Perring, Edwards and de Mazancourt: Phosphorus removal from ecosystems 1 Digital Appendices 2 Appendix A: Equilibrium solutions and expectations 3 Equilibrium solutions 4 Equations [1] to [7] can be solved at equilibrium, in terms of plant biomass, by assuming that 5 the rates of change are equal to 0. Provided that plants do not go extinct, plant uptake is 6 equal to the loss rate constants from the plant pool at equilibrium: 7 F ( N I* , PI* ) l B r 8 The litter and soil organic pool sizes at equilibrium are: 9 rN B* N m NL l NL [A2] 10 rN B* P m PL l PL [A3] 11 The available pool sizes at equilibrium are: 12 N I* 13 PI* 14 The reactive P pool is equal to: 15 PR* 16 The amount of plant biomass in the system at equilibrium depends on the limitation status 17 of the ecosystem. [A1] * L * L 1 l NI l NL [ S N N B* N ] where N l B r mNL l NL l PL 1 [S P N B* P ] where P l B r l PI mPL l PL k1 PI* RS k 2 k1 PI* [A4] [A5] [A6] 1 Perring, Edwards and de Mazancourt: Phosphorus removal from ecosystems 1 Nitrogen limitation 2 When N is limiting growth alone, plant biomass at equilibrium is equal to: 3 N B* 4 where the available N pool is: 5 N I* F 1 (l B r ) 6 For a real positive solution, all state variables are required to be greater than 0 and 7 therefore: 8 F ( N I ) is such that the maximum uptake rate constant is greater than the combined loss 9 rate constants S N l NI N I* [A7] N lim N I [A8] F (N I ) > lB r ; 10 * available N input is greater than available loss S N l NI N I ; and 11 available P input is greater than the rate of loss from the organic part of the system, that is, 12 can satisfy plant demand: S P PB* P 13 Phosphorus limitation 14 With P limitation of plant growth, conditions are the same as above with P replaced by N 15 and vice versa. 16 Nitrogen and phosphorus co-limitation 17 When N and P are co-limiting, we used the additive model shown in Equation [8]. 18 Substituting [A4] and [A5] into Equation [8], and using the relationship defined by [A1], the 19 amount of N in plant biomass at equilibrium is given by: [A9] 2 Perring, Edwards and de Mazancourt: Phosphorus removal from ecosystems 1 2 S N N N 2 4 N P N P 1 S P 1 S N N N P 2 N P 2 where i 3 In [A10], the term under the square root is always greater than 0, so the solution is always 4 real. The solution with the square root term added leads to negative available pool sizes (see 5 [A4] and [A5], and stability explanation), and thus the solution where the square root term is 6 subtracted gives the equilibrium amount of N in plant biomass provided: 7 U max l B r , 8 A biological interpretation of the conditions in [A11] can be given. It is necessary for plant 9 persistence that the maximum uptake rate by the plant in the absence of limitation be * B S P P P liI K i [A10] U MAX 1 lB r N SN P SP 1 [A11] 10 greater than the loss rate from the plant. The last condition can be understood by 11 considering the extreme case of limitation by only one nutrient as the other nutrient tends 12 to infinity at equilibrium. Thus, given Equation [8], as N I* , F N I* , PI* 13 Because this latter term is equal to l B r , it can be shown that: 14 PI* 15 This quantity is the level to which the limiting available nutrient (P in this case) would be 16 depleted by the plant in the absence of limitation by the other nutrient (in this case N). 17 Therefore, in the case of co-limitation, the last part of the conditions in [A11] requires that 18 the combined limiting available nutrient inputs be sufficiently greater than the loss of KP U max PI* . K P PI* [A12] U max 1 lB r 3 Perring, Edwards and de Mazancourt: Phosphorus removal from ecosystems 1 available nutrients, dependent on the levels to which they are depleted by the plant. This 2 depends on the strength of limitation; that is, in the absence of limitation by any one 3 nutrient, the condition simplifies to that given by single nutrient limitation (assuming in this 4 case, that uptake is represented by an explicit Michaelis-Menten type function, as opposed 5 to a general saturating function as shown previously). 6 Equilibrium stability 7 Nitrogen limitation 8 In the case of N limitation, plant biomass is determined by the limiting nutrient, and the 9 system simplifies to Equations [2], [4], and [6] with nutrient uptake denoted by F(NI). The 10 local stability of the equilibrium for N limitation can be assessed using standard methods 11 (Gurney and Nisbet 1998). The characteristic equation, det(J - λI) = 0, calculated from the 12 Jacobian matrix (J) is put in the form: 13 3 A12 A2 A3 0 . 