Yacht Cove Property Owners Association, Inc. 2012 Annual Meeting Minutes January 23, 2013 The YCPOA, Inc. 2012 Annual Meeting was called to order at 7:15 PM and was held inside the community club house on Wednesday, January 23, 2012. BOARD of DIRECTORS ROLL CALL Present: Bruce Pitkin George Mitchell Amy Blankenship Dru Brown Jacque Qualls Laurel Fasciano Jane Carnahan Tim Moynihan Absent: 1 Vacant Board Seat Sergeant at Arms: Jimmy Padgett 53% Owners present and Certification of Proxies Certification of Proxies: Kim Padget Matt Couch, Sea to Tee present. PROOF OF NOTICE/APPROVAL OF ANNUAL MINUTES Proof of Notice was evidenced by those in attendance and proxies. Motion to waive the Reading of the 2011 Minutes was made by Jane Carnahan and 2nd Motion by Lorie Getz, #215 Wyndemere. All the members present unanimously agreed to pass the 2011 Minutes. PRESIDENT’S COMMENTS & REPORT Financials Bruce announced that the Association has $60,000 in the Association Reserve account and spent $61,164 last year with the biggest expense with increased security. Total income in 2012 was $75,852.92. Outstanding dues not collected to-date $20,318.99 with approximately 50% of that amount in foreclosures/loss to the Association. Bruce further explained to those attending this meeting how difficult it is to collect on foreclosed upon properties. It was noted that 80% of POA’s are in financial difficulty due to non-payment of association dues and YCPOA is in relatively good shape considering this economy. There were many homes foreclosed on in 2012. The lenders do not transfer the deed; therefore, Associations are not paid. During the foreclosure period the bank or 1 st lien holder takes the first position in a sale. The Board files liens on properties when they owe $1000. Bruce asked for a Motion on the financial status of Yacht Cove, the motion was carried unanimously by all in attendance. President’s Comments/Other Comments from the Floor Bruce Pitkin announced every quarter YC Rules and Regulations (dated) have been and will continue to be mailed to all resident owners as well as mailed in the notification for annual meeting packet. Chip Pellerin, ___ Cobblestone Court, asked about what Covenant Enforcement of $10,500.00 is. Bruce advised all that in 2012 the Board had to increase security and add security cameras to the pool and club house area. The Association went from $4,000 a year to $8,000 a year to now $12,000 in an effort to control on-going vandalism. Since adding the cameras vandalism to these areas has ceased. The security cameras digitally record on a 14-day continuous loop. Bruce stated the following vandalism has occurred in our community in recent months: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Guard house has had a smashed in door/broken glass Split rail fence was broken in three places Street lights have been shot out with B-B guns/pellet guns Locks from the tennis court have been stolen while adults were playing tennis B-B gun complaints – homes are being shot at. Chip Pellerin’s home has damage Pool furniture has been thrown into the pool Pool furniture has been thrown into the lagoon adjacent to the pool Fire bombs made out of cans are being ignited and thrown at moving cars 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) Dog feces has been smeared on homes’ porches and railings Dog feces has been smeared inside Wyndemere’s elevator walls and doors A car on Bellehaven Way was vandalized with spray paint Cobblestone corner by guard house – the double bricks are continually and intentionally kicked down Fake fights Kids jumping out into the road at night at moving cars Christmas lights either stolen or vandalized Homes have been broken into Road signs have been pulled out of ground and/or stolen Lee Anderson, ____ Wyndemere, asked who reviews the video. Bruce commented that to-date there hasn’t been a problem and video will only be reviewed when there is an issue. Elizabeth Renfroe ____ Cobblestone Court, wanted to know if Coastal Security could review camera recordings on a weekly basis. Bruce asked for a Motion to approve the 2012 financials. George Mitchell made a Motion, Tim Moynihan 2 nd the Motion and all present in favor. An offer came in from a homeowner who was not present at this meeting to do the Association books. Since the initial offer, this homeowner had not followed up with the board. Matt Couch from Sea to Tee has been doing the bookkeeping since the Association was turned over to the owners by Greenbrooke Homes. Matt and his wife, Sandra, take in numerous checks, deal with attorneys and Realtors, plus many phone calls from owners. It’s daily work for 175 owners. The Board has not voted to change. The Couch’s deal with annual taxes and tax returns, too. Bruce stated that the Couch’s “jump through hoops” to get things done for Yacht Cove. Brian Gloss, 10 Cobblestone Court and Linda Prosser, 7 Mulberry Court, stated that they both support Matt Couch. Brian Gloss asked that should the Board entertain changing from the Couch’s he would like to be a part of that meeting. Dominic Bradley, 3 Bellhaven Way, asked what Coastal Security does. Bruce stated that CSS drives through at different times throughout the evening looking for street parked vehicles. At this time Bruce showed a large stack of ticket copies that are delivered to him by CSS. Bruce also shared that CSS will arrange for vehicle towing if in violation of our no street parking. Sandy Richy, 26 Jib Sail, felt that $1000 for the pool in 2013 is not enough. She felt that the furniture is in need of replacement, plus the rest rooms are not always