math web sites

Some Useful Electronic
Mathematical Resources ( A service of automated e-print archives of articles in the fields of
mathematics, nonlinear science, computer science, and physics.
Catalog of Mathematics Resources on the WWW and the Internet (
CFD Codes List ( codes p.html). Free software.
CFD Resources Online ( Software, modeling and numerics,
Computer Handbook of ODEs ( ecterrab/handbook odes.html). An
online computer handbook of methods for solving ordinary differential equations.
Deal.II ( Finite element differential equations analysis library.
Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures—NIST ( The dictionary
of algorithms, algorithmic techniques, data structures, archetypical problems, and related
DOE ACTS Collection ( The Advanced CompuTational Software (ACTS)
Collection is a set of software tools for computation sciences.
EEVL: Internet Guide to Engineering, Mathematics and Computing (
Cross-search 20 databases in engineering, mathematics, and computing.
EqWorld: World of Mathematical Equations ( Extensive information
on algebraic, ordinary differential, partial differential, integral, functional, and other mathematical
FOLDOC—Computing Dictionary ( The free online
dictionary of computing is a searchable dictionary of terms from computing and related
Free Software ( Download free software packages for scientificengineering
FSF/UNESCO Free Software Directory (
GAMS: Guide to Available Mathematical Software ( A cross-index and
virtual repository of mathematical and statistical software components of use in computational
science and engineering.
Google—Mathematics Websites ( A directory
of more than 11,000 mathematicsWebsites ordered by type and mathematical subject.
Google—Software ( A directory of
Mathcom—PDEs ( Partial
differential equations and finite element modeling.
MathematicalAtlas ( A collection of short articles designed to provide
an introduction to the areas of modern mathematics.
Mathematical Constants and Numbers (
html). Mathematical, historical, and algorithmic aspects of some classical mathematical constants;
easy and fast programs are also included.
MathematicalWWWVirtual Library ( A directory
of mathematics-relatedWebsites ordered by type and mathematical subject.
Mathematics Archives ( Combined archive and directory of mathematics
Websites, mailing lists, and teaching materials.
Mathematics Genealogy Project ( A large biographical database
of mathematicians.
MathematicsWebsites ( Adirectory ofmathematics
Websites ordered by type and mathematical subject.
Math Forum: InternetMathematicsLibrary ( Adirectory ofmathematics
Websites ordered by the mathematical subject.
MathGuide: SUB Gottingen ( An Internet-based subject gateway to
MathWorld: World of Mathematics ( An online encyclopedia of
mathematics, focusing on classical mathematics. The Web’s most extensive mathematical
MGNet ( Free software.
Netlib ( A collection of mathematical software, papers, and databases.
Numerical Solutions ( solutions.htm). Alibrary
of mathematical programs.
PlanetMath.Org ( An online mathematics encyclopedia.
ProbabilityWeb ( A collection of probability
resources on the World Wide Web; the pages are designed to be especially helpful to
researchers and teachers.
Science Oxygen—Mathematics ( Topics from various
sections of mathematics.
Scilab ( A free scientific software package.
Software — Differential Equations (http: / / / SW/ diffequ.html).
General resources and methods for ODEs and PDEs.
S.O.S. Mathematics ( A free resource for math review material from
algebra to differential equations.
Statistics Online Computational Resources ( Interactive distributions,
statistical analysis, virtual probability-related experiments and demonstrations, computer games,
and others.
Stat/Math Center ( statmath/bysubject/numerics.html). Numerical computing
resources on the Internet.
UW-L Math Calculator ( Calculus, differential equations,
numerical methods, statistics, and others.
Wikipedia: Free Encyclopedia—List of Open Source Software Packages (http://en.wikipedia.
org/wiki/List of open-source software packages).
Wikipedia: Free Encyclopedia—Mathematics ( A
collection of short articles from various sections of mathematics.
Wolfram Functions Site ( More than 87,000 formulas used by
mathematicians, computer scientists, physicists, and engineers; more than 10,000 graphs and
animations of the functions.
Yahoo—Mathematics Websites ( A directory of
mathematicsWebsites ordered by type and mathematical subject.
Yahoo—Software ( Adirectory of software.