14 The Jacobian matrix is: 15 l NI N B F ( N I ) F (N I ) N I F ( N I ) J= N B F N I l B r N I 0 r 16 Given that at equilibrium F ( N I ) l B r , the coefficients of the characteristic equation are 17 shown to easily satisfy the Routh-Hurwitz conditions: [A13] 4 [A14] 0 l NL m NL m NL Perring, Edwards and de Mazancourt: Phosphorus removal from ecosystems A1 0 1 A3 0 [A15] A1 A2 A3 0 2 Phosphorus limitation 3 In the case of P limitation, plant biomass is determined by the limiting nutrient, and the 4 system simplifies to Equations [1], [3], [5], and [7], with nutrient uptake denoted by F(PI), 5 and NB/α replaced by PB. Numerical simulations with random parameters and initial 6 conditions taken from uniform distributions with wide ranges showed that providing 7 conditions given in [A9] were met, with necessary replacements, solutions generally 8 converged to the expected equilibrium. Solutions did not converge when the reactive pool 9 could out-compete plants for available P. Where this occurred, plant extinction could 10 prevent the attainment of the predicted stable equilibrium. Extinction is associated with a 11 reactive pool that has a high capacity for adsorption that is, the maximum density of 12 sorption sites (RS) and the adsorption rate (k1) tend to be high, whilst there is a restricted 13 supply of available P that is, available P input (SP), mineralization of organic matter (mPL) and 14 desorption rate (k2) tend to be low. This means that the reactive pool is more of a sink for 15 the P that is available compared to the capacity of the plant to take it up. We used an explicit 16 saturating function to describe uptake, such that: 17 F ( PI ) 18 Nitrogen and phosphorus co-limitation 19 Numerical simulations with random parameters taken from distributions with the ranges 20 shown in Table B2 showed that provided conditions given in [A11] were met, and the 21 solution to [A10] with the square root subtracted was used, simulations generally converged 22 to the expected equilibrium. Initial conditions were randomly chosen from within 10% of the U max PI K P PI [A16] 5 Perring, Edwards and de Mazancourt: Phosphorus removal from ecosystems 1 equilibrium value for the system in question. As with P limitation alone, reactive P could 2 occasionally out-compete available P leading to plant extinction even though persistence 3 conditions were met. This occurred with distributions as outlined above. 4 Equilibrium expectations 5 The expected direction of change in the available and reactive P pools at equilibrium can be 6 found by differentiating the pool sizes with respect to the management being applied. 7 Nitrogen fertilization 8 The effect of increased N input on equilibrium pool sizes depends on the limitation status of 9 the ecosystem. 10 Nitrogen limitation 11 From [A7], the differential of plant biomass N with respect to N addition is: 12 dN B* 1 0 dS N N 13 From [A5], the differential of the available P pool is given by: 14 dPI* dN B* P <0 dS N l PI dS N 15 Phosphorus limitation 16 The differential of plant biomass P with respect to N addition is: 17 dPB* 0 dS N 18 Given [A18] there is no change in the available P pool at equilibrium following N addition. [A17] [A18] [A19] 6 Perring, Edwards and de Mazancourt: Phosphorus removal from ecosystems 1 Nitrogen and phosphorus co-limitation 2 From [A10], the differential of plant biomass N with respect to N addition is: 3 dN B* 1 1 dS N 2 N S N N N S N N N 0 [A20] N P 4 N P S P P P S P P P 2 4 The differential of the available P pool is given by [A18] and is therefore necessarily less than 5 0. 6 Cutting 7 The effect of cutting on equilibrium pool sizes depends on the limitation status of the 8 ecosystem. In this section we prove the basis of an optimum level of cutting (lBopt) that can 9 exist for cutting to decrease available P under certain limitation conditions, and we also 10 describe how the case of co-limitation is necessarily between that for single nutrient 11 limitation alone. In the next section, we prove that available P pool decrease comes about 12 because the reduction in mineralization from the litter P pool at equilibrium is greater than 13 the reduction in uptake by the plant. 