Chapter 6 What was Gatsby`s real name? Why and when had he

Chapter 6
1. What was Gatsby’s real name? Why and when had he changed it?
His real name was James Gatz and the change fit when he re-invented himself. Gatsby
didn’t like being the son of farmers and was embarrassed about where he was from. “His
imagination had never really accepted them as his parents at all.” He changed it at the age
of 17 because of his transformation when he met Dan Cody.
2. In what way was Dan Cody involved in Gatsby’s destiny? (p. 99-100)
Gatsby was a caretaker and took care of Dan Cody when he had an alcohol problem. Dan
Cody had a yacht and was a millionaire while women were after him for his money.
When Dan Cody was sober he put his trust in Gatsby and because of that he received an
inheritance from him. Gatsby received 25 thousand from Cody, but didn’t get it due to
legalities. Jay Gatsby used his knowledge to be a prestigious and influential man that led
him into his fortune.
3. Why does Tom attend Gatsby’s party? How does this scene reveal that contrast
between Gatsby and Tom? (p.105) He wanted to keep an eye on his wife and know
more about Gatsby after seeing how Daisy and Gatsby looked at one another. Gatsby is
considered polite and generous and is not unkind to Tom while Tom is the opposite when
it comes to his interactions with Gatsby. Tom says he doesn’t want to be known as the
polo player, but he says it pleasantly.
4. What is deeply ironic in Tom’s statement, “. . . I may be old-fashioned in my ideas,
but women run around too much these days to suit me”? He is a hypocrite because he
is running around doing the things he criticizes.
5. Note the reactions of Tom and Daisy at different times during Gatsby’s party. Did
they enjoy themselves? Explain. No, Tom did not enjoy himself and made snide
remarks about Gatsby calling him a bootlegger among other things. Tom refers to the
party group as a “menagerie.” Tom also makes comments in regards to Daisy’s
discomfort when the drunken woman asked Daisy to put her under the shower.
Meanwhile Daisy was impressed by the actresses and uninvited guests that Gatsby is too
polite to send away.
6. What suspicions does Tom have about Gatsby? What does he vow to do? Tom is
suspicious about his past and where he got his money because Tom thinks he’s a
bootlegger. Tom will investigate Gatsby to find out the truth about him.
7. What do Nick and Gatsby talk about after the party? Nick and Gatsby talk about
Daisy’s reaction to the party because Gatsby is afraid that she did not have a good time.
While Nick reassures Gatsby that she did enjoy herself, but don’t ask too much of her
because you can’t repeat the past. Gatsby wants to go back to the way it was and for
Daisy to tell Tom that she never loved him.
8. What is Gatsby expecting of Daisy that prompts Nick to warn him, “I wouldn’t ask
too much of her . . . You can’t repeat the past”? Gatsby only wants for Daisy to tell
Tom that she never loved him over the course of the four years they were married.