Disability Equality Scheme 3-Year Plan

Disability Equality Scheme 3-Year Plan
December 2010 - December 2013
1A. Ethos, Vision & Values
LatchmereSchool is committed to ensuring equal treatment of all its employees,
pupils and any others involved in the school community, with any form of disability
and will ensure that disabled people are not treated less favourably in any
procedures, practices and service delivery.
We strive to remove barriers to the progress of disabled pupils. We aim to give all
children full access to the curriculum at school and to be able to participate fully in
school life.
Our commitment to equal opportunities is driven by the National Curriculum
Inclusion statement. The school:
-sets suitable learning challenges
-responds to pupils' diverse needs
-overcomes potential barriers to learning and assessment for individuals and groups
of pupils.
The school's policies on Bullying, PHSE, Equal Opportunities and Equality and
Diversity promote equality and respect for all regardless of gender, race, colour,
creed or impairment.
This school will not tolerate harassment of disabled people with any form of
impairment and will also consider pupils who are carers of disabled parents.
What do we understand by "disability"?
"Disability is a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term
adverse effect on a person's ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities" (DDA
1995 Part 1 para. 1.1.) This definition was amended and broadened in December
2005 under the 2005 Disability Amendment Act:
People with cancer or surviving cancer are now included, as are people with
HIV and Multiple Sclerosis from the point of diagnosis
For a mental impairment the need for it to be clinically well recognised has
been removed.
At Latchmere School all pupils with Special Educational Needs, and those
with long term medical needs, are treated as disabled for the purposes of the
Act and for equality. This is in addition to all pupils with long-term
impairments, which have a significant impact on their day-to-day activities.
Latchmere School uses the social model of disability as the basis for its work to
improve equality for and address discrimination against disabled people. This model
says that it is the world and society that creates barriers that limit or prevent
disabled people from enjoying the same opportunities as people who are not
disabled. We understand that the definition of disability under the Act is different
from the eligibility criteria for special educational needs provision. This means that
disabled pupils may or may not have special educational needs. The school
recognises that social, emotional and behavioural difficulties are part of this
We will actively seek to:
Promote equality of opportunity between disabled persons and other
Eliminate discrimination that is unlawful under the Act.
Elimate harassment of disabled persons that is related to their disability.
Promote positive attitudes towards disabled persons. This means not
representing people in a demeaning way, and it also means not pretending
they do not exist and not representing them anywhere at all.
Encourage participation by disabled person in public life. It is also important
to respect the wishes of disabled children in an educational setting so that
they do not feel pushed into activities they do not wish to take part in.
Take steps to take account of disabled persons' disabilities, even where that
involves treating disabled persons more favourably than other persons.
1B: Information from pupil data and school audit
Latchmere School is currently a three form entry primary and nursery school with
712children on roll. In September 2009 only we opened a fourth Reception class to
cater for the increase in numbers of children requiring a school place in that year
group. Of the children currently on roll, 70 are on our Special Needs Register and, of
these,9 have a Statement of Special Educational Need, 39 are at School Action Plus
and 22 on School Action (figures as at December 2010). The identified needs include
cognition and learning needs, specific learning difficulties, moderate learning
difficulties, speech, language and communication needs, hearing impairment,
emotional, behavioural and social needs and autistic spectrum disorder. A number
of these children are on the LA register for children and young people with
disabilities/special needs.
Since September 2008 there has been an ASD provision at Latchmere School for up
to 8 Key Stage 2 children with high functioning autistic spectrum disorder. Currently
this is staffed by a full-time teacher, one full-time and two part - time teaching
We are mindful of the adults in our school community. We have a number of
children with at least one parent who is registered as disabled and we are
committed to improving access for these parents and others who may have similar
needs in the future.
1C: Involvement of Disabled People in Developing the Scheme
When setting up the original Disability Equality Scheme questionnaires were sent to
all children, staff, parents and governors who might use school facilities and will
continue to be given to new parents. The responses were used in developing this
2. The main priorities in the school's plan
2A: Increasing the extent to which disabled pupils can participate in the school
Visual prompts and resources including visual timetables are used to facilitate access
for all pupils, including disabled pupils.
Through Assemblies, PHSE and SEAL, disability awareness is promoted in the
Staff working with pupils with disabilities receive appropriate training: recent
courses include: developing awareness and understanding of children with ASD,
behaviour management, developing awareness and understanding of children with
speech and language needs, delivering occupational therapy to individual children.
