Stormwater is a Dirty Water

Visit my website (, and under Science Websites click on “Stormwater is a dirty word”.
Answer the following questions:
1. What is stormwater runoff?
2. What prevents stormwater from naturally soaking into the ground?
3. What types of pollution are carried by stormwater?
4. Is stormwater treated?
5. What is the cause of stormwater pollution?
6. Where does stormwater runoff eventually end up?
7. Why is stormwater runoff harmful?
8. What are the nine common activities that cause stormwater pollution?
Watersheds Study
Let’s consider a real world example by looking at the Wilmington Watersheds link on
my website (beneath stormwater activity link).
Use your map skills to fill in the blanks!
Example: Your car has been leaking oil for a week. One day before going to get
the leak fixed, you decide to go shopping at Independence Mall, which is located in the
__________________________watershed. During your visit it rains!
Stormwater runoff flows from the mall parking lot and travels through the storm
drainage system into ________________Creek which empties into
It’s important to remember that stormwater runoff is not treated, so ANYTHING
including the oil on the mall parking lot can ultimately make its way into the Atlantic
Still looking at the watershed map, Futch, Pages, Howe, Bradley, Hewletts,
Whiskey and Everett Creek Watersheds drain into the _________________________,
but Smith, Burnt Mill, Greenfield, Barnards, and Motts watersheds all drain into the
________________, which eventually flows into the ______________________.