14 Nitrogen limitation 15 [A5] shows the equilibrium available P pool size. 16 Therefore: 17 dPI* 1 dl B l PI 18 From [A7]: * P N B* N B P l B l B [A21] 7 Perring, Edwards and de Mazancourt: Phosphorus removal from ecosystems 1 N I* N B* l NI * N B l B l B N [A22] 2 N I* (l r ) 1 1 * B * l B l B F' NI F ' N I* 3 [A23] is positive by definition, because plant uptake increases with the available N pool, and 4 therefore plant biomass always declines with cutting. [A23] shows that the available pool of 5 the limiting nutrient (N) will always increase with cutting. [A23] 6 7 Given [A22] and [A23], [A21] rearranges to: 8 l dPI* 1 P * N NI * N 1 B dl B l PI N P F' NI 9 For plant available P to decrease with cutting, it is necessary that the term enclosed within [A24] 10 the outer brackets is greater than 0, which necessitates that: 11 N P l B P 12 where i 13 σi refers to the rate constant of nutrient lost from the plant pool that is not recycled in the 14 system. [A25] therefore states that the recycling of the limiting nutrient has to be sufficiently 15 poor, whilst that of the non-limiting nutrient (P) is sufficiently good. Furthermore, the right 16 hand side of [A25] will be smaller where the strength of N limitation is strong, although the l NI * * F ' N N I B [A25] rl iL , i = N or P. liL miL 8 Perring, Edwards and de Mazancourt: Phosphorus removal from ecosystems 1 system should also sustain a low rate of loss of available N. In sum the system has to have 2 good recycling properties for P with poor recycling properties for N. 3 4 [A25] allows derivation of the optimal cutting level ( l Bopt ) for declines in available P. Where 5 the condition in [A25] is met, the differential of available P is negative with respect to 6 increasing cutting rate. However, there comes a point at which the inequality in [A25] 7 becomes equal. This is because as cutting increases, the right hand side gets larger: N B* get 8 smaller, and l B increases. The left hand side of the inequality remains constant. The point at 9 which both sides are equal is the optimal cutting level, as shown in Figure A1. Beyond this 10 value, equilibrium available P will start increasing with cutting, given that the differential is 11 now positive, thus slowing down the depletion of the reactive P pool. Eventually, the loss 12 rate from the plant pool will be greater than the maximum uptake rate of the plant, and 13 extinction of the plant will occur (Condition [A9]). In such a scenario, the available pool sizes 14 at equilibrium will then simply be the ratio of input over available loss: i I* 15 equal to N or P. Si , where i is liI 16 17 Setting [A25] equal and rearranging in terms of l B , the optimal cutting rate to decrease 18 available P under N limited conditions is thus defined as: 19 l Bopt 20 Phosphorus limitation F ' N I* N B* N P P l NI [A26] 9 Perring, Edwards and de Mazancourt: Phosphorus removal from ecosystems 1 With P limitation of plant growth, available P will always increase with increases in cutting, 2 with similar reasoning to [A23]: 3 PI* (l r ) 1 1 * B * l B l B F ' PI F ' PI* 4 Nitrogen and phosphorus co-limitation 5 The differential of available P with respect to cutting was too complicated to investigate by 6 inspection, as was the expression for the differential of plant biomass with respect to 7 cutting. We simulated 100,000 systems with parameters randomly picked from within 8 biologically reasonable ranges. Table A2 shows that when the condition in [A25] was 9 approximated for the co-limited case by this expression: [A27] l NI P l B P * * F N I , PI * N B N I* 10 N 11 the differential was negative when the condition was satisfied. When the condition was not 12 satisfied, cutting would increase the available P pool size. There were no cases that did not 13 behave as expected. 14 The slope of the uptake function with respect to available N evaluated at equilibrium 15 F N I* , PI* , was found by partially differentiating Equation [8]: N I* 16 17 [A28] U max K N F N I* , PI* 2 N I* * KP KN NI P * N * 1 I I [A29] [A28] was rearranged to calculate lBopt: 10 Perring, Edwards and de Mazancourt: Phosphorus removal from ecosystems F N I , PI NB N I N P P l NI 1 l Bopt [A30] 2 Nitrogen limitation of growth alone: Available phosphorus at equilibrium decreases with 3 cutting because the reduction in mineralization is greater than the reduction in uptake 4 This section proves that the reduction in available P that occurs at or below the optimum 5 cutting rate is due to the decline in mineralization compared to the decline in uptake rate. 6 7 At equilibrium, plant uptake of P is equal to plant loss of P ([A1]). Therefore the differential 8 of plant uptake of P with respect to cutting: N* d F N I* B N B* l