Table S2. Calculated vibrational wavenumbers (cm-1) for the S0, S1 and D0+ states of 79BrBzd5 and 81BrBz-d5. In the main text, the mode labels will have a postsuperscript (d ) to denote the -d5 isotopologue. BrBz-d5 Mode Label 79 S0 state 81 Br Br Calculateda S1 stateb 79 81 Br Br a1 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11 2304 2291 2269 1530 1328 995 853 815 948 633 298 2303 2291 2269 1530 1328 995 853 815 948 633 296 2320 2301 2271 1394 1239 965 833 787 917 614 289 M12 M13 M14 783 642 348 783 642 348 511 412 -c M15 M16 M17 M18 M19 M20 816 742 607 538 401 152 816 742 607 538 401 152 711 581 449 393 297 112 Mode Label 79 D0+ state 81 Br Br 2320 2301 2271 1394 1239 964 833 787 917 614 288 M1+ M2+ M3+ M4+ M5+ M6+ M7+ M8+ M9+ M10+ M11+ 2316 2299 2289 1532 1251 1016 854 801 933 639 315 2316 2299 2289 1532 1251 1016 854 801 933 638 314 511 412 -c M12+ M13+ M14+ 802 616 301 802 616 301 711 582 449 393 297 112 M15+ M16+ M17+ M18+ M19+ M20+ 840 765 637 328 472 122 840 765 637 328 472 121 2310 2285 1316 1199 996 1401 816 775 491 228 M21+ M22+ M23+ M24+ M25+ M26+ M27+ M28+ M29+ M30+ 2312 2294 1244 1381 1019 1313 827 823 517 232 2312 2294 1244 1381 1019 1313 827 823 517 231 a2 b1 b2 2299 2299 2310 M21 2278 2278 2285 M22 1538 1538 1316 M23 1304 1304 1199 M24 1017 1017 996 M25 1271 1272 1401 M26 831 831 816 M27 809 809 775 M28 583 583 491 M29 226 225 228 M30 a B3LYP/aug-cc-pvTZ values, scaled by 0.97 b TDDFT, B3LYP/aug-cc-pVTZ, scaled by 0.97 c The M14 mode in the S1 state is calculated to give unrealistic values, as for the lighter monohalobenzenes, and so is not reported here – see main text.