7495 West Azure Drive
Las Vegas, Nevada 89130
Tuesday, December 16, 2014 at 6:30pm
Location 7485 West Azure Drive, Las Vegas NV 89130
Below is an agenda of all items to be considered. Unless otherwise stated, items may be taken out
of the order presented on the agenda at the discretion of the chairperson. Public comment will be
taken on every action item after discussion but before action on each item, and is limited to three
(3) minutes per person. Persons may not allocate unused time to other speakers. Persons are invited
to submit written comments on items or attend and make comment during the meeting and are
asked to complete a speaker card and present it to the Recording Secretary. To ensure the public
has notice of all matters the Board will consider, Board members may choose not to respond to
public comments in order to avoid the appearance of deliberation on topics not listed for action on
the agenda.
Forum restrictions and order of business: The viewpoint of a speaker will not be restricted, but
reasonable restrictions may be imposed upon the time, place and manner of speech. Irrelevant and
unduly repetitious statements and personal attacks that antagonize or incite others are examples of
public comment that may be reasonably restricted.
Reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate physically handicapped persons desiring to attend
the meeting.
Ceremonial Items
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call
Governing Board President: David Olive
Governing Board Vice President: Anthony Barney
Governing Board Treasurer: Jeff Egger
Governing Board Secretary: Krist Walicky
Governing Board Member: Jennifer Anlage
Governing Board Member: Dempsey Jones III
Governing Board Member: Lucas Leavitt
Governing Board Member: Jennifer Shomshor
Governing Board Member: Tim Zeidler
4. Public Comment
 Melanie Ferguson
 No other public comments
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President Olive read a recent letter provided to Quest Students and parents regarding various computer
hardware and software issues. Our technology vendor, Sprint, has scheduled a group of their technicians
during winter break in an attempt to resolve all of the problems that we have been having.
President Olive also summarized a letter from the State – data shown publically at the website Big Horn files.
Quest Academy 2012 and 2013 achieved “Approaches” and 2013-2014 authority rating of “Adequate”. We
rose 30 points over the prior year.
Public Comment were held after the information and action items.
Informational Items: The Board will hear the following informational items. No Board action will be taken
on these items. Board members may present emergent items. No action will be taken on such items by the
Board. Any item requiring Board action may be scheduled on a future Board agenda. The Board may review
and discuss correspondence sent or received by the Board since the last regular meeting and may provide
copies for the Board file.
1. Superintendent Report and Site Administrators Reports including: Alexander Campus, Bridger
Campus, Montecito Campus, Roberson Campus – Presented by Superintendent Deb Roberson
2. Facilities Report – Presented by Jim Olive, Facilities Manager
a. We are getting ready for winter cleaning schedule, the cleaning staff will be working over
the holiday schedule. We are making progress on the wall in our conference room. Working
on obtaining bids on lighting issues at Montecito campus, three contractors are reluctant to
provide bids. The Board to take the bidding situation under advisement and will respond.
Ongoing maintenance being performed at all of our campuses.
3. Status of Montecito Campus Lease – Presented by David Olive.
a. We currently have a lease through June 30, 2013 and have an option to extend the lease by
one year. We have exercised the lease option and we will have an answer from the owner in
4. Quest PTO informational update – Presented by Cami Rose, PTO Treasurer
a. Fiesta Friday (supports Teachers) $3,800, Believe $11,000, Domino’s Pizza $1,800, Jingle
Jog $800 (Art), Chocolate Sales $4,500
b. Developing an Academics committee to best spend the raised funds – support programs for
AR, incentive programs, policies and forms.
c. We want the Board to consider – PTO, teacher representatives, Administrators also sit and
participate in the meeting
d. We would like to have 25 or less students in the class room. In future meetings we will
present additional programs by the PTO. With fewer students they can spend more time
individually. Quest is a business of education, with a goal to support superior academics.
Less student size class rooms will increase retention and better all-around education. We
encourage the Board to reduce the class sizes to 25 students.
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5. 200 Hour Club Service Award for Quest Preparatory Academy - Presented by Deb Roberson. We
will honor Booster Club President, Stephanie Loper, Booster Club Secretary, Alicia Lee-Herndon,
Booster Members, Josette Herndon, Jennifer Anlage, Jodi Rubinol, Carl Hawkins, Tiffney Hawkins
and Parent Volunteer, Edward Loper. All of the recipients were recognized for their incredible
volunteer efforts to the school.
Action Items: The Board will hold discussion on the following items. The Board will deliberate and hold
discussion on these items. Action may or may not be taken on these items. When applicable, supporting
documentation will be provided to the public and be available at the entrance to the multipurpose room.
