full list available here

I conducted one of the largest clinical trials on chiropractic treatment and migraine in the
world to date. This included: methodology, ethics approval, participant recruitment, data
collection & collation, data input & statistical analysis, which resulted in 3 papers
published to date.
I have received 2 international research awards at the World Chiropractic Congress in
Auckland (1999) and in Sydney 2005.
I was also recently made a Fellow, Australian College of Chiropractic (FACC)
I have 34 Category C1 publications in international scientific journals and 6 in review.
Also, I have over 100 Category E1 & E3 conference proceedings publications for
national or international conference groups.
Book (A1)
1. Tuchin PJ. New developments in headache and migraine treatment. (P Tuchin,
editor) Elsevier, Sydney Australia. 2014 (Draft completed)
Book chapters (B2)
1. Tuchin PJ. Chiropractic Spinal Manipulative Treatment for Chronic LBP in Workers
Compensation. In: Treat your own spine. (A Gavine, editor) Elsevier, Sydney
Australia. 2013
2. Tuchin PJ. Ergonomics and spinal problems. In: Treat your own spine. (A Gavine,
editor) Elsevier, Sydney Australia. 2013
3. Tuchin PJ. Chiropractic Spinal Manipulative Treatment for Paediatric Migraine. In
Cases in Differential Diagnosis for the Physical and Manipulative Therapies. (R
Beirman, editor) Elsevier, Sydney Australia. 2011
4. Tuchin PJ. Transient Ischaemic Attacks in a Geriatric patient with Cervicogenic
Headache. In Cases in Differential Diagnosis for the Physical and Manipulative
Therapies. (R Beirman, editor) Elsevier, Sydney Australia. 2011
1. Tuchin PJ. Chiropractic and stroke: association or causation. Int J Clin Prac - Imp
Fact = 2.415 2013 (accepted, on-line)
2. Tuchin PJ. A systematic review of Chiropractic & Intracranial Hypotension. Int J
Clin Prac - Imp Fact = 2.415 2013 (accepted, on-line)
3. Tuchin PJ. Adverse events in chiropractic paediatric patients: A summary of case
reports. Paediatrics 2013 (submission)
4. Lewis C, Wise P, Tuchin P. Mechanisms of SMT & CVA. (J Neuro - Imp Fact =
3.473) (submission)
5. Pribicevic M, Tuchin P, Bonello R. A randomized controlled trial of multimodal
treatment on shoulder injury. SPINE Imp Fact = 3.29 2013 (submission)
6. Tuchin P. Vertebral artery dissection and chiropractic: A Systematic review. (WFC
Conference paper will be submitted)
7. Oesttun T, Thorbeck M, Sagstuen H, Naess B, Tuchin P. Cervicogenic Headache and
Spinal Manipulative Therapy: A Retrospective Case Series. (WFC Conference
8. Tuchin PJ. An Update To “Life-Threatening Complications Of Spinal Manipulation”.
Stroke 2013 Imp Fact = 5.729. 2013 (in review)
9. Tuchin PJ. A systematic review of vertebral artery dissection or stroke cases
following chiropractic. SPINE Imp Fact = 3.29 2013 (revisions resubmitted)
10. Tuchin PJ. A summary of case reports on chiropractic spinal manipulative therapy
(SMT) and stroke. Med J Aust Imp Fact= 2.873 2013 (in review)
11. Stephanie Mathieson, Peter Tuchin. Acupuncture For Chronic Tension Headaches: A
Systematic Review and Comparison of Evaluation Methods. J Compl Altern Med
(draft) 2013
12. Tuchin PJ. A replication of the study 'Adverse effects of spinal manipulation: a
systematic review'. Chiro & Man Ther 2012. 30:1-8
13. Chaibi A. Tuchin PJ. Chiropractic Spinal Manipulative Therapy (Gonstead) in
Migraine suffers: A case study. J Chiro Med 2011. 10 (3):189-193
14. Chaibi A. Tuchin PJ. Russell M. Manual Therapies for Migraine A Systematic
Review of the Literature J Headache - Imp Fact = 2.812. 2011 (DOI
15. Chaibi A. Tuchin PJ. Chiropractic Spinal Manipulative Treatment using the
Gonstead Method for Cervicogenic Dizziness: a Case Study. J Chiro Med September
2011 (Vol. 10, Issue 3, Pages 194-198)
16. Tuchin PJ, Kingston J, Raggio C, Spencer K, Stalaker K. A Systematic Review of
