COMMON ABBREVIATIONS Acronyms that shorten some signifiers which designate aggregate notions. According a certain phenomenological logic and by the virtue of the quantum inseparability we frequently use conceptual aggregates DI, Last Instance (determination-in-DI) DU, Unilateral duality. FP/RP, Productive forces and relations of production which are united under RP constitute according to Marx the causality called the “last instance.” I and T, Immanence and transcendence, the two most general elementary components, or again the two variables canonically conjugated in philosophy and therefore in the generic matrix. MQ, Quantum mechanics, we take for the sake of facilitating our orientation this old and inadequate but useful expression, sometime replaced by theory or quantum physics, or by “quantum,” a term that we also use as an indeterminate generality. PMS, Principle of sufficient mathematics, one of the principles of precaution or theoretical prevention, twin formula of the PPS, it implies the suspense of the “sufficient” or encompassing use of mathematics in the quantum (and semi-encompassing in philosophy), it is the principle of the generic limitation of the mathematical ideal in these disciplines. PPS, Principle of sufficient philosophy, one of the principles of precaution and prevention, it summarizes the outstanding part of the use “sufficient” in philosophy as a doublet of transcendence, it is a principle of limitation not “critical” but generic or non-philosophical. GLOSSARY OF THE GENERIC QUANTUM To the acronyms we have already used we will add a glossary of notions specific to the generic treatment of the Quantum. It summarizes the theoretical notions necessary for the preparation of the Matrix and the conduit of experience. We leave therefore the coast of more classical philosophical terminology and convoke, above all, the quantum but in its generic version. The intertwining of concepts is such that it was found necessary to follow alphabetical order and renounce a reasoned glossary. Even the dictionary of language that one supposes is completely unknown can serve as an adequate introduction and allow one to avoid endless trial and error. Further, many of the concepts found are explained by recourse to their synonyms present in the text. This is to set a minimum of stability and the possible recognition that in the fluent use of these concepts there forms aggregates which are their super positions. The ideal, quite contrary to our reading habits being of essays or technical books belonging to determinate fields of study, will be borrow to borrow a bit of the vocabulary of physicists and philosophers and memorize a minimum of this vocabulary in the manner of the foreign language. The simple reading of this glossary shows how we digress deliberately from quantum physics in this use of its concepts, in another function or another system whose parameters are unilateral in nature. It ought to avoid confusion or the appearance of an impious treatment of scientific and generic (or philosophical) concepts which would induce in specialists a misinterpretation of the sense of this enterprise. Amplitude of futurality or virtuality. Equivalent in the generic sphere of the amplitude of probability, of the wave function or vector state based MQ. Formula or equation whose general form is that of the Matrix and which programs the quantic transformation in-the-last-instance of a corpuscular conceptual identity, law of its under-determination and its detection. This is the condition of the-last-instance under the form of a futural and virtual non-action that defines the amplitude of a thought in the process of invention. Clonality. Generic writing or particle of a concept obtained as a result of an experimentation of thought made in the Matrix. The clonality made unilaterally complimentary with virtuality or futurality. Although actual or realized unlike the immanent wave of virtuality, it exists only as writing that to the clone state or noema is detectable under the conditions of the in-the-last-instance which are virtual. It is the mode of presence of the conceptual identity in so much as that particulate is configured by the wave. The proportion of the realized cases or actually detected cases in the possible cases as programs by the virtual wave with its variables and its imaginary numbers is the generic type of “probability” or radical chance and is not a matter of quantity but the generic quantum. Clone. Undulatory yet noematic form of the particle as transcendence fallen in-immanence. Identitywithout-unity as apprehended in immanence in its completed form as a particle, including as a wave front. It is spoken in particular as the subject-form or particular-ego under the name of the “subjectStranger.” Unilateral complementarity. Effective or concrete relation of diverse dualities of the SG from the primitive duality wave/particle. Its essence is the unilateral duality and not the