The Evidence-based Research of SFP 10-14 Selected Published Research Articles Spoth, R., Trudeau, L., Guyll, Shin, C., & Redmond, C. (2009). Universal intervention effects on substance use among young adults mediated by delayed adolescent substance initiation. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 77(4), 620-632. Spoth, R., Randall, G. K., & Shin C. (2008). Increasing school success through partnership-based family competency training: Experimental study of long-term outcomes. School Psychology Quarterly, 23(10), 70-89. Spoth, R., Trudeau, L., Shin, C., & Redmond, C. (2008). Long-term effects of universal preventive interventions on prescription drug misuse. Addiction, 103, 1160-1168. Trudeau L., Spoth, R., Randall, K., Azevedo, K. (2007). Longitudinal effects of a universal family-focused intervention on growth patterns of adolescent internalizing symptoms and polysubstance use: Gender comparisons. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 36, 725-740. Gates S, McCambridge J, Smith LA, Foxcroft DR. (2006) Interventions for prevention of drug use by young people delivered in nonschool settings . The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2006 (Issue 1). Spoth, R., Clair, S., Shin, C., & Redmond, C. (2006). Long-term effects of universal preventive interventions on methamphetamine use among adolescents. Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, 160, 876-882. Spoth, R., Randall, G. K., Shin, C., & Redmond, C. (2005). Randomized study of combined universal family and school preventive interventions: Patterns of long-term effects on initiation, regular use, and weekly drunkenness. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 19(4), 372-381. Spoth, R., Redmond, C., Shin, C., & Azevedo, K. (2004). Brief family intervention effects on adolescent substance initiation: Schoollevel growth curve analyses 6 years following baseline. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 72(3), 535-542. Foxcroft DR, Ireland D, Lister-Sharp DJ, Lowe G, Breen R (2003) Longer-term primary prevention for alcohol misuse in young people: a systematic review. Addiction 98, 397-411. Spoth, R., Guyll, M., Chao, W., & Molgaard, V. (2003). Exploratory study of a preventive intervention with general population African American families. Journal of Early Adolescence, 23(4), 435-468. Trudeau, L., Spoth, R., Lillehoj, C., Redmond, C., & Wickrama, K. A. S. (2003). Effects of a preventive intervention on adolescent substance use initiation, expectancies, and refusal intentions, Prevention Science, 4(2), 109-122. Foxcroft DR , Lister Sharp D, Lowe G, Sizer R, Ireland D (2002) Primary prevention of Alcohol Misuse by Young People. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2006 (Issue 1) Spoth, R., Guyll, M., & Day, S. X. (2002). Universal family-focused interventions in alcohol-use disorder prevention: Cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit analyses of two interventions. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 63(2), 219228. Spoth, R., Guyll, M., Trudeau, L., & Goldberg-Lillehoj, C. (2002). Two studies of proximal outcomes and implementation quality of universal preventive interventions in a community-university collaboration context. Journal of Community Psychology, 30(5), 499518. Spoth, R. L., Redmond, C., Trudeau, L., & Shin, C. (2002, June). Longitudinal substance initiation outcomes for a universal preventive intervention combining family and school programs. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 16(2), 129134. Molgaard, V., & Spoth, R. (2001). Strengthening Families Program for young adolescents: Overview and outcomes. S. Pfeiffer & L. Reddy (Eds.), Innovative Mental Health Programs for Children. Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press. 15-29. Spoth, R., Redmond, C. & Shin C. (2001). Randomized trial of brief family interventions for general populations: Adolescent substance use outcomes 4 years following baseline. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 69(4), 627-642. Molgaard, V. M., Spoth, R., & Redmond, C. (2000). Competency training: The Strengthening Families Program for Parents and Youth 10-14. OJJDP Juvenile Justice Bulletin (NCJ 182208). Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Randomized trial effects of a brief family intervention four years past baseline. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 154, 1248-1257. Spoth, R., Redmond, C., Shin, C. (2000). Reducing adolescents’ aggressive and hostile behaviors. Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, 154, 1248-1257. Redmond, C., Spoth, R., Shin, C., & Lepper, H. (1999). Modeling long-term parent outcomes of two universal family-focused preventive interventions: One year follow-up results. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 67(6), 975-984. Spoth, R., Goldberg, C., & Redmond, C. (1999). Engaging families in longitudinal preventive intervention research: Discrete-time survival analysis of socioeconomic and social-emotional risk factors. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 67(1), 157-163. Spoth, R., Redmond, C., & Lepper, H. (1999). Alcohol initiation outcomes of universal family-focused preventive interventions: Oneand two-year follow-ups of a controlled study. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 13, 103-111. Spoth R., Reyes, M. L., Redmond, C., & Shin, C. (1999). Assessing a public health approach to delay onset and progression of adolescent substance use: Latent transition and log-linear analyses of longitudinal family preventive intervention outcomes. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 67(5), 619-630. Spoth, R., Redmond, C., & Shin, C. (1998). Direct and indirect latent-variable parenting outcomes of two universal family-focused preventive interventions: Extending a public-health oriented research based. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 66(2), 385-399. The EPISCenter maintains a library of SFP 10-14 research articles. For further information on the articles above or to request additional articles, please contact: Brittany L. Rhoades, Ph.D. Evaluation Research Specialist Evidence-based Prevention and Intervention Support Center (EPISCenter) Pennsylvania State University 206 Towers Building University Park, PA 16802 office: 814-863-2280