1 An evaluation of the relations between flow regime components, stream 2 characteristics, and species traits and meta-demographic rates of warmwater 3 streams fishes: Implications for aquatic resource management 4 5 James T. Peterson1, U.S. Geological Survey, Georgia Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research 6 Unit, Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 7 30602 8 9 10 Colin P. Shea2, Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602 11 12 1 13 104 Nash Hall, Corvallis, Oregon 97331 USA, E-mail address: jt.peterson@oregonstate.edu Current address: US Geological Survey, Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit 14 15 2 16 Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, Tennessee 38505 USA Current address: Tennessee Cooperative Fishery Research Unit, Department of Biology, 17 18 This draft manuscript is distributed solely for purposes of scientific peer review. Its content is 19 deliberative and predecisional, so it must not be disclosed or released by reviewers. Because the 20 manuscript has not yet been approved for publication by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), it 21 does not represent any official USGS finding or policy. 1 22 ABSTRACT 23 Fishery biologists are increasingly recognizing the importance of considering the dynamic nature 24 of streams when developing streamflow policies. Such approaches require information on how 25 flow regimes influence the physical environment and how those factors, in turn, affect species- 26 specific demographic rates. A more cost effective alternative could be the use of dynamic 27 occupancy models to predict how species are likely to respond to changes in flow. To appraise 28 the efficacy of this approach, we evaluated relative support for hypothesized effects of seasonal 29 stream flows, stream channel characteristics, and fish species traits on local, colonization, and 30 recruitment (meta-demographic rates) of stream fishes. We used four years of seasonal fish 31 collection data from 23 streams to fit multi-state, multi-season occupancy models for 42 fish 32 species in the lower Flint River Basin, Georgia. Modeling results suggested that meta- 33 demographic rates were influenced by streamflows, particularly short-term (10 day) flows. Flow 34 effects on meta-demographic rates also varied with stream channel morphology and size and fish 35 species traits. Small-bodied species with generalized life-history and reproductive characteristics 36 were more resilient to flow variability than were large-bodied species with specialized 37 reproductive and life-history characteristics. Using this approach, we simplified the modeling 38 framework thereby facilitating the development of dynamic, spatially explicit evaluations of the 39 ecological consequences of water resource development activities over broad geographic areas. 2 40 41 INTRODUCTION Recent decades have seen a rapid growth in human demand for the natural resources 42 throughout the world. Such demand has resulted in the need for resource development strategies 43 that consider both future human needs and the conservation needs of valued ecosystems 44 (Arthington et al. 2006). As such, managers around the world are increasingly being asked to 45 predict ecological outcomes of alternative resource-management decisions, typically in the 46 context of changing climate and land uses (Clark et al. 2001, Araujo and Rahbek 2006). 47 Management of water availability in streams and rivers provides a prominent example. 48 Population growth and expanding agricultural irrigation are increasing the demands to divert, 49 transfer and store water from flowing water ecosystems (Postel 2000, Postel and Richter 2003, 50 Fitzhugh and Richter 2004). At the same time, the declining capacity of river systems to support 51 native biota, including imperiled species and fisheries, is a primary concern for natural resource 52 managers and conservationists (Pringle et al. 2000, Arthington and Pusey 2003, Postel and 53 Richter 2003, Dudgeon et al. 2006). Both problems – increasing water demands relative to 54 availability and declining aquatic species – will likely be exacerbated by future changes in land 55 use, especially urbanization (Paul and Meyer 2001, Fitzhugh and Richter 2004), and climate 56 (Milly et al. 2008, Palmer et al. 2008, Nelson et al. 2009). 57 Current methods for assessing the stream flow requirements of aquatic biota are often 58 resource intensive (time and money) and limited in their spatial, temporal, and ecological scope. 59 Although more than 200 techniques have been developed for evaluating instream flow 60 requirements of aquatic biota, habitat simulation methodologies are the most commonly used in 61 North America (Tharme 2003). Habitat simulation methods employ hydraulic models to estimate 62 the response of fishes to changes in amounts and types of habitats under differing stream 3 63 discharge and habitat suitability (or use) criteria (Bovee et al. 1998). Habitat simulation methods 64 require substantial data collection for quantifying flow-habitat relationships and because of their 65 cost are often conducted only at very few locations. Habitat simulation methods also are often 66 narrow in their ecological scope because they are often restricted to particular species or species 67 groups. Hence, there often remains considerable uncertainty regarding how observed flow- 68 habitat relationships transfer to other species or vary across space and time. 69 Alternative methods for assessing the stream flow requirements of aquatic biota should 70 possess several characteristics to be most useful for developing and evaluating management 71 strategies (Arthington et al. 2006). First, assessment techniques should be cost effective and able 72 to incorporate larger spatial and temporal extents (e.g., river basins over multiple years). 73 Effective techniques also should enable quantification of the responses of multiple species to 74 changes in streamflow within the context of stream and watershed-level environmental 75 conditions (Freeman et al. 2013). Lastly, effective assessment techniques should consider the 76 dynamic nature of stream systems; namely, that species are continually responding to changing 77 streamflow conditions, and such dynamics should be explicitly accounted for in resource 78 assessments (Arthington et al. 2006). This requires information of the dynamics of populations 79 and how those dynamics vary in response to changes in flow regimes and stream habitats. 80 Although the information needs for such an approach appear daunting, occupancy modeling 81 approaches (McKenzie et al. 2006) may provide an effective and efficient means for modeling 82 aquatic populations. Dynamic occupancy models track changes in the state of animal 83 populations (e.g., present, absent, abundant, rare) through space and time can be used to evaluate 84 the relations between state transitions (e.g., absent to present= colonization) and biotic and 4 85 abiotic factors. In the context of modeling animal populations, we define these as meta- 86 demographic rates for convenience. 87 Previously, we developed and evaluated a geomorphic channel classification for 88 estimating habitat availability and fish species presence and abundance and demonstrated that it 89 is possible to bypass detailed habitat measurements (i.e., habitat simulation) to quantify stream 90 fish species responses to changes in stream flow (Peterson et al. 2009). We then used that 91 classification system to evaluate the influence of seasonal streamflows and stream 92 geomorphology on the structure of fish assemblages (McCargo and Peterson 2010).We now 93 intend to use that classification system to estimate the influence of seasonal streamflows, stream 94 geomorphology, and stream channel characteristics on stream fish meta-demographic rates. Our 95 goal was to develop a spatially-explicit, dynamic multi-state occupancy model to quantify stream 96 fish response to changes in flow within the context of local geology, channel form, and species- 97 specific life history traits. Thus, we studied Southeastern US, Coastal Plain stream fish 98 assemblages with the following objectives: (1) to estimate site-level colonization, extinction, and 99 reproduction as a function of streamflow and stream channel characteristics; (2) to identify the 100 seasonal flow conditions that have the greatest influence on meta-demographic rates; (3) to 101 identify the life history characteristics or species traits that are most predictive of how species 102 will respond to changes in streamflow conditions; and (4) to demonstrate the potential usefulness 103 of such an approach for managing stream fish populations over large spatial and temporal 104 extents. 