Document 7069134

Science Teaching Leadership Programme
2015 Guidelines for Principals (all schools), Science Heads of
Department and Nominated Teachers.
Over the past decade, studies have identified a problem with student engagement in science. In an effort
to help address this, the Teacher Fellowship Scheme provided opportunities for teachers to participate in a
programme of learning that supported their science leadership role in their school. This Scheme has now
sd(the Programme). This newly developed Programme supports the Government’s strategic direction for
Science and Society by providing opportunities for teachers of science for years 1 – 10 to develop
leadership skills and enhance the teaching of science within school communities.
Programme objectives
Programme objectives are to:
 Contribute to the professional learning and development of teachers of science resulting in
improved knowledge, skills and confidence.
 Improve the leadership capabilities of participant teachers to increase the likelihood of sustained,
effective school-based science teaching.
 Encourage participating schools to enhance their science programmes to better engage students
and wider schools community in science and to develop students’ science knowledge and skills.
 Build and maintain linkages between educators and practising scientists both in the classroom and
through opportunities that engage the wider community.
What’s involved in the Programme
Schools or science departments make a commitment to developing the quality of science programmes for
their students. They are asked to nominate a teacher that they believe has the leadership potential and the
commitment to make a difference for students and teachers in their school.
There are two phases to the Programme.
Phase One (two terms)
Nominated teachers from schools take leave from their school for two terms to engage in a programme of
learning that focuses on familiarisation with the Nature of Science strand in the
New Zealand National Curriculum, further development of science subject knowledge, and the
development of leadership skills to enhance the quality of school-wide science teaching in their school.
Specifically, selected teachers will:
 work in a host organisation for approximately 15 weeks alongside scientific staff to get an
appreciation of the Nature of Science. The Royal Society of New Zealand (the Society) will facilitate
matching the teacher with a host organisation.
 participate in at least six curriculum development days to improve knowledge of good practice in
science teaching and learning.
 attend a week long residential leadership course in Dunedin that includes two short assignments on
 attend two symposia – an induction symposium at the beginning of the Programme and one at its
completion to share your learning.
 work in an e-learning environment. Blogs, email contact and web engagement will all be integral to
the Programme.
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Phase Two (12 – 18 months)
The teacher will work alongside the Principal or Head of Department and their colleagues to facilitate
science learning across the school or science department.
Schools or Science Departments:
 commit to making science a major learning area for 12 – 18 months
 fund at least 4 days release during phase two of the Programme to facilitate this process.
 submit a self review framework and analysis, and science development plan to access additional
support funding from the Programme
 provide regular outcomes reports on the impact of science development
 commit to the Principal or Head of Department attending a workshop alongside their participant
teacher on self review and science development planning
Eligibility criteria
A school or science department must:
 commit to making science a major learning area of 12 – 18 months during phase two of the
A nominated teacher must:
 be either a primary teacher, an intermediate teacher (including science specialist teachers) or a
secondary science teacher of years 9 and 10 (including Heads of Departments)
 if teaching in a secondary school, teach year 9 and/or 10 science
 be a registered teacher who is in a permanent full or part-time position1 and is currently employed
by a Board of Trustees teaching in a New Zealand school
 have delivered the New Zealand National Curriculum for a minimum of three years
 is committed to taking a lead in science in their school
 be a New Zealand Citizen, or the holder of a New Zealand Residency permit
Commitment to whole-school or department development in Science
Schools or Science Departments
An essential part of this Programme is the commitment and full support from the school or science
department to undertake a science development for 12 – 18 months once the nominated teacher returns to
school. This teacher will take a leadership role in the development of effective science teaching in their
school or science department. Schools should therefore carefully consider the leadership potential of
prospective nominated teachers.
Schools are required to sign a declaration committing to:
 making science a major learning focus for 12-18 months following the return of the nominated
 ensuring that the nominated teacher is well supported to effectively facilitate science learning
 providing outcome reporting on the impact of whole school or department science development.
Additional funding is provided by the Programme to support the development process during its second
phase. To access this financial support, schools or science departments are required to submit a science
Self Review framework, a science development plan, based on the analysis of self review information, and
regular outcome reports on the impact of the science development.
Nominated Teachers
The Government makes a considerable financial investment in each school or science department and
nominated teacher and has an expectation that they will successfully lead science development in their
school once they return. This leadership role is an exciting opportunity but can also have its challenges.
If the nominated teacher works part time, please discuss with the Society prior to making application to discuss
whether they are in the position to meet the Programme’s expectations.
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Prospective applicants should think carefully about this leadership opportunity and whether they are in a
position, personally and professionally, to make this commitment to their school or department during
phase two.
Other relevant information
There is no opportunity, during phase one of the Programme, to complete/participate in further academic
study nor take extended personal leave.
The Programme enables schools to employ a relief teacher to replace the nominated teacher on the
Programme. Teachers on the Programme are on leave with pay so that their employment and conditions
of service are protected.
Formal contracts between the Society, the host organisation, the school and the nominated teacher will be
drawn up for the successful applicants.
The Programme will be regularly evaluated by the Society’s Evaluation Unit. Consent to the Society
obtaining information for the purposes of any auditing, evaluation, monitoring or reporting processes of the
Programme will be sought in both the application forms and final contracts. All information, for statistical
purposes, will be met within the obligations and requirements of the Privacy Act 1993.
Making an application
If you have any questions about the Programme, please contact the Royal Society of New Zealand.
Contact phone 04 472 7421.
Applications for the Programme must be completed electronically on the forms provided through the
website and sent to by the closing date.
Use the following guidelines when making an application.
Application Form
 Nominated Teacher complete Part A and Part C
 Principal or Head of Science Department or Faculty complete Part B. If the nominated
teacher is the HOD/HOF science, part B should be completed by either the Principal or the
School Curriculum Leader whoever is most appropriate.
 All parties must complete the Declaration Form
Three referees are required, two written for the Nominated Teacher and one verbal.
 Nominated Teacher - referees should be capable of judging the applicant’s competence and
potential as a candidate and/or their ability to take a leadership role.
 Verbal
o for primary/intermediate schools, the Principal will be contacted for a verbal
reference. No written reference is required.
o for secondary schools, the HOD/HOF science will be contacted for a verbal
reference. If the nominated teacher is the HOD/HOF science, the Principal will be
contacted. No written reference is required.
o Principal or Head of Science Department will be contacted by telephone.
All references are confidential to the selection panel and appropriate Society staff.
Please note: It is the Nominated Teacher’s responsibility to ensure the two written referees have
emailed their reports as an attachment to the Society by the closing date.
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