Chapter 7: Survey Research A. LEARNING OUTCOMES. After studying this chapter students should be able to: Explain basic concepts about populations and samples. Describe the benefits and limitations of survey research. Describe different types of probability and nonprobability sampling, and explain why probability sampling generally is preferred. Explain the concepts of sampling error and confidence level. Discuss major factors that affect decisions about sample size. Describe the general steps in developing a questionnaire. Identify different types (i.e., formats) of questions. Explain major issues that arise in the wording and placement of questions. Describe face-to-face and telephone interviewing and the advantages and disadvantages of each. Describe mail and Internet surveys and the advantages and disadvantages of each. Explain nonresponse bias and discuss its relation to response rates. Discuss several critical thinking questions that people should ask when reading about survey results. Explain “sugging” and “frugging” and why they are unethical. B. KEYWORDS Closed-ended question Cluster sampling Confidence level Convenience sampling Inter-rater reliability Interviewer effects Likert scale Margin of sampling error Nonprobability sampling Nonrepresentative sample Nonresponse bias Open-ended question Population Probability sampling Purposive sampling Quota sampling Representative sampling Response rate Sample Sampling frame Sampling variability Self-selection Simple random sampling Social desirability bias Stratified random sampling Survey 73 74 CHAPTER 7: Survey Research C. BRIEF CHAPTER OUTLINE I. Basic Characteristics of Surveys A. Populations and Samples B. Why Conduct Surveys? C. Limitations of Surveys II. Selecting the Sample A. B. C. D. Probability Sampling Nonprobability Sampling Margin of Sampling Error and Confidence Level Why Not Aim for More Precise Estimates? III. Constructing the Questionnaire A. B. C. D. Steps in Developing a Questionnaire Types of Questions Wording the Questions: It’s Harder than You Think Placing the Questions in Order IV. Administering the Survey A. B. C. D. E. Face-to-Face Interviews Telephone Interviews Mail Surveys Online Surveys Response Rate and Nonresponse Bias V. Being a Smart Survey Consumer A. Thinking Critically About Survey Results B. Being Aware of Bogus Surveys