dialectic or exclusion according to Bohr. But we retain the term complementarity which is hardly expugnable. Rather, it acts as a sup-plementarity and a sub-plementarity, the particle being like a corpuscle added to the wave and to its radical immanence (supplementarity) which it under-determines (sub-plementarity). Configuration, particular or noematic effect of the undulatory non-action on the particle when the ripple is completed as front. Phenomenal content, including interpretations of the wave-particle duality, of the “pilot wave” or guide (of Broglie) of the particle. De-numerization and de-conceptualization. Sets about to reduce the numerical aspects of mathematical encompassing (PMS) of the MQ and of the sufficient aspects of the philosophically encompassing (PPS). The generic quantification of philosophy is a science-in-numbers of without calculation and without-transcendental. Operation of simplification of doublets (PPS) and reduction of secularity in general. In-person. Phenomenal character of the radical immanence or the One, its power to show itself as uni-lateral or uni-facial, unique face-(of)-the-One or One-in-person. The In-person is said either of immanence or of transcendence fallen in-immanence. The generic opposes itself to individual singularity and to the whole, it is immanence itself and therefore the face of transcendence or the “person” of immanence. It refers to notions reduced to radical immanence. Wave function. Formula or equation combining symbols variably philosophical or real (the One, Being, Other, Multiple, Givenness), affected by imaginary or complex numbers understood geometrically as a quarter-turn or circle, and phenomenally as unilateral duality. Designates the law of an undulatory process and not of a “state”. This old phrase is often preferred mathematically as “vector state,” the vectorality of the vector is itself a process and not a simple state object of a mathematical operation. Futural. State of that which is under-come as DI in the face of the subject-Stranger as a passive act. Non-action under-determining the first transcendence, its own experience of the “future” included. DI or the Subject after-the-first is futural or a form of virtuality. Idemmanence. Radical form, non-absolute, of immanence when it is obtained by the superposition of idempotence of algebraic origin and immanence as a concept of philosophical origin. Characterizes the generic plan as simple transcendence to distinguish the “plan of immanence” absolute (Deleuze) as being bound up with philosophical double transcendence. Idempotence. Algebraic property of certain operations (A + A = A), here interpreted philosophically as the phenomenal property of the superposition and its immanence. Principle of undulation or a priori form of the particle. Conceptual Identity. Corpuscular object or supposed as such, typical of philosophical reality, macroscopic form par excellence of thought which participates in all philosophical or standard representation (concept, term, sense, category). It is not specifically the transcendental of the One unless it is also said of any philosophical term. Received as seemingly simple, it is the object and the material of undulatory deconstruction which itself produces a quantum genesis as a “micro-identity” particle, which can reconvert itself by its objective appearance as itself macroscopic [se reconvertir par apparence objective en en soi macroscopique]. Immanental. Directly opposite transcendental, symmetrical for radical immanance. Non-relationship of immanence (par superposition) to experience, that is to say, to the particle and further to the corpuscule. Power of under-determination by the Last-Instance of double transcendence which falls in-immanance. Indirect (indirect discipline or interdiscipline). A generic discipline is indirect if it achieves its purpose by a double inseparable mediation, if the object is part of its means, if its primary means is also an object. A quantum philosophy uses philosophy not only as an object but as a means. A generic discipline of the quantum uses it as a means and not just as an object. Any object of discipline is also a way to it. The vectorial act of the module does not depend only in general on the phase but invests in it its purpose. An indirect science is that of a means before that of simple or rational “objectivity.” Mediated-without-mediation. In the language of causality, the effect such that it determines or under-determines in-the-last-instance its cause, thus it proceeds by a simple inversion of the causal order. Effect of a mediation where the cause or the act was under-determined by its effect thereby acting as a “Last Instance.” Status of what is real, immanent or phenomenal and whose act or mediation or given is dismissed as particulate transcendence. Immanence but indirect, immediacy but without transparency, indirect but immediate action at a distance but by the same distance. As the “non,” the “without” is not absolute but only radical, it is the unilateral fold of a generic plan or of an immanence which transcends even without reaching the state of particular transcendence (simple) which implies that it is fallen-in-immanence or may become perceptible as bifacial. Rather that the individual or the singularity opposed to the universal or mediated by this, it is indivi-duality or uni-laterality, being the generality sub-universal or the immanence which engenders of itself a simple transcendence and non double like the philosophical universal. The mediate-withoutmediation is the radical immanence by superposition of reciprocal mediations or of mutual interpretations of the quantum and philosophical variables of the matrix. It is not absolutely “without” mediation but it is without it radically or unilaterally. It is a space no longer divided between two bounds but which has become consistent or autonomous by immanence and no longer by transcendence. The mediated-without-mediation is undulatorily a mi-lieu but by its relationship to the philosophical circle it should be called a “fourth-place.” Imaginary or complex number. Represented geometrically by the quarter turn or circle, it is written as the square root of -1. Non real as arithmetic numbers, there is an added sense of direction and transformation. It is equivalent phenomenally and not physically to the 1/4th spin or immanent to the Last Instance which is the imaginary component. Immanent principle or pre-undulatory of the a priori wave. Non-action. Specific condition of the Last Instance or the generic Subject in so far as it is not a principle of auto-production, not so much an extreme-oriental non-action or absolute, but a radical non-action. The radical non-action is an action virtual, futural, solicited occasionally or re-launched by the repetition of an occasion on which it acts in a configuring capacity, under-determining its double transcendence. Revival of the generic Subject and occasional repetition of the wave forming a unilateral complementarity. The reaction of non-action that solicits an occasion is not constitutive or real of the action of the non-action, it is for it a simple stimulus. Non-commutability. One of the two universal principles of the MQ, of algebraic origin, on the side of the superposition. It stipulates that the inverse products of two “physical quantities” are not equal or commutable. Transformed here in a unilateral order or in the Last Instance of which it is inseparable. It now stipulates that it is generic and the philosophy that is its object and even its hermeneutic occasion are not commutable nor do they form a unilateral complementarity. Non-Einsteinian (cf. non-Gödelian, non-Schödingerian, non-Cohenian, etc.). The “non” which modalizes the proper names assigned to a theory or a system of thought is, like the “without,” a characteristic of the generic use of science or of its critical power over themselves and their own previous philosophical pretentions. The “non” speaks of the One-in-One of Einstein, of Gödel, etc. and not of their being. It has therefore a negative value extremely reduced and assumes nothing of a dialectic of contradictions or opposites, no operation of evidence, to the rigor of a neutralization or simplification of transcendence via the corpuscle passing to the state of the particle, or again of the negation of-the-last-instance. Strictly speaking, we should speak of non-negation or of nonnonthingness [néantir] without calling for a dialectic. Its effect is that of a “broken or unilateral transfer,” transcendence still losing its double form, immanence is reaffirmed or radicalized as superposition. This is the general effect of the substitution of identification or philosophical doublet with superposition. Undulation. Denoted algebraically -1. Elementary macroscopic and microscopic object for which the SG follows particular knowledge on the base of the quarter of the “imaginary” circle. Under this reduced form and deducted from the quarter is the morphological a priori of the “correlation” (the non-relationship or unilation) wave-particle. Or again, the semi-ecstatic, semi-phenomenological or unifacial distance given to the particle as a clone of the corpuscle. Undulatory. 1. Adjective or sometimes general name for everything related to the phenomenon and thematic of waves, it is opposes therefore rather to corpuscularity (individual or macroscopic bodies in which one includes the concept of its varieties). In the passage of this classical or Newtonian conception to a quantum conception of the wave and the particle, the wave phenomenon obeys new laws that we utilize for lived experience (superposition and non-commutativity, complex or imaginary numbers) which is not that of corpuscles but particles. Undulatory is used here for the interpretation of quantum waves, rarely for their macroscopic interpretation. 