Chiropractic and Insomnia. J Chiro Med 2010. 9(3): 121-126
17. Tuchin PJ. The choice of treatment provider for musculoskeletal problems. J Chiro
Med 2008 7(3): 79-85
18. Tuchin PJ. A case of chronic migraine remission following chiropractic. J Chiro Med
2008 7 (2): 66-71
19. Innis D, Prosser C, Tuchin PJ, Epidemiology of injuries in the Association of Surfing
Professionals International Tour 1997-2004. ICA Rev. 2007 Jan;63(1):40-48
20. Hoskins WT, Pollard HP, Tuchin PJ. The Neurogenic Pathogenesis of Migraine: A
Commentary ChiroJAust 2006 35 (2): 69-76
21. Tuchin PJ. A comparison of the knowledge of chiropractic students with that of
medical residents. Eur J Chiropr. 2002 ;49(1):129
22. Eldred DC, Tuchin PJ. Acute atopical eczema and chiropractic treatment: A case
study. Aust Chiro & Osteo 2002 8:96-102
23. Cattley P, Tuchin PJ. A case study of recurrent migraines. Aust Chiro & Osteo 2001
24. Tuchin PJ, Pollard H, Bonello R. A RCT of Chiropractic SMT and migraine. J
Manipulative Physiol Ther 2000 23:91-95
25. Pollard H, Granger S,Tuchin PJ. A review of Bacterial Arthritis. Aust Chiro & Osteo
1999 8:45-53
26. Tuchin PJ. A twelve month prospective trial of chiropractic SMT & migraine. Aust
Chiro & Osteo 1999 8:61-5
27. Tuchin PJ, Bonello R. The design and presentation of a case study . Aust Chiro &
Osteo 1999 8:5-10
28. Tuchin PJ. The Effect Of Chiropractic Spinal Manipulative Therapy On Salivary
Cortisol Levels. Aust Chiro & Osteo 1998 7:86-92
29. Tuchin PJ. Spinal care education as a prevention strategy for spinal injury: The role
of chiropractors. Aust Chiro & Osteo 1998 7:23-32
30. Tuchin PJ, Pollard H. Does Classic Migraine Respond To Manual Therapy- A Case
Series. Physical Therapy Reviews 1998 3:149-162
31. Tuchin PJ, Pollard H. The Cost Effectiveness Of Spinal Care Education As A
Preventative Strategy For Spinal Injury. J Occ Health & Safety Aust/NZ 1998 2:6875
32. Tuchin PJ. The Efficacy Of Chiropractic Spinal Manipulative Therapy (SMT) In The
Treatment Of Migraine - A Pilot Study. Aust Chiro & Osteo 1997 6:41-7
33. Tuchin PJ, Bonello R. Requirements for Chiropractors Involved as Occupational
Health and Safety Consultants. Aust Chiro & Osteo1997 6:10-17
34. Marshall DL & Tuchin PJ. Correlation of cervical lordosis measurment with
incidence of motor vehicle accidents. Aust Chiro & Osteo 1996 5: 79-85
35. Tuchin PJ & Bonello R. Classic Migraine Or Not Classic Migraine- That Is The
Question” Aust Chiro & Osteo 1996 5: 66-74
36. Tuchin PJ, Scwafer T, Brookes M. A Case Study of Chronic Headaches” J Aust Chiro
Osteo 1996 5:47-53
37. Tuchin PJ, et al. Interexaminer Reliability Of Chiropractic Evaluation For Cervical
Spine Problems. Part 1: Graduates From One Institution Australian J Chiro Osteo
(1996 5:23-9)
38. Tuchin PJ, Bonello R. Chiropractic Utilisation in the Workers Compensation System
of New South Wales (Cost Analysis) J Manipulative Physiol Ther 1995 18:503-11
39. Pollard H, Tuchin PJ. Cervical Radiculopathy: A Case for Ancillary Therapies” J
Manipulative Physiol Ther 1995 18:244-9
40. Tuchin PJ. The Role of Chiropractic in OHS” J Occ Health & Safety Aust/NZ 1995
11(5): 497-505
41. Tuchin PJ,Bonello R, Pollard H. Chiropractic Education: Developments and
Implications for Spinal Research”. Chiro J Aust 1994 24:56-62
Government and Corporation reports
1. NSW Fire Brigade- OHS Legislative Compliance and Injury Management Audit
2. Nestle and Uncle Tobys’- OHS Inspection and Compliance Audit
3. Bridgestone- OHS Legislative Compliance and Injury Management Audit
4. Melbourne Business School- OHS Legislative Compliance and Injury Management
5. Bankstown City Council- WorkCover Self Insurer Injury Management Audit
OTHER PUBLICATIONS: (Book chapters/higher degree course)
1. Master of Chiropractic Science: Applied Chiropractic 1992 Musculoskeletal
Diagnosis - Head, Neck & Thorax.
