Unit Plan Unit Title: Unit 2- Greatest Common Factor, Least Common Multiple, Division of Fractions Essential Questions: How do you use equivalent rates in the real world? How do you use the GCF and LCM when adding, subtracting and multiplying fractions? How do you use operations with fractions to solve real world problems? What does it mean to multiply and divide fractions? Standards: CC.2.1.6.E.3- Develop and/or apply number theory concepts to find common factors and multiples. CC.2.1.6.E.1- Apply and extend previous understanding and multiplication and division to divide fractions by fractions. CC.2.1.6.D.1- Understand ratio concepts and use ratio reasoning to solve problems. Assessment Anchor- M06.A-N.1- Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division to divide fractions by fractions. M06.A-N.2- Compute with multi-digit numbers and find common factors and multiples. M06.A-R.1- Understand ration concepts and use ratio reasoning to solve problems. Summative Unit Assessment : Summative Assessment Objective Students Will- be able to find the greatest common factor of two whole numbers less than or equal to 100 and the least common multiple of two whole numbers less than or equal to 12. Students will be able to apply the distributive property to express a sum of two whole numbers with a common factor as a multiple of a sum of two whole numbers with no common factor. Students will also be able to interpret and compute quotients of fractions (including mixed numbers), and solve word problems involving division of fractions by fractions. Knowing how to multiply/divide fractions, students will be able to convert measurements. Assessment Method (check one) ____ Rubric ___ Checklist _X___ Unit Test ____ Group ____ Student Self-Assessment ____ Other (explain) Teacher Name : Kelly Marchetti Subject : Math Proposed Dates: November Grade Level (s) Sixth Building : Heights-Terrace Day Objective (s) Students will- be able to calculate the greatest common factor of two whole numbers and the least common multiple of two whole numbers. DOK LEVEL Activities / Teaching Strategies 1 1 Introduce the lesson – Chapter 1, Lesson 1, Factors and multiples, pages 7-9. Make sure the students have an understanding of factors, multiples, prime numbers, composite numbers. Use a T table for LCM. Use a factor tree for GCF and prime factorization. Complete got it? Page 8 and 9. Grouping DAILY PLAN Materials / Resources WG Chapter 1 Lesson 1 pages 7-14 Study Island 2d- Number Theory Triumph- Factors and Multiples Assessment of Objective (s) Formative- POD responses Choral responses Informal questioning SummativeStudy Island- 2d Number Theory Triumph- Factors and Multiples Student Self - Assessment- Students will- be able to calculate the greatest common factor of two whole numbers and the least common multiple of two whole numbers. 1 Go over homework- pg. 10 #1 &4 (Guided Practice) Student work individually on page 10 #2 &5 (Guided Practice) Go over page 10 #2 &5 WG Chapter 1 Lesson 1 pages 7-14 Study Island 2d-Number Theory 2 3 Students will- be able to calculate the greatest common factor of two whole number and the least common multiple of two whole numbers. Students will be able to apply the distributive property to express a sum of two whole numbers with no common factor. 1 2 Go over homework in small groups-page 10 #3 & 6 Introduce distributive property WG SG Chapter 1 Lesson 1 pages 7-15 Study Island- 2d Number Theory Formative- POD responses Choral Responses Informal Questioning Homework Summative- Study Island- 2d Number Theory Triumph- Factors and Multiples Student Self - AssessmentHomework Formative- POD responses Choral Responses Informal Questioning Homework Summative- Study Island- 2D Number Theory Triumph- Factors and Multiples Student Self - AssessmentHomework 4 Students will- be able to calculate the greatest common factor of two whole numbers and the least common multiple of two whole numbers. Students will be able to apply the distributive property to express a sum of two whole numbers with a common factor as a multiple of a sum of two whole numbers with no common factor. 1 2 Go over homework- Use the distributive property to express a sum of two whole numbers with a common factor 1) 8+16, 2) 54+24, 3) 63+81, 4) 32+16 Work individually on additional distributive property problems. WG I Chapter 1 Lesson 1 pages 7-14 Study Island- 2d Number Theory Formative- POD responses Choral Responses Informal Questioning Homework Summative- Study Island – 2d Number Theory Triumph- Factors and Multiples Student Self - AssessmentHomework 5 Students will- be able to calculate the greatest common factor of two whole numbers and the least common multiple of two whole numbers. Students will be able to apply the distributive property to express a sum of two whole numbers with a common factor as a multiple of a sum of two whole numbers with no common factor. 