capoutsidekineslp - movementactivitiesmsu

Name of student submitting work: Carlos Perales
Date: Oct 2, 2011
Name of Activity: Life Cycle Evade and Escape
Grade (specific): 5th
Lesson Focus: Fleeing, Dodging, Chasing
Lesson Sub-focus: Fitness, Counting, Spelling
T.E.K.S. taught:
§116.7. Physical Education, Grade 5.
(1) Movement. The student demonstrates competency in movement patterns and
proficiency in a few specialized movement forms. The student is expected to
(B) demonstrate smooth combinations of fundamental locomotor skills
such as running and dodging and hop-step-jump;
(5) Physical activity and health. The student understands and applies safety practices
associated with physical activities. The student is expected to:
(A) use equipment safely and properly;
(9) Organisms and environments. The student knows that there are relationships,
systems, and cycles within environments.
The student is expected to:
(A) observe the way organisms live and survive in their ecosystem by
interacting with the living and non-living elements;
(C) predict the effects of changes in ecosystems caused by living
organisms, including humans, the building of highways;
Equipment: (Materials needed)
Box of zip lock bags 1 per student
Paper bag 1 per student
4 Cones to set up area/corner flags
20 cones
Poker Chips (represent yrs spent out at sea)
50 Beans per student for group 1
Organization: (Physical Set-up, classroom management)
Prior to the class going outside I will set a grid that is 100 feet x 40 feet.
Grid guidelines:
4 red cones on the corners, 15 feet inside of the grid (Beach Zone), the rest will be
the ocean, 2 safe zones located on opposite corners of the ocean, year zone one on
each side outside the ocean, one mortality zone next to one of the year zones
Group 1: Sea Turtles (17 students) each student will be given a bag with 50 beans.
The beans represent how many turtles hatch from a single nest.
Group 2: Predators (3 Land Predators, 4 Sea Predators) each predator will have a
zip lock bag to collect beans when they tag the sea turtles. .
Description of Activity: (How does activity start, progress, stop…?)
Turtles must hatch, cross the beach, and spend 10 years in the open sea. The
turtles running between the year zones simulate the time in the ocean. They pick
up one poker chip at a year zone and then run to the other year zone to pick up
another poker chip. Each chip represents 2 years of successful of ocean survival.
After collecting five poker chips, turtles return to the nesting area to reproduce.
Turtles try to avoid limiting factors and predators. If tagged by a limiting factor, a
turtle stops, counts out 10 out beans, and places those 10 beans in the limiting
factor’s bag.
The ocean’s sea grass areas are turtle’s safety zones where limiting factors cannot
tag them. Teacher can set a time limit for how long the turtles may rest in the safe
zone. OPTINAL: The educator can remove the safety zones after the turtles have
been in the ocean for a while. This change simulates the turtles growing too big to
hide in the sea grass.
Limiting Factors must obey the following rules.
They cannot tag the same turtle twice in a row.
They cannot tag turtles that are counting out beans to another limiting factor.
They must stay at least four steps away from any turtle that is transferring beans
to another limiting factor.
Any turtle that loses all 50 beans is dead. It must go to the beach and become a
condominium. If the condominiums (sitting side by side) eventually block the
access to the nesting beach, the remaining turtles die without reproducing and
starting the next cycle.
The game will end once the Sea Turtles are dead or have returned back to the nest
Teaching Suggestions/Variations (at least 2!): (Ideas that will make the
activity more engaging, effective, efficient, or profitable for the student and
teacher; Modifications/extensions, adaptations for students with disabilities)
1. If the predators are successful in capturing all the turtles the first
seven turtles will become the predators.
2. Once the turtle has been tagged they will have to perform a designated
word to spell from the vocabulary list before they can enter the game
3. Turtles that stay in their safety zones longer than the allotted time will
automatically loose all their beans and become predators. (Instructor
must pay close attention in the safety zones.)
4. Pray and Predator will perform designated skill during the fleeing and
evading process. (i.e. Skipping, jumping, hopping)
Safety Considerations (at least 2!): (address issues that might arise or things
students should know before/during the activity to keep them and others
around them safe)
1. Students must keep their head up to avoid collisions with other
2. When switching directions students will observe their surroundings to
avoid collisions with other players.
Source: (Site the source of the Write-up; Publication, web-site, or yourself –
if it is one you created on your own)
Project Wild Manual