Indiana Academy of Physician Assistants Membership Plan, 2011 – 2012 Jennifer A. Snyder John S. Emmett Kristin L. Kelly Lauren E. Widau Amanda M. Via-Smith Objective: To develop a Membership Plan that will help increase effectiveness of the Indiana Academy of Physician Assistants (IAPA) Timeline: Propose to implement Membership Plan in 2011 – 2012 Background: At the April 2010, PPAP: IAPA planning meeting, Jennifer Snyder was tasked to establish a membership plan within six months for IAPA to consider. The plan would be evaluated by the IAPA Board of Directors for adoption in whole, part, or not at all. A subcommittee was formed to establish the plan. The subcommittee was made up of John Emmett, Kristin Kelly, Lauren Widau, Amanda Via-Smith, and Jennifer Snyder. Method: Data was obtained from the AAPA to determine where the IAPA stands in regards to membership numbers. According to Linn Wheeling, AAPA Regional Director, membership numbers were obtained from NCCPA and previously reported IAPA numbers: Certified PAs 715 Licensed PAs 691 AAPA member count 407 IN Chapter count 89 Using the data provided by Ms. Wheeling, IAPA has a 12.4% baseline membership rate of certified PAs. According to Clover Schultz, CRC PPAP Chair, the national average membership rate is 30 – 40%. The membership planning subcommittee evaluated other constituencies’ member benefits; costs, etc. (Appendix A): North Central Regional States OH, MI, IL, ND, SD, MN, WI, IA, MO, NE “Where We Want to Be”* States TN, KS, KY, and SC Other health professional organizations in Indiana *“Where We Want to Be”— Based on the number of licensed PAs in the state, IAPA should obtain the national average membership rate of 30 – 40%. If goal accomplished, these states would become cohort states. Recommendations: Pages 3 – 9 include recommendations by the Membership Plan subcommittee. 2 Career Network Objective: To cultivate career opportunities Rationale: The rate of employment is increasing for PAs in Indiana. In the past 8 years, there has been a 97% percent increase in the number of active licensed PAs in the state of Indiana.1 IAPA needs to take an active role in providing opportunities for both PAs and potential employers. Currently, IAPA posts ‘open to the public’ job announcements for employers at a cost of $50 for a period of 90 days. Additionally, these announcements are sent to members via listserv. A review of peer constituent organizations reveals a wide variety of avenues for PAs to connect with employers. This includes job postings on either websites closed only to members or open to the public, opportunities to post resumes/CVs on exclusive website pages, job alerts to membership emails, job postings in newsletters, and offers to include job postings out of state. Some organizations provided these benefits to members with no additional cost. Other organizations charged employers considerable fees as a possible revenue source. Review the Tennessee Academy as an ideal model for career networking: Proposal: Develop an effective career network for PAs and potential employers. Recommendation: Build a website so that 1. Physician assistants can: a. Post resumes—members fee: $10.00 / non-members fee: $20.00 b. View all jobs posted—open to members and non-members c. Receive email alerts of jobs that are posted in specified areas: state, specialty, area of interest i. Member benefit: free; non-member not available 2. Employers can: a. View summary of resume b. Purchase resumes 3 i. Singly—member $20; non-member $35 ii. Unlimited 90 days—member $100; non-member $175 c. Post openings i. 60 days one job posting—members- $25; non-members- $50 ii. 90 days one job posting—members- $50; non-members- $75 iii. 90 days unlimited job postings—$150 iv. 365 days unlimited job postings—$300 3. Pay online by credit card or invoice option Student Involvement Objective: To provide leadership opportunities for students and reward their service To increase student membership Rationale: Five of the eleven states of the North Central Region have scholarships for students. States like Washington provided both fellow and students leaders an opportunity to take part in the national PA Foundation (PAF) dinner when the Washington Academy purchased a table sponsoring the event. Not only did this act support the PAF, it provided a stimulating environment for fellow leaders and students to see what they could achieve. Students are an excellent source of energy and creative ideas. In return, by implementing student ideas, the students receive valuable leadership experience and networking opportunities. Since the late 1970s, if a PA were educated in Indiana, 77% obtained a license in