2. Master of Chiropractic Science: Applied Chiropractic 1992 Musculoskeletal
Diagnosis - Lumber & Pelvis
3. Occupational Health & Safety Prevention Program - 1990 Macquarie University
commercial program
Medical periodical articles
1. Tuchin PJ. Chiropractic eases the cost of spinal strain. Australian Doctor. Reed
Business Publishing. 7.2.97 p51Tuchin PJ. Manual therapy carries low risk. Australian
Doctor. Reed Business Publishing. 7.2.97 p52
2. Tuchin PJ. Manipulation offers relief of back pain. Australian Doctor. Reed Business
Publishing. 7.2.97 p53
3. Tuchin PJ. Chiropractic effectiveness case studies. Australian Doctor. Reed Business
Publishing. 14.3.97 p37
4. Tuchin PJ. Chiropractic an effective pain reliever. Australian Doctor. Reed Business
Publishing. 14.3.97 p61
5. Tuchin PJ. Spinal disabilities a costly pain in the back. Australian Doctor. Reed
Business Publishing. 21.3.97 p50-1
6. Tuchin PJ. Patient seeks to avoid surgery. Australian Doctor. Reed Business
Publishing. 21.3.97 p52
7. Tuchin PJ. Spinal pains lead to sex dysfunction. Australian Doctor. Reed Business
Publishing. 21.3.97 p52
8. Tuchin PJ. Chiropractic saves patients neck. Australian Doctor. Reed Business
Publishing. 4.4.97 p45-6
9. Tuchin PJ. Manipulations overcome aches. Australian Doctor. Reed Business
Publishing. 4.4.97 p47
10. Tuchin PJ. Functional Rehabilitation in Orthopaedics. Book review Chiropractic
Journal Of Australia 1995 25:152-3
Norwegian Chiropractic Association, Dr Aleksander Chaibi- $320,000
Victorian Chiropractic Registration Board, Dr Peter Werth- $25,000
ASRF RCT of Chiropractic and cervicogenic headache- $36,000
ASRF Stress and Chiropractic - $28,000
ASRF Cervical Manipulation and Migraines - $3,500
ASRF Spinal Care Education as Prevention for Injury- $1,500
Post Graduate Studies Committee Grant - $2,500
WorkCover Authority of NSW - $7,000
Grant reviewer or Editorial Board
1997 - 2009
Australasian Chiropractic & Osteopathy
1999 - 2008
Australian Spinal Research Foundation
2004 Australian Family Physician
2009 Chiropractic & Manual Therapies (name change)
Professional/Executive positions
 President, COCA: 2009-2013
 Executive, COCA Research Fund Limited: 2010-2013
 Committee member, Chiropractic Board of Australia CPD: 2010-onwards
 Chair, Clinical Research Group, Macquarie University
 Director, Macquarie University Injury Management Group (MIMG)
 National Executive, COCA 1995-2007
 Vice- President, COCA 2007-2009
 Board of Governors, Australian Spinal Research Foundation 1999 -2003
 Board of Governors, Sydney College of Chiropractic 1987- onwards
 United Chiropractic Association of Australia (Queensland Executive) 1987-89
Recent Keynote speaker or Invited presentations
 CAA National – Leadership Summit 2013
 Macquarie University Inaugural Research Forum 2013
 UK College of Chiropractic, Annual Conference, London -2012
 Norwegian Chiropractic Association- Research Review 2012
 Macquarie University Faculty of Science- Lecture series 2011, 2012
 COCA 2011 AGM –Chairman, Grand rounds panel
 The evidence basis of Chiropractic for chronic pain. Aust Hypnotherapy Conference2010
 Development and assessment of clinical diagnostic skills. Australia College of
Chiropractic Education Summit 2009
 Should the education of chiropractic students be university based? Australia
College of Chiropractic Education Summit 2009
 Centre of Research Expertise in Improved Disability Outcomes (CREIDO)- Prof
David Cassidy, Ph.D., Dr.Med.Sc. Director, CREIDO, University Health
Network Rehabilitation Solutions; Senior Scientist, Division of Health Care and