105 106 107 5 108 METHODS 109 Study area 110 We evaluated the influence of seasonal flows, stream characteristics, and species traits on 111 fish meta-demographic rates in 23 stream study sites in lower Flint River Basin in Southwestern 112 Georgia (Figure 1). We selected the study sites based on stream size, surficial geology, and gross 113 channel morphology and classified each as Fall Line Hills or Ocala Limestone and confined or 114 unconfined channel morphology. Streams in the Fall Line Hills district were characterized by 115 sandy-mud substrate and relatively high turbidity levels and streams in the Ocala Limestone 116 district contained greater amounts of coarse substrates and lower turbidity (Peterson et al. 2009). 117 Confined channels were single-threaded with high, well-defined banks and greater amounts of 118 pool and riffle habitats compared to unconfined channels (Peterson et al. 2009). Unconfined 119 channels had low and indistinct channel banks and were generally shallower with greater 120 amounts of glide habitats compared to confined channels. The stream size of each study site was 121 characterized using link magnitude (Shreve 1966) and the relative position of a study site using 122 the link magnitude of the nearest downstream segment (Osborne and Wiley 1992). 123 The study sites lengths varied from site to site but were sufficient to include all 124 representative habitat types and minimize the effect of localized species-specific distribution 125 patterns. Wadeable sample sites were approximately 100 m long, whereas the length of non- 126 wadeable sites was approximately 150 m. However, two study sites were approximately 50 m 127 long during sampling in the summer 2001. 128 Fish and habitat sampling 129 Fish sampling and habitat measurements were conducted seasonally from summer 2001 130 to the summer 2004. Seasons were defined as: spring, April-June; and summer, July-September 6 131 and all samples were collected during the latter third of each season. Because the physical 132 characteristics of different streams varied widely, no single gear type could effectively sample 133 fish assemblages in all study sites. Therefore, we used three standardized sampling methods that 134 varied with the size of the stream. 135 In narrow, wadeable streams (mean wetted width < 8 m and mean depth < 0.5 m), the 136 upstream and downstream boundaries of a site were blocked with 7-mm mesh nets and sampled 137 during three passes with a pulsed DC backpack electrofisher operating at approximately 2 A. The 138 first pass was made in an upstream direction, followed by a downstream pass, and a final 139 upstream pass. 140 Wide (mean wetted width > 8 m), wadeable streams also were blocked with 7-mm mesh 141 nets and sampling was conducted during three passes with a tote-barge mounted electrofishing 142 unit and two anode probes powered by a 3000-W generator producing approximately 3 A pulsed 143 DC. The sequence of passes was identical to the backpack electrofisher with first pass in an 144 upstream direction, followed by a downstream pass, and a final upstream pass. 145 Non-wadeable sites (mean depth > 0.5 m) were sampled with six passes of a boat 146 electrofisher equipped with two Wisconsin rings and powered by a 3000-W generator at 147 approximately 3 A pulsed DC. The first pass was made in an upstream direction in the middle of 148 the stream; the second was in a downstream direction adjacent to the first, but along one of the 149 banks; and the third pass was made in an upstream direction along the opposite bank. The next 150 three passes were identical to the first three with the direction (upstream or downstream) 151 reversed. 152 All captured fish were identified to species and total length (TL) was measured to the 153 nearest mm. Large fish (>100 mm) and all Centrarchidae and Catastomidae were identified, 7 154 measured, and released; small fish (<100 mm) were preserved in 10% formalin and taken to the 155 laboratory for identification and more accurate measurement. We considered the presence of 156 young-of year fishes (YOY) at a site to be an indicator of stream fish reproduction. Thus, we 157 grouped individual fish into two age classes: YOY and juvenile/adult (non-YOY) using seasonal, 158 species-specific length-frequency histograms. 159 Stream features that were used to estimate fish capture probability (discussed below) 160 were measured at each site near the time of fish sampling. Using calibrated hand held meters, 161 conductivity, temperature, and turbidity were measured in the middle of a site. Stream habitat 162 characteristics were estimated by measuring depth and average current velocity at eight evenly- 163 spaced points along 10 evenly-spaced transects. At each transect, wetted stream width (to the 164 nearest 0.1 m) was measured perpendicular to flow. At each point along a transect, crews 165 measured mean current velocity (to the nearest 0.01 m/s) with a Marsh-McBirney digital flow 166 meter and depth (to the nearest 0.01 m) with a standard top-set wading rod. When water depth 167 was less than 0.65 m, average velocity was measured at 0.6 of total depth; whereas average 168 velocity at greater depths was measured as the mean of readings taken at 0.2 and 0.8 of total 169 depth. For each site, mean current velocity and mean water depth were estimated by averaging 170 each point measurement, mean wetted width by averaging the widths of each transect and stream 171 discharge as the product of the average width, depth, and current velocity. 172 Definitions and statistical analyses 173 Streamflow estimation. – One of our objectives was to identify the stream flow 174 components that had the greatest influence on fish meta-demographic rates. However, only 4 of 175 the 23 sites were located near continuous discharge measurement gages. Therefore, we used 176 existing study site-specific models relating discharge at the ungaged sites to discharge at long- 8 177 term USGS stations located in the lower Flint River Basin (McCargo and Peterson 2010). These 178 linear regression models were relatively precise with coefficients of determination that averaged 179 0.87. The estimated and observed daily discharge at the ungaged and gaged sites, respectively 180 were used to calculate seasonal flow statistics. 181 To evaluate the influence of stream flows on fish local extinction, colonization, and 182 reproduction, we calculated site-specific seasonal flow statistics for the seasonal period prior to 183 fish sampling. Our primary hypotheses of interest focused on the evaluation of the relative 184 influence of three components of the flow regime: high flows, low flows, and flow variability. 185 Based on previous studies (Freeman et al. 2001, Craven et al. 2010, McCargo and Peterson 186 2010), we also wanted to evaluate in the relative influence of short- and long-term discharge 187 conditions on fishes. We characterized short-term low flows as the 10-day low discharge, which 188 was calculated as the lowest average discharge for 10 consecutive days for the season prior to 189 fish sampling. The short-term high flows were similarly calculated as highest average discharge 190 for 10 consecutive days for the season prior to fish sampling. Long-term flow conditions were 191 characterized as the median discharge and flow stability as the standard deviation (SD) in 192 discharge during the season prior to fish sampling. 193 Stream sizes varied substantially among our study sites, which would complicate the 194 evaluation of the effects of flow components on fish meta-demographic rates. To facilitate the 195 evaluation, we standardized the discharge statistics (described above) for each site by dividing 196 each statistic by the median seasonal discharge for the period of record at gaged sites and the 197 model-estimated median seasonal discharge at ungaged sites for the period of record of their 198 reference gages (following McCargo and Peterson 2010). 