1 2 Go over homework in small groups- Use the distributive property to express a sum of two whole numbers with a common factor 1) 27 + 12, 2) 42 + 49, 3) 50 + 40 Students work individually on page 11 #2, 4, 6, 8,9, & 10 Students will work in small groups to check page 11 SG Chapter 1 Lesson 1 pages 7-14 Study Island- 2d Number Theory Formative- POD responses Choral Responses Informal Questioning Homework I Summative- Study Island – 2d Number Theory Triumph- Factors and Multiples Student Self - AssessmentHomework 6 Students will- be able to calculate the greatest common factor of two whole numbers and the least common multiple of two whole numbers. Students will be able to apply the distributive property to express a sum of two whole numbers with a common factor as a multiple of a 1 2 10 minute review before quiz Students will take LCM/GCF/Distributive Property Quiz I Chapter 1 Lesson 1 pages 7-14 Study Island- 2d Number Theory Formative- POD responses Choral Responses Informal Questioning Homework Summative- Study Island – 2d Number Theory Triumph- Factors sum of two whole numbers with no common factor. Students will- be able to compute quotients of fractions (including whole numbers) and solve word problems involving division of fractions by fractions. and Multiples Quiz on LCM/GCF/Distributive Property 1 7 Introduce the lesson- Chapter 4, Lesson 6, Divide Whole Numbers by Fractions, pages 305-307 Make sure the students have an understanding of multiplying fractions by doing multiple examples from 257-288 Make sure students know the following steps: 1. If there is a whole number, make the denominator 1 2. First fractions stays the same 3. Division changes to multiplication (inverse operation) 4. Flip the second fraction (reciprocal) Complete Got It? 306-307 WG Chapter 4 Lesson 1-8 Inquiry Labs pages 257292 Inquiry Labs pages 297332 Fraction Bars Study Island- 2a Division of Fractions Study Island- 3C Convert Measurement Units Student Self - AssessmentHomework Formative- POD responses Choral Responses Informal Questioning Summative- Study Island- 2a Division of Fractions Study Island- 3C Convert Measurement Units Study Island- Units of Measurement Assignment Triumph- Divide Fractions and Mixed Numbers Student Self - AssessmentHomework Students will- be able to compute quotients of fractions (including whole numbers) and solve word problems involving division of fractions by fractions. 1 Go over homework- page 308 #1,2,4,5 (Guided Practice) Students work individually on page 308 #3,6,7 (Guided Practice) Go over page 308 #3,6,7 W I 8 Chapter 4 Lesson 1-8 Inquiry Labs pages 257292 Inquiry Labs pages 297332 Fraction Bars Study Island- 2a Division of Fractions Study Island- 3C Convert Measurement Units Formative- POD responses Choral Responses Informal Questioning Homework Summative- Study Island- 2a Division of Fractions Study Island- 3C Convert Measurement Units Study Island- Units of Measurement Assignment Triumph- Divide Fractions and Mixed Numbers Student Self – AssessmentHomework Students will- be able to compute quotients of fractions (including whole numbers) and solve word problems involving division of fractions by fractions. 1 2 Go over homework in call groups- page 309 #1,2,4,5 Go over problems on Study Island, under 2a, using individual white boards SG I 3 Chapter 4 Lesson 1-8 Inquiry Lab pages 257-292 Inquiry Labs pages 297332 Fraction Bars Study Island- 2a Division of Fractions Study Island- 3c Convert Measurement Units 9 Formative- POD responses Choral Responses Informal Questioning Homework White Boards Summative- Study Island- 2a Division of Fractions Study Island- 3C Convert Measurement Units Study Island- Units of Measurement Assignment Triumph- Divide Fractions and Mixed Numbers Student Self - AssessmentHomework Students will- be able to compute quotients of fractions (including whole numbers) and solve word problems involving division of fractions by fractions. 1 2 10 Introduce the lesson- Chapter4, Lesson 7, Divide Fractions, pages 317-320 Do more review problems from pages 257288 to further practice multiplying fractions Make sure the students know the following steps: 1. If there is a whole number, make the denominator 1 2. First fractions stays the same 3. Division changes to multiplication (inverse operation) 4. Flip the second fraction (reciprocal) Complete Got It? Pages 318-319 WG Chapter 4 Lesson 1-8 Inquiry Lab pages 257-292 Inquiry Labs pages 297332 Fraction Bars Study Island- 2a Division of Fractions Study Island- 3c Convert Measurement Units Formative- POD responses Choral Responses Informal Questioning Summative- Study Island- 2a Division of Fractions Study Island- 3C Convert Measurement Units Study Island- Units of Measurement Assignment Triumph- Divide Fractions and Mixed Numbers Student Self - AssessmentHomework Students will- Formative- 11 Summative- Student Self - Assessment- Students will- FormativeSummative- 12 Student Self - Assessment-