B r N B* dl B l B 9 [A31] 10 The differential of mineralization of P from the litter with respect to cutting: 11 d mPL PL* rm PL N B* dl B mPL l PL l B 12 For the decrease in mineralization to be greater than the decrease in plant uptake, and given 13 that the change in biomass with respect to cutting is negative, it is necessary for: 14 rm PL N B* N B* l B r N B* mPL l PL l B l B 15 Rearranging [A33] and substituting in the expression for 16 for available P to decrease with cutting: [A32] [A33] 11 N B* ([A22]), it can be shown that l B Perring, Edwards and de Mazancourt: Phosphorus removal from ecosystems 1 l N B* N 1 NI * P F' NI 2 This is the same condition as the expression in the outer parentheses of [A24], for a decline 3 in available P with increases in cutting. Therefore the reduction in mineralization is greater 4 than the decline in plant uptake when available P decreases in the system with cutting at 5 equilibrium. 6 Dependence of the equilibrium reactive phosphorus pool on the available phosphorus 7 pool 8 The reactive P pool at equilibrium is given by [A6]. Taking the derivative of this with respect 9 to small increases in the available P pool at equilibrium gives: [A34] 10 k 2 k1 RS PR* * PI k 2 k1 PI* 11 [A35] is necessarily greater than 0. This confirms that the reactive pool is in dynamic 12 equilibrium with the available P pool, and whichever direction the available pool changes, 13 the reactive pool mirrors. The only exception occurs where k1 PI* k 2 ; in this case 14 PR* RS , and the reactive pool should not change at equilibrium. [A35] 2 12 Perring, Edwards and de Mazancourt: Phosphorus removal from ecosystems 1 Appendix B: Investigating transient dynamics 2 Initial Conditions 3 Table B1 presents the initial conditions used to simulate the system. To maintain consistency 4 between runs we scaled initial conditions to be proportional to equilibrium pool sizes. As 5 explained in the text, the level of available nutrient was assumed to be variable in N 6 fertilization scenarios. However, given the restrictive constraints on when cutting was 7 expected to be successful we constrained the available nutrient values, to make it more 8 likely that the condition for cutting to lower available P would be satisfied. By using low 9 available N and high available P in comparison to their equilibrium values, we attempted to 10 make it more likely that they system was highly N limited. We calculated lBopt ([A30]) using 11 initial equilibrium conditions in the absence of management as scaled in Table A2. 12 Parameter Ranges 13 Empirical estimates of parameters within the model are rare. Where possible, ranges in 14 Table B2 were constrained as being an order of magnitude difference from available sources 15 as explained below. Although these values are not from former farmland, our aim was to 16 test generalities and thus absolute values are not crucial. In some instances, we could not 17 source estimates and used wide biologically reasonable ranges. 18 19 SN was from Vitousek (2004); SP was estimated from Chadwick and others (1999). 20 21 lNI, lNL, lPI, and lPL were calculated as the amount of nutrient lost (through leaching plus 22 denitrification in the case of available N) in a given year divided by pool sizes for Kokee in 23 Hawaii. Unavailable organic losses were assumed to be losses reported as dissolved organic 13 Perring, Edwards and de Mazancourt: Phosphorus removal from ecosystems 1 nutrient. Available losses were assumed to be losses reported as dissolved inorganic 2 nutrient. Calculations for the amount of loss were derived from Table 4 and Appendix B in 3 Hedin and others (2003). We assumed that the total amount of nutrient loss shown in Table 4 4 was made up of the percentages shown in Appendix B for soil solution concentrations of 5 dissolved organic P and dissolved inorganic P. Available N was derived from total N reported 6 in Crews and others (1995), assuming that 5% of the total was plant available (Sumner 7 2000), the remainder was assumed to be the organic N pool size in our model. 8 9 r was calculated as the amount of leaf litter fall divided by the leaf biomass pool size using 10 measurements from within Herbert and Fownes (1999); α was estimated as N leaf biomass 11 pool size divided by P leaf biomass pool size. Kinetic plant uptake parameters (Umax, KN, KP) 12 were sourced from O’Neill and others (1989). 