
Science is continuing to take on an important role in an increasingly technological society. The science
curriculum has been designed to help students meet some of the future challenges they may confront. Successful
completion of a chosen science scope and sequence will allow students to enter college, the military, or the work
force with the necessary knowledge and skills to be scientifically literate, and to be competitive in their future
The State of Ohio’s science standards requires for all students to pass three years of science. It also highly
recommends that all freshmen will have taken some form of Physical Science and Biological Science by the end of
their sophomore year.
Each Student:
● Must fulfill the Board of Education requirement in Science by satisfactorily completing a
minimum of three (3) credits from this curriculum.
● May select additional elective courses to meet special needs or interests.
Grade 9
Physical Science Integrated, Biology, Biology Honors
Grade 10
Biology, Biology Honors, Science Elective
Grades 11 and 12
One or more science elective
Electives: (asterisk indicates a one-semester course)
Materials Engineering Science
Chemistry Honors AP Chemistry
AP Environmental
AP Biology
Physics AP Physics
AP Physics 2
*Human Anatomy & Physiology
*Microbiology *Physical Geology *Environmental Science - Ecology *Environmental Science - Human
Although only 3 science credits are required for graduation, it is recommended for college bound students to take
four years of science. Such students are encouraged to take any combination of Chemistry, Physics, AP courses, or
elective courses. Students can take more than one science course per year, and are encouraged to do so if it fits
into their schedules.
Physical Science is an exploration of the physical world. It introduces students to key concepts and theories that
provide a foundation for further study in other sciences and advanced science disciplines. It is a mix of physics,
chemistry, Earth and space science. There are two levels of this course from which to choose. Both sections of
Physical Sciences include the same course content. Any differences will be in approach and emphasis.
Physical Science Integrated
Credit: 1 C.U.
This course, comprised of the Ohio Common Core Standards for High School Physical Science, will focus on
concepts in physics, chemistry, Earth and space sciences.
Grade level: 9
Fee required
Biological Sciences explore the world of living things. It is taken during the freshman or sophomore year,
depending on the fulfillment of prerequisites. There are two levels for Biology. Both sections of Biology include the
same course content. Any differences will be in approach and emphasis.
This course will include all the Common Core Standards for High School Biological Science.
Grade level: 10
Credit: 1 C.U
Fee required
Biology Honors
Credit: 1 C.U.
This course will include the Common Core Standards for High School Biological Science. It is designed for a student
who can learn at a faster pace, who anticipates taking one or more AP science courses in subsequent years.. This
course will move at an accelerated pace, allowing time for enrichment. Enrichment may include going above the
standards by exploring concepts with more depth, extensions of related topics, and student interest based
Grade level: 10
Prerequisite: An A or B average in previous science course or teacher recommendation. Students must be enrolled
in Geometry Honors or higher math.
Fee required
Human Anatomy and Physiology
(Semester course)
Credit: ½ C.U.
This course is designed to give an in-depth understanding of the structures and functions of the human body. The
subject matter will focus on four areas: the language of anatomy and physiology, the body systems (Muscular
System, Nervous System, Digestive System, etc.), the interrelatedness of the organ systems, and the major
pathologies/diseases of the individual organ systems. This course will include multiple labs and activities including
several dissections throughout the term.
Prerequisites: Biology and Chemistry (or taking Chemistry concurrently).
Fee Required
(Semester course) Credit: ½ C.U.
Microbiology is the study of microscopic living things. This course would serve as a continuation of biology and life
science by focusing mainly on the structure and function of bacteria, fungus, mold, and viruses. Topics covered
within the class would be structure, metabolism, controlling organism growth (antibiotics, vaccines, etc.), and the
disease causing nature of these organisms and their genetics. This class would have a laboratory component
covering topics such as microscopy, staining, and environmental microbial sampling, streaking, and observation.
Prerequisites: Biology and Chemistry (or taking Chemistry concurrently).