9 199 Occupancy modeling. - We estimated local extinction, colonization, and reproduction 200 using multistate, multiseason occupancy models (MacKenzie et al. 2009). Multistate, 201 multiseason occupancy models can be used to model changes in the states of animal populations 202 at one or more locations through time. We considered three population states (m) for each 203 species: unoccupied, occupied with no reproduction (i.e., adults and juveniles present but YOY 204 absent), occupied with successful reproduction (i.e., YOY present). Here we used the conditional 205 binomial parameterization of Nichols et al. (2007) and modeled the probability of successful 206 reproduction, given that the site was occupied. The conditional probability of successful 207 reproduction was fixed at zero for the spring season because YOY fishes were too small to be 208 reliably collected with our methods. Local extinction, colonization, and conditional reproduction 209 were modeled as a function of seasonal flow components, stream characteristics, and species 210 traits using linear logistic hierarchical models, discussed below. 211 To account for incomplete detection (i.e., false absences), we estimated species and size 212 class-specific capture probability for each sample using capture-recapture models and used them 213 in place of state-specific conditional detection probabilities normally used in multistate 214 occupancy models (MacKenzie et al. 2009). The capture-recapture models estimated fish capture 215 probability as a function of sampling method, species, fish body length, and the physiochemical 216 characteristics of the study sites (McCargo and Peterson 2010). We estimated the capture 217 probability separately for YOY and adult/juvenile fishes using the species-specific median body 218 lengths of each size class collected during the study. Because capture probabilities were not 219 known with certainty, the predicted probability distribution (PDF) was incorporated using a beta 220 PDF during the model fitting. 10 221 Fish sampling began in summer 2001 and coincided with initiation of a severe drought 222 period in the region. We were concerned that the initial occupancy (t = 0) at each site would 223 reflect a fish community that was already affected by the low flow conditions. Therefore, we 224 used existing fish collection data collected during 1980-1999 from previous studies in the Flint 225 River Basin by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources (GADNR), U.S. Geological 226 Survey (USGS), and the University of Georgia personnel to predict initial occupancy (unaffected 227 by drought) at the 23 study sites. The data were collected from 234 stream reaches in the Flint 228 River Basin using standardized protocols that ensured site-specific species detection probabilities 229 70% (Ruiz and Peterson 2007). These data were used to estimate species-specific initial 230 occupancy probabilities at each site as a function of link magnitude, downstream link magnitude, 231 channel confinement, and surficial geology. The best approximating initial occupancy model was 232 used for evaluating the relative support of all candidate multistate, multiseason occupancy 233 models. 234 We believed that the relation between flow components and fish meta-demographic rates 235 was likely to vary among fish species and among streams. To account for the potentially varying 236 response of fishes and among sites, we examined relationships between flow components and 237 fish meta-demographic rates using hierarchical models (Royle and Dorazio 2008). Hierarchical 238 models differ from more familiar linear modeling techniques in that they consist of upper and 239 lower level models. In the lower level models, the values of parameters (e.g., slope and 240 intercepts) can vary among subjects (Royle and Dorazio 2008), here species or sites. For our 241 study, the lower level models treated the intercept and the effect of flow components and stream 242 characteristics on meta-demographic rates as varying among species. We interpreted the fixed 243 effects associated with the lower level intercept as the relation between the species traits, site- 11 244 specific characteristics, and season on the overall probability of local extinction, colonization, or 245 reproduction. The fixed effects associated with the flow components were expressed as 246 interactions between flow components and species trait, site-specific characteristics, and season. 247 For example, a model containing a link magnitude by flow interaction meant that the effect of 248 the flow component was modeled as a function of link magnitude. We interpreted these fixed 249 effects as the influence of these factors on the relation between the flow component and local 250 extinction, colonization, or reproduction. In addition, we evaluated the support for an additional 251 random effect corresponding to each study site to account for potential spatial autocorrelation. 252 Model selection. - We used an information-theoretic approach (Burnham and Anderson 253 2002) to evaluate the relative influence of flow components, stream characteristics, and species 254 traits on the meta-demographic rates of stream fishes. Our primary hypotheses of interest were to 255 evaluate the relative influence of short- and long-term seasonal flows on stream fish meta- 256 demographic rates. Secondarily, we sought to determine the influence of species traits, stream 257 characteristics, and season on the relation between flow components stream fish meta- 258 demographic rates. Thus, we contrasted three sets of submodels with each corresponding to a 259 meta-demographic parameter. Candidate model parameters were systematically entered and 260 excluded from each submodel and only one flow component was included in each candidate 261 submodel at a time to avoid multicolinearity. Local extinction submodels included one of three 262 flow regime components (Table 1), stream size (link magnitude), stream channel confinement, 263 and three species traits (Table 2). Colonization submodels included one of three flow regime 264 components, stream size, size of nearest downstream tributary (downstream link magnitude), 265 stream channel confinement, and season with three species traits (Table 2). Conditional 266 reproduction included four flow regime components (Table 1), stream size, and channel 12 267 confinement with three traits hypothesized to influence conditional reproduction (Table 2). As 268 discussed above, conditional reproduction was fixed at zero for the spring season because YOY 269 fishes were too small to be sampled reliably. To evaluate the influence of flow components on 270 reproduction during the spring, the third model set included four flow regime components from 271 the spring and the summer for a total of eight flow components. The candidate model set also 272 included models without species traits, stream characteristics, and season. 273 To accommodate a model structure that included random effects, we used Markov Chain 274 Monte Carlo (MCMC) as implemented in BUGS software, version 1.4 (Lunn et al. 2000) to fit 275 the initial occupancy and multistate multiseason occupancy models. All models were fit based on 276 500,000 iterations with 50,000 burn in (i.e., the first 50,000 MCMC iterations were dropped) and 277 diffuse priors. The number of iterations was determined by fitting the candidate model that 278 modeled the meta-demographic parameters as a function of median discharge, all stream 279 characteristics, and all species traits and running six parallel chains and testing for convergence 280 using the Gelman- Rubin diagnostic (Gelman and Rubin 1992). The relative support of each 281 candidate model was evaluated by calculating Akaike’s Information Criteria (AIC; Akaike 1973) 282 with the small-sample bias adjustment (AICc; Hurvich and Tsai 1989). Because the MCMC 283 methods produce a distribution of AICc values, we used the mean AICc for all inferences 284 (Fonnesbeck and Conroy 2004). The number of parameters used to estimate AICc included the 285 fixed effects and random effects (Burnham and Anderson 2002). We also calculated Akaike 286 weights that range from zero to one with the most plausible candidate model having the highest 287 weight (Burnham and Anderson 2002). We then constructed a confidence set of models as those 288 candidate models that had Akaike weights of 0.10 (10 % of the highest importance weight) or 289 higher, similar to the cut-off established by Royall (1997) as a basis for evaluating strength of 13 290 evidence. All inferences were based on the candidate model set. The precision of each fixed and 291 random effect in the best supported models was estimated by computing 95% credible intervals 292 (Congdon 2001), which are analogous to 95% confidence intervals. Goodness-of-fit (GOF) was 293 assessed for the global model for each flow component using a simple discrepancy measure and 294 1000 simulated data points (Gelman et al. 1996). 