13 14 mNL was calculated using data from Riley and Vitousek (1995). We divided their estimates for 15 flux by the organic N pool size estimated above. mPL was estimated using mineralization data 16 from Harrison (1982). He worked on Lake District soils and used 32P-RNA to assess relatively 17 labile litter P mineralization. He added 780ngP cm-3 labelled with 32P. 28ngP cm-3 day-1 was 18 mineralized giving a mineralization rate constant of 0.036 day-1. We assumed that this was 19 proportional for the year, but given that he only examined very fast turnover litter, we 20 assumed that the rate constant was an order of magnitude slower. 21 22 We could not find estimates for lB, k1, k2 and RS, and therefore used wide biologically 23 reasonable ranges for these parameters. 14 Perring, Edwards and de Mazancourt: Phosphorus removal from ecosystems 1 Simulations: Notes on methodology and limitation scenarios 2 The text describes in general how we carried out simulations into management. In cutting 3 simulations, we checked whether the optimum level of cutting (calculated from initial 4 conditions) was positive, and whether it allowed plant persistence at equilibrium. We then 5 applied this initial optimum level throughout the management time period (50 years), 6 bearing in mind that the optimum level would change through time due to variation in the 7 state variables of the system (see below). We also checked whether systems eventually 8 converged to equilibrium with and without cutting. For N fertilizer simulations, we checked 9 whether plants could persist at equilibrium in the absence of fertilizer. Where persistence 10 was possible, we added 50kgN ha-1 y-1 for 50 years, and compared the reactive and available 11 pools at the end of the simulation in managed and unmanaged scenarios. 12 13 Tables 1 and 2 summarize the range of limitation scenarios. Table B3 gives all the possible 14 limitation scenarios for both N fertilization and cutting simulations. For cutting simulations, 15 category A (N limited throughout in both managed and unmanaged scenarios) was 16 subdivided into the following categories, taking into account how the optimum level of 17 cutting could change through the simulation: 18 19 A1: Applied level was below the calculated optimum in both managed and unmanaged 20 scenarios (top two rows of Table 1). 21 A2: Applied level was below the calculated optimum in managed scenarios, and was above 22 in unmanaged scenarios. 15 Perring, Edwards and de Mazancourt: Phosphorus removal from ecosystems 1 A3: Applied level was above the calculated optimum in managed scenarios, and was below 2 in unmanaged scenarios. 3 A4: Applied level was not always above nor below the calculated optimum in managed 4 scenarios, always above or below in unmanaged scenarios. 5 A5: Applied level was always above or below the calculated optimum in managed scenarios, 6 whereas it changed in the unmanaged scenarios. 7 A6: Applied level changed in relation to the calculated optimum in both managed and 8 unmanaged scenarios. 9 A7: Applied level was above the calculated optimum in managed scenarios, and was below 10 in unmanaged scenarios. 11 Parameter values for figures 12 Figure 2: 13 Parameter values for unperturbed system in a): SN: 18.5; SP: 0.006; lNI: 0.008; lNL: 0.0001; mNL: 14 0.001; lPI: 0.00002; lPL: 0.000001; mPL: 0.009; r: 0.011; c: 0; Umax: 9.5; KN: 64.6; KP: 6; α: 4.4; k1: 15 0.009; k2: 0.24; RS: 261. 16 Parameter values for unperturbed system in b): SN: 33; SP: 0.07; lNI: 0.021; lNL: 0.0017; mNL: 17 0.05; lPI: 0.00005; lPL: 0.00003; mPL: 0.009; r: 0.015; c: 0; Umax: 20.1; KN: 227.6; KP: 37.8; α: 8.8; 18 k1: 0.12; k2: 0.63; RS: 105 19 Figure 3: 20 Parameter values for unperturbed system in a): SN: 1.1; SP: 0.009; lNI: 0.064; lNL: 0.0002; mNL: 21 0.01; lPI: 0.0001; lPL: 0.000001; mPL: 0.0009; r: 0.026; c: 0.00001; Umax: 20.9; KN: 39.2; KP: 1.5; 22 α: 5.98; k1: 0.002; k2: 0.22; RS: 780. 16 Perring, Edwards and de Mazancourt: Phosphorus removal from ecosystems 1 Parameter values for unperturbed system in b): SN: 2.7; SP: 0.02; lNI: 0.0018; lNL: 0.0017; mNL: 2 0.04; lPI: 0.00001; lPL: 0.00004; mPL: 0.001; r: 0.89; c: 0.00005; Umax: 32.2; KN: 11.54; KP: 45; α: 3 5.86; k1: 0.0224; k2: 0.296; RS: 1122. 