Max McKinley, Kirby Allen, and Page Secreast Dr. Jamir Brit. Lit 28 October 2013 Macbeth Plot Act 1 Scene 1 Witches talk about meeting Macbeth Scene 2 Captain talks to King Duncan about the battle Macbeth becomes Thane of Cawdor Scene 3 Macbeth and Banquo get their prophecies Macbeth will become King and Banquo’s children will become King Scene 4 Malcolm is now Prince of Cumberland Scene 5 Lady Macbeth reads the letter from Macbeth about prophecies Macbeth returns to his castle King Duncan goes to Macbeth’s castle Act 2 Scene 1 Banquo and Macbeth talk about witches Macbeth asks Banquo for his allegiance when the time is right Macbeth has soliloquy about dagger He convinces himself that killing the king is logical Macbeth hears bell Scene 2 Macbeth kills Duncan Returns to Lady Macbeth with the dagger Macbeth kills chambermaids They put on pajamas and wash blood away Scene 3 The Porter has a soliloquy He talks about who could be at the door Macduff and Lennox are at the door They learn the King are dead Talk about who could have done it Macbeth and Lady Macbeth act like they don’t know who killed Duncan Malcolm goes to England Donalbaine goes to Ireland Scene 4 Ross and old man are talking Nature is being odd Macduff suspects Donalbaine and Malcolm killed Duncan Macduff goes to Fife Act 3 Scene 1 Banquo and Macbeth are talking about prophecies Banquo is leaving Macbeth talks to two of the three murderers and manipulates them Scene 2 Lady Macbeth and Macbeth are talking and are thinking about “the deed” Macbeth doesn’t tell Lady Macbeth about plan to kill Banquo to gain control Lady Macbeth feels guilty Macbeth continues to fall apart Scene 3 Third murderer shows up Banquo is killed and Fleance escapes Scene 4 At Banquet with Macbeth and other Nobles Macbeth talks to murderers Ghost of Banquo shows up and scares Macbeth Macbeth is hallucinating Lady Macbeth covers for him by saying he has a mental illness Macbeth wants to go talk to witches Scene 5 Witches talk to their master, Hectate, who feels left out Hectate says the will meet in Hell to discuss plan to und Macbeth Music and song at end of scene Scene 6 Lennox suspects Macbeth killed Duncan There is an upcoming battle between Edward, (Malcolm), and Macbeth Act 4 Scene 1 Witches meet and make potion with different animals in haunt They are chanting and singing Macbeth enters and sees three apperations 1st- head with armor- Beware of Macduff 2nd- bloody child- Macbeth will not have children 3rd- a child crowned with tree in hand- Malcolm will become King Lennox enters and tells Macbeth that Macduff has fled to England Macbeth plans to kill Macduff’s wife and children, while Macduff is not at his castle Scene 2 Macbeth’s plan is executed Lady Macduff is warned Son challenges his mother. He is smart for his age She is afraid and angry at Macduff for leaving She tells son that his father is dead to them Woman and son are killed Scene 3 Malcolm and Macduff are talking Malcolm acts badly to test Macduff Ross gave Macduff the news of his family Act 5 Scene 1 Lady Macbeth is sleepwalking/ ill because she feels guilt Doctor says only God can heal her Scene 2 At Dunsinane, a fort Word got out about Macbeth being mentally ill Lennox doesn’t like Macbeth, most don’t Scotts have split between Malcolm and Macbeth Scene 3 Macbeth tries to rationalize away fear Servant tells Macbeth about 10,000 men behind Malcolm Macbeth is mean to servant and doesn’t believe him Macbeth wants to fight Lady Macbeth dies and Doctor tells Macbeth Scene 4 Malcolm’s army pretends to be trees in Birnam Forest Scene 5 Macbeth says Lady Macbeth would have died anyway Macbeth is in a hopeless place Macbeth is told about Birnam moving Scene 6 Malcolm and men take off trees and are ready to announce themselves Scene 7 Young Seward fights Macbeth and loses Macduff calls Macbeth a tyrant Scene 8 Macbeth is killed by Macduff Seward learns of his son’s death and is proud of the way he died Macduff holds up Macbeth’s head Malcolm’s end speech thanks those who helped fight against Macbeth