New Web Site Planning Guide Use this document to help plan and organize the development of your new web site. Primary Audience Select the primary audience of your web site 1. Prospective SFA Students 2. Current SFA Students 3. SFA Faculty & Staff 4. SFA Alumni 5. General Public 6. Other: ____________________________________ Secondary Audience Select the secondary audience of your web site 1. Prospective SFA Students 2. Current SFA Students 3. SFA Faculty & Staff 4. SFA Alumni 5. General Public 6. Other: ____________________________________ Important Information List the areas of your web site that are most important to your primary and secondary audiences (eg: schedule of events, program information, procedures) ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Structural Outline Use this outline to plan the structure and organization of your new web site. While deciding on what terms to use, keep your primary audience in mind and use phrases that are meaningful to them. For example, the following might be an outline created for the Department of Physics and Astronomy’s Web Site. The primary audience of this site would be prospective SFA students (both graduate and undergraduate) that are interested in studying physics or astronomy. 1. Academic Programs a. Undergraduate b. Graduate c. Pre-Engineering and Dual Degree 2. About the Department a. Courses b. Faculty & Staff c. Facilities i. Observatory ii. Planetarium d. Research Projects e. Weather Station 3. Other Links a. Department Mission Statement b. College of Sciences and Mathematics Each alphabetically-labeled item represents a web page within the site. The numerically-labeled items are categories under which the pages are organized. As a general rule, it is best to have no more than 7 web pages in each category.