17 Perring, Edwards and de Mazancourt: Phosphorus removal from ecosystems 1 Appendix C: Robustness of model to assumptions 2 (1) 3 Our model does not include a potentially important loss from agricultural systems: that of 4 particulate reactive P (Jordan and Smith 1985; Heckrath and others 1995; Haygarth and 5 Condron 2004). Including this loss would lower the equilibrium reactive pool size but 6 otherwise should not alter the equilibrium insights. Where N fertilization lowers available P 7 the reactive P would also decrease as it buffers the available P pool. Given that the transient 8 dynamics mirrored our equilibrium expectations with N fertilization, there is no reason to 9 suspect that including this loss would substantially alter our conclusions. Furthermore, Particulate loss 10 particulate loss from the reactive P pool may become a less important loss pathway as the 11 system moves from its former cropland status given that susceptibility to erosion should 12 decline as vegetative cover increases. However, organic P particulate loss may increase. This 13 would not alter the conclusions presented here. 14 15 (2) N impact on P mineralization 16 Management may have other dynamic impacts on ecosystem P fluxes. In particular, N has 17 been shown to increase the activity of phosphatase enzymes (Olander and Vitousek 2000; 18 Treseder and Vitousek 2001; Pilkington and others 2005), potentially increasing the supply 19 and therefore availability of P, through organic matter mineralization. However, short term 20 N addition does not necessarily lead to increased root phosphatase enzyme activity, 21 probably dependent on the continuing status of N limitation within the system (Johnson and 22 others 1999). Therefore, P mineralization would increase where the system goes into P 23 limitation, in which case N fertilizer should not be added as already presented. 24 (3) N impact on reactive P - available P exchange reaction 18 Perring, Edwards and de Mazancourt: Phosphorus removal from ecosystems 1 N fertilization often leads to acidification depending on the type of fertilizer applied 2 (Condron and Goh 1990; Eviner and others 2000; Crawley and others 2005). This can 3 influence parameters associated with the dynamic between the plant available and reactive 4 P pools and may therefore influence the success of management. Reactive P should still 5 decrease in size where plant growth is increased by N addition however. Furthermore, we 6 suggest that only non-acidifying fertilizers should be used, such as ammonium nitrate. At any 7 rate, acidification should be avoided as this tends to depress species diversity (Crawley and 8 others 2005), and is difficult to revert. The application of lime to counteract any acidification 9 should also be avoided as it may increase the reactive P pool by increasing the sorption 10 capacity of the soil, given the propensity of phosphate to bind to calcium (Tiessen and others 11 1984). 12 (4) 13 Cutting, and more likely N fertilization, could lead to changed N to P ratios either through 14 changed community composition or directly through a plastic response of plants, to 15 fertilization in particular (Tilman 1998; Gusewell 2004). This would be contrary to our 16 assumption of a fixed ratio. Our conclusions should not be changed by assuming a plastic 17 ratio: available and reactive P should still decline with N fertilization providing P uptake is 18 maintained. There are no obvious reasons to suspect that the rare and marginal success of 19 cutting would be altered with changed ratios although cutting may lead to the introduction 20 of species that demand more P and thus could lead to reduced available and reactive P pool 21 sizes. The converse may be equally likely. Mathematical results will likely change (Grover 22 2003). Community compositional change/direct change in ratio could have further impacts 23 upon litter quality, thereby influencing mineralization rates that may subsequently alter P 24 availability too (Hobbie 1992; Knops and others 2001). 25 (5) Variable N to P ratios Plant nutrient uptake limited by diffusion 19 Perring, Edwards and de Mazancourt: Phosphorus removal from ecosystems 1 We have assumed that uptake of nutrient by the plants is solely limited by nutrient 2 concentration, as presented by O’Neill (1989). However, the supply of nutrient to plant roots 3 may not depend on concentration and may rather depend on the diffusion of the nutrient 4 (Tinker and Nye 2000). This is unlikely to apply to N, given its high mobility (Tinker and Nye 5 2000; Raynaud and Leadley 2004), but P could be diffusion limited. We would argue that in 6 such cases, P would be limiting for plant growth, unlikely to be a management problem and 7 a constraint to species diversity. 