Welcome to rd 3 Grade Teacher: Miss Williams Room # 19 2015-2016 In this booklet you will find procedure information on behavior, homework, book report, grades and other important information for your child’s classroom. Dear Parents/Guardians, I am excited that your child is in my class. This school year will be filled with many learning adventures. This booklet provides important information about our classroom. This booklet can be used as a resource throughout the school year. I know the beginning of the school year can be overwhelming but I appreciate you taking the time to read this guide to our classroom. This guide can also be found on our classroom website. Thank you, Miss Williams Parent/Teacher Communication I believe communication is important in order for your child to have a successful school year in 3rd grade. Email include events happening in our The easiest way for me to classroom and/or Parkway. communicate is through email. I Teacher Website will respond to emails as soon as I Please visit the website often. I can. I will also email you will keep it updated with regarding your child’s behavior homework assignments, a and successes in the classroom. At calendar of events, important Back to School you filled out an information about our classroom, information sheet that had a spot learning targets and the for your email. If you did not newsletter will be available provide your email, there is a through the website too. The form at the back of this booklet address for our website is: you may send back to school with http://www.sjsd.k12.mo.us//Doma your child. My email address is in/2514 cari.williams@sjsd.k12.mo.us Remind Telephone- If you would like to Remind 101 is a way I can send contact me by phone you may call friendly reminders to parents. I Parkway before or after school. promise not to hound you with The school’s number is 816-671- several text messages. In the back 4310. of this booklet there are Newsletters directions on how to sign up for A weekly newsletter will go home textremind101. every Friday. The newsletter will For the 2015-2016 our schedule will be different than what the students have had previous years. Lunch will be 30 minutes (12:40-1:10) . Specials will not be on a rotating schedule everyday. Below you will find our daily schedule. Specials will rotate only on Mondays. Tuesdays and Wednesdays we will have Art and PE. Thursdays we will have art Friday we will have library. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8:20-8:45: Breakfast Lunch Count Attendance 8:45-10:10 Math 8:20-8:45: Breakfast Lunch Count Attendance 8:45-9:15 Science/Social Studies 8:20-8:45 Breakfast Lunch Count Attendance 8:50-9:50 Specials 8:20-8:45 Breakfast Lunch Count Attendance 8:50-9:50 Specials 8:20-8:45 Breakfast Lunch Count Attendance 8:50-10:20- Math 10:10-10:50 Specials 9:15-10:50Specials 9:50-11:10 Math 9:50-11:10 Math 10:20-11:00- Library 10:50-11:30 Science/ Social Studies 11:30-11:50 Recess 10:50-12:10Math 11:10-11:30 Recess 11:10-11:30 Recess 11:10-11:40- Social Studies or Science 12:10-12:30Recess 11:30-11:40 Bathroom Break 11:30-11:40Bathroom Break 11:40-12:00 Recess 11:50-12:00 Bathroom Break 12:30-12:40Bathroom Break 12:40-1:10-Lunch 1:15-3:35- ELA (Reading Writing & Spelling) 3:35-3:40Packup 11:40-12:10 Science/Social Studies 12:12:40-RTI 12:40-1:10 Lunch 12:00-12:10Bathroom Break 12:05-12:35-RTI 12:35-12:40Get Ready for Lunch 12:40-1:10Lunch 11:40-12:10 Science/Social Studies 12:10-12:40- RTI 12:40-1:10 Lunch 12:10-12:40- RTI 12:40-1:10- Lunch 1:15-3:35 ELA (Reading, Writing & Spelling) 1:35-3:35 ELA (Reading, Writing & Spelling 1:15-3:35- ELA (Reading, Writing & Spelling) 3:35-3:40Packup 3:40- Dismissal 3:40-Dismissal 1:15-3:35 ELA (Reading, Writing & Spelling) 3:35-3:40 Packup 3:35-3:40- Packup 3:35-3:40- Packup 3:40- Dismissal 3:40- Dismissal 3:40Dismissal Absent/Leaving Early If your child is absent from school they will have the opportunity to make up their work at home or during school. Also, if you know your child is leaving school early please write a note for I can have their assignments and folders ready to go. Thank you Communication Folder There will be a communication folder sent home on most days. If I do not send the folder home, there are no papers to send home. Remind your child it is important to bring this folder back to school the next day. Don’t forget to check the communication folder for important notes. Homework Binder This is something new I am trying this year. Students will have homework binders. There will be a planner in their binder. This planner is designed for students to write down their assignments and color their behavior calendar daily. Homework will also go home in this binder. Homework will come home two days. Mondays and Wednesdays. Homework that goes home on Mondays will be due back on Wednesdays. Homework that goes home on Wednesdays will be due back on Friday. Students will write due dates in their planners. Also, if students are unable to complete in class assignments because they are not on task it will be considered homework. Even though homework is not given everyday. Students should keep their binders in their backpacks because we will be writing in the planners daily. My goal with this homework folder is to keep my students accountable for their homework and learning. Also, homework should not be consuming too much time. My goal is for students to spend 1-2 hours on homework a week. If you find your child is having a difficult time getting the homework done please let me know for I can help your child be a successful learner. Reading Logs Students will read every night for 20 minutes. Students will need to complete their reading log Monday-Thursday. Students should fill out their own reading log and parents will sign each day. Reading logs will be part of your students reading grade. Students will not The logs will be located in the homework binder. Information on how students can receive the quarterly reading award will come home soon Grades In 3rd grade, grades are a little different from 2nd grade. In 3rd grade students will continue to get grades for reading, writing, spelling and math but will start to receive grades for social studies and science. For reading, writing, spelling, math, social studies and science grades will based on a combination of tests/quizzes, in class assignments and homework. Also, students will be given grades for PE, Music and Art. Also, students are able to receive the A honor roll and A & B honor roll each quarter. Behavior Chart A behavior chart helps students keep track of their daily behavior. The behavior chart in our classroom has 6 color levels. Purple- Outstanding Day Blue- Good Choices Green- Ready to Learn Yellow- Slow Down (loose 5 minutes of recess) Orange- Think About It (loose 10 minutes of recess & complete think sheet) Red- Contact Home (All of recess and a phone call, email or note home) Every day, each child starts on Green. They have the opportunity to move up (excellent behavior choices) or move down (consequences for poor decisions made). Each day they will color their behavior calendar. If your child receives purple and blue days for the entire week, they will have the opportunity to choose something on our rewards wall on Fridays. Chromebooks/Technology Students will be using chromebooks often in our classroom. Each student will have a chromebook this chromebook will not come home but students will be doing many class assignments on the chromebooks. As most of you know state assessments begins in 3rd grade. Students will be taking the state assessment on chromebooks towards the end of the year. Also, students will have several logins for different resources they will use at school and can use at home. Students will have a login sheet with all their logins in their