295 Prior to evaluating the fit of our candidate models, link magnitude and downstream link 296 magnitude were natural log transformed to facilitate MCMC model fitting. We binary coded 297 season with spring coded as 1 when the season was spring and 0 otherwise, channel confinement 298 with unconfined channels coded as 1 and 0 otherwise, and surficial geology with Ocala 299 limestone coded as 1 otherwise 0. Categorical species traits predictors (adult body size, adult 300 habitat preference, locomotion morphology, and spawning behavior) also were binary coded. 301 302 303 RESULTS Stream flows varied considerably among sampling years and seasons (Table 1) with 10- 304 day low discharge ranging from 0 to 2.0 times, and 10-day high discharge ranging from 0.5 to 305 20.9 times, the long-term median discharge at a study site. The observed discharge at the long- 306 term gage USGS at our Spring Creek study site was representative of temporal discharge patterns 307 during the period of study (Figure 2). Daily discharge was similar to the long term average 308 during the spring 2001, but was substantially below average from the summer 2001 through the 309 fall 2002. Stream flows were much higher than the average long-term discharge during all of 310 2003 and were similar to average long-term flows during 2004. 311 312 We collected a total of 136 samples and captured 53 fish species during the study. Eleven species were collected in less than 5% of the samples. Rare species generally have little 14 313 influence on assemblage dynamics, and their inclusion in an analysis could significantly distort 314 trends or relationships (Gauch 1982). Therefore, were restricted our evaluation of fish meta- 315 demographic rates to the 42 species that occurred in more than 5% of the samples (Table 3). 316 The best approximating model for estimating initial occupancy contained link magnitude, 317 downstream link magnitude, stream channel confinement, and surficial geology and random 318 effects corresponding to each fixed effect (Table 4). This model was used for each candidate 319 multistate, multiseason occupancy model during model selection. Bayesian goodness-of-fit tests 320 of each global flow component model estimated p-values that ranged from 0.28 - 0.73 suggesting 321 that model fit was adequate. 322 The best approximating multistate, multiseason occupancy model relating stream flows, 323 stream characteristics, season, and fish species traits to fish meta-demographic rates included 324 local extinction modeled as a function of 10-day low discharge, stream link magnitude, stream 325 channel confinement, and the two-way interactions: 10-day low discharge by link magnitude, 10- 326 day low discharge by unconfined stream channel, 10-day low discharge by adult body size; 327 colonization as a function of 10-day high discharge, stream link magnitude, stream channel 328 confinement, spring, and the two-way interactions: 10-day high discharge by link magnitude, 10- 329 day high discharge by adult body size; and conditional reproduction as a function of summer 330 discharge SD, stream channel confinement, and summer discharge SD by locomotion 331 morphology interaction (Table 5). The Akaike importance weight of this model indicated that it 332 was 1.8 times more likely than the next best approximating model, which was similar to the best 333 model but included a 10-day high discharge by locomotion morphology interaction in place of 334 the 10-day high discharge by adult body size interaction in the colonization model. The Akaike 335 model weights indicated support for nine models and these comprised the confidence model set 15 336 (Table 5). The remaining models in the confidence set were similar to the two best 337 approximating and suggested that there was evidence that local extinction was related to species 338 tolerance and median seasonal discharge. In addition, there was evidence that conditional 339 reproduction was related to 10-day high discharge during the summer and fish locomotion 340 morphology. 341 Parameter estimates indicated that local extinction was negatively related to 10-day low 342 discharge, but that the effects of discharge varied with stream size, channel confinement, and 343 species traits (Table 6). Estimated local extinction decreased with increased 10-day low 344 discharge and was generally lowest in large, confined channel streams and greatest in small, 345 unconfined channels (Figure 3a). The effect of discharge also was greatest in large streams with 346 estimated local extinction probabilities that were, on average, 15 times lower with each 0.1 347 increase in standardized 10-day low discharge in medium streams compared to small streams 348 (i.e., link magnitudes 100 vs. 10 respectively; Figure 3a). In contrast, the interaction between 349 channel confinement and discharge suggested that 10-day low discharge had a smaller effect on 350 the probability of local extinction in unconfined stream channels compared to confined channels 351 (Table 6). The effect of discharge on local extinction also was lower for small bodied and 352 tolerant species compared to larger sized and intolerant species, respectively. However, 353 estimates suggest that effect of species traits on local extinction was smaller than that of stream 354 size and channel characteristics (Figure 3). 355 Colonization probability was positively related to 10-day high discharge, link magnitude, 356 and downstream link magnitude (Table 7). Parameter estimates also suggested that colonization 357 was, on average, 2 times greater in the spring compared to the summer and more than 3 times 358 lower in unconfined stream channels relative to confined channels. Similar to local extinction, 16 359 the effects of discharge on colonization varied with stream size and species traits (Table 7). 360 Colonization increased with higher 10-day high discharges and was greater in larger and 361 confined channel streams (Figure 4a). Colonization also was greater in streams with greater link 362 magnitudes, but the estimated effect of link magnitude was much smaller than that of stream 363 size, channel confinement, and season (Figure 4). Species traits had relatively strong influence 364 on the relation between 10-day high discharge and colonization. We estimate that with each 1 365 unit increase in standardized 10-day high discharge, colonization was almost 2 times greater for 366 large sized fishes and more than 2 times lower for smaller fish relative to medium fishes (Figure 367 5a). Locomotion morphology also influenced the relation between 10-day high discharge and 368 colonization and was greatest for species with cruiser morphology and lowest for species with 369 hugger morphology (Figure 5b). However, the parameter estimate for the relation between 10- 370 day high discharge and hugger morphology was relatively imprecise (Table 7). 371 Conditional reproduction was negatively related to summer discharge SD and positively 372 related to 10-day high discharge during the spring (Table 8). In contrast to local extinction and 373 colonization, there was no evidence that stream size and channel characteristics influenced the 374 relation between discharge and conditional reproduction. However, the parameter estimates 375 indicated that the probability of reproduction was, on average, 2 times lower in confined channel 376 streams (Table 8). Of the species traits considered, locomotion morphology had the greatest 377 influence on the relation between discharge and conditional reproduction. We estimate that 378 species with cruiser morphology were most sensitive and hugger species, least sensitive to flow 379 variability during the summer (Figure 6a). There also was evidence that spawning behavior 380 influenced the relation between reproduction and 10-day high discharge during the spring. We 381 estimate that species with broadcast and complex spawning behavior were most sensitive to 10- 17 382 day high discharge during the spring (Figure 6b). However, the parameter estimate for complex 383 spawning behavior was relatively imprecise and confidence limits spanned zero (Table 8). 