Indiana. As of May 2010, 62% Indiana graduates still had an active license.1 By increasing student membership and increasing the value of being a member, IAPA might increase membership numbers. Proposal: Add student scholarships and rewards for service leadership Increase student membership numbers Recommendation: 1. Hold a silent auction at the state CME conference to support scholarships for students a. Student organizations should solicit donations 4 b. Seek donations from fellow members and businesses 2. Earmark a percentage of student membership fees to support PAF table at national conference with students and scholarships a. Invite those who will already be attending the conference to minimize costs i. Rank those who have served in student leader capacities 3. IAPA Outstanding Student of the Year a. Plaque, certificate, or monetary reward from student fees or silent auction proceeds i. Recommended importance based on decreasing rank 1. Membership to IAPA 2. Service to IAPA 3. Leadership position in IAPA b. Resume builder for student c. May incentivize more students to participate d. Retain membership as fellow members e. Notify education programs of award to increase participation f. Notify education programs of winner Outstanding PA of the year Objective: To give thanks and appreciate a PA in Indiana for their outstanding work Rationale: Currently part of IAPA Bylaws Proposal: Acknowledge deserving fellow members Recommendation: At the Fall CME conference, acknowledge the leader and honor those who provide the IAPA community with outstanding service 5 Social Events Objective: Increase networking opportunities for IAPA members Rationale: Five of the eleven North Central Region Organizations have social events that are distinctively separate from the state conference. This is a way for the membership to know they are appreciated and offers significant networking opportunities. The Indians baseball game scheduled in August 2010 is a great start. Strong work! Proposal: Increase networking opportunities for Indiana PAs and the value of membership Recommendation: Continue and increase social activities that might include Pacer or Fever games Wine tasting Picnic in a park Symphony on the Prairie Movie at Indiana Museum of Art with picnic Consider regional events Company Partnership Objective: Develop relationships with corporate partners to increase incentives to membership Rationale: Develop relationships with organizations that would be beneficial to both the practice and personal lives of physician assistants. By establishing partnerships, both organizations might benefit. Additionally, the value of being a member might increase. 6 Proposal: Increase corporate partnerships to increase membership benefits Recommendation: Establish relationships with five organizations that will provide a discount to IAPA members. Currently, discussions are occurring with Welch Allyn medical equipment company, Prescriber’s letter, LA Fitness, CVS, and Uniform Shop. Membership Fees Objective: Review the cost for Fellow membership fees Rationale: IAPA Fellow Fee—$110.00 Average fee for fellow members of North Central Region $104.00 “Where we want to be” $100.00 “Where we currently are”^ $72.00 Proposal: Consider reducing membership fees Recommendation: Either begin meeting the expectation of what an organization should be or if man-power, desire, etc is not available, reduce the rates to comparable sized organizations of $75.00 Possible because most communication is electronic ^ Comparison of similar AAPA constituent organizations using the number of licensed PAs in the state 7 Membership Fees Objective: Review the cost of Student membership fee Rationale: IAPA—currently $20.00 through December of the year student graduates North Central Region Average $11.00 for student member fee Range 0 - $25; mode = $10.00 “Where we want to be” Average $23.00 for student member fee Range $13 – $25; mode = $25.00 “Where we are” Average $13.00 for student member fee Range 0 - $30; mode = $10.00 Proposal: Consider reducing membership fees Recommendation: Either increase the value of the IAPA membership to students or reduce the rates to comparable sized organizations to $15.00. This is feasible because most communication is electronic Membership Category Objective: Increase supervising physician support of the IAPA Rationale: Congratulations on supervising physician membership—forward thinking! Currently, a Fellow fee is $110; physician fee is $110 The IAPA might increase from the support of the supervising physician and also increase dues revenue if a category is added that combines a PA’s membership with their supervising physicians. 