2. The MQ resolves mathematically the duality wave/particle in favor of the particle. Rather we give a certain privilege to the wave in general, partially distinguishing the corpuscle from the particle which is a genetic form. Wave and particle are the same and/or “distinct,” they are wave particle and corpuscle equally but this time to as a prior objective appearance. The undulatory is particulate but not in the conventional manner, the wave is not the same form as the particle (not its material) as if there was superposition and non-commutativity of the wave and the particle. The result is the unilateral duality of the wave-like particle. The wave is a radically immanent phenomenon in the capacity of superposition, the particle is the excess of simple transcendence but bifacial, competed without being closed, on the immanence which it is as well. There are therefore three types of real and reality. 1. The incomplete wave or immanence and its simple transcending (noèse), 2. The competed wave or bifacial and particular but non closed (noème), 3. The corpuscle as closed double transcendence (the object in itself). This is a generic interpretation of the phenomenological formula of “transcendence in immanence.” Oraxiom. Portmanteau (axiom and oracle) that says, under the form of a unique conceptual particle, the superposition of the mathematical axiom and the philosophical decision. The “axioms” of nonphilosophy or those who “declare” the SG and especially the DI conjugate two types of decision, one mathematical for the opening of a formal field structure, the other philosophical and arbitrary but set or the undecidable decision. The oraxiom is said of radical immanence and is underdetermined by it. Other nuances of the term, the cryptic, enigmatic, the abyssal or without-ground, the delirious, belong to philo-fiction and ought to be transformed according to the same rules. Futurality is par excellence that which is declared or performed by oraxioms. Particle. Hylomorphic entity associating without mediation, under the form of unilateral duality, the particular noematic form properly said and the material which came from the corpuscle. Simple transcendence without doublet or given in-immanence. Result of the generic deconstruction, quantum and non-textual, of philosophy. Philosophical. Term which here receives a double and not a single encompassing usage deployed according to multiple systems. 1. In its critical usage, “philosophical” then designates the sufficiency of double transcendence or of the encompassing re-affirmation of a transcendental phenomenon for one reason or another by thought. 2. In its descriptive use, any representation or thought is “philosophical” in the sense that it contains a moment of transcendence called simple or “nonphilosophical” which assists as material or means. The critique of philosophy does not aim at the first usage, the most universal among the philosophers but also the most sterile. In the second sense, the philosophical is also present even though it is extremely reduced, passing from a simple doublet, for example in the terms of the expression “non-standard non-philosophy.” Generic plan. Superposition of that which philosophy will distinguish and will be correlated as a plan of immanence and as a scientific plan-of-reference. The wave which is immanent defines a flow and not a plan, the particular a reference under the form of a plan. They form a unilateral complementarity or a uni-plan. The generic plan as scientific reference completes without closing [refermer] immanence. Positivity. Two distinct usages. 1. Ordinary practice or under the horizon of philosophizability of supposedly autonomous disciplines or sufficient in itself, philosophy understood (we call this “spontaneity”). 2. Generic practice which, although non-acting on a “negative” condition and underdetermined by the complex science-philosophy, possesses in it a positive trait of autonomy or consistency of its own, the Last Instance which determines its subtraction from transcendence and renders its status to that of an occasional cause. Quantification. Here exclusively refers to the globally generic quantum interpretation and noncalculating, non-digital, philosophy or concepts, and which properly speaking achieves itself by generic re-quantification. This usage is provided by facilitating multiple uses and the extension of the “quantum.” The numerical quantitative and the geometric, and indeed the philosophical, are “bracketed parenthetically.” It is no longer that of macroscopic “artifacts,” or at best of unilateralized particles but by no means of the determinations lifted or erased by the quantum of action then of the generic quantum. Quarter turn (quartiel). Geometrical representation of imaginary or complex numbers denoted by the square root of -1. Membership in the before-the-first under the vectorial form of immanence and transcendence (of simple transcending), it constitutes the pre-ondulatory substance of the Last Instance, at