384 385 DISCUSSION 386 We found strong evidence that local colonization, extinction, and reproduction rates of 387 stream fishes were related to flow regime components in the lower Flint River Basin, GA. The 388 effect of flows on these meta-demographic rates, however, varied substantially among species 389 and with stream channels characteristics. There also was evidence that the effect of flows was, in 390 part, mediated by behavioral and morphological traits of the resident species. Although our 391 measure of population state was relatively coarse (i.e., species presence and absence), we 392 postulate that the observed relations represent how local environmental conditions affect 393 individuals in a population. Thus, interpreting the relationships between meta-demographic rates 394 and site- and species characteristics requires understanding of mechanisms that influence fish 395 population dynamics. 396 Local extinction of fish in the study sites was strongly negatively related to 10-day low 397 flow. Habitat availability and dissolved oxygen in the study reaches were positively related to 398 stream flows, whereas water temperature was negatively related (Peterson et al. 2009). In 399 addition, the effect of flows on habitat availability and water quality were more pronounced in 400 smaller streams and unconfined stream channels (Peterson et al. 2009). Thus, the relations 401 between streamflows, channel characteristics, and local extinction likely represent the effect of 402 flows on resource availability and environmental suitability. This suggests that local extinction 403 was likely due to a combination of emigration and mortality. Previous studies suggest that some 404 fish move out of reaches as flows are reduced (Albanese et al 2004; Hodges and Magoulick 18 405 2011), while others report little to no evidence of mass emigration in response to severely 406 reduced flows (Larimore et al. 1959; Bayley and Osborne 1993; Matthews 1998). We believe 407 that extinction in the study reaches was primarily due to mortality associated with low flow 408 conditions. There was no support for colonization models that included low flow and stream link 409 magnitude, which would be expected had large numbers of fish emigrated to larger downstream 410 reaches. The strong support for 10 day low flows also suggest that local extinction was primarily 411 related to short term (i.e., acute) conditions. During these relatively short periods of low to no 412 flow, dissolved oxygen levels dropped below 3 mg/L and maximum temperatures reached 30 oC 413 in small streams (Peterson et al. 2009). These inhospitable conditions would have likely killed 414 species that were less tolerant, which is consistent with the evidence that local extinction was 415 greater for species with low to moderate tolerance during low flow periods. Similarly, large 416 bodied fishes would be more vulnerable to terrestrial predators in small streams with reduced 417 flows, which also was consistent with our observations that local extinction was greater for 418 larger-bodied fishes. The fate of the fishes in flow-impaired reaches has important implications 419 for modeling the response of fishes to changes in flows, which we discuss below. 420 Fish colonization was strongly positively related to 10 day high flows and was greater 421 during the spring, but was the relation was highly variable among species. This general pattern is 422 consistent with previous studies of warmwater stream fish that reported large-scale upstream 423 migrations of adult and larger juvenile fish associated with high flow events (Hall 1972; Bayley 424 and Osborne 1993; Peterson and Rabeni 2001; Albanese et al. 2004). Thus, the relationship 425 between spring discharge and local colonization likely reflects the influence that discharge has 426 on seasonal migrations. Observed variability in the effect of high discharge among species may 427 be due to differences in species-specific movement patterns (Albanese et al. 2004), but some of 19 428 the variation among species was related to body size and locomotion morphology, with lower 429 colonization rates for small bodied fishes and higher rates for species with cruiser morphology. 430 Large-bodied fishes are generally faster swimmers and likely have greater energy reserves for 431 sustained migration and species with cruiser morphology are streamlined and have shapes that 432 are associated with greater swimming efficiency (Goldstein and Meador 2004). Consequently, 433 we believe that these traits reflect the relative differences in swimming ability and possibly, 434 stamina. Contrary to our expectations, we found no evidence of a relation between spawning 435 duration and colonization rate. We expected species with shorter spawning duration to colonize 436 faster than species with protracted spawning seasons. The lack of evidence of a relation 437 combined with the overwhelming importance of short term high flows lends support to the 438 contention of Bayley and Osborne (1993) that most large scale stream colonization is due to 439 pulsed movement. 440 Local colonization also was related to stream channel morphology and position in the 441 watershed and was lower in unconfined stream channels and headwater streams. Unconfined 442 channel streams in the lower Flint River Basin tended to be wider and shallower with relatively 443 homogeneous habitat when compared to confined channel streams (Peterson et al. 2009). During 444 high flows, unconfined channels were relatively deep (> 1 m), so the relation probably does not 445 represent fish passage effects. In fact, there were unconfined channels downstream of two of our 446 sites, and fishes were able to colonize both sites. Rather, we believe that fish were able to access 447 and pass through unconfined reaches, but the species that successfully colonized the reaches 448 reflected the filtering effect of habitat structure (Peterson and Bayley 1993). The positive relation 449 between downstream link magnitude and colonization also suggests that the primary source of 450 colonists was likely from larger downstream reaches. However, the effect size of downstream 20 451 link magnitude was much smaller than we expected, as modeling results suggested that the 452 colonization probability of a small tributary (link magnitude 10) joining a large stream (link 453 magnitude 500) was less than 5% greater than that of a small tributary joining with another small 454 tributary. Based on these patterns and the observations of others (Larimore et al 1959; Bayley 455 and Osborne 1993), we hypothesize that fish colonization was primarily due to long-distance 456 migrations. Although we were unable to identify the colonization source and migration routes 457 with our data, this information is crucial for modeling the response of fishes to changes in flows 458 as we discuss below. 459 Successful reproduction, as evidenced by the presence of age-0 fish, was related to flow 460 variability during the summer, short term high flows during the spring, and channel morphology. 461 The probability of reproduction was negatively related to flow variability during the summer, 462 which included the spawning period for a limited number of species and the rearing period for all 463 species prior to late summer fish sampling. Additionally, the effects of flow variability on 464 reproductive success were greater for species with cruiser morphology. This is consistent with 465 numerous studies that reported negative effects of flow variability on reproductive success and 466 survival of age 0 streamfishes (Freeman et al. 2001; Weyers et al. 2003; Craven et al. 2010; and 467 others), particularly for fishes that are generally restricted to swimming in the water column 468 (Harvey 1987). The positive relation between short term high flows during the spring and 469 reproduction, however, suggests that a different (or additional) mechanism may affect 470 reproductive success. The spring time period used to calculate the flow statistic included the 471 spawning time period for more than half of the study species, so the relation likely represents the 472 effect of flows on conditions prior to or during fish spawning. Given the short term nature of the 473 flows (i.e., 10-day rather than median), we believe that the high flows during spring may have 21 474 affected habitat availability during spawning or the condition of habitat shortly after spawning. 