opened. She said they were actually locked on July 4 th. Brian Gloss added that the furniture is ready for replacement. Tracy Bradley, 3 Bellhaven Way, asked who is in charge of opening up the restrooms. Bruce stated that Curt Krivit was cleaning the pool trash cans, straightening up and cleaning the rest rooms but resigned last June because of constant vandalism and non-compliance of our rules. The Board is actively seeking someone who will do this next season and the Board will look into pool furniture replacement after DHEC makes their recommendations, which are usually costly. Bruce further added that the bathrooms are locked in the evening hours because of vandalism – the walls and doors have been kicked in, water has been left running, causing huge monthly bills. The pool is open at dawn and closed at dusk. Linda Prosser added that one time there was a vagrant who apparently was sleeping in the woods and using our restrooms for showers. Brian Gloss suggested that CSS might be able to open our restrooms at dawn and close them at dusk to create more of a presence of security. Bruce reminded that we need someone to clean the restrooms on a daily basis in season and someone to empty trash cans and straighten the furniture on a daily basis, too. Brian Gloss suggested we bid this service out and/or inquire with our landscapers if they want to undertake this added job. Brian reminded us that Jack Quinn (former resident) used to do this for us in exchange for annual dues, but feels now we need an outside company/vendor to do this now. JR McMullin, 1 Bellhaven Way & 511 Wyndemere, suggested that we might consider electronic locks that could be an idea to open and close the restrooms. Kim Padgett, 37 Bellhaven Way, made a statement that the furniture is old and the bathrooms need to be kept up better. She also stated that vandalism is out of control and needs to be under control. Linda Prosser said that the furniture is about 5 years old and then asked why we need $9,000 for tennis court maintenance. Bruce stated this figure was an estimate, based on what the Association spent a few years ago. The tennis court’s surface is peeling. This was discovered when we were going to have it pressure washed this year. The pressure washing company would not perform the work because they would not accept any liability for further damage. Brian Gloss asked who keeps tennis keys and what the procedure is. Jacque Qualls, 53 Cobblestone Court, has tennis keys and can be reached via the Yacht Cove “hot line” number. Laurel Fasciano, 512 Wyndemere, said this should be on our website, www.yachtcovehhi.com Jacque Qualls added that the gate continues to be vandalized. Bruce added that we had to repair the gate 3 times last year because of vandalism and perhaps we should consider a keycode system. Lee Anderson asked how an owner could receive the key code. Bruce said the website. Linda Prosser suggested that this is posted to the Minutes that you contact Jacque Qualls for a key to the tennis court. IMPROVEMENTS 2012 Security upgraded and cameras installed. Ramp, hallway & soffit repairs at club house. Back gate (pool) opened. Plumbing & electrical repairs to bathrooms & club house. Storm drainage repairs (still in progress – sink holes). Club house pressure washed. Website with Covenants, Rules & Restrictions. Entrance – added lights. President’s Comments/Other Comments from the Floor Mike Nichols requested that the wood rot at the entrance sign be fixed. Brian Gloss stated the entrance sign has non-functioning water fountain that is too costly to repair. A number of years ago the best option was to cover the mechanism with a wood cover. It is agreed that the rotted covering needs to be replaced. Bruce suggested we turn that area into a flower bed. This year’s complaints have been increased vandalism, homes not being maintained, Covenants/Rules & Regulations not being enforced, loud and late night outdoor parties, dogs running at large and owners not picking up after dogs. Mike Nichols commented on numerous cars (about 7) parking at #__ Cobblestone Court. He wants the Board to enforce the Covenants. He stated with cars parking all over the place the homes are looking like dumps. Bruce added that Covenants have not been enforced and asked for volunteers to set up committees. As a self managed association, we need help for a neighborhood watch, a committee to report what homes need pressure washing, and lawns maintained and said committee to follow-up with violations. We also need a vandalism committee. There are gangs/groups of 5 or more kids outside after midnight. Chip Pellerin asked what steps are taken to remedy a violation. Bruce stated if one owner is in violation and we’re asked to cite another, we cannot cite unless all in violation are address. This is why forming a committee this year to address all in violation is critical to the preservation of Yacht Cove. Chip Pellerin reminded all that when he built his home he sought approval from the Yacht Cove ARB. He stated that many homes have not done this and are in violation with our Covenants, Rules & Regulations. He also added that the bon fires that burn in the natural area are a threat to the safety of all and asked what was going to be done about the bon fires since you must have a Town permit and the fires are burning in a natural common area. George Mitchell, 213 Wyndemere, suggested calling the fire department. Chip Pellerin added that these are tough times and we all must do what we can to keep the values up. He further added that the violations have decreased the value of his home making it