The Treasure Hunt of Many Dimensions By Jade Weston, Jorja

The Treasure

Hunt of Many


By Jade Weston, Jorja Lymn,

Daniel Stephenson, Alex Colot

Binnekamp, Nicholas Garbin,

William Lambert & Mariella


Front Cover: William Lambert

Text Copyright © 2014 by Jade Weston, Jorja Lymn, Daniel Stephenson, Alex

Colot-Binnekamp, Nicholas Garbin, William Lambert, Mariella Starling

All rights reserved. Published by MCC Publishers

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ISBN 123-0-123-12345-9

Printed in Mandurah, Western Australia

First Printing, August 2014.

Book design by MCC Kids Design.

Chapter 1

Crocodile on the loose

Once upon a time there was a sandalwood cutter and his name was Bob he was very tough and buff, he had blue eyes, black hair, he was very tall and he always wore a wood proof jacket. After Bob had finished cutting his last piece of wood at work he went to the Pub. When he walked into the Pub there was people eating, talking, dancing and people watching the Channel

1 news. So Bob went and sat on a bar stool to watch the news as well. The news reporter said "There has been a crocodile on the loose and now 12 people have gone missing, if you see the crocodile call Crocodile Catches on

123, keep watching Channel 1 news for more stories after the break". Bob asked the waiter for a Creaming Soda because he had had a hard day at work cutting lots of sandal wood. Then Bob saw this guy walk into the Pub he was short, chubby and he was wearing a black leather jacket, blue jeans and brown shoes. The guy came over to Bob and said "Hi my name is Jones and I'm a bikie, I was just wondering if you have heard about the crocodile that has made 12 people go missing?" "Yes I have it was just on the Channel

1 news" said Bob. "Well I was thinking of going to hunt for the crocodile and the missing people so that no more people would go missing and when I saw you sitting there I thought that you would like to come help me find the crocodile" said Jones. "Yes I would love to help you find the crocodile" said

Bob. So when Bob had finished his drink they walked out of the Pub and they were going to go to Bob house to start planning what tools they could use to catch the crocodile but when they were walking home they saw something big in the swamp nearby.

Chapter 2

Space Land

It was a Crocodile. Then it bit them. When it bit them it cursed them, then they saw a flashing light all around them. Then they opened there eyes.

They were in a different world. Then the crocodile crept out of a portal.

"What have you done to us. Where are we?" said Bob. But all the crocodile said, "Find the right chest to get out of this dimension." "But who are you!" said Bob. "Oh I'm Steve" said the crocodile Then they looked around, they were in space!

They could see all the stars and Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter,

Saturn and Uranus. All the planets in the solar system were there. Then they saw a path of stars leading to a rock, so they walked on the path to the rock. It was a big rock. And on top of it was a sign. Bob read it out loud.

Remember this, 12343215. Jone thought there was no meaning to it. So he looked around for more paths. But there was three to choose from so they chose the path on the right. It had a really big rock at the end of it. The rock had lots of paths going through it lit up by glowing crystals. Jones thought that the crystals were

really cool and that his friends would be jealous of him if he had a crystal, so he took the crystal but when he took it the rock started shaking. They ran to a tunnel on there left, and then the tunnel on there right but which ever way they went they couldn't get out. Then they saw a bit of light at the end of a tunnel. They turned towards it and then all of the sudden a landslide of rocks tumbled down in front of them.

They were trapped. Then all of the sudden the rock fell. Then Jones screamed! "Im alive I'm alive" he said. But then Bob realised that they couldn't get up on to the next path because the ground that had led to the path had crumbled away under the wait of all the rocks. So he said to Jones

"You will need to be patient before we can move on, because... nothing."

"Because what" Jones. "Because nothing" yelled Bob. Then Jones sat down and sulked while Bob paced around thinking of how to get up onto the path.

Then he thought of it. He got out some leftover bits of wood.

And then used it to climb up to the path but it was too small so he jumped, but in the air he kicked Jones and made Jones lose his balance and Jones started falling and falling and falling until he landed on a rock and passed out. "Noooooo" yelled Bob. Bob jumped towards the rock that his friend was on he got ready for the landing and then whoosh something flew under him and put him under the ground. It was a mini version of Uranus. It was only just big enough to carry him. "Thank you. said Bob. Then the mini Uranus flew off. "Wait!" said Bob. But it was to far away, the mini Uranus could not hear him. Just then Jones woke up. "W w w what is it" he stammered. You passed out because I accidentally kicked you. Sorry said Bob. Haggling his head. That's okay. Said Jones. Theres the chests said Bob. Lets go. They ran to the chests, and there was a sign. It said 'Enter the code.' "I will enter" said Bob 56787659 he entered. "Wrong" said a voice. And they warped somewhere else. Then Bob yelled out, "we failed!" He was really cantankerous.