least its material if not its material implementation. It is the genetic or pre-quantum element of undulation. Quantum physics without delay superposing the undulation completed with itself. The generic superposing of the quarter with itself in superposition with the wave. It goes back to the pre-original root and algebra capable of generically founding a quantum on only the imaginary or the complex. The quarter turn is distinct from the “quadripartite” which is a theory of the quarter as four and therefore wholly under the corpuscular horizon. Real. Highly overdetermined term which designates 1. being very rarely the reality of objects based on a classical discipline, a. arithmetic in its ordinary usage of numbers to which we oppose numbers and their “imaginary” or “complex” usage, b. the metaphysical order of the One and the Multiple such that border the transcendental mechanism on their two sides and distinguish themselves from it or are material on which it encroaches by its operation, 2. being more rigorously and beyond the transcendental, the real as generic or as forced to immanence. Reality is then immanental, virtual, and even futural such that it is before-the-first, it affects all the instances which participate in radical immanence, being directly (the DI, the generic Subject) being (the particle, the ego for example). The virtual should not be confused with imagination and the philosophical virtual. Re-quantification. Procedure of production of radical immanence by “re-affirmation” or revival of the quantum variable, now as a factor under-determining the unity of the philosophical and the quantum. Characteristic of the generic matrix, it is not a doubling of transcendence, a philosophical doublet, but a superposition, therefore immanent, of a wavelike phenomenon with itself. Generic Science (SG). A combined projected of a Unified Theory of philosophy and other knowledges. That which becomes “non-philosophy” as a result of its quantum and generic comprehension. No designation gives a perfect or specular image of its object. And this covering weaves three theoretical contributions, it contains both, generically, the “science of philosophy and the “generic quantum,” its two inseparable components. “Philosophy non-standard” is preferable though vague, for reasons of simplicity, of universality, and to echo “non-philosophy,” while avoiding all the errors of interpretation committed in its past. Under- (under-consistence, under-determination, under-foundation, under-subject). Very indeterminate preposition in its philosophical uses. General effect of generic forcing (action of the non-action) when it proceeds by quantum immanence (superposition) and not by philosophical means or dialectics which combine over- and under-potentialization. Compared to philosophical and mathematical sufficiency as double transcendence, it is an effect of de-potentialization and not of de-localization. Do not confuse the phrases “being under foundation [sous fondation]” (that is to say “in a regime of auto-grounding [auto-fondation]” like a philosophy) which indicates a localization, and “to be under-founded [sous-fondé]” indicating in the contrary a certain dismemberment of the auto-grounding. “Under the quantum” signifies “in the quantum regime” of re-quantification, but not directly the effect of under-determination of transcendence. Stranger-Subject or meta-subject. By distinction from the generic Subject or DI, it is the philosophical subject such that it receives itself in-the-last-instance as a clone or immanent noema. Agent [in the] the matrix or work under a dual status which is combined unilateral complementarity, as corpuscular or philosophical but already presupposes as particulate, therefore also as symptom. The “meta” of the meta-subject is not a sign of domination, it is subtracted from double transcendence or depotentialized. Superposition. One of the two universal principles of MQ (with non-commutativity on its side it becomes the “Last Instance” and in combination with it renders unilaterality), of an algebraic origin and specific to the undulatory style. Idempotent and linear addition of two wave phenomena which yields them as one of the same type and apart of the same system. It is either constructive or destructive (cancellation of amplitudes, interference) of two concrete wave phenomena or abstract objects (complex numbers). Two waves being added are immanent in a third wave which is of the same nature, a wave. By this principle we have made here we imply a phenomenal usage of the principle of a thought which treats it as amplitude and not object. The superposition is then spoken of as an undulatory phenomenon of an essence yet also a lived experience. This is not the total or partial identification of two corpuscular or transcendental entities, they are not being added as a complement to others to form a whole, nor as a supplement that comes to exceed a whole by its self-subtraction (la différance), but as a singular wave each time (like interference). It is therefore a foreign concept to all the philosophical thematics of the position as a doublet of transcendence (pre, over-, de-position), it speaks of immanent phenomenon as simple transcending. The generic formula of the “unity of science and the subject (of philosophy) under science” is finally realized by the methodical use of superposition, it is then the revival of an immanence which carries it to its radical rather than absolute form. Transcendence. 