TENTATIVE SYLLABUS FOR BIOMATERIALS CHEMISTRY, Version 05JAN2012 NEED TO PHOTOCOPY CHAPTER TEXTS, HWS, AND PPTS FOR A COURSEPACK THAT FOLLOWS SYLLABUS. WPS 723-001 January 11th – April 19th, 2011 2006 BILTMORE Tuesdays & Thursdays 10:15 A.M. – 11:30 A.M. Course Goal The goal of this course is to provide the student with a deep understanding of the chemical reactivity and structure & function of renewable biopolymers and their chemical modification. The student will also appreciate advanced concepts in the wood chemistry of pulping & bleaching, the biochemical pathways that lead to raw materials for energy production, and develop an understanding of bioenergy. Contact Information Lucian A. Lucia, Ph.D. Department of Forest Biomaterials (Wood & Paper Science) 3108 Biltmore Hall Email: lucian.lucia@GMAIL.com, lalucia@NCSU.edu Phone Contact Numbers: +1 919 515 7707 (Office), +1 919 889 7059 (Mobile) Office Hour(s): By appointment Objectives The student will recognize and develop a basic understanding of: a polymer, a biopolymer/biomaterial, structure/reactivity relationships, the advanced chemistry of lignin & carbohydrates, biochemistry of plant energy conversion and fermentation, and biopolymer chemical modifications. Course Learning Outcomes After a brief introduction where the various structural, synthetic and functionality considerations of polymers are described, we will embark on a discussion of carbohydrates & lignin chemical reactions. An understanding of the relationship between a biomaterial’s structure and its properties will be developed in the course. We will have a series of reading assignments for each section of the course to better develop the applications of that section. Homeworks and quizzes will constitute a major portion of the work involved in this course. Supporting Materials Principles of Polymerization, ODIAN 1 Textbook of Polymer Science, BILLMEYER Problems in Advanced Organic Chemistry, GOTO, HIRATA, & STOUT Advanced Organic Chemistry, CARY, SUNDBERG Wood Chemistry: Fundamentals and Applications, SJÖSTRÖM Biochemistry, GARRET & GRISHAM Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals, BAILEY & OLLIS 2 Course Topics POLYMERS & BIOPOLYMERS/BIOMATERIALS ( 40%) Definitions of polymers & biopolymers/biomaterials Structure/function reactivity Polymerization mechanisms Carbohydrates & lignin: definitions, descriptions, applications, & industrial importance PULPING & BLEACHING CHEMISTRY ( 40%) Fundamental chemical reactivity of lignin & cellulose Kraft pulping chemistry Organic chemistry reactions of aromatics/phenols BIOCHEMISTRY ( 20%) Enzyme kinetics Enzyme specificity Lignin biosynthesis Bioenergy Fermentation Tentative Course Topics Class 1: Class 2: Class 3: Class 4: Class 5: Class 6: Class 7: Class 8: EXAM 1 Class 9: Class 10: Class 11: Class 12: Class 13: Class 14: Class 15: Class 16: EXAM 2 NO CLASS: NO CLASS: Class 17: Introduction to Course, Overview of Syllabus/Grading, Mutual Expectations, Review of SciFinder, and Organic Mechanism Problem (to be handed in as Take Home Quiz 1 during the course of the semester) What are polymers and biomaterials? Quiz 2, How are they made? What do they do? Quiz 3, What are their structures and function relationships? Quiz 4, Synthesis & function Quiz 5, Chemical & physical properties Polymerization Demo (Laboratory Exercise) Quiz 6, Radicals & rates of polymerization Quiz 7, What are carbohydrates? Quiz 8, Structure & properties of cellulose & chitosan (two important carbohydrates) Quiz 9, Lignin & kraft pulping reactions & mechanisms Quiz 10, Chemical reactivity paradigms of lignin & phenolics Advanced chemical reactions associated with pulping Quiz 11, Reactivity of cellulose during kraft pulping Quiz 12, Chemical bleaching reactions & mechanisms Spring Break Spring Break Water, pH, and ionic equilibria 3 Class 18: Class 19: Class 20: Class 21: Class 22: Class 23: Class 24: Class 25: Class 26: Class 27: EXAM 4 Quiz 13, Enzyme kinetics & activity Quiz 14, Enzyme kinetics & activity, part II Quiz 15, Enzyme specificity Lignin biosynthesis (Prof. Vincent Chiang) Fermentation Quiz 16, Bioenergy EXAM 3 Cellulose derivatives Hemicellulose derivatives Lignin derivatives Methods of Assessment and Grading Examinations: Quizzes: Homework Presentation: Grading: 30%, FINAL 60% 10% A+ (≥ 95%), A (90 – 95), A- (88 – 89), B+ (86 – 87), B (80 – 85), B- (78 – 79), C+ (76 – 77), C (70 – 75), C- (68 – 69), D+ (66 – 67), D (60 – 65), D- (58 – 59), F (< 59) Attendance Full participation in classes and examinations is expected of all students. If you are unable to attend, please contact the instructor prior to class. For further explanation on the nature of excused and unexcused absences please refer to the university attendance regulation at http://www.ncsu.edu/policies/academic_affairs/pols_regs/REG205.00.4.php. Academic Integrity All students are expected to follow the University’s “Code of Student Conduct”. The policy on academic integrity can be found in http://www.ncsu.edu/policies/student_services/student_conduct/POL445.00.1.htm. It is the teacher's understanding and expectation that the student's signature on any test or assignment means that the student neither gave nor received unauthorized aid. Be certain to cite references used for assignments. Plagiarism will not be accepted and may result in a failing grade and/or expulsion from the University. Accommodations Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with verifiable disabilities. In order to take advantage of available accommodations, students must register with Disability Services for Students (DSS) at 1900 Student Health Center, Campus Box 7509, 515-7653 (http://www.ncsu.edu/provost/offices/affirm_action/dss/) and should see Lucian Lucia with the appropriate paperwork from DSS 4