

Meditation Shacharit: Shema

Hanefesh Fall Kinnus 2013

Tova Benson-Tilsen

Adapted from alternative meditation service

(conduct a normal service up until the shema, suggested background music is Ryan Stewart’s album Equanimity)

Speak slowly and pause frequently:

During this meditation session, you will need to remain awake. Sit cross-legged on the ground in a position that is comfortable, but one that allows you to remain awake.

Allow your eyes to close.

Don’t squeeze them tight but they should be fully closed.

Notice your breathing.

Don’t change your breathing, just notice it. You should be conscious of your breathing at all times during this minyan.

The keys to meditation are breathing and focus. This morning we’re going to focus on the phrase shema yisrael. Say the phrase with me: shema yisrael. Shema yisrael is the centerpiece of our religion. In saying it, we unite our minds and souls and bodies with all Jews all over the world. Today we will be focusing on the words shema yisrael.

Sometimes people think that when you meditate you need to focus only on meditating.

I want you to allow outside thoughts in but don’t dwell on them. It doesn’t mean you are doing anything wrong.

Just acknowledge the thoughts and bring your attention back to the phrase shema yisrael

By now you will have found a comfortable position. Small adjustments are okay, but try not to move around too much.

As thoughts go through your head, allow them to pass by and bring your attention back to our words, shema yisrael.

Breathing is our connection to our environment, the bridge from our body to the world.

It brings life-giving oxygen, which renews and invigorates every part of our body, from our brain, to our limbs, our lungs, heart, arteries. Without oxygen, we cannot live, and the more oxygen we have, the healthier we are, and the more balanced, centered, and relaxed our body is.

Notice each breath, without trying to change your breathing in any way.... Just observe.... As thoughts arise, acknowledge them and let them go, returning your attention to your breathing and to our phrase, shema yisrael....

Breathe naturally.... Slowly....

As your thoughts wander, simply return your attention to your breathing and shema yisrael.

Start relaxing your muscles. When thoughts come to your mind, notice them, but turn your attention back to your body and back to shema yisrael.

Relax your muscles. Start way down at your feet, relax each of your toes. The arch of your foot, your heel…move up to your ankles…your lower legs and calves.... relax your knees....your upper legs…your hamstrings....your abdomen....all the while focusing on shema yisrael. Feel the energy in your torso…allow it to relax...unclench all the muscles in your back....relax your shoulders....your biceps…your forearms…relax your wrists....your palms…all of the muscles in your hands…each one of your fingers....your neck…your head....and finally each of the muscles in your face.

Take a moment to feel your body....loose and relaxed...


Notice your breath as it flows gently in and out of your body....Without any effort....

Acknowledge your thoughts and focus again on your breathing.....Interruptions are normal....just let these thoughts go and return your attention to your breathing and to our phrase shema yisrael....

Now I want you to take a deep breath in through your nose. Allow it to fill your stomach and up into your chest. Feel the air – taste it. Exhale.

Inhale. In the silence between breaths, listen. Hear the sounds around us. Exhale.

Now inhale again, but this time say the word shema silently to yourself as you breathe in through your nose, filling your stomach and your lungs with this incredible cool, clean air.

Hold it.

As you exhale through your mouth say the word yisrael to yourself. Exhale, emptying yourself completely of both air and any worries or concerns your may have. They do not matter. All that matters is your breathing. Your breathing and shema yisrael.


Continue to breathe at this slow and steady pace, and, in perfect silence, continue to think shema as you inhale; yisrael as you exhale.


What do these words mean? Why are they so important? Inhale…exhale… shema yisrael is a command, telling the Jewish people, bnei yisrael, to listen...


Now picture your connection with Judaism as a single point of light against a black backdrop.

Notice that light. Is it bright? What color is it? Does it flicker like a flame or is it steady like an electric light?


Now realize that your light is not alone. There are other lights all around your light. No two lights are exactly alike, but each one of them is a connection.


Feel the warmth from those lights…surrounding you on all sides, feeding you…warming your

soul. Each light is connected through the words shema yisrael…Take some time to enjoy the warmth from the other lights…warm you from the inside out.


Now slowly begin to reawaken....and turn your attention to your breathing. Notice your calm, smooth breaths...inhale and exhale...Allow your awareness to turn now to your body... calm and relaxed....Notice how your body feels.... become more aware of your surroundings...

Let your attention turn now to your thoughts... back to normal conscious awareness....

Normal attention to thoughts....

When you are ready, go ahead and open your eyes.

Before the feeling fades away entirely, reflect upon the experience of meditation... notice what it was like... notice how you feel now... Free from worries about how well you did...knowing that whatever happened was the correct and natural response.

Wiggle your fingers and toes... roll your shoulders..... stretch your arms....

(continue with service)