5. Approval of Quest Board Meeting Minutes dated October 21, 2014 and November 16, 2014 for
discussion and possible action. – Presented by Governing Board Secretary Krist Walicky.
a. Motioned to accept the minutes Secretary Walicky. Seconded by Member Zeidler. Motion
passed with 8 favorable votes and one abstention (Jennifer Shomshor)
6. Selection of Board Secretary – Presented by President Olive. Krist Walicky will be providing an
opportunity to another Board Member to become Board Secretary. For discussion and possible
a. President Olive recognized Secretary Walicky for performing the position well. Secretary
Walicky mentioned how much work the Executive Board performs between meetings and
the tremendous administrative support provided the school specifically Stephanie Gabany
and Superintendent Roberson.
b. Outgoing Secretary Walicky motioned to accept Jennifer Shomshor as the Quest Board
Secretary. Seconded by Vice President Barney. Motioned passed unanimously
7. Approval of Audit Report Full Year 2014 – Presented by Anne Alipon. Overview of Audit
performance and request for Approval. For discussion and possible action.
a. Board packets included audited statements 2013 – 2014 and recommendations. There is a
scheduled meeting with President Olive and Controller Alipon to further discuss details. We
have an unqualified opinion that represents the Quest Financial Statement is presented fairly
in accordance to generally accepted accounting principles. All of the numbers presented
represent the financial position of Quest.
b. Discussion - This auditing firm is the second year of our five year contract. Quest
Administration is aware of the recommendations and has started on improving our internal
controls. It will be determined who will write the policies and control. A CFO is supported
by the Controller and the auditors recognized the need for staff to segregate the duties. A
CFO would be helpful in this effort and the budget. The report accurately represents the
audit. There were detailed materials provided to the audit included emails, copy of checks
and other materials. The next audit will occur in approximately August 2015, every fiscal
year an audit will take place.
c. Public Comment: Susan Ramos, Guadalupe Briones
d. Secretary Shomshor motioned to accept the audit, seconded the motion by Member Anlage.
The motioned passed with 8 favorable votes and 1 descending vote (Member Jones)
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8. Les Olson Agreement – Les Olson Maintenance Agreement- Follow up item from prior Board
meeting. We have reached the end of the contracted usage counts for the copiers. Present bid update
for this service. For discussion and possible action. – Anne Alipon, Controller
a. We are currently bound by the existing lease. At the end of 2015 they Les Olson offer a
more competitive pricing. We have recently paid approximately $4,000 per month, however,
we implemented color codes and expect the costs to be reduced.
b. No public comment
c. No Board action taken on this topic
9. Contract Addendum to Cox at the Alexander Campus – Presented by Jim Olive. There is a need
to install an analog line to support the fire alarm system.
a. All of our fire systems are based on analog communications with Century Link. The Bridger
campus will also require analog lines. The cost is approximately $15 per month.
b. Vice President motioned to adopt the addendum to the contract. Seconded by Secretary
Shomshor. Motioned passed unanimously.
10. Board Policy for Agenda Items submission. Discuss proposed procedure to determine Board
agenda items. For discussion and possible action – Board Member Jennifer Shomshor
a. Consideration of anonymous submission for consideration Board Agenda Topics by the
public (students, teachers, administrative staff). Worked with Superintendent Roberson to
tailored, succinct and focused topics. An email would be forwarded to the Board Secretary.
This would require an amendment to the Secretary’s job description. Discussed a possible
threshold of emails against potential spammers, phishing emails etc. The website submittal
requires a solution for each problem. We could share the submissions with the full Board.
b. Public Comment – Charity Griego
c. Vice President Barney motioned to adopt this agenda input onto our webpage for receipt of
information for Board Agenda topics . Seconded by Member Walicky. Motion passed
11. Approval of Clubs/Organizations that request to use the Montecito campus. Presented by
Patrick Larzik owner Brick 4 Kids. This is a follow topic from October 21 Board meeting regarding
the costs of the program to Quest. For discussion and possible action.
a. Tabled for a future meeting.
12. Discussion and possible action concerning adoption of an organizational line of employment
authority – Presented by David Olive. This relates authorized supervision over employment
positions relating to curriculum and teaching employees. Finalize the organizational chart to decide
with Superintendent Roberson’s input what departments will fall under the CFO and the
Superintendent. For discussion and possible action.
Item tabled for a future meeting.
Public Comment: Guadalupe Briones, Charity Griego, Ann Burnash, Patty Christenson, Anne Alipon, Terri
Barber, Susan Ramos, Wendy Siedlecki, Shane Sheehy, Gina Dispensari, Dennis Mcadory
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*This notice and agenda have been posted on or before 9:00 a.m. on the third working day before the
meeting. In accordance with section 241.020 (2)©(2) of the Nevada Revised Statues, all of the agenda items
are subject to action and disposition by the Quest Academy Preparatory Education Governing Board, unless
the agenda item specifically indicates otherwise. In accordance with NRS 241.020 this agenda closes three
(3) days prior to the meeting date and has been posted on the Quest Academy website at and at the following locations:
Quest Preparatory Academy - Alexander Campus at 7550 W. Alexander Avenue, Las Vegas, NV 89129
Quest Preparatory Academy - Bridger Campus at 1300 Bridger Avenue, Las Vegas, NV 89101
Quest Preparatory Academy - Montecito Campus at 6610 Grand Montecito Parkway Las Vegas, NV 89149
Quest Preparatory Academy - Roberson Campus at 7485 W. Azure Drive, Las Vegas, NV 89130
Quest Preparatory Academy Business Office at 7495 W. Azure Drive Suite #140, Las Vegas, NV 89130
Quest Preparatory Academy Website located at
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