Jobs and Wages

Earn and Learn 2015
Suburb: The United Pape of Australia
Postcode: 0411
Address of the Queen:
Queen Pape
1 Pape Place
The United Pape of Australia
VIC, 0411
……. (Table 1)- TBC
……. (Table 2)- TBC
…… (Table 3)- TBC
…….. (Table 4)- TBC
Government positions:
Prime minister- This person has almost as much power as the Queen. They are
able to fine people, award money, fire people (in consultation with the Queen)
and assists the Queen in all her daily tasks. This person needs to be fair and just,
as they will be fired if the Queen disapproves of the way they are treating others.
The Prime Minister will also be responsible for recording students who do not
bring in their homework and do not have homework insurance.
Deputy prime minister- Assists the prime minister with all the tasks that the
Queen bestows upon them.
Treasurer - Collects all the tax and checks taxable income. The treasurer will also
be responsible for making sure that there is enough currency available in the
land of The United Pape of Australia. Carbon tax for students who own cars.
Bank Manager- Monitors bank accounts, withdrawals and deposits. They are
also responsible for distributing loans and collecting payments and making sure
that the Bank Assistants are completing their jobs.
Bank Manager assistants- There are two BMA’s and they are to assist the bank
manager with all of his/her calculations, banking requirements.
Real Estate Agent- This person is responsible for collecting the weekly rent from
each of the citizens of The United Pape of Australia.
Business Real Estate Agent - This person is responsible for collecting the weekly
rent from each of the businesses of The United Pape of Australia.
Civil Disobedience officer- Is in charge with of keeping the peace and recording
fines. It will be their responsibility to fine members of The United Pape of
Australia that act up and do the wrong thing in consultation with their Queen.
News reporter – Is responsible for the The United Pape of Australia Journal. The
The United Pape of Australia Journal is a weekly newspaper, reporting the main
happenings in the land of The United Pape of Australia.
Transport Minister – The transport minister arranges drivers licences and car
registration. He or she will take into account how many fines you have incurred
and for what reasons before issuing licences. Car registration is due twice a term
and is compulsory if you have a car. If you do not own a car, a public transport
levi will be payable to the transport minister twice a term.
Insurance Broker – The personal sells insurance on behalf of the The United
Pape of Australia Insurance Corporation. You must see this person to take out
an insurance policy but also to make a claim on your insurance. Available
insurances are: Car insurance, Homework Insurance, Health Insurance, Home
and Contents Insurance.
Jobs and wages:
Office monitors- $1100 p/w
Roll monitors- $1100 p/w
Pigeon hole monitors- $1050 p/w
House points monitor- $1000 p/w
Whiteboard monitors- $1000 p/w
Phone monitors- $1000 p/w
Library monitors- $900 p/w
Assembly monitor- $900.00 p/w
HERO/Computer Monitor- $1100 p/w
Table monitor- $850 p/w
Shoe/Sports monitor- $900.00 p/w
Bin monitor- $850 p/w
Government Positions:
Prime Minister- $1300.00 p/w
Deputy Prime Minister- $1200.00 p/w
Business/Real estate agent- $1000.00 p/w
Civil Disobedience Officer- $1000.00 p/w
Tax collector- $950.00 p/w
Treasurer- $1000.00 p/w
Bank Manager- $1250.00 p/w
Bank Managers assistant- $1150.00 p/w
Transport Minister - $950.00 p/w
Medicare Officer - $700.00 p/w
Insurance Broker - $800.00
Electricity- $100.00 p/w
Water- $20.00 p/w – This price will increase if the student has to leave class to
go to the toilet.
Bin- $70.00 p/w
Health Insurance- $30.00 p/w
Homework Insurance- $75.00 p/w
Food- $60.00 p/w
Cleaning- $20.00 p/w
Rent- as per table arrangements
Calling out (applies to having conversations when on the floor and/or during
quiet learning time)- $35.00 per offence
Speeding (applies to running through the classroom and/or if caught outside
where you should not be running i.e on ramps and in the top school.)- $100.00
per offence.
Tubs and Lockers (tubs and lockers must be kept tidy at all times)- $50.00 per
Leaning (applies to those people that lean on walls/desks/chairs during floor
time)- $60.00 per offence
Uniform (applies to those people that mistreat their uniform either by stretching
it out or leaving it outside at lunch/recess)- $25.00 per offence. Please note if
Andy (the governor general) is to bring your lost property around to the classroom
that is an extra $25.00 fine.
Chair fine (applies to those people that swing on chairs, leave chairs out for
Queen Pape to trip on and those people that cannot sit correctly in their seats)$100.00 per offence
Table fine (applies to those tables that are left untidy either over night or before
lunch/recess)- $45.00 per offence
Shoes (applies to people that do not put their shoes away neatly and create
tripping hazards for Queen Pape and her subjects)- $15.00 per offence
Doing other peoples jobs (applies to those people that complete someone else’s
job without being explicitly asked by Queen Pape)- $250.00 per offence
Inappropriate Language (applies to any individual that swear or say
inappropriate things in or outside the classroom)- $450.00 per offence
Forgetting (applies to anyone that forgets any of the following items: diary,
ipads, over night homework tasks etc)- $100.00 per item that is forgotten
Hallway (applies to anyone that runs in the hallway or makes an unacceptable
amount of noise. The whole class can be fined individually if even one person
fails to line up quietly when we are moving to and from our classroom)- $300.00
per offence
Making payments on time (if you fail to pay a fine, a bill or your rent on time then
you will be required to pay an extra 10% of the bill/fine/rent. You will need to
pay 10% for every day that your fine/bill/rent is late)
‘I forgot my homework’- $175.00 plus the corresponding fine for which ever part
of your homework that you have forgotten.
Maths- $100.00
Spelling- $100.00
Multiplication book- $75.00
Reading- $50.00 per session
Reading Recording- $75.00
Diary- $75.00
Not signed- $100.00
Tax will be charged on a sliding tax scale. You will need to follow the chart on
display and pay your tax accordingly.