Our School Improvement Plan focuses on the 5 outcomes in 'Every Child Matters'
underlining our commitment to equal access and opportunities for all children.
Thorough risk assessments are undertaken as required and take full account of the
needs of disabled children. (e.g. a named adult will provide 1 to 1 support as
necessary). This includes school trips, attendance at clubs, etc.
Effective target setting and thorough monitoring of progress is in place for all
children and high expectations are maintained for all, regardless of attainment or
There is a climate of respect for difference, we develop positive attitudes through
constructive images of disabled children in resources and through the full inclusion
of disabled pupil in all aspects of school life.
Teachers have a good understanding of particular barriers to learning and use a
range of teaching styles - visual, auditory and kinaesthetic - to help overcome
barriers. All classes throughout the school use a visual timetable.
Multi-agency work ensures that the school is supported by advice and individual
programmes from EP, SALT, O/T, HI and VI services, Pupil Support, Dysart School,
ASD Teacher, Woodroffe FACT, The Moor Lane Centre, (previously the Maple
Centre), FASS and Family Support Workers, a paediatric outreach nursing team
(PONT), and the Royal Marsden.
Several members of staff are Lead Professionals involved in the CAF process through
Pupil voice is collected through class observations and in discussions with teachers
and pupils and using 'Pupil Voice - Individual to Whole School Approach' (an
assessment for learning tool). Children take part in the PASS survey which is carried
out annually.
Talkabout social skills and communication groups (Years 2 to 6), peer mentoring,
Assembly times, the SEAL project and circle times are used to help disabled children
develop their social relationships.
Some children particularly those on the Autistic Spectrum or with Behavioural and
Emotional Special Needs (BESN) may have a level of 1-1 support including in the
On-going discussion and analysis of children's progress in learning and developing
their social relationships lead to further personalisation and social development.
A database is in progress to ensure that every child in the school will have been
chosen to represent the school at something by the end of Year 6.
Playground staff and those working in clubs are aware of children with physical
disabilities and those with autistic spectrum disorder.
Staff consult an O/T for assessment of classrooms as necessary to ensure needs of
pupils with sensory difficulties and dyspraxia are met (e.g. desk height, posture on
chair, lights).
Reasonable adjustments are made to the school environment as necessary, e.g.
marking lines to warn of a change in height of the floor, step, etc
Lap - tops are available for individuals to use.
Future Developments
Incorporate disability equality issues into the planning and learning in
Citizenship, PHSE and RE curriculum.
Raise all pupils' awareness of disability through 'Disability Awareness' days.
Continue to promote positive images of artists/sports personalities or those
with sporting talents who have disabilities so disability is seen as no barrier to
Subject co-ordinators and the Inclusion Leader to review resources in their
curriculum areas and ensure they meet the needs of all pupils within school.
When schemes of work and policies are reviewed, check for accessibility.
Continue to consult external partners and local cluster schools as necessary
to gain specialist advice on how to adapt resources
Develop Dyslexia Policy to take account of developments which may improve
access to the curriculum for children with learning difficulties. (Some children
with disabilities may have dyslexic type difficulties).
Assess and prioritise the impact, or likely impact, of all existing and new
policies and practices on disabled people. Ensure all policies reflect ethos of
DES as they are reviewed.
Provide training as necessary for all staff on Disability Equality issues.
Seek external advice as necessary to ensure that modifications and risk
assessments are made which enable all children with disabilities to take a full
and active part in extra curricular activities and school trips.
Relate School Improvement Plans more specifically to disabled children and
emphasise that the objectives connect to all children regardless of ability or
2B: Improving the physical environment of the school to increase the extent to
which disabled pupils can take advantage of education and associated services:
At present the school is fully accessible to children and adults with disabilities, with
the exception of the Blue Room, the upper floor of Discovery House, the MFL room,
the Music room, the swimming pool where consideration would be given to
installing a hoist should the necessity arise and the Infant Hall where a removable
ramp should be available.
A quiet area for all pupils, including those with disabilities, is accessible at lunchtimes
in the Infant and Junior playgrounds.
Mobility assessments will be carried out for individual pupils with sight impairments
as advised by the Teacher for Visually Impaired Children.
Risk assessments of the school site are carried out regularly.