Chapter 3

School land

The next dimension is School land they spawned in a classroom which was confusing because the whole land was made out of desks pencils rulers and rubbers. When Bob and Jones got out of the classroom they saw thousands and thousands of hectic students. When Jones saw all the people he nearly fainted in his astonishment of how much people there were. Once Jones got over it Bob said "Let's look in all the classrooms to see where the first challenge is." The first classroom they saw was empty the second classroom they looked in was just work all over the floor and stuff when they got out of that classroom Jones said, "Do they even have teachers to tell them off"

Bob said. "No because that Crocodile Steve sent us here and his worlds don't have any nice people." So they kept on looking for that first challenge. Soon they looked in all the classrooms then they almost gave up but then they saw a secret passage down the last classroom it was a big relief for both of them. When they got in the passage it was not full of desks it was full of

fire! Bob said, "This is very scary but Jones couldn't say a word because he thought he was going to die! He thought he was going to die because there was a tight rope over lava. Jones did it first because he wanted to get it over and done with quickly and then Bob did it after Jones. The lava lake thing was scary. After that there was even more hectic students then in the high school this was in the junior school it was absolutely crazy. Bob and

Jones were like to each other, "Lets do this quick." They did it really quick but the problem was all the children were blocking the doorway and they wanted Bob and Jones to play with all of them so they played soccer with all of the kids. There was nearly 2000 students playing so it had to be a big pitch and luckily it was a huge pitch. Once they finished they went through a little crack in a desk that teleported them into a dungeon with razor sharp pencils.

Then they had to take a special path so they wouldn't fall to their doom!

They didn't know what the path was so they just ran across just fast enough to avoid death. Bob said "that was close" Jones wasn't listening he was petrified he was frozen like ice. Bob said ,"Jones, Jones, JONES are you all right" Jones said "yyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeessssssssss" then Bob had to walk so slowly because Jones was still frozen it took 1 hour to get to out of the place. Jones got unfrozen. Jones was so happy to not see children for once in the whole world. He was so happy that he totally forgot that he had to find the treasure. For about 5 minutes he didn't realise until he saw a little crack in the ground then he said to Bob I found the final secret passage. Bob and Jones were so happy but they didn't realise what was awaiting them.

Guess what there was nothing so they just picked a chest which was wrong and they went into a different dimension.

Chapter 4

Candy Land

When Jones and Bob got to candy land. He was so surprised to see so much candy that he started eating lots of candy and forgot that they had to get home. Then Bob said "Jones we have to get home" then Jones said, "okay let's search for the right treasure to get us back home." so they went and searched for the treasure. When they got to a chocolate lake. Steve the crocodile came out again and scared Jones so much that Jones wet himself.

Steve said "If you want to cross this chocolate river then you have to find a way but the rule is you can't swim through the river or walk around the chocolate river. You only have until 5:00pm and the time is 3:00pm so go now before the time is up." The boys set of to find a way to get around the chocolate river. On the way Jones said "I have a good idea." so they went of to find a bridge to get over the chocolate river. After a long walk they found a bridge and the bridge was made out of candy canes, chock-chip muffin crumbs and cookies. So they walked across the bridge and when they got to the other side they were facing 4 treasure chests in the candy house. So they chose the one on the right. But it was the wrong one. So they got transported into another dimension.

Chapter 5

The Haunted House

"I've had enough of these dimensions" Bob complained as he looked at the furry spiders and fascinating painting from centuries ago and a continuous

"oooooooo" in the background. As they walked through the never ending

Haunted House but then they were at a dead end the zombies were coming closer and closer then all went quiet and they heard a deep voice say "to pass you must answer my riddle if you answer correctly you may pass but if you get it wrong you will fall into the pit of doom" the voice continued "the riddle is; What walks on four legs in the morning two in the evening and three at night" Bob and Jones thought then Jones knew it "man! The answer is man!" the deep voice replied "that answer is correct you are lucky I didn't make it hard" and it was just in time because the zombies were about to attack them so they ran for their lives and the zombie were catching up they ran as fast as they can until they saw a waterfall but not with ordinary water but with hot red lava. They ran around around the lava but it was hard since the ground was steaming hot and the zombie couldn't feel the heat against their dead feet.

Then when they came into the next room they saw evil spiders spinning webs everywhere Jones was so scared his pants suddenly felt wet but he kept going on with Bob saying "It's just a little haunted house" every time

Jones got scared. The zombies weren't following them anymore so they just thought they couldn't get passed the lava but they were wrong because when they left the room filled with spiders there was what seemed like millions of zombies and Skeletons and spiders all looking at them Jones screamed, Bob ran to safety behind some black curtains but Jones was frozen in fright with his eyes shut tight. Will Bob do save his new friend or save himself? The monsters kept getting closer and closer until Jones slowly opened his eyes as if in slow motion screamed again then ran to Bob but the monsters knew where they were by smelling Jones's fright. The monsters pulled the curtains away but Bob and Jones weren't there, we're did they go?