Fee required
Advanced Placement (AP) Biology
Credit: 1 C.U
This is a college freshman-level biology course. Class activities include preparation for the required examination
administered through the College Entrance Examination Board in May. Textbook studies and laboratory work are
combined to make this a fast-paced study for selected capable students who have successfully completed biology
and chemistry with a solid A or high B average. A college textbook is used.
Prerequisite: Biology and Chemistry – with a B average or higher in science courses.
Application required.
Fee required
Credit: 1 C.U.
Chemistry is a yearlong course intended for the college-bound student. The course will briefly review and expand
on topics introduced in freshman Physical Science. Further development of these topics, along with the addition of
more descriptive and quantitative topics will be explored. These topics include the study of chemical interactions
and the structure and properties of matter. Laboratory activities will introduce, support and apply the various
concepts explored in class. Chemistry is an important prerequisite for AP Biology and AP Chemistry.
Prerequisites: Should be concurrently enrolled in Algebra 2 or higher, and achieved a “C” or above in Biology or
Honors Biology. Seniors must also have successfully completed the Science and Math portions of the OGT.
Fee required
Chemistry Honors
Credit: 1
Chemistry Honors is for students intending to major in science, medicine or engineering. It will prepare
students for AP Chemistry, and college-level science courses. The course will move at a faster pace, and cover the
material more in-depth. Additional topics will include chemical kinetics and equilibrium, electrochemistry, and an
introduction to thermodynamics. The Chemistry Honors curriculum will challenge the student to acquire
knowledge independently and to master abstract concepts. Laboratory activities will introduce, support and apply
the various concepts explored in class. This course is strongly suggested for those students planning on enrolling in
AP Chemistry.
Prerequisites: In addition to the requirements for Chemistry, students should be concurrently enrolled in Precalculus or higher, with a “B” or higher in Biology or Honors Biology.
Fee required
Advanced Placement (AP) Chemistry
1 C.U.
AP Chemistry is a college-level course that follows the course syllabus as established by the College Board.
Intended for students interested in entering the sciences, medicine, engineering and related fields, or to advance
their knowledge of chemistry. Students will examine, at an advanced level, atomic and molecular structure and
interactions, solution stoichiometry, chemical kinetics and equilibrium, electrochemistry, thermodynamics, and
organic chemistry. Extensive independent study is essential for success, and an intensive lab component is
provided. Students will take the AP Chemistry Examination at the end of the course (AP Exam fee required). A
college textbook is used. A summer assignment is required.
Prerequisites: “B” or higher in Chemistry or Chemistry Accelerated, concurrent enrollment in Pre-Calculus or
higher, teacher recommendation.
Fee required
Environmental Science - Ecology
(Semester course) Credit: ½ C.U.
Environmental Ecology is an upper level semester course designed to show thematic connections between a
variety of science disciplines including biology, chemistry, and physics. The course will focus on ecosystem
dynamics, evolutionary biology, atmosphere, weather and biogeochemical cycles . The course is meant to be
taken in conjunction with physical geology or as a precursor to Environmental Human impact to fulfill a full year
science requirement.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Physical Science and Biology
Fee required
Environmental Science - Human Impact
(Semester course) Credit: ½ C.U.
Environmental Human Impact is an upper level semester course designed to demonstrate the human impact on
the natural world and humans dependence on the natural world. The course will focus on: Energy and food
resources, pollution, land management, human population and climate change. The course is meant as a
continuation and application of environmental ecology to fulfill a full year science requirement. This is also a good
introductory course for those who are interested in continuing with AP Environmental Science.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Envir Science - Ecology with a C or higher, or Honors Bio with a C or
Fee required
Physical Geology
(Semester course) Credit: ½ C.U.
Physical Geology is an upper level semester course in selected earth science topics. Scientific inquiry will engage
the students in the study of the following topics: rocks & minerals, Earth’s history, plate tectonics, glaciers, and
structural geology. There will be an environmental focus throughout the course. This course may be taken in
conjunction with Environmental Science - Ecology to fulfill a full year science requirement.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of Physical Science and Biology
Fee required
Advanced Placement (AP) Environmental Science
1 C.U.
AP Environmental Science is designed to be the equivalent of an introductory college course in environmental
science. The goal of the Environmental Science AP course is to provide students with scientific principles, concepts
and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the natural world, to identify and analyze
environmental problems both natural and human-made, to evaluate the relative risks associated with these
problems, and to examine alternative solutions for resolving or preventing them. The lab portion is a vital part of
the course and due to the nature of the course, extended lab time during academic options and weekend field
trips to different locations will be necessary. A summer assignment is required.