8 When a PA joins the IAPA with their physician, this would increase revenue by $40. It would enhance the concept of team practice and the number of physicians supporting the IAPA. Proposal: Add a new category membership of Physician: PA membership Recommendation: 1. Add a level of physician: PA membership 2. Add to online application form New Ideas… Objective: Increase membership opportunities Rationale: Increase perceived value of IAPA membership. Ultimately increase membership rate and retention of members Proposal: Increase opportunities for physician assistants in Indiana Recommendation: 1. Create an online pictorial of PA members who agree to information and pictures on secure member website, similar to ISMA pictorial directory. Allow PAs to update their personal information through password protected interface (See Michigan website: MAPA Member Directory) 2. Develop mentorship for new PAs to the state or to students who want to practice in Indiana (see Ohio website) 3. Develop “If you want to be a Preceptor” site to enhance relationships with education programs (see Michigan website) 4. Award the program with the most students who are members of IAPA (relative percent of total enrolled in program) with a plaque (see Iowa Website) 5. Increase communications to members of board actions that enhance PA practice environment in Indiana 6. Ask practicing PAs and students to be members! 9 APPENDIX A Comparison of Constituency Organizations North Central Regional States Student Awards Fellow Awards Social Events Job Postings Preceptor Page (go to if want to become preceptor) Resources Pictorial directory?/ electronic membership directory / profile √ √ √ √ MI √ IA √ √ √ √ WI √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ OH MN √ √ √ √ NE √ SD IL √ √ √ Newsletter Web presence --links etc Legislative Support Annual Conference √ √ √ √x2 √ √ √ √x2 √ √ √ √x2 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ MO ND Discounts √ √ √ √ √ √ √X2 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Regions Survey Membership online with or without enticement (iPod winner) √ √ √ √ 10 Comparison of North Central Region Fees Fellow $175.00 $125.00 $125.00 $150.00 $125.00 $100.00 $75.00 $75.00 $50.00 $150.00 MI IA WI OH MN MO NE SD ND IL Affiliate $65.00 $150.00 $125.00 $75.00 $100.00 $100.00 $50.00 $75.00 $50.00 $125.00 Student $10 $25.00 $10.00 $25.00 $15.00 $20.00 $0 $0 $10.00 $20.00 Associate NA $40.00 $125.00 $150.00 $125.00 $100.00 $57.00 $50.00 $50.00 $60.00 Other NA NA NA $250.00* NA NA NA NA NA NA *Other Physician/PA “Where We Want to Be” PA Organizations KS KY SC TN Student Awards Fellow Awards √ √ Social Events Job Postings Preceptor Page (go to if want to become preceptor) Resources Pictorial directory?/ electronic membership directory / profile Discounts Newsletter Web presence --links etc Legislative Support √ Annual Conference Regions Survey Membership online with or without enticement (iPod winner) √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 11 Comparison of other State PA Organizations Membership Costs KS KY SC TN *Other Physician/PA Fellow $75.00 $100.00 $75.00 $150.00 Affiliate $25.00 $100.00 $75.00 $125.00 Student $25.00 $25.00 $13.00 $25.00 Associate $75.00 $100.00 $50.00 $100.00 Other NA $150.00* NA NA Other Indiana Professional Healthcare Organizations Indiana State Medical Association Member Benefits: Student Awards, Student Society, Preceptor Page (go to if want to become preceptor), Field Representatives--coordinate membership benefits; education of policy and procedures staff/medicine, Pictorial Directory, Coding Hotline, Claims and Reimbursement Assistance, Compliance Training, Personal Insurance Agency, Office Depot Discount, Newsletter, Web Presence providing links, Billing Specialists Discounts for Recoverable Funds, Legislative Support, Networking, Annual Conference, Regions, Fellow Awards, Survey Membership online with enticement (iPod winner), Links for Advocacy on webpage Costs: $720.00/year $365.00/first year $50.00/resident $0 for all medical students 12 Preceptor Page (go to if want to become preceptor) Indiana APN Organization Coalition of Advanced Practice Nurses (1999) √ Indiana State Nursing Association √ Indiana Society or Respiratory Care Fellow Awards Social Events Newsletter √ √ √ Web presence -links etc √ Legislative Support √ √ √ √ Annual Conference Regions Membership Costs √ √ $100.00/fellow $40.00/students √ √ $180.00/year No distinguishing categories √ $75.00 Automatic state membership if national member; no indication of state alone 13 References 1. Snyder, J., J. Zorn, T. Gjerde, J. Burkhart, L. Rosebrock. Indiana Workforce manuscript submitted to JAAPA August 5, 2010 14