The monsters looked everywhere except where Bob and Jones were, which was with the monsters disguised as zombies. They managed to escape the crowed of monsters but they went into a room filled with gigantic butterflies but they weren't friendly they were evil and there were evil gigantic moths too what will they do Bob thought of a plan "We could ride one of them to the escape door on the roof" So he told Jones the plan but he was thinking out loud so Jones already knew so they chose the one that looked the nicest and rode it to the top but they couldn't get out because the butterfly they chose wouldn't stay still so they had to go down and they chose a moth this time and it's stayed still long enough to open the door and get out but they went somewhere worse than gigantic moths and butterflies they went into a room filled with gigantic snakes and the zombies,skeletons

and spiders from before only they have quadrupled in size and they bought all the other monsters from the Haunted House.

Jones wet his pants again and screamed 10 times louder than before and

Bob screamed too but he was also curious about how they got so big. They ran as fast as they can until Bob thought of a plan how about they could escape. They climbed up a ladder onto somewhere safe then they looked for a door or window they can use to get out. After hours of looking and looking

Bob saw a door right underneath them so they got down and walked into a room with complete black. Then they heard the deep voice from before saying "if you answer my riddle correctly I will turn on the lights if you get it wrong you will fall into the pit of doom here is my riddle. I am weightless, but you can see me. Put me in a bucket, and I'll make it lighter. What am I?"

Bob and Jones thought.

"I don't wanna fall down a hole Bob what is it" Jones said crying Bob said

"Wait that's it! The answers hole!" Then without a sound the lights turned on and the room was empty except for a door but the door was locked Bob looked worried but Jones just picked up a key and unlocked the door "It's unlocked now" Jones said impressed with himself so they went outside the haunted house and lived the rest of their lives. They saw 3 chests they opened the middle one and it was wrong so it transported them to another dimension.

Chapter 6

After the fight Shelly told the principal to call the police and they came to take him away "that's one cantankerous man trying to plot over the world posing as comedian" said one of the six police officers "something funny was going on" joked another police officer, as 2 S.W.A.T officers handcuffed

George and put him into a truck and slammed the padlock into position.

"Well I am glad that's over" said the officer in charge a big burly giant with a name badge that said Blake. "Come on Blake the coffees is going to be cold by the time we get back to the station" a small man called out and off they went.

Next week Shelly was watching the news station and a story came up about a man who was known as a comedian but actually he was plotting to take over the world. Suddenly Garfield started going nuts "buzz bizz biz biz buz

biz buzzzz buzz bizz zbuz biz buzz buz biz bizzzz buzz" " calm down

Garfield" said Shelly " the court have him charged guilty for three different things" "oh and principal has asked us to burn all of the hedges with him on it ,would you like to come and help me out ,it will only take a couple of minutes because some of the parents are going to help out with clearing them out so that we don't have to be alone in that garden". After clearing out the trees and hedges the principal came out with a sign saying "job application 12 cleaners needed".

A week later the radio announced a man aged 37 known only as George has escaped a top priority jail and is currently on the run from government

officials,he is known to have a heavily armed comrade keeping the location free of drones and scrambling our satellite communication "Well that is depressing" said Shelly trying to find her fathers good luck charm a small frog leg. To nights later Shelly was woken up a gun shot she could hear screaming coming from her neighbours house. A young couple were fleeing into the night trying to hush there children's crying and she felt sorry for them knowing they were at risk of death. Suddenly a siren cut through the silence as two police cars followed by a tank rounded the corner and many men poured into the street carrying identical submachine guns. Two men ran out onto the street with their hands up and from inside the some one yelled "Chicken"out into the night. BOOOOM! The side of the house was incinerated and the soldiers open fired at the house.

Shelly moved house and got a husband called jimmy. He was an avid collector of exotic plants and flowers. He was also a participant in the annual flowers and trees convention, Shelly's favourite festival that she goes to annually no ifs or buts she always went. This time she tried to enter but there wasn't any more spaces so Shelly went with jimmy. He had a exquisite bouquet of rare amazon plant that were all a different shade from red to dark purple. This is the most supercalifragilisticexpalodously amazingly beautifully pretty bunch of flowers I have ever seen in my whole life and I am 32 years old and have been gardening since I was two.


1 week later

A newspaper reports that the criminal George has been caught and that he is being held in custody. He was caught in Manhattan on Tuesday. Mr

MacAvin is being brought before court today.

Bob and Jones go on an amazing adventure in 6 different dimensions with a

Haunted House, Space Land, Candy Land,

Palace Land and even School Land!

They go on a great adventure and they solve riddles and do challenges.

They work as a team and try to find the correct treasure chest.

They must select the correct one or they will go somewhere else.

Will they find the correct treasure chest and go home?