chapter school is breaking
Raj – ask delegates. Not CNSA’s role
Julia, University of the north, OD – had an issue with a professional
professor. Approached her as the student association president
and was able to resolve the issue directly with the professor and
was ready to approach the dean of health and faculty.
Grant, AD, mac – want a newsletter from each region to be posted
in the website or forum to allow for uniting of all chapter schools.
Information should be shared, such as sharing of information
about the work on incorporating aboriginal health into curriculum.
1145 Hunt Club Road, Unit 450, Ottawa, ON, K1V 0Y3
T: 613-235-3150 ext. 29 F: 613-235-4476
Canadian Nursing Students’ Association
Association des étudiant(e)s infirmier(ère)s du Canada
Uni of saskachewan, saskatoon, AD – differnet school have
different levels of support from their schools, make sure to thank
your universities that helped your chapter school.
OD, langara college – difficult time recruiting members, get more
involved when there is an intake of students. Taught how to
survive nursing school 101 for first year students and were
planned by delegates and were successful. Got food donations
that were main attraction for students to become involved with
extra curricular activities. Need to see some sort of benefit for
students. Reached out to 40 of the 80 students that were intake.
They came out to help with bake sale. Try to find a time during
their free time for intake students and inform them about what
works and what didn’t work.
Janson chan, york – thank conference director for creating the
leader for tomorrow. Would like to see the leader of tomorrow to
be added to future regional conferences.
Fred Entz, SBSCN Saskatoon – never saw anything like this.
Thankful for the exciting opportunity.
Kendra – university of victoria, OD – problems in quebec. Offer
advice. Have a nursing students’ association that have a curriculum
committee, two of the chairs sit on the staff board of nursing for
their curriculum committee in order ot have student voice heard
and to prevent certain issues, helps with influence change in
curriculum. Suggest other chapter schools do the same
Queen university, Katelyn, national team member – thank the
national conference planning committee, especially Justin that
creating the simulation lab activities. Think all future conferences
should do the same.
Faye – university of ;humber college, OD – want to play video of
Raj – yes
Jessy OD, Thompson river – AD nominated a student a day that
allowed faculty to nominate a student a day to recognize them
Jeffrey, delegate from sault college – thank joan for her efforts to
speak at his practicum class. Wanted commend her efforts in
spreading CNSA awareness at sault college. Without it, he
1145 Hunt Club Road, Unit 450, Ottawa, ON, K1V 0Y3
T: 613-235-3150 ext. 29 F: 613-235-4476
Canadian Nursing Students’ Association
Association des étudiant(e)s infirmier(ère)s du Canada
wouldn’t be here. Want to thank the OD and AD at sault college
for being guiding leaders.
AD of lakehead - integrating LPN and RPN into CNSA; want to state
the full name in the future
AD memorial uni – said that kaleigh puts in a lot of effort
Jenniefer, st. Lawrence college , AD – don’t have very high RPN
population that are aware of CNSA, but have reeived input from
student. Want input from national level to know how to
incorporate them
Vicotira, mcgill, OD – everyone should learn about st. jep; more
information about each province’s education system on website.
Theo Landry, RN – feel the love from in the room. Urge students to
explain the cnsa movement and to make their voice heard
Fred Entz, delegate from sbscn Saskatoon – thank laurie pal.
Consider her a motivator and catalyst and is a great part of their
council and he is joining the council because of her, and want to
publically thank her.
OD, university of north island, julia – doctors are teachers.
David, OD, Centennial – should make official video of national
conferences that can be used to raise awareness and inspire
others and spread membership.
Victoria , mcgill OD – wondering if time running late will affect
closing ceremony
Justin, national conference director – dinner put back to 7pm.
Waiting on election results.
Tonie bryan – college of rockies , OD – to what extend of
information learned from the national conference can be taken
back to promote involvement in chapter schools
Raj – to clarify, are you trying to recruit from your own school?
Tell them that you advocated for them, voted for them, discuss the
guidelines of what committees and cnsa do in general from
oreitnation pckage
1145 Hunt Club Road, Unit 450, Ottawa, ON, K1V 0Y3
T: 613-235-3150 ext. 29 F: 613-235-4476
Canadian Nursing Students’ Association
Association des étudiant(e)s infirmier(ère)s du Canada
North island college, AD – what time is dinner. Please clarifiy
Justin, NCD – was going to start at 6pm because we have bar set
for 6pm to allow students to mingle before program at 7pm and
dinner at 7:30pm
Brooke vicory , delegate from Ryerson – said Justin did a great job.
Glad she can be here to network with others. Loves CNSA. Her 7th
Dawn tisdale, dbt – was inspired by people that helped her to run
for president. It’s not intimidating to be on BOD and committee
chair, should take advantage of this opportunity. Don’t want ppl to
have regrets for not running for these positions.
Sonya Mcdonald, RN – as an outgoing national conference
director, want to make a proper transition package. Want
incoming conference directors to message her
University colleges of the north, OD – making a package to prepare
10 min
45 min
2 min
5 min
2 min
Election Results
Motion 37
New Business
Next Meeting
Announcements & Feedback
Motion 38
The CNSA BOD moves to appoint rajet as cnsas past president for the 2015-16 year
Moved: Kendra Davis, dms
Seconded: Justin Eisenkirch, ncd
The CNSA BOD moves to appoint admin as Andrea, as AO for the 2015-22016 year
Moved by: Joan Denley
Seconded – Kendra Davis
The CNSA BOD moves to appoint CNSA as the national stakeholder for the 2015 16 year
Move: Joan Denley
Seconded : Monika Kolomic
1145 Hunt Club Road, Unit 450, Ottawa, ON, K1V 0Y3
T: 613-235-3150 ext. 29 F: 613-235-4476
Canadian Nursing Students’ Association
Association des étudiant(e)s infirmier(ère)s du Canada
1145 Hunt Club Road, Unit 450, Ottawa, ON, K1V 0Y3
T: 613-235-3150 ext. 29 F: 613-235-4476