SOME RESULTS ON CONGRUENCE OF GLUING OF LATTICES R.Ratha Jeyalakshmi E.K.R.Nagarajan, Department of Mathematics Centre for Research and Post Graduate Mepco Schlenk Engineering College Department of Mathematics , Sivakasi – 626005 Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College (Autonomous), Tamilnadu, India. Sivakasi – 626124 The Abstract: In this paper we discuss the gluing concept was introduced by of M. Hall and R.P. congruence of Gluing of lattices. For any Dilworth [3] to prove that there exists a finite lattice L, we denote by Gn ( L) , the modular lattice that cannot be embedded gluing of the lattice L and a Boolean in any complemented modular lattice. algebra with n atoms, Bn over the filter Followed by Hall and Dilworth , in [2] F of L and an ideal I of Bn under an G.Gratzer studied about congruence isomorphism . We observe that the preserving extensions of lattices by number of congruences of Gn ( L) is 2n1 gluing. times the number of congruences of L. Key Words: Gluing, ideal, congruence and congruence lattice Introduction: filter, Definition 1[2 ]. Let K be a lattice. A lattice L is said to be a congruence preserving extension of K if L is an extension of K that is K L, and every congruence of K has exactly one and dually for the meet. If L has a zero, extension of L satisfying K . 0 L , then the last clause for the join may Definition 2 [ 2]. Let K and L be lattices. be Let F be filter of K and let I be an ideal a G b (a K 0 L ) L b if a K and b L . G contains K and L as sublattices. of L. If F is isomorphic to I with as rephrased: Infact, K is an ideal and L is a filter of G. the isomorphism, then we can form the Lemma 4 [ 2]. Let K, L, F, I and G be gluing of K and L over F and I with respect to defined as follows. given as above. Let A be a lattice containing K and L as sublattices such We form the disjoint union K L and identify a F with a I for all a F, to that K L I F . Then K L is a sublattice of A and it is isomorphic to G. Lemma 5 [2]. A congruence of G can obtain the set G. We order G as follows: be uniquely written in the form ab K L , where K is a congruence of K r ifand only if, and L is a congruence of L satisfying a K b if a, b K the condition that K restricted to F a L b if a, b L a x and (x) b if a K and b L for some x F equals L restricted to I (under the L K . identification of elements by ). Lemma 3[2]. Let K, L, F, I and G be Conversely, if K is a congruence of K given as above. Then G is a lattice. The and L is a congruence of L satisfying join in G is described by a G b= a K b if a, b K a b if a, b L L (a K x) L b if a K ,b L for any x F and x b the condition that K restricted to F equals L restricted to I, then r K L is a congruence of G. Lemma 6 [2]. If K and L are modular reflexive product K L is defined as (distributive), so is gluing G of K and L. K L ( K L ) . Lemma 7 [2]. If K and L are finite semi Definition 11 [2]. Let K and L be any modular lattices, then so is the gluing G two lattices and K L . Then every of K and L. congruence of L reflects (or restricts) Lemma 8 [2]. Let K and L be lattices, let to K: the relation K 2 K on K is F be a filter of K and let I be an ideal of a congruence of K. So, we get the L. Let be an isomorphism between F reflection map (also called restriction and I, let G be the gluing of K and L over map) re: Con(L) Con(K) that maps a F and I with respect to . If L is a congruence of L to K . congruence preserving extension of I, Construction of Gluing of Lattices: then G is a congruence preserving extension of K. r Consider a finite Boolean algebra with n atoms. Glue the lattices Bn and Corollary 9 [2]. Let K, L, F, I and be Bn with an ideal I of Bn isomorphic to given as above. If I and L are simple C2 and the filter F of lattices, then G is a Bn isomorphic to C2 congruence preserving extension of K. The map is an isomorphism between Con(K) under the isomorphism , denote by G. The lattice G is distributive as Bn is distributive. and Con(L). Lemma 1: Gluing of two Boolean algebra Definition 10 [2]. Let K and L be any two lattices. If K is a binary relation on K and L is a binary relation on L, the with two atom (2) is isomorphic to the direct product of C2 and C3 . Lemma 2: Gluing of Boolean algebra Then by lemma 2, G is isomorphic to with two atom n times is isomorphic to Cn 1 C2 . direct product of C2 and Cn1 . Now, Con(G) Con Cn1 C2 Proposition 3: Gluing of Boolean Con(Cn1 ) Con(C2 ) algebra B2 n times is a congruence Bn C2 Bn1 . preserving extension of a chain with n+2 elements. Also, G Cn 2 and Con (Cn 2 ) Bn1 . Proof. Let G be the gluing of Boolean Therefore, Con(G) Con(Cn 2 ) . algebras with two atoms ( B2 ) n