Outcomes Research, Toronto Western Research Institute. 2009
 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College- Visiting Scholar Program. 2009
 Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College- Faculty presentation. 2009
 10th Annual National Workers Compensation Summit 2009
 Injury Management National Summit- 2008
 National Workers Compensation Annual Conference- 2008
 Inaugural Chronic Pain Association of Australia Conference. 2007
 National Workers Compensation Annual Conference- 2007
 UNSW Sonographer OHS training in injury prevention- 2007
1. Lewis C, Wise P, Tuchin P. Mechanisms of SMT & CVA. WFC Congress (Durban)2013
2. Pribicevic M, Tuchin P, Bonello R. A randomized controlled trial of multimodal
treatment on shoulder injury. WFC Congress (Durban)- 2013
3. Tuchin P. VAD and chiropractic: A Systematic review. WFC Congress (Durban)- 2013
4. Oesttun T, Thorbeck M, Sagstuen H, Naess B, Tuchin P. Cervicogenic Headache and
Spinal Manipulative Therapy: A Retrospective Case Series. WFC Congress (Durban)2013
5. Tuchin PJ. Systematic review of CAM for HA. WFC Education Conference (PERTH2012)
6. Tuchin PJ. Factors that increase the risk of CVA after CSMT. WFC Education
Conference (PERTH- 2012)
7. Tuchin PJ. The evidence for CVA after chiropractic SMT. COCA AGM 2011
8. Tuchin PJ. Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) for the Treatment of
Chronic Headache and Migraine. Australian Pain Society 32nd Scientific Meeting
9. Tuchin PJ, et al. A Critical Review of the adverse effects of spinal manipulation: a
systematic review study by Ernst. WFC Congress (Rio)- 2011
10. Tuchin PJ, et al. A systematic review of manual therapy for cervicogenic dizziness. WFC
Congress (Rio)- 2011
11. Tuchin PJ et al. Spinal Manipulative Therapy for Lumbar Disc Herniations. WFC (Rio)-
12. Tuchin PJ. Outcomes and side effects of spinal manipulative therapy. WFC Congress
(Rio)- 2011
13. Nicholson S, Kopansky –Giles D, Tuchin PJ, et al. Tracking the evolution of
chiropractic research worldwide as evidenced by the WFC conference proceedings.
WFC (Rio)- 2011
Tuchin PJ. The evidence for chiropractic treatment in chronic pain. Australian
Society of Hypnotherapy. 2010
Tuchin PJ. An Analysis of Chiropractic Treatment In Workers’ Compensation
Claims For Chronic Pain. WFC Congress (Montreal)- 2009
Tuchin PJ and Russell M. A comparison in the risks of specific COX-II inhibitor
anti-inflammatory medications to the risks of Chiropractic. WFC Congress
(Montreal)- 2009
Tuchin PJ, Ma Z, Luan P, Mohamad Z. Development and assessment of clinical
diagnostic skills. World Federation of Chiropractic Congress (Montreal)- 2009
Tuchin PJ and Leung Q. Does Migraine Aggravated By Exercise Represent A
Contra-Indication For Spinal Manipulation. WFC Congress (Montreal)- 2009
Tuchin PJ. Should the education of chiropractic students be university based? World
Federation of Chiropractic Congress (Montreal)- 2009
Tuchin PJ. Improving communication with stakeholders for reducing workers
compensation costs- National Injury Management Conference- 2008
Tuchin PJ. Chronic workers compensation claims, where do the costs go- Workers
Compensation Annual Conference- 2008
Tuchin PJ. The latest developments in Headache and Migraine treatment- Chiropractic
Alumni AGM & Conference-2008
Tuchin PJ. Reducing the costs of chronic pain- COCA AGM & Conference-2008
Tuchin PJ. The evidence for chiropractic treatment in chronic pain. Chronic Pain
Association of Australia- Inaugural Conference. 2007
Tuchin PJ. Active rehabilitation practices in reducing workers compensation costsUnited Protestants’ Association Conference- 2007
