MCB 7200 Reading List - Fall 2013 Frank Horodyski Chromatin

MCB 7200 Reading List - Fall 2013
Frank Horodyski
Lodish Ch. 6, pp. 223-225, 256-266
Jiang, C. and Pugh, B.F. (2009). Nucleosome positioning and gene regulation: advances through
genomics. Nature Rev.Genetics 10, 161-172.
Zhou, V.W., Goren, A. and Bernstein, B.E. (2011). Charting histone modifications and the
functional organization of mammalian genomes. Nature Rev.Genetics 12, 7-18.
Lodish, Ch. 7, pp. 315-320
Grewal, S.I.S., and Jia, S. (2007). Heterochromatin revisited. Nature Rev.Genetics 8, 35-46.
Lodish Ch. 7, pp. 327-335
Johnstone, S.E. and Baylin, S.B. (2010). Stress and the epigenetic landscape: a link to the
pathobiology of human diseases? Nature Rev.Genetics 11, 806-812.
Margueron, R. and Reinberg, D. (2010). Chromatin structure and the inheritance of epigenetic
information. Nature Rev.Genetics 11, 285-296.
Bantignies, F. and Cavalli, G. (2011). Polycomb group proteins: repression in 3D. Trends Genet.
27, 454-464.
Imprinting and Dosage Compensation
Bartolomei, M.S. (2009). Genomic imprinting: employing and avoiding epigenetic processes.
Genes Dev. 23, 2124-2133.
Augui, S.. Nora, E.P. and Heard, E. (2011). Regulation of X-chromosome inactivation by the Xinactivation centre. Nature Rev.Genet. 12, 429-442.
DNA Replication
Lodish Ch. 4, pp.115-123, 145-151
Ch. 6, pp. 273-274
Ch. 19, pp. 894-897
Ch. 24, pp.1148-1150
O’Sullivan,R.J. and Karlseder,J. (2010). Telomeres: protecting chromosomes against genome
instability. Nature Rev.Mol.Cell Biol. 11, 171-181
Alabert, C. and Groth, A. (2012). Chromatin replication and epigenome maintenance. Nature
Rev.Mol.Cell Biol. 13, 153-167.
Mutation-DNA Repair
Lodish Ch. 4, pp. 151-159
Ch. 24, pp.1144-1148
Lindahl, T. (1993). Instability and decay of the primary structure of DNA. Nature 362, 709-715.
Jiricny, J (2006). The multifasceted mismatch-repair system. Nature Rev.Mol.Cell Biol. 7, 335346.
van Attikum,H. and Gasser, S.M. (2009). Crosstalk between histone modifications during the
DNA damage response. Trends Cell Biol. 19, 207-217.
Posttranscriptional Gene Silencing/Biological Roles of microRNAs
Lodish Ch. 8, pp. 370-374
Ch. 24, pp. 1143-1144
Huntzinger, E. and Izaurralde, E. (2011). Gene silencing by microRNAs: contributions of
translational repression and mRNA decay. Nature Rev.Genetics 12, 99-110.
Thornton, J.E. and Gregory, R.I. (2012). How does Lin28 let-7 control development and disease?
Trends Cell Biol. 22, 474-482
tenOever, B.R. (2013). RNA viruses and the host microRNA machinery. Nature Rev.Microbiol.
11, 169-180.
Student presentation:
Yang, H., Wang, H., Shivailla. C.S., Cheng, A.W., Shi, L. and Jaenisch, R. (2013). One-step
generation of mice carrying reporter and conditional alleles by CRISPR/CAS-mediated genome
engineering. Cell 154, 1370-1379. (1)
Topics to be covered:
Mechanism of Homologous Recombination (2)
Recombination and Transposition (student presentations)
Lodish Ch. 6, pp. 234-245
Ch. 23, pp.1073-1081, 1111-1112
Topics to be covered:
Role of RecA in DNA replication (3)
Immunoglobulin Gene Rearrangement (4)
Transposons and Mechanisms of Transposition (5)