20 Perring, Edwards and de Mazancourt: Phosphorus removal from ecosystems 1 Literature cited 2 Chadwick, O. A., L. A. Derry, and others (1999). "Changing sources of nutrients during four 3 million years of ecosystem development." Nature 397: 491-497. 4 Condron, L. M. and K. M. Goh (1990). "Nature and availability of residual phosphorus in long- 5 term fertilized pasture soils in New Zealand." Journal of Agricultural Science, 6 Cambridge 114: 1-9. 7 8 9 Crawley, M. J., A. E. Johnston, and others (2005). 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Species composition, species diversity, and ecosystem processes: 14 understanding the impacts of global change. Successes, limitations, and frontiers in 15 ecosystem sciences. M. L. Pace and P. M. Groffman. New York, Springer-Verlag: 452- 16 472. 17 18 Tinker, P. B. and P. H. Nye (2000). Solute movement in the rhizosphere. Oxford, Oxford University Press. 19 Treseder, K. K. and P. M. Vitousek (2001). "Effects of soil nutrient availability on investment 20 in acquisition of N and P in Hawaiian rain forests." Ecology 82(4): 946-954. 21 22 Vitousek, P. M. (2004). Nutrient cycling and limitation: Hawai'i as a model system. Princeton, Princeton University Press. 23 Perring, Edwards and de Mazancourt: Phosphorus removal from ecosystems 1 2 Figure A1 PI* l Bopt Increasing 3 24 lB Perring, Edwards and de Mazancourt: Phosphorus removal from ecosystems 1 Figure Legends 2 Figure A1: Schematic of change in available P pool (PI*) at equilibrium as cutting increases 3 when plant growth is N limited. In most cases, available P will increase given the reduction in 4 plant uptake due to decreased biomass (top solid black line). However, [A25] indicates that 5 in systems where recycling of P is sufficiently greater than recycling of N, and plant growth is 6 sufficiently N limited, available P may decline at equilibrium following increased losses 7 through cutting (bottom solid black line). The inequality in [A25] can not be satisfied for all 8 cutting rates and thus available P will increase at equilibrium beyond some optimal cutting 9 level ( l Bopt ) denoted by the dashed line. Too high a rate of cutting will make plant 10 persistence unfeasible, and available pools will then tend to the ratio of available input over 11 available loss. 12 25 Perring, Edwards and de Mazancourt: Phosphorus removal from ecosystems 1 Table A1: Conditions for Available Phosphorus Decline at Equilibrium Limitation Status Management Type Of System N fertilization Cutting Available P declines: N Limited Available P declines l NI F ' N I N B N P l B P Available P declines†: Co-limited Available P declines P limited No change in available P N 26 l NI P l B P F N I , PI NB N I Available P increases Perring, Edwards and de Mazancourt: Phosphorus removal from ecosystems 1 Table A2: Evaluating the Co-limited Condition for Available P Reduction Available P response [A28] True [A28] False Increase 0 99381 Decrease 619 0 27 Perring, Edwards and de Mazancourt: Phosphorus removal from ecosystems 1 Table B1: Initial Conditions for Simulations State Variable Initial Value Plant Biomass N B [0] Unavailable soil organic and litter N Unavailable soil organic and litter P Comment N B* 100 In all simulation scenarios. Equilibrium N L* N L [0] 100 In all simulation scenarios. Equilibrium PL [0] value calculated with no management value calculated with no management In all simulation scenarios. Equilibrium PL* 100 value calculated with no management With N addition. Plant available N N I [0] * I N 100 N I* 10 With cutting simulations, 1/10 equilibrium value calculated without cutting With N addition. Plant available P PI [0] PI* 100 PI* 10 With cutting simulations, 1000 times equilibrium value calculated without cutting Reactive P RS In all simulations 2 28 Perring, Edwards and de Mazancourt: Phosphorus removal from ecosystems 1 Table B2: Parameter Dimensions, Definitions, and Ranges used for Simulations Parameter Dimension Minimum Maximum Value Value Meaning SN kg ha-1 y-1 Available N input 0.7 70 l NI y-1 Available N loss rate constant 0.001 0.1 lB y-1 0.00001* 0.001* r y-1 0.01 1 0.00002 0.002 0.0009 0.09 Plant biomass loss rate constant: cutting Plant death rate constant to unavailable organic matter Unavailable N loss rate l NL y-1 constant Mineralization of N rate mNL y-1 constant SP kg ha-1 y-1 Available P input 0.0009 0.09 l PI y-1 Available P loss rate constant 0.000006 0.0006 l PL y-1 0.000001 0.0001 mPL y-1 0.0004 0.04 Dimensionless 1.3 130 RS kg ha-1 100 10000 Unavailable P loss rate constant Mineralization of P rate