IMPORTANT STUFF REGARDING THE 11TH ANNUAL TOUR DE MOOSE 1. Day of ride check-in begins at 9:40 AM at The Gramophone. Check-in involves simply picking up your day of ride bag (sorted by last name) Arrive and check-in by 10:30 AM (those who haven’t registered in advance should arrive by 10:15 AM (the cost is $25, bring cash in the exact amount please)) We leave Gramophone at 10:40 AM sharp The parking lot adjacent to Gramophone is a city parking lot, so there should be no problem for those of you who wish to tailgate pre-ride (just bring your own refreshments) We will be offering donuts from Strange Donuts (for a suggested donation). 2. While most establishments we stop at take plastic, I highly recommend people bring cash It speeds up the process of buying beverages We will be raising money for the Matthew and Andrew Akin Foundation 3. We will leave each establishment at :40 after the hour Gramophone (depart at 10:40 AM) Bottleworks (depart at 11:40 AM) The Mack (depart at 12:40 PM) 3 Monkeys (depart at 1:40 PM) Mad Art (depart at 2:40 PM) 4 Hands (depart at 3:40 PM) HandleBar (depart at 4:40 PM – return to Gramophone for award ceremony) 4. At each establishment: There will be a fun game to play, playing counts towards the Game Master Award. There will be a trivia challenge. This year, players will guess how many items are in a container, playing counts towards the Trivia Whiz Award. There will be opportunity to donate $$$ to the Matthew and Andrew Akin Foundation (counts toward Mooseheart Award and drawings for awesome prizes) Be sure to buy beverages for Moose and his Angels, which will earn you entries for the Kick-Ass Award. 5. Food All the establishments sell food. I would order it right away (or call in advance) At 4 Hands, a number of Papa John’s pizzas will be available. At Gramophone, a number of sandwiches will be available for riders (but you might want to order your own too!) 6. Silent Auction There will be a few silent auction items, which are separate from the Mooseheart prizes. All $$$ raised goes to the Matthew and Andrew Akin Foundation. 7. A number of trophies will be presented after the ride The Mooseheart Award: given to the rider that donates the most $$$ to the Matthew and Andrew Akin Foundation (every dollar you give equals an entry into the post race drawings for some very sweet prizes). The rider who donates the most $$$ wins a trophy and a sweet prize. The Kick-Ass Award: every time a rider buys a beverage for Moose, the Angels, and the 10 Year Club members, the rider gets entered into a drawing. The more beverages a rider buys, the more entries they receive. At the end of the ride, a drawing is held for the winner of the trophy. The Game Master Award: every time a rider plays the game, they are entered into a drawing. The top 3 finishers of each game earn bonus entries. The winner at each establishment will receive a prize. At the end of the ride, a drawing is held for the winner of the trophy. The Trivia Whiz Award: every time a rider plays the trivia game, they are entered into a drawing. The top 3 finishers of each trivia game earn bonus entries. The winner at each establishment will receive a prize. At the end of the ride, a drawing is held for the winner of the trophy. Tour De Moose Champion: The entries from the Kick-Ass, Game Master, and Trivia Whiz will be combined; a winner will be drawn randomly. The Rookie-of-the Year Award: For first year riders only, the entries from the KickAss, Game Master, and Trivia Whiz will be combined; a winner will be drawn randomly. The Crash and Burn Award: given to the rider that has the most spectacular wipe-out The World Traveler: given to the rider that travels the farthest to ride in the Tour 8. Prizes After the ride, prizes will be distributed, including items for those riders that preregistered and those that donated $$$ to the Matthew and Andrew Akin Foundation (via the Mooseheart Award). 9. Safety Everyone that rides in the Tour De Moose must wear a helmet. Running red lights is prohibited. Bike safe and respect all applicable traffic rules! While bikes have a right to travel on city streets, be aware of your surroundings and cars. It’s your lane but moving over to ride single file when a car is trying to pass is a good and courteous idea. 10. After Party Please join us at Stan’s Bar (5007 Macklind Ave) at 8:00 PM for karaoke. 11. In the end, I hope We raise a lot of money for a great charity People take care of the Moose Angels Everyone has a kick-ass and safe day