Duplin County Schools CTE Assessments Timeline 2015-2016 Date 8/26/2015- 8/28/2015 8/24- 8/28/2015 Course(s) Tested and Type Method Semester 1 and Term 1 Pre-Assessments MG Pre-Assessments BU10-Comp. Skills and Applications (Online SchoolNet) TE01-Technology, Design and Innovation (Pitsco Modules) All CTE Courses HS Pre-Assessments (Teacher Made) Term 1 Final Assessments and Midterms 10/7/2015 Test Training MG 10/15/2015-10/21/2015 Term-1 Final BU10-Comp. Skills and Applications (Online SchoolNet) TE01-Technology, Design and Innovation 10/19- 10/21/2014 10/27-10/30/2015 12/15/2015 1/11-1/15/2016 1/11-1/15/2016 1/26-1/29/2016 (Pitsco Modules) All CTE Courses (Teacher 9 Weeks Benchmarks Made) Term 2 Pre-Assessments MG Term 2 Pre-Assessments BU10-Comp. Skills and Applications (Online SchoolNet) TE01-Technology, Design and Innovation (Pitsco Modules) Semester 1 and Term 2 Post Assessments Test Training MG and HS MG Post-Assessments Term 2 BU10-Comp. Skills and Applications (Online SchoolNet) TE01-Technology, Design and Innovation (Pitsco Modules) State Post-Assessments All HS CTE Courses (Paper Pencil) Semester 2 and Term 3 Pre-Assessments MG Pre-Assessments BU10-Comp. Skills and Term 3 Applications (Online SchoolNet) TE01-Technology, Design and Innovation (Pitsco Modules) 1/21-1/27/2016 3/9/2016 3/15- 3/18/2016 3/15- 3/18/2016 4/4- 4/7/2016 HS Pre-Assessments HS Teacher Made PreAssessments Term 3 Post Assessments and Midterms Test Training MG Term-3 Final BU10-Comp. Skills and Applications (Online SchoolNet) TE01-Technology, Design and Innovation (Pitsco Modules) All CTE Courses (Teacher 9 Weeks Benchmarks Made) Term 4 Pre-Assessments MG Term 4 Pre-Assessments BU10-Comp. Skills and Applications (Online SchoolNet) TE01-Technology, Design and Innovation 5/17/2016 6/3/2016 & 6/6-6/9/2016 6/3/2016 & 6/6-6/9/2016 (Pitsco Modules) Semester 2 and Term 4 Post Assessments Test Training MG and HS MG Post-Assessments 2nd Semester BU10-Comp. Skills and and Term 4 Applications (Online SchoolNet) TE01-Technology, Design and Innovation (Pitsco Modules) State Post-Assessments All HS CTE Courses (Online NC Test)