impossible to sell. Realtor and prospective buyer’s comments about the exterior and interior of his home are favorable, but comments regarding Yacht Cove are not favorable especially when they see the back side of his property that faces the natural common area. People looking to buy leave Yacht Cove because of the esthetics and what they see. Bruce Pitkin said we need a neighborhood watch. There is retaliation with some owners who feel they are singled out and many owners who report noise, parties, vandalism ask not to be identified because of known retaliation. Cars have been keyed including a Beaufort County Deputy’s car, vulgar names written on cars and driveways. Chip Pellerin said his is concerned and worried that his home will go up in flames. Carolyn Hansen, 2 Mulberry Court, inquired about the stack of tickets that Bruce held earlier. These are copies of parking tickets provided by Coastal Security Services (CSS). Noreen McMullin, CSS, stated that CSS does not go onto private property. She also stated that people who are victims of vandalism need to press charges. There were numerous questions and comments regarding parking on the street, what is the policy of towing, how many cars were towed in 2012, can you tow someone when they park on their lawn, what is the fine amount for a violation of Covenants, Rules & Restrictions. CSS cannot tow a vehicle when it is parked on an owner’s lawn. If on private property (lawn) this is a Covenant violation. Towing occurs after 3 warnings. Aside from the cost of towing, the fine assessed by the Association is $150 for a Covenant violation with 10 days to correct the violation. Lee Anderson asked if the Board is going to get bids from a management company. Brian Gloss said we have the lowest yearly assessment - $450. If Yacht Cove contracts with an outside management company the fees will at a minimum double. Brian added that we all need to volunteer and help this neighborhood. Elizabeth Renfroe stated that there is a lack of respect between owners not respecting others property. Tim Moynihan stated we need help with Covenant enforcement. Dru Brown , ___ Jib Sail, stated that we need more community involvement and committees. We need help and want as many people involved. It’s easy to assess a fine, but it’s costly to lien a property. Further comments made by Bruce Piktin: Almost ½ of Yacht Cove is tenant occupied. This affects the community. Mike Nichols’ comment: Yacht Cove needs a secure gate or occupied guard house to keep those who do not belong in the community out. Linda Prosser’s comment: The Town will let us have a gate open during the day. Brian Gloss’ comments: It will cost the Association $50K minimum to have an electronic gate, plus on-going maintenance and repairs. Linda Prosser’s comment: Yacht Cove needs a gate to compare to Victoria Square and Ashton Cove. Bruce Pitkin’s comment: The Board will re-bid a gate this year. Michelle Murphy volunteered her time to serve on a committee to ensure landscaping of yards and homes are being maintained. Michelle shared that friends who have come to visit in the 4 years since they bought their home have made comments to her that Yacht Cove is not the same as it was 4 years ago. Elizabeth Renfroe stated that we might try to shame a fellow resident into cleaning up their yard/home. OLD BUSINESS/PROPERTY OWNER’S COMMENTS Recapitulation: Last year the split rail fence along the common area of Cobblestone Court and Mulberry Court came due to vandalism. The Board agreed no parking of vehicles and had a temporary sign placed with plans to wait until spring to plant shrubs/bushes in place of the vandalized fence. Fifteen plants were donated by a homeowner. The plants were not installed as previously discussed and voted upon. They were to be grouped with various spacing to include two access entrances into the common area. Three owners who reside on Mulberry Court and Cobblestone Court were upset over the planting. During the course of several weeks all 15 shrubs were vandalized. The Board was asked to consider a basketball court and horseshoe pit be built in the common area. After a special meeting with these homeowners, the Board agreed to remove the shrubs. Linda Prosser announced that she had formed a committee to investigate the cost of a basketball court/hoop, plus a horse shoe pit with some park style benches and garbage cans in the common area. The cost for a basketball/hoop court came to $10K. She asked for an opinion of her idea from those in attendance. The idea was unanimously rejected. Dominic Bradley commented that our funds should be used to refurbish what we have and/or provide an amenity that will benefit all in Yacht Cove. Mike Nichols said it is obvious that only a handful of people want a basketball court and this will only become an on-going maintenance issue, not to mention the added expense in insurance. He suggested that in the future the Board look into putting the basketball call next to the tennis court. The owners wan new furniture for the pool and amenities that benefit all in the community. Brian Gloss said street signs need to be pressure washed and many mailboxes are in need of same and/or replacement. Vandalism control is top priority, as well as enforcement of Covenants, Rules & Restrictions. NEW BUSINESS Committees to enforce covenants: Kim Padgett (Covenants), Michelle Murphy (Homes and yards) ELECTION OF DIRECTORS Tim Moynihan (3) years re-elected; Jacque Qualls (3) years re-elected; JR McMullin (3) years elected. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 PM. Respectfully submitted, Laurel Fasciano