475 For example, high flows reportedly remove fine sediment in spawning substrates, increasing egg 476 incubation rates and hence, reproductive success. Alternatively, the effect of short term high 477 flows in the spring could represent the influence of high flows on spawning migration as 478 discussed above. 479 480 481 Management implications We demonstrated that the meta-demographic rates of multiple stream fish species can be 482 estimated using dynamic occupancy models. Importantly, these models were fit using field 483 sample data collected with relatively cost efficient methods in comparison with mark and 484 recapture studies. Peterson et al. (2009) demonstrated that the response of fish to changes in 485 streamflows can be modeled using inexpensive and readily available data on gross channel 486 morphology, stream size and stream position in the watershed, and streamflow, compared with 487 approaches that require calibrated flow habitat models. By combining these two approaches, we 488 developed a tool that can be used to evaluate the effects of water resource development activities 489 (Freeman et al. 2013), stream fragmentation, and other alterations to the hydrologic regime, such 490 as climate change, on aquatic biota. By using three states to describe fish population status (i.e., 491 rather than tracking abundance) and coarse fish habitat surrogates (i.e., stream size, 492 morphology), we greatly simplified the modeling framework thereby facilitating the 493 development of dynamic, spatially explicit evaluations of the ecological consequences of water 494 resource development activities over broad geographic areas. 495 496 Despite the potential advantages of using meta-demographic models for evaluating the response of fishes to streamflow alteration, there remains substantial uncertainty that would 22 497 likely complicate evaluations of how streamflow alteration may affect fish populations. As 498 discussed above, we could not determine the fate of fishes in reaches that experienced a local 499 extinction event, nor could we determine the source of colonists. Indeed, the predicted effects of 500 water development are heavily dependent on factors such as how far fish move (Freeman et al. 501 2013). Thus, identifying the specific mechanisms associated with colonization and extinction 502 events would improve the evaluations. Similarly, there was significant variation in species- 503 specific responses to flow components after accounting for the effects of species traits. Reducing 504 these uncertainties would also improve the evaluations and, in turn, water resource decision 505 making. 506 Adaptive resource management (ARM) allows managers to make resource decisions 507 while reducing important uncertainties through time using monitoring data (Conroy and Peterson 508 2013). In ARM, observed outcomes (monitoring data) are compared to model predictions and 509 used to update model parameters; hence, a key component of ARM is that monitoring must 510 match the predictions from management decision models. For example, if a management model 511 predicts abundance, monitoring should focus on estimating abundance. Thus, using meta- 512 demographic models for estimating the response of fishes to management actions can easily be 513 integrated into a relatively cost effective ARM framework due to the relative ease of estimating 514 fish occupancy. 515 516 517 518 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 23 519 We are indebted to many technicians, volunteers, and graduate students, including N. 520 Banish, B. Bowen, D. Carroll, S. Craven, S. Hawthorne, B. Henry, C. Holliday, D. McPherson, 521 J. McGee, P. O’Rouke, J. Ruiz, and D.Taylor. We also thank A. Wimberly for assisting with 522 obtaining GIS maps and figures. Funding and logistical support for this project was provided by 523 the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, and US 524 Geological Survey. The manuscript was improved with suggestions from T. Kwak, M. Freeman, 525 and anonymous reviewers. This study was performed under the auspices of University of 526 Georgia animal use protocol IACUC# A2002-10080-0. The use of trade, product, industry or 527 firm names or products is for informative purposes only and does not constitute an endorsement 528 by the U.S. Government or the U.S. Geological Survey. The Georgia Cooperative Fish and 529 Wildlife Research Unit is jointly sponsored by the U.S. Geological Survey, the U.S. Fish and 530 Wildlife Service, the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, the University of Georgia, and 531 the Wildlife Management Institute. 24 532 LITERATURE CITED 533 Akaike, H. 1973. Information theory and an extension of the maximum likelihood principle. 534 Pages 267-281 in Second International Symposium on Information Theory. B. N. Petrov 535 and F. Csaki, editors. Akademiai Kiado, Budapest, Hungary. 536 Albanese, B., P. L. Angermeier, and S. Dorai-Raj. 2004. Ecological correlates of fish movement 537 in a network of Virginia streams. 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Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 664 132: 84-91 30 665 666 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are indebted to many technicians, volunteers, and graduate students, including Nolan 667 Banish, Bryant Bowen, Denise Carroll, Scott Craven, Shane Hawthorne, Brent Henry, Chris 668 Holliday, Dale McPherson, Jason McGee, Patrick O’Rouke, John Ruiz, and Drew Taylor. We 669 also thank Daryl MacKenzie for providing us with example WinBugs code. Funding and 670 logistical support for this project was provided by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the 671 Georgia Department of Natural Resources, and the U.S. Geological Survey. The manuscript was 672 improved with suggestions from C. Moore,… and anonymous reviewers. The use of trade, 673 product, industry or firm names or products is for informative purposes only and does not 674 constitute an endorsement by the U.S. Government or the U.S. Geological Survey. The Georgia 675 Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit is jointly sponsored by the U.S. Geological Survey, 676 the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, the University 677 of Georgia, and the Wildlife Management Institute. 31 678 Table 1. Mean, standard deviation (SD), and range for stream characteristics and stream flow components used in candidate models stream fish meta-demographic rates in 23 study sites in the lower Flint River Basin, Georgia. Seasonal discharge is expressed as a proportion of the site-specific median seasonal discharge. Stream characteristics Variable Mean (SD) Range Site length (m) 92.0 (31.9) 53 - 165 Link magnitude 206.0 (230.5) 2 - 807 Downstream link magnitude1 793.5 (2060.5) 3 - 8497 10-day low discharge 0.506 (0.313) 0.00 - 1.20 Median discharge 1.120 (0.677) 0.00 - 3.00 10-day high discharge 2.444 (1.551) 0.78 - 7.83 Discharge SD2 0.954 (0.660) 0.24 – 2.83 10-day low discharge 0.540 (0.372) 0.00 - 1.98 Median discharge 1.551 (1.259) 0.00 - 11.01 10-day high discharge 4.946 (5.077) 0.53 - 20.93 Discharge SD2 1.683 (1.811) 0.08 - 6.73 Spring Summer 679 680 681 1 2 Only included in candidate colonization models. Only included in candidate conditional reproduction models. 