constant Plant biomass N:P Maximum density of reactive P sorption sites k1 ha kg-1 y-1 Adsorption rate constant 0.00001 1 k2 y-1 Desorption rate constant 0.00001 1 U max y-1 0.9 90 4.5 450 Maximum uptake rate constant KN kg ha-1 Half saturation constant for N 29 Perring, Edwards and de Mazancourt: Phosphorus removal from ecosystems KP kg ha-1 Half saturation constant for P 1 30 1.3 130 Perring, Edwards and de Mazancourt: Phosphorus removal from ecosystems 1 Table B3: Limitation Scenarios for Transient Simulations Ecosystem Category Managed Unmanaged A N limitation throughout N limitation throughout B N to P limitation N limitation throughout C Multiple limitation N limitation throughout D P limitation throughout P limitation throughout E* P to N limitation P limitation throughout F* Multiple limitation P limitation throughout G N to P limitation N to P limitation H* Multiple limitation N to P limitation I P to N limitation P to N limitation J Multiple limitation P to N limitation K Multiple limitation Multiple limitation L* N limitation throughout N toP limitation M P limitation throughout P to N limitation N* N limitation throughout Multiple limitation O N to P limitation Multiple limitation P P limitation throughout Multiple limitation Q P to N limitation Multiple limitation 2 31 Perring, Edwards and de Mazancourt: Phosphorus removal from ecosystems 1 Table B4: Average Responses to Parameter Perturbations of +/- 10%. 10% increase Parameter Available P Reactive P 10% decrease Plant P Available P % Reactive P Plant P % SN 9.51 4.87 -0.26 -5.56 -4.16 0.14 l NI -0.04 -0.05 0.25 0.04 0.05 -0.25 r -0.8 -0.72 1.86 0.96 0.87 -1.9 l NL 0.01 0.001 0.06 -0.007 -0.002 -0.06 m NL 0.17 0.3 -3.35 -0.13 -0.44 3.38 SP 0.17 0.16 -0.03 -0.17 -0.16 0.03 l PI 0.001 0.001 0 -0.001 -0.002 0 l PL -0.001 -0.001 0.001 0.0004 0.0005 -0.001 mPL -0.25 -0.33 -0.83 0.26 0.37 0.74 -7.27 -7.52 1.71 13.5 9.58 -5.45 RS -0.67 -0.38 0.46 0.73 0.38 -0.66 k1 -0.49 -0.46 0.38 0.53 0.5 -0.52 k2 0.22 0.82 0.34 -0.13 -0.83 -0.45 U max 0.69 0.61 -0.53 -0.78 -0.68 0.48 KN -0.09 -0.06 0.006 0.09 0.06 -0.007 KP -0.6 -0.54 0.4 0.66 0.6 -0.53 2 32 Perring, Edwards and de Mazancourt: Phosphorus removal from ecosystems 1 Table Legends 2 Table A1: Conditions for decline at equilibrium also give hypotheses for the transient effect, 3 following perturbations to the amount of nitrogen added to the system, or following cutting 4 and removal of plant biomass. Equations are defined within the main text to the Digital 5 Appendices. 6 † 7 However, simulations with a wide range of parameters showed that providing conditions 8 were as above, the differential of available phosphorus with respect to cutting was positive 9 or negative at equilibrium as expected (Table A2). : In the case of the co-limited model, it was not possible to derive analytical conditions. 10 Table A2: Equilibrium results when evaluating the co-limited condition for a reduction in 11 available phosphorus following cutting ([A28]) using simulations taking parameters randomly 12 from biologically reasonable ranges. There were no cases where the inequality was satisfied 13 but available phosphorus increased, and vice versa, suggesting that the condition is a valid 14 approximation. 15 Table B1: No legend 16 Table B2: * In nitrogen addition simulations. The cutting value could be outside of this value 17 in the cutting simulations, depending on the other parameter values of the system, with lB 18 set to 0 in the no management scenario for cutting simulations. 19 Table B3: * These categories are not possible given N fertilization management. 20 Table B4: Table gives average sensitivity of responses pooled across systems shown in 21 Figures 2 and 3. The number shown is the percentage difference between the magnitude of 22 response to management in the original simulation and the response in the perturbed, 23 averaged across simulations. Qualitative dynamics were similar to those in the Figures, that 33 Perring, Edwards and de Mazancourt: Phosphorus removal from ecosystems 1 is, where management led to a decline in reactive P in the unperturbed scenario, this decline 2 was maintained with altered parameters, hence pooled responses were examined. A 3 positive result means that the percentage difference between pool sizes given management 4 was greater following perturbation to the parameter. This table does not indicate whether 5 pool sizes between managed and unmanaged increased or decreased following 6 management. 7 8 9 10 11 34