Psychology of Consumption and Marketing (For Language sciences

Psychology of Consumption and Marketing
Prof. Mario Ravasio
Psychology of Consumption and Marketing (For Language sciences and foreign literature sciences
Prof. Mario Ravasio
Psychology of Consumption and Marketing
Taking an in-depth look at the psychological dynamics underlying the relationship with products and
advertising, the course aims to supply students with theoretical and practical knowledge, skills and
methods useful in analysing consumers targeted by marketing actions. This is designed to allow future
professionals to use the practical applications which the Psychology of Consumption and Marketing
provides, notably through marketing research supporting corporate decision-making.
Theoretical and historical premises of the Psychology of Consumption.
The origins of the Psychology of Consumption: goals, methodology and theoretical aids.
Dynamics and motivations of purchasing and consumption.
Learning about and changing behavioural patterns in purchasing and consumption.
The role of identity construction, brand, values and social influence.
Studying products beyond their rational and functional side: application of the Psychology of
Consumption to certain importance goods/products sectors.
Marketing research: its role and purpose within the corporate information system.
Methodological approaches to marketing research: qualitative research, quantity research and desk
Data collection methods: focus groups, in-depth interviews, individual interviews, telephone
interviews, online interviews, etc.
Qualitative research: characteristics, aims, methodology, implementation stages, examples.
Applications of marketing research to advertising
G. MARBACH, Le ricerche di mercato negli anni della discontinuità, UTET Professionale, Torino, 2014 [chaps. 1 (only
paragraph 7), 2, 3, 4 (only paragraphs 1, 2 and 5), 6, 8 and 9].
N. OLIVERO, V. RUSSO, Psicologia dei Consumi, McGraw-Hill, Milano, 2013 (chaps. 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 10).
I . ACOCELLA, I focus group: teoria e tecnica, Franco Angeli, 2008 (only for students failing to attend at least 75% of
The course will be taught in lectures supplemented by: research simulations, the presentation and discussion of
case histories, guest speakers from the corporate world. This integrated approach will allow students to gain a
closer practical understanding of marketing research and its use within companies and agencies.
Oral examination, possibly after a preliminary written test.
Further information can be found on the Blackboard platform to which students are invited to refer.
Psychology of Consumption and Marketing (For Language sciences and foreign literature
sciences students)
Taking an in-depth look at the psychological dynamics underlying the relationship with products and
advertising, the course aims to supply students with theoretical and practical knowledge, skills and
methods useful in analysing consumers targeted by marketing actions. This is designed to allow future
professionals to use the practical applications which the Psychology of Consumption and Marketing
provides, notably through marketing research supporting corporate decision-making.
Theoretical and historical premises of the Psychology of Consumption.
The origins of the Psychology of Consumption: goals, methodology and theoretical aids.
Dynamics and motivations of purchasing and consumption.
Learning about and changing behavioural patterns in purchasing and consumption.
Studying products beyond their rational and functional side: application of the Psychology of
Consumption to certain importance goods/products sectors.
Marketing research: its role and purpose within the corporate information system.
Methodological approaches to marketing research: qualitative research, quantity research and desk
Qualitative research: characteristics, aims, methodology, implementation stages, examples.
Applications of marketing research to advertising.
G. MARBACH, Le ricerche di mercato negli anni della discontinuità, UTET Professionale, Torino, 2014 [chaps. 1 (only
paragraph 7), 8 and 9].
N. OLIVERO, V. RUSSO, Psicologia dei Consumi, McGraw-Hill, Milano, 2013 (chaps. 1, 3, 4, 7 and 10).
I . ACOCELLA, I focus group: teoria e tecnica, Franco Angeli, 2008 (only for students failing to attend at least 75% of
The course will be taught in lectures supplemented by: research simulations, the presentation and discussion of
case histories, guest speakers from the corporate world. This integrated approach will allow students to gain a
closer practical understanding of marketing research and its use within companies and agencies.
Oral examination, possibly after a preliminary written test.
Further information can be found on the Blackboard platform to which students are invited to refer.