Tuchin PJ. The role of Rehabilitation in reducing workers compensation costs- Workers
Compensation Annual Conference- 2007
Tuchin PJ, Gavine A, Kennedy R, Purdey A. The Inter-examiner Reliability of
Systematic Reviews for Chronic Headache. World Federation of Chiropractic
Congress (Portugal)- 2007
Tuchin PJ. A systematic review of spinal manipulative therapy for migraine and
migraine like headache. World Federation of Chiropractic Congress (Portugal)- 2007
Tuchin P, Kingston J, Raggio C, Spencer K, Stalaker K. A Systematic Review of
Chiropractic and Insomnia. World Federation of Chiropractic Congress (Portugal)2007
Tuchin PJ. The evidence for chronic pain and spinal manipulation- Australia Psychology
Association AGM & Conference-2006
Tuchin PJ. Reducing Chronic Pain In Workers Compensation- 4th Annual National Injury
Management Conference- 2006
Tuchin PJ. Contemporary clinical issues for Chiropractors and Osteopaths Chiropractic and Osteopathic College of Australia AGM. 2006
Tuchin PJ. The evidence basis for spinal manipulative therapy- Spine Services
Centre, Dr Ashish Dirwan, Director Orthopaedics, St George Private Hospital,
Sydney 2006
34. Tuchin PJ. Beyond Pain Conference. “Alternative therapy options for injured
workers with chronic pain - PPL Psychology Education, Sydney 2006
35. Tuchin PJ. Reducing workers compensation costs- WorkCover Safety Show, Sydney
36. Tuchin PJ. Preventing Occupational Overuse Syndrome in Sonographers- I-MED
Annual Seminar UNSW, 2005
Furse N, Saeter K, Tuchin PJ. A Systematic Review Of Functional Restoration
Program and Chiropractic. World Federation of Chiropractic Congress (Sydney)2005
Marshall & Tuchin PJ. The relationship of psychotherapy with chiropractic practice.
World Federation of Chiropractic Congress (Sydney)- 2005
Tuchin PJ. The choice of treatment provider for musculoskeletal problems. World
Federation of Chiropractic Congress (Sydney)- 2005
Bilanenko V, Tuchin PJ. Ergonomic assessment of office workers. World Federation
of Chiropractic Congress (Sydney)- 2005
Tuchin PJ, Pollard H, Bonello R.A Systematic Review Of Spinal Manipulative
Therapy For Migraine And Migraine Like Headache World Federation of
Chiropractic Congress (Sydney)- 2005
Tuchin PJ PPL Psychology Education: “Preventing Chronic pain for workers
compensation injuries”. Brisbane 2005
Tuchin PJ Injury Management Roundtable: “Promoting active participation from
workers undergoing treatment for faster recovery”. Law & Finance 2005
Tuchin PJ 5th Annual Workers compensation conference: “Slashing workers
compensation costs through proactive Injury Management”. Law & Finance 2005
Tuchin PJ. Identification of Occupational Overuse Syndrome factors in
Sonographers- I-MED Annual Seminar UNSW, 2004
Tuchin PJ Manipulative Physiotherapy Association: “The evidence for
chiropractic treatment for Headache and migraine”. 2003
Tuchin PJ World Federation of Chiropractic Congress (Florida)- Scientific
Symposium “A Systematic review of Chiropractic SMT and migraine”. 2003
Pollard H, Tuchin PJ. WFC Congress (Florida)- Scientific Symposium “The EMG
changes following chiropractic treatment on the cervical spine of women with chronic
neck pain.” 2003
Tuchin PJ WFC Congress (Florida)- Scientific Symposium “Chiropractic –A miracle
cure for migraine?” 2003
Tuchin PJ Chiropractic Association of Australia AGM Conference- “The diagnosis of
Cervicogenic migraine” 2002
Tuchin PJ NZCA Congress- Auckland “Prognostic indicators for response to
Chiropractic treatment of migraine” 2002