Prerequisites: Grade of B or higher in Physical Science and Biology, successful completion of Algebra II and
Chemistry (Chemistry can be taken concurrently), and application.
Fee required
Materials in Engineering Science
1 C.U.
Materials in Engineering Science is the study of the materials we use every day: metals, ceramics, polymers and
composites. Material scientists and material engineers seek to understand the fundamental relationships between
the structure, properties, processing and performance of materials so that we can synthesize new materials,
develop improved processes for making materials and understand the role of materials in the changing
environment of tomorrow. It doesn’t matter what you are looking at, hitting a baseball with, skiing down a hill
with, writing with, sitting on, cooking with, driving, flying, firing, or welding, you are working with these materials.
If you are interested in what things are made of, how their properties make them this way and how to make them
better, this may be the course for you.
Prerequisites: Physical Science and Biology
Credit: 1 C.U.
Physics is the science of energy, forces and motion. The course provides important fundamentals for all collegebound students who will use technology, either directly or indirectly. Physics is the basis of all engineering and
technology. Students also learn to understand the physical processes that occur in our everyday lives and in the
universe around us. Major topic areas include motion, forces, energy, gravity, electricity, and waves. We may also
briefly explore topics in astronomy, relativity and thermal physics. Students will learn to apply math skills and
should have a non-programmable scientific calculator.
Grade levels: 10, 11, 12
Prerequisites: Completion of Algebra 2. A “C” or higher in all math courses.
Fee required
Physics Honors
Credit: 1 C.U.
Physics Honors is a course for students who are interested in pursuing college majors in the physical science
(physics/chemistry) or engineering disciplines, or for students with strong interests and aptitudes in these areas.
Topics of study will include motion, forces, energy, sound, optics, electricity, and magnetism. Physics uses
mathematics as a tool to describe the physical world, therefore students who enroll in Physics Honors are
expected to have strong mathematical reasoning skills. Students will also routinely be expected to actively
participate in inquiry-based laboratory investigations which often involve computer-based data collection
interfaces. Upon completion of this course, students will be adequately prepared to enroll in AP Physics.
Prerequisites: Completion of Algebra 2. A “B” or higher in all math courses
Advanced Placement (AP) Physics 2
Credit: 1 C.U.
AP Physics 2 is a second-year course in physics that covers topics in electricity, magnetism, fluid mechanics,
thermal physics, waves, optics, and atomic and nuclear physics. The major goals of the course are to create an
understanding of the basic principles and to apply these principles in the solution of problems. The course will use
guided inquiry and student-centered learning to foster the development of critical thinking and laboratory skills.
Credit or advanced placement for the Physics B 2 course will provide the student with an opportunity either to
have an accelerated college program or to meet a basic college science requirement for a one semester course.
Pre-requisites: You must complete Physics, Physics Honors, or AP Physics 1 and Pre-Calculus with a “B” or higher
grade average in both courses to enroll in AP Physics 2.
Fee required
(Semester course)
Credit: ½ C.U.
The use of robotic technology is becoming increasingly common in today’s society, and the study of robotics
provides an exciting opportunity for students to learn about the engineering design process. Throughout this
project-based curriculum, students will learn about topics such as mechanical power transmission, drivetrain
design, and lifting mechanisms and how they apply to mobile robotics. Students will also integrate sensors into
their robot designs and use a C-based programming language to create robots that can accomplish tasks
autonomously. Most of the course will focus around task-based challenges and class competitions. Any student
with interests in engineering or computer science is encouraged to enroll.
Prerequisites: Completion of Algebra 2. A “C” or higher in all math courses.
Fee required