times Hence the gluing of a Boolean algebra, over the filter F and an ideal I of B2 B2 n times is a distributive congruence isomorphic to C2 as shown in figure 1. preserving extension of a chain with n+2 elements. Figure1 Definition 5: For any finite lattice L, we denote by Gn ( L) , the gluing of the lattice L and a Boolean algebra with n atoms, Theorem 4. Let G be the gluing of two Bn over the filter F of L and an ideal of simple lattices A and B over the filter F I under an isomorphism such that both of A and an ideal I of B under an F and I are isomorphic to isomorphism. If I and F are simple C2 . The operations join and meet are defined as lattices, then G is simple. in definition 2 [2] and lemma 3 [2]. Proof. Let A and B be simple lattices. C3 with a We know that, if L is simple, then Example 6. Consider a chain Con(L) is isomorphic to C2 . Here filter F isomorphic to C2 and a Boolean Con(A) Con( B ) C2 . We have by algebra with two atoms B2 having an Lemma 5 [2] every congruence of G is ideal I isomorphic to F. Glue the lattices uniquely determined by A r B . But B2 over the filter F of L and an L and the congruences in both A and B are ideal I of B2 . The lattices L, B2 and trivial congruences. So, their reflexive G2 (C3 ) are shown in figure 2. products are also trivial. Therefore G has only trivial congruences. Hence G is simple. b 1 F a 1 c b b c I a a C3 B2 G2 (C3 ) Figure 2 The congruence lattice of C3 is Con( C3 ) = { ,1 , 2 , }, where - the null congruence, 1 ={(0),(a,1)}, 2 ={(0),(a,c),(b,1)} 3 ={(0)(a,b)(c,1)}; 4 ={(0ab)(c1)}; 5 ={(0ac)(b1)}; 6 {(0)(abc1)} and - all congruence. ={(0,a),(1)} and - all congruence. Therefore it is isomorphic to B3 . Hence Therefore it is isomorphic to B2 . The Con(G2 (C3 )) 2 Con(C3 ) . congruence lattice of B2 is Con( B2 ) = { ,1 , 2 , }where -the null Example 7: Consider a semi modular lattice L= N 6 with a filter F isomorphic 2 to C2 and a Boolean algebra with two ={(a,c),(b,1)} and -all congruence. atoms B2 having an ideal I isomorphic to 1 ={(a,b),(c,1)}, congruence, Therefore it is isomorphic to B2 . congruence lattice of The Glue the lattices L and B2 over the filter G2 (C3 ) ={ ,1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,6 , } where F. -the null congruence, 1 ={(0,a),(b),(c,1)}, 2 F of L and an ideal I of B2 . The lattices L, B2 , G2 ( N6 ) and Con( G2 ( N6 ) ) are shown in figure 3 e 1 d a e b c f B2 N6 1 e f 3 4 d 1 c b 2 a 0 Con(G2 ( N6 )) G2 ( N6 ) Figure 3 The congruence lattice of N 6 is The congruence lattice of B2 is Con( N 6 ) = { , , }, where - the null Con( B2 ) = { ,1 , 2 , }where -the null congruence, ={(0,a,b,d),(c,e)} and - congruence, all ={(a,c),(b,1)} and -all congruence. congruence. isomorphic to C3 . Therefore it is 1 ={(a,b),(c,1)}, Therefore it is isomorphic to B2 . 2 The congruence lattice of G2 ( N6 ) ={ ,1 , 2 ,3 , 4 , } where -the null congruence, 1 ={(0,a,b,d), (c,e), (f),(1)}, 2 ={(0),(a),(c),(b),(d,f),(e,1)} 3 ={(0,a,b,d,f),(c,e,1)}; ={(0abcde),(f1)}; - isomorphism . Let L be a L F is congruence of L. Then either equal to {(0)(a)} or {(0a)}. If L F is equal to 2n1 congruences 4 all congruence. of the gluing of Bn restricted to I. By Lemma 1.66, L r Bn is a Therefore it is isomorphic to the lattice congruence of given in figure 2. Hence Gn ( L) . Therefore corresponding to each L , there are Con(G2 ( N6 )) 2 Con( N6 ) . 2n1 Bn such that L F Bn I Theorem 8. Let L be any lattice with and L a prime filter F. Then the number of congruences of Gn ( L) is 2n1 times the number of congruences of L. Proof. Let L be any finite lattice with r Bn is a congruence of Gn ( L) . Hence Con(Gn ( L)) 2n1 Con( L) . Conclusion: In this paper we observed and proved that the congruence of gluing a prime filter F and Bn be a Boolean of any lattice L with Boolean algebra algebra with n atoms. Let I=(a] be a with two atoms is isomorphic to two prime ideal of Bn and F be a filter of times the congruence lattice of L. Also L which is isomorphic to I under an we proved that the congruences of Gn ( L) is 2n1 times the number of congruences of L. Further we study the isomorphism between the congruence of gluing of any two lattices and gluing of their congruence lattices. References: [1 ] G. Gr¨atzer, General Lattice Theory, second edition, new appendices by the author with B. A. Davey, R. Freese, B. Ganter, M. Greferath, P. Jipsen, H. A. Priestley, H. Rose, E. T.Schmidt, S. E. Schmidt, F. Wehrung, and R. Wille. Birkh¨auser Verlag, Basel, 1998. xx+663 pp. ISBN: 0-12-295750-4, ISBN: 3-7643- 52396.Softcover edition, Birkh¨auser Verlag, Basel–Boston–Berlin, 2003. ISBN: 37643- 6996-5. [2] G. 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