Tuchin PJ NZCA Congress- Auckland “The design and presentation of clinical
research” 2002
Tuchin PJ NZCA Congress- Auckland “Chiropractic and workers compensation”
Tuchin PJ
OHS functions for chiropractors, COCA AGM 2001
Tuchin PJ COCA AGM “The evidence for chiropractic treatment for Headache and
migraine. 2001
Tuchin PJ Coordinated 2 seminars: A comparison of treatment approaches for the
Cervical spine, and a comparison of treatment approaches for the Lumbar spine 2001
Tuchin PJ Chiropractic Association of Australia AGM-“A comparison of
Chiropractic student knowledge versus medical residents” 2000
58. Tuchin PJ Chiropractic Association of Australia AGM-“A RCT of Chiropractic SMT
and migraine” 2000
59. Tuchin PJ ICSM Minnesota “A comparison of Chiropractic student knowledge versus
orthopaedic residents” 2000
60. Tuchin PJ ICSM Minnesota “A RCT of Chiropractic SMT and migraine” 2000
61. Tuchin PJ Rural Health Conference Tamworth- New England Division of General
Practice “A RCT of Chiropractic SMT and migraine2000
Tuchin PJ COCA-Adelaide “Chiropractic management of migraine” 1999
Tuchin PJ COCA-Adelaide “Evidenced based management of migraine” 1999
Tuchin PJ COCA-Perth “Chiropractic management of migraine” 1999
Tuchin PJ World Federation of Chiropractic Congress-Auckland “A RCT of
Chiropractic SMT and migraine” 1999
Tuchin PJ WFC Congress-Auckland “Prognostic indicators for response to treatment
in Chiropractic management of migraine” 1999
Tuchin PJ COCA-Neurology and Grand Rounds1998
Tuchin PJ ICSM Vancouver “The long term effectiveness of chiropractic SMT &
migraine” 1998
Tuchin PJ ICSM Vancouver “The use of questionnaires for migraine diagnosis ”
(Poster) 1998
Tuchin PJ Macquarie University Graduation Seminar “A twelve month trial of
chiropractic SMT & migraine” 1998
Tuchin PJ COCA “The efficacy of chiropractic SMT in the Treatment of migraine: Is
chiropractic effective ” 1997
Tuchin PJ Chiropractic Association of Australia AGM-Tasmania “Chiropractic SMT
& salivary cortisol levels” 1997
Tuchin PJ COCA-Evidence Based Treatment “The Efficacy Of Chiropractic Spinal
Manipulative Therapy (SMT) In The Treatment Of Migraine With Aura.” 1997
Tuchin PJWorld Federation of Chiropractic Congress-Tokyo Cervical Spine
Symposium “A clinical trial of Chiropractic SMT and migraine” 1997
Tuchin PJ. WFC Congress-Tokyo “Can worker education reduce the incidence of
spinal injury” 1997
Tuchin PJ. WFC Congress-Tokyo “Chiropractic SMT & salivary cortisol levels”
(Poster) 1997
Tuchin PJ. WFC Congress-Tokyo “Migraine diagnosis in a clinical trial of
Chiropractic SMT” 1997
Tuchin PJ.Keynote Speaker: ICC Friday Forum- “The role of chiropractic in OHS”
Tuchin PJ.Keynote Speaker: COCA Townsville “RCT migraine and Chiropractic
SMT” 1996
Tuchin PJ
Chiropractic Association of Australia AGM - “Interexaminer
Reliability Of Chiropractic Evaluation” 1995
Tuchin PJ
Central Coast Chiropractic Society- Current research projects at
Tuchin PJ
American Back Society Conference. Montreal, Canada
“Chiropractic Utilisation in Australia- Preliminary results”
Tuchin PJ
“Chiropractic Examination Procedures”. University of Sydney
Tuchin PJ
Attention Deficit Disorder Support Group (Central Coast) 1994
Tuchin PJ
Master of Chiropractic Science Research Methodology1993
Tuchin PJ
Tuchin PJ
Tuchin PJ
Tuchin PJ
90. Tuchin PJ
Chronic Fatigue Society (Central Coast) - 1992
Post Polio Society - “Chiropractic & Post Polio Syndrome” 1991
Ball Direct - “Chiropractic Occupational Health & Safety” 1991
Qld Health Dept. - “Introduction to Chiropractic Ergonomics”.
UCAA (Qld) - “Orthopaedic & Neurological Testing” 1989