32 Table 2. Species traits used in candidate models relating the stream fish extinction, colonization, and reproduction to seasonal stream discharge. Trait Description Biological interpretation Extinction Adult habitat use Primary adult habitat use: deep > 1 m depth fast current > 0.25 m/s Body size Adult body size (total length): small ≤100 mm, medium1 > 100 mm and < 200 mm, large >200 mm Tolerance Tolerance to anthropogenic alterations: low, moderate1, high Local extinction is primarily due to loss of habitats associated with changing discharge. Body size is positively related to extinction during low flow periods due to increased vulnerability to terrestrial predators, loss of habitats, and decreased water quality. Local extinction is due to changes in water quality (dissolved oxygen, temperature) associated with changing discharge. Colonization Locomotion morphology2 Body size Spawning duration cruiser: streamlined fishes that are generally found swimming in the water column, hugger: fishes that are generally in contact with the stream bottom, other1 Adult body size (total length): small ≤100 mm, medium1 > 100mm and < 200 mm, large >200 mm The effect of discharge on colonization is related to fish swimming ability as indexed by morphology. The effect of discharge on colonization is related to fish swimming ability as indexed by body size. Number of months devoted to spawning in a given year Colonization is primarily due to spawning migration so the effect of discharge on colonization is related to spawning duration. complex spawning: species that build and guard nests, broadcast spawning: species that broadcast eggs into the water column or over substrate during spawning, other1 Complex spawners devote greater physiological resources to spawning activities (e.g., nest building) and are more vulnerable to variable flows Number of months devoted to spawning in a given year Species with protracted spawning durations have greater spawning opportunities and are less influenced by discharge during the spawning period (spring). Reproduction Spawning behavior Spawning duration 33 682 683 684 cruiser: streamlined fishes that are generally found swimming in the Young-of-year fishes are vulnerable Locomotion water column, to changing discharge conditions 2 morphology hugger: fishes that are generally in during juvenile rearing period contact with the stream bottom, (summer). other1. 1 Category used as baseline in binary coding. 2 Terminology is from Goldstein and Meador (2004) and hugger is combined hugger and creeper morphology of Goldstein and Meador (2004). 34 Table 3. Name and traits for fish species used to model extinction, colonization, and reproduction in study sites in the lower Flint River Basin, Georgia. Species traits were determined using Fishes of Alabama (Boschung and Mayden 2004) and Georgia Department of Natural Resources designations (GADNR 2005). The four habitat types listed below include: shallow slow (SS), deep slow (DS), shallow fast (SF), and deep fast (DF). Body Scientific name Common name Habitat Spawning Locomotion size Tolerance use behavior morphology Lepisosteus oculatus Spotted Gar large moderate DS broadcast cruiser Amia calva Bowfin large high DS complex cruiser Cyprinella venusta Blacktail Shiner small high SS broadcast cruiser Ericymba amplamala Longjaw Minnow small high SS other cruiser Clear Chub small moderate SS other cruiser Notemigonus crysoleucas Golden Shiner small high SS other cruiser Notropis chalybaeus Ironcolor Shiner small low SS other cruiser Notropis harperi Redeye Chub small low SS other cruiser Notropis hypsilepis Highscale Shiner small low SS other cruiser Notropis longirostris Longnose Shiner small high SS other cruiser Notropis petersoni Coastal Shiner small high SS other cruiser Notropis texanus Weed Shiner small low SS broadcast cruiser Opsopoeodus emiliae Pugnose Minnow small high SS other cruiser Hybopsis sp. cf. H. winchelli 35 Pteronotropis Apalachee Shiner small high SS other cruiser Spotted Sucker large high DS broadcast cruiser Apalachicola Redhorse large high DF broadcast cruiser Moxostoma lachneri Greater Jumprock large high DF broadcast cruiser Ameiurus brunneus Snail Bullhead medium low DS complex hugger Ameiurus natalis Yellow Bullhead medium high DS complex hugger Ameiurus nebulosus Brown Bullhead medium high DS complex hugger Ictalurus punctatus Channel Catfish large high DS complex hugger Noturus leptacanthus Speckled Madtom small high SF complex hugger Pylodictis olivaris Flathead Catfish large high DF complex hugger Esox americanus Redfin Pickerel large moderate SS broadcast cruiser Aphredoderus sayanus Pirate Perch medium high SS complex other Labidesthes sicculus Brook Silverside small high SS broadcast cruiser Gambusia holbrooki Mosquitofish small high SS other cruiser Ambloplites ariommus Shadow Bass medium moderate DS complex other Lepomis auritus Redbreast Sunfish medium moderate DS complex other Lepomis cyanellus Green Sunfish medium high DS complex other Lepomis gulosus Warmouth medium moderate SS complex other grandipinnis Minytrema melanops Moxostoma sp. cf. M. poecilurum 36 Lepomis macrochirus Bluegill medium high DS complex other Lepomis marginatus Dollar Sunfish small high SS complex other Lepomis microlophus Redear Sunfish medium moderate DS complex other Lepomis punctatus Spotted Sunfish medium high SS complex other Micropterus cataractae Shoal Bass large low DF complex cruiser Micropterus salmoides Largemouth Bass large moderate DS complex cruiser Etheostoma edwini Brown Darter small moderate SF other hugger Etheostoma fusiforme Swamp Darter small high SS other hugger Etheostoma swaini Gulf Darter small moderate SF broadcast hugger Percina nigrofasciata Blackbanded Darter small high SF other hugger Elassoma zonatum Banded Pygmy Sunfish small moderate SS complex other 685 686 37 687 Table 4. Estimates of fixed and random effects, their standard deviation (SD), and lower and upper 95% credible intervals for the best approximating model of initial species occupancy. Parameter Estimate SD Lower Upper Fixed effects Intercept 0.206 0.341 -0.459 0.885 Link magnitude 2.264 0.847 0.716 4.056 Downstream link magnitude -0.025 0.052 -0.129 0.078 Unconfined channel -0.202 0.237 -0.671 0.257 Ocala limestone -0.323 0.291 -0.898 0.249 3.567 1.154 1.868 6.310 15.700 7.467 5.480 34.180 Downstream link magnitude 0.021 0.022 0.004 0.070 Unconfined channel 0.236 0.306 0.007 1.085 Ocala limestone 1.739 0.815 0.553 3.691 Random effects Intercept Link magnitude 688 38 689 Table 5. Predictor variables, number of parameters (K), mean AICc, AICc, and Akaike weights (w) for the confidence set of candidate models (i) of fish species local extinction (), colonization (), and conditional reproduction (R). Akaike weights are interpreted as relative plausibility of candidate models. Candidate model1, 2 K AICc AICc wi 38 3180.0 0.00 0.263 38 3181.2 1.24 0.142 38 3181.8 1.82 0.106 (Link, unconfined, 10-day low discharge, 10-day low discharge*link, 10-day low discharge* unconfined, 10-day low discharge*body size), (Link, dlink, 10-day high discharge, unconfined, spring, 10-day high discharge*link, 10-day high discharge* body size), R(Unconfined, summer discharge SD, summer discharge SD* locomotion morphology) ( Link, unconfined, 10-day low discharge, 10-day low discharge*link, 10-day low discharge* unconfined, 10-day low discharge* body size), (Link, dlink, 10-day high discharge, unconfined, spring, 10-day high discharge*link, 10-day high discharge, locomotion morphology), R(Unconfined, summer discharge SD, summer discharge SD* locomotion morphology) ( Link, unconfined, 10-day low discharge, 10-day low discharge*link, 10-day low discharge* unconfined, 10-day low discharge* tolerance), (Link, dlink, 10-day high discharge, unconfined, spring, 10-day high discharge*link, 10-day high discharge* body size), R(Unconfined, summer discharge SD, summer discharge SD* locomotion 39 morphology) (Link, unconfined, median discharge, median discharge*link, median discharge* unconfined, median discharge* body size), (Link, dlink, 10-day high discharge, 38 3181.9 1.89 0.102 38 3183.1 3.06 0.057 38 3183.1 3.13 0.055 38 3183.7 3.71 0.041 unconfined, spring, 10-day high discharge*link, 10-day high discharge* body size), R(Unconfined, summer discharge SD, summer discharge SD* locomotion morphology) ( Link, unconfined, 10-day low discharge, 10-day low discharge*link, 10-day low discharge* unconfined, 10-day low discharge* tolerance), (Link, dlink, 10-day high discharge, unconfined, spring, 10-day high discharge*link, 10-day high discharge, locomotion morphology), R(Unconfined, summer discharge SD, summer discharge SD* locomotion morphology) ( Link, unconfined, median discharge, median discharge*link, median discharge* unconfined, median discharge* body size), (Link, dlink, 10-day high discharge, unconfined, spring, 10-day high discharge*link, 10-day high discharge, locomotion morphology), R(Unconfined, summer discharge SD, summer discharge SD* locomotion morphology) (Link, unconfined, median discharge, median discharge*link, median discharge* unconfined, median discharge*tolerance), (Link, dlink, 10-day high discharge, unconfined, spring, 10-day high discharge*link, 10-day high discharge* body size), 40 R(Unconfined channel, summer discharge SD, summer discharge SD* locomotion morphology) (Link, unconfined, 10-day low discharge, 10-day low discharge*link, 10-day low discharge* unconfined, 10-day low discharge* body size), (Link, dlink, 10-day high discharge, unconfined, spring, 10-day high discharge*link, seasonal 10-day high 38 3184.6 4.59 0.026 discharge*body size), R(Unconfined, spring 10-day high discharge, spring 10-day high discharge*spawning behavior) 690 1 Initial occupancy model (not shown) was the same for each candidate model and contained 5 fixed and 5 random effects. 