Template for case review/root cause analysis

Template for case review / root cause analysis for Quarterly reporting to the Ministry of Health
Case review and potential systems failures identified for Quarter X 201X/201X
Actions taken in past 3 months
Number of cases in past 3 months
Number of cases hospitalised in
past 3 months in your DHB
Group A Streptococcal management
Number of cases who had a sore
throat in the four weeks before
they were admitted to hospital or
seen in clinic
Number of cases who had a sore
throat and saw a health
professional (include GP / family
doctor / nurse / school clinic /
designated sore throat rapid
response clinic) about their sore
Number of cases who were
prescribed / given antibiotics for
this sore throat
Eg Follow up on those with a sore
throat who did not see a health
professional – reasons why not
Eg Among those not given
antibiotics, was this because they
had a negative throat swab?
Actions taken in past 3 months
Include in note
Number of cases who were
prescribed / given appropriate
antibiotics as defined in sore
throat management guidelines
List antibiotics prescribed (include Eg – feedback to health
‘inappropriate antibiotics or
professionals if inappropriate
antibiotics not prescribed for
antibiotics prescribed
appropriate length of time)
Number of cases who completed
their course of antibiotics
Include number who did not pick
up prescription
Reasons why full course of
antibiotics was not taken
Was standing order used?
Timely diagnosis of rheumatic fever
How many times did the case see
a doctor before rheumatic fever
diagnosed / suspected
For cases aged 5–14 years only
Number of cases aged 5-14 years
Number of cases (5-14 years)
attending a school with a throat
swabbing programme
Number of cases (5-14 years) who
attended a school with a throat
swabbing programme who had a
sore throat in the four weeks
Actions taken in past 3 months
before they were admitted to
hospital or seen in clinic
Number of cases (5-14 years)
who attended a school with a
throat swabbing programme who
had a sore throat and had it
swabbed at the school
Note numbers who sought throat
swabbing from GP or other
Number of cases (5-14 years) who
attended a school with a throat
swabbing programme who had a
sore throat and had their throat
swabbed at the school who had a
GAS positive swab
Number of cases (5-14 years) who
attended a school with a throat
swabbing programme who had a
sore throat and had their throat
swabbed at the school who had a
GAS positive swab and who
received antibiotics
Number of cases (5-14 years) who
attended a school with a throat
swabbing programme who had a
sore throat and had their throat
swabbed at the school who had a
GAS positive swab, who received
Actions taken in past 3 months
antibiotics and who took the full
course of antibiotics
Referral to housing initiatives
Auckland only
Number of cases whose usual
household has ever been referred
to the Auckland-wide Healthy
homes initiative
Other DHBs
Refer if appropriate
Number of cases whose
household ever been referred to
a local service to address
household crowding
Pacific engagement strategy - Auckland and Wellington only for Pacific cases
Number of cases with Pacific
Number of cases whose
household ever had contact with
a Pacific engagement strategy
community worker
Eg - referral
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