Appendix 16 Amendments to Approved Modules For Type B amendments, please complete the details below and return to your IQC Secretary and to your AQU Officer. Please also attach the old and new Module Specifications, highlighting the sections which are being changed. For further details of requirements for amendments and modifications to courses see Appendix 15 of the Course Planning and Approval process. Institute: Date of IQC meeting: Module Details Course Title: Module Code: Module Leader: Module Title: Module credits: Date change to take effect from: 1. 2. Semester 1 or 2 Academic year 15 or 30 2013/14 or 2014/15 Does the proposal have the agreement of the following (where appropriate)? Course leader: Name: Date agreed: Head of Centre/Unit (Education/Health only) Link tutor (collaborative courses) Name: Date agreed: Name: Date agreed: Is the module shared by any other course? YES / NO Where the module is shared by another course or courses, the proposer must ensure that the course leader/s have been consulted in order to consider implications of the proposed change for students on the other course/s. Where there is a significant practice element, changes must be discussed with relevant partners/placement providers. Shared by Course/s: Has the course leader/placement provider been consulted? Give details e.g. name, course, date of discussion, etc. Have partners/placement providers been consulted (where relevant)? September 2013 – amendments in green 1 Appendix 16 Nature of Change Where there is a change of module title, module code, status, co- or pre-requisites, or excluded combinations, these will also need to be amended in the award map section of the Programme Specification for the course and the date of the revision noted. 4. Change of Title/Code Old Title/Code New Title/Code 5. Change of Status (Mandatory (M) or Optional (O)) Old Status New Status 6. Change of Co-/Pre-requisites: Old details New details 7. Change of Excluded Combinations Old details New details 8. Change to learning outcome/s: Old Learning Outcomes: New Learning Outcomes: 9. Changes to Assessment pattern: include assessment type, word/time, limits, weightings, etc. Original Assessment Pattern: 001 002 003 New Assessment Pattern: 001 002 003 September 2013 – amendments in green 2 Appendix 16 10. Changes to Learning and Teaching Activities: include changes to type of activity, breakdown of learning time hours, KIS data, etc. Give details: 11. Any other changes not listed above: Give details: 12 Rationale for the amendments: This should include reference to the learning outcomes of the module and course assessment strategy as appropriate. How do the new arrangements support the Courses aims? Is the proposed change a response to student, staff or External Examiner evaluation? Give details: 13. Other implications: Will the changes to this module affect or have implications for other modules on the course and/or for the course as a whole? e.g. 30 credit modules with related 15 credit “exchange” modules; removal of PDP from a module; employability skills or mapping of key skills across a course. Give details: Following IQC approval, the module/course leader must ensure that the module specification (and programme specification where appropriate) is amended to incorporate the changes and the “Date Module Specification Validated” and “Effective from” amended. The final version/s should then be returned to the IQC Secretary who will record the change and advise Registry and AQU that the IQC process has been completed so that the Student Records system can be updated. Following the final IQC meeting of the academic year, AQU will request any amended programme specifications for the next academic year and these will be uploaded to their website. If an urgent change is required for the current academic year, please contact your IQC Secretary and AQU Officer as soon as possible. September 2013 – amendments in green 3