691 2 Link = link magnitude, dlink = downstream link magnitude, unconfined = unconfined stream channel 41 692 Table 6. Estimates of fixed and random effects, their standard deviation (SD), and lower and upper 95% credible intervals for the two best approximating extinction submodels contained in the confidence model set. Parameter Estimate SD Lower Upper 2.726 0.932 0.841 4.606 10-day low discharge -6.779 2.102 -11.015 -2.540 Link magnitude -0.346 0.130 -0.609 -0.082 0.970 0.406 0.149 1.791 -0.598 0.273 -1.147 -0.046 1.305 0.629 0.040 2.576 1.265 0.378 0.500 2.029 -0.506 0.322 -1.156 0.145 Intercept 1.568 0.342 1.065 2.533 10-day low discharge 0.675 0.147 0.458 1.090 3.071 1.217 0.608 5.535 10-day low discharge -6.394 2.366 -11.169 -1.604 Link magnitude -0.402 0.168 -0.741 -0.062 1.099 0.537 0.013 2.187 -0.664 0.317 -1.301 -0.024 1.512 0.768 -0.032 3.063 0.558 0.333 -0.113 1.231 Best approximating model: Fixed effects Intercept Unconfined stream channel 10-day low discharge* link magnitude 10-day low discharge* unconfined stream channel 10-day low discharge* large adult body size 10-day low discharge* small adult body size Random effects Second best approximating model: Fixed effects Intercept Unconfined stream channel 10-day low discharge* link magnitude 10-day low discharge* unconfined stream channel 10-day low discharge* low tolerance 42 10-day low discharge* high tolerance -1.371 0.289 -1.956 -0.787 Intercept 1.764 0.434 1.123 2.989 10-day low discharge 0.748 0.163 0.507 1.208 Random effects 693 694 43 695 Table 7. Estimates of fixed and random effects, their standard deviation (SD), and lower and upper 95% credible intervals for the two best approximating colonization submodels contained in the confidence model set. Parameter Estimate SD Lower Upper Best approximating model: Fixed effects Intercept -5.773 2.515 -10.778 -0.717 10-day high discharge 2.271 0.909 0.472 4.097 Link magnitude 0.140 0.064 0.011 0.268 Downstream link magnitude 0.025 0.008 0.010 0.040 Unconfined stream channel -1.174 0.302 -1.785 -0.564 0.653 0.249 0.152 1.156 -0.018 0.008 -0.033 -0.002 0.508 0.261 -0.020 1.035 -0.729 0.222 -1.178 -0.280 11.152 2.434 7.582 18.016 0.356 0.078 0.242 0.575 -6.673 0.680 -8.046 -5.300 10-day high discharge 1.697 0.696 0.305 3.102 Link magnitude 0.157 0.082 -0.008 0.322 Downstream link magnitude 0.028 0.010 0.009 0.047 Unconfined stream channel -1.356 0.398 -2.159 -0.554 0.756 0.302 0.149 1.365 -0.021 0.720 0.010 0.259 -0.041 0.197 0.001 1.243 Spring 10-day high discharge*link magnitude 10-day high discharge *large adult body size 10-day high discharge *small adult body size Random effects Intercept 10-day high discharge Second best approximating model: Fixed effects Intercept Spring 10-day high discharge* link magnitude 10-day high discharge* cruiser locomotion 44 10-day high discharge* hugger locomotion -0.266 0.302 -0.878 0.345 12.471 3.012 8.052 20.967 0.433 0.094 0.294 0.699 Random effects Intercept 10-day high discharge 696 697 45 Table 8. Estimates of fixed and random effects, their standard deviation (SD), and lower and upper 95% credible intervals for the two best approximating reproduction submodels contained in the confidence model set. Parameter Estimate SD Lower Upper Best approximating model: Fixed effects Intercept 2.886 0.970 0.946 4.826 Summer discharge SD -1.097 0.531 -2.168 -0.041 Unconfined stream channel -0.703 0.313 -1.324 -0.074 Summer discharge SD* cruiser locomotion -0.544 0.245 -1.036 -0.050 Summer discharge SD* hugger locomotion 0.182 0.060 0.061 0.302 Intercept 0.602 0.131 0.409 0.973 Summer discharge SD 0.008 0.002 0.006 0.014 -0.526 0.266 -1.058 0.001 0.707 0.330 0.044 1.374 -0.726 0.371 -1.464 0.018 0.462 0.227 0.006 0.922 0.647 0.330 -0.016 1.313 Intercept 1.160 0.253 0.788 1.873 Spring maximum 10-day discharge 0.050 0.011 0.034 0.081 Random effects Second best approximating model: Fixed effects Intercept Spring maximum 10-day discharge Unconfined stream channel Spawning maximum 10-day discharge* broadcast spawning Spawning maximum 10-day discharge* complex spawning Random effects 698 46 699 700 Figure captions 701 Figure 1. Locations of the 23 study sites in the lower Flint River Basin, Georgia, that 702 were sampled during 2001- 2004. 703 704 Figure 2. Daily discharge in the Spring Creek, Georgia at USGS gage number 02357000 705 for the period of this study (black line) and average daily discharge (gray line) for the 706 period of record, 73 years. 707 708 Figure 3. The estimated probability of extinction for (A) medium sized fishes in three 709 sizes of confined (solid line) and unconfined (broken line) stream channels and (B) three 710 body sizes of fish in medium (link magnitude= 100), confined channel streams. Estimates 711 were made using the best approximating extinction submodel relating extinction to 10- 712 day low discharge (expressed as a proportion of the long term median) and study site 713 characteristics. 714 715 Figure 4. The estimated probability of colonization for medium sized fish in (A) three 716 different sized confined (solid line) and unconfined (broken line) streams with 717 downstream link magnitude of 501 and (B) small (link magnitude = 10), confined 718 channel streams with two different downstream link magnitudes during the spring (solid 719 lines) and summer (broken lines) months. Estimates were made using the best 720 approximating colonization submodel relating colonization to 10-day high discharge 721 (expressed as a proportion of the long term median) and study site characteristics. 722 47 723 Figure 5. The estimated probability of colonization for (A) three fish body sizes and (B) 724 three locomotion morphologies in medium (link magnitude= 100), confined channel 725 streams with downstream link magnitude of 501. Estimates were made using the (A) best 726 and (B) second best approximating colonization submodels relating colonization to 10- 727 day high discharge (expressed as a proportion of the long term median) and study site 728 characteristics. 729 730 Figure 6. The estimated probability of reproduction for (A) three locomotion 731 morphologies under varying summer discharge standard deviation (SD) and (B) three 732 spawning behaviors under varying spring 10-day high discharge in confined (solid line) 733 and unconfined (broken line) channel streams. Estimates were made using the best 734 approximating models relating reproduction to (A) summer discharge SD and (B) spring 735 10-day high discharge (expressed as a proportion of the long term median) and study site 736 characteristics. 737 48 State of Georgia Atlanta 0 738 49 50 km Average daily discharge(m3/s) 200 150 100 50 0 2001 2002 2003 Year 739 50 2004 2005 740 A. 1.0 Probability of extinction Link magnitude 0.8 500 100 10 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 10-day low discharge/ long-term median B. 0.8 Probability of extinction Adult body size Large 0.6 Medium Small 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 741 742 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 10-day low discharge/ long-term median 51 1.0 A. Probability of colonization 1.0 0.8 Link magnitude 0.6 500 100 0.4 10 0.2 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 10-day high discharge/ long-term median B. Probability of colonization 1.0 0.8 Downstream link magnitude 0.6 500 11 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 743 744 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 10-day high discharge/ long-term median 52 5.0 A. Probability of colonization 1.0 0.8 Adult body size 0.6 Small Medium 0.4 Large 0.2 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 10-day high discharge/ long-term median B. Probability of colonization 1.0 0.8 Locomotion morphology 0.6 Cruiser Other 0.4 Hugger 0.2 0.0 0.0 745 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 10-day high discharge/ long-term median 53 7.0 A. Probability of reproduction 1.0 Locomotion morphology 0.8 Cruiser Other Hugger 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 Summer discharge SD/ long-term median B. Probability of reproduction 1.0 0.8 Spawning behavior 0.6 Broadcast Other 0.4 Complex 0.2 0.0 0.0 746 2.0 4.0 6.0 Spring 10-day high discharge/ long-term median 54 8.0