Project title: Ecosystem metabolism and nutrient spiralling in macrophyte-rich streams Period: 2009 – 2013 Funding: The Danish National Research Foundation Objectives The proposed project will identify how stream ecosystem function in terms of spatial and temporal variability of stream metabolism and nutrient spiralling relates to the abundance, distribution and community composition of macrophytes in temperate lowland streams. The aims are (1) to understand spatial and temporal changes in stream metabolism and nutrient spiralling in relation to macrophyte biomass and biomass distribution; (2) to understand how morphology and biomass-specific rates of macrophyte species affect stream metabolism and nutrient spiralling, and (3) to identify short term changes in stream metabolism in macrophyte-rich streams and analyse the primary drivers controlling these changes. Introduction Primary production and respiration are important controllers of ecosystem biomass and energy flow. Stream metabolism measurements provide data on these two fundamental ecosystem functions in terms of gross primary productivity (GPP) and community respiration (CR) [1, 2]. GPP is the organic matter produced within the ecosystem and CR is an indication of the total consumption of organic matter supplied both within and from outside the ecosystem. Comparisons of the patterns of GPP and CR over temporal and spatial scales are important to obtain better understanding of the fundamental controls on these ecosystem processes [3] and the energy flow in streams [4, 5]. Besides GPP and CR another key process in stream ecosystem function is nutrient cycling. In streams nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen undergo transformations from dissolved available form in the water column to uptake by organisms or by physical retention. The nutrient cycle is complete when the nutrients return to the water column. Nutrient cycling in streams are accompanied by a downstream transport and is therefore termed nutrient spiralling [6-8]. Nutrient spiralling measurements provide data on nutrient uptake rate (vf), which provides a relative measure of how well a stream ecosystem can process nutrients. Moreover, nutrient uptake length (Sw) and area based nutrient uptake rate (U) are calculated according to standardized protocols [8, 9]. Measurements of ecosystem function in terms of stream metabolism and nutrient spiralling provide direct information on how a stream is functioning as a whole rather than having to infer such information from other water-quality measurements. Most studies of stream metabolism and nutrient spiralling have been conducted in streams where primary production is dominated by benthic algae [1013]. Much less is known about stream metabolism and nutrient spiralling in streams dominated by macrophytes (but see [14, 15, 16]). This project will specifically provide data on the spatial and temporal dynamic in stream ecosystem function in terms of metabolism and nutrient spiralling in temperate macrophyte-rich streams in relation to morphology and growth characteristics of the vegetation. Specific aims Aim 1. To understand spatial and temporal changes in stream metabolism and nutrient spiralling in relation to macrophyte biomass and biomass distribution. 1 Aim 2. To understand how morphology and biomass of macrophyte species affect stream metabolism and nutrient spiralling. Aim 3. To identify short term changes in stream metabolism in macrophyte-rich streams and analyse the primary drivers controlling these changes. The studies will be based on extensive field work including long term mesurements of oxygen dynamic in streams for determining metabolism during the seasons, and nutrient release for determining nitrogen uptake and turn-over rates in macrophyte rich streams. References [1] Odum, H. T. 1956. 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