1. Received as homogenous and general by (the) philosophy, in reality it is double or a doublet/duplicate, it is the structure of repetition most general in (the) philosophy or whatever concept, Ideal of (the) philosophy which is the door to the absolute by opposition in ideal philosophies or systems. 2. As simple or reduced by radical immanence, it necessarily and inseparably accompanies it under two states, a) as a simple and unfinished transcending of all immanence (it extends and completes immanence which is situated as its plane of scientific reference or datum). In a philosophical objet we distinguish 1. mere physical transcendence which is inseparable from an ontic material and becomes particular transcendence or noematic when the ripple ends, 2. formal or sufficient transcendence = X which doubles the material or expresses a counter effect of philosophical attraction or of the doublet, this formal transcendence will be suspended on its side by the conditions of the Last Instance as generic. Transcendental. Invariant worker, operator or principle agent for philosophies, their specific property which can be found after interpretation as a combination of transcendence and immanence in accordance with experience. It is a modality or a “degradation” of double transcendence or the absolute that is pulled more or less towards a finite and subjective relationship to the empirical. The transcendental invariant is a secret mechanism or recourse of all philosophy which can be described according to the Kantian model but “expanded” and without the Kantian doctrinal content. Under this formalization, it is fundamental (by explicit presence or claimed, or implied, rationalist, absolute dialectical or phenomenological). It is a system of two doublets, empirico-transcendental and transcendental real, more fully deployed, in which the philosophies arrive and distribute themselves. It is reduced in an immanental manner to a simple transcendence fallen in-immanence. Uni-laterality (unilaterality, unilateral duality, complementarity, unilateral complimentarity). Property of the One as One-in-One or radically immanent unifacial being or self-given under a unique face of transcendence or uni-laterally (the wave front in a ripple or wave function). A fundamental principle of the first non-philosophy, here the term is of a quantum origin (noncommutativity) and makes use of the system of quantum mechanics by adopting another one of its principles, superposition. Inseparability by/in immanence or superposition of immanence and transcendence of simple or fallen-in-immanence. Vector (vectorial). Geometric modeling of specifically vectorial and not vectorielle action. Stripped of its geometrical and philosophical transcendence, the invariant vectorial change of action. The non-action of the quarter vectorial is an action not at a distance, in accordance to its term or bifacial like “phenomenological distance” of philosophy, but semi-ecstatic or by distance itself, inseparable from its phase and invested in the same object. The vector’s change of usage, subject to a regime of quantum immanence which it helps to produce, is not molecularised and/or totalized in transcendence. It is 1. a module-phase (or immanence-transcendence) machine of an other inseparability, unilateral and non bilinear, that of cut-flows (Deleuze), 2. consisting of minimal or past material of the quarter turn as an amplitude of the experience of thought and not of desiring machines, 3. it is produced by the superposition of the unifacial or non-commutable Last Instance rather than the body without organs. Vectorial machines are not perceived as being two sided in a state of belonging in general or in a “passive synthesis” module phase when they cease to be animated generically as unifacial or radically immanent machines. Amplitude slopes (the slope and the front). “Ontological” modality of the Real, therefore the Last Instance, rather than calculation or number, state rather than statistical proportion of the Real to macroscopic reality. It is in amplitudes rather than objects, in under-coming or in under-come rather than, like for physicists, probability. It is non-mathematical probability that a conceptual particle written and configured to take the form of a lived illocalizable trace in the coordinate plane of philosophical trajectories (by horizontal and vertical transcendence, Being and One, etc.).