2C: Improving the delivery to disabled pupils of information that is provided for
pupils who are not disabled:
There is the facility to enlarge school documents as necessary. Teaching Assistants
adapt texts for pupils with sight impairments.
Future Developments
Consideration will be given to the needs of pupils with disabilities during the
planning and construction of new buildings due to start at Latchmere in 2011.
School to inform itself of services available for visually and hearing impaired
children and children with Down's syndrome and other disabilities as
Make information relating to the following, available in different formats as
Teacher feedback and marking of work
This may include:
Enlarging print for visually impaired
Simplifying language
Using picture symbol language for children and adults with communication
2D:Increasing the extent to which disabled parents and parents of disabled
children can fully participate in all aspects of school life
Home school diaries aid communication for parents of disabled pupils
Communications are sent via Parent Mail, (e-mail).
Parents' views are gathered through parent/teacher meetings,
questionnaires and through Special Educational Needs review meetings and
the Annual Review process for parents of children with statements of special
educational needs.
Large print formats are available for all information sent home to parents
Future Developments
Investigate the availability of workshops for all parents of disabled children to
help them support their children at home.
Encourage parents of children with ASD to attend the parent support group
run jointly by Latchmere and Fern Hill
Use the CAF more widely to access relevant services to families.
Continue to encourage parents to register their child as disabled if
applicable. This will give them access to more services.
2E Eliminating discrimination and harassment of disabled people that is related to
their disability
There is no evidence of discrimination and harassment of disabled people that is
related to their disability.
The school monitors and records incidents of harassment and bullying.
Anti-bullying initiatives have been very successful.
Any incidents of bullying or harassment of any child, including those with a disability
are recorded, investigated, dealt with and monitored.
Future developments
Staff record incidents on the Server under 'Pupil Notes.'
2F: Increasing the extent to which disabled members of the community can fully
participate in all activities taking place on school site
The Disability Equality Scheme is updated as necessary and is published on the
Latchmere web-site.
Future Developments
Any suggestions of improvements to the scheme will be considered carefully.
2G: Promoting Positive attitudes towards disabled people
The school environment promotes positive attitudes to disability.
Disability is represented in resources such as story books.
Disabled pupils are fully involved in class assemblies, plays and events.
In addition to learning about disabilities in general teachers also explain to their
classes about specific difficulties that individual children may have to help the
children to understand these difficulties so that they do not become a barrier to
building good peer relationships.
Pupils with a disability are encouraged to share information with their peers
in class discussion or through assemblies, e.g.
explanation of why a child
with cerebral palsy needs to wear a safety helmet in the playground.
Future Developments
Celebrate Disability Awareness days.
Highlight the Paralympic events in the 2012 Olympic Games.
3: Making it happen
The school will evaluate the effectiveness of this policy in relation to the
following key criteria:
The increased awareness of staff and governors on issues relating to
Staff use resources to promote disability and undertake risk assessments with full
regard to the requirements of the DDA and DES, with reasonable adjustments being
taken to facilitate access for disabled pupils.
All school policies should be checked for their impact on disabled pupils.
The School Improvement Plan responds to the needs of those with
The school has a clear measurable picture of the disability profile in our
school community.
In addition, the school will evaluate the effectiveness of this policy by careful
monitoring of its action plan, set out below.
3A: Management, coordination and implementation
Lead Responsibilities
Head Teacher
Inclusion Leader
Equal Opportunities Co-ordinator
Deputy Head teachers
3B: Access to the plan
The governors will report on the school's Accessibility and Disability Equality Scheme
within the school prospectus and or within the school profile on line. This will be
linked to other reporting requirements in respect of disabled pupils:
The arrangements for the admission of disabled pupils (in the school
The requirement for the governors of the school to report annually on the
school's Special Educational Needs policy (within the school profile on
line). Children will receive verbal details of the DES in simplified form.
3C: Monitoring
We will monitor the impact of all the actions taken in the Action Plan below to
ensure that progress is being made towards meeting the Disability Equality Duty. The
Action plan will be revised if necessary.
An annual report will be produced by the Inclusion Manager which outlines the
progress of the DES and assesses the implementation of the action plan for
effectiveness. The report will be circulated to Governors and the findings will be
used to improve the DES and feed into future practice. Please click below to see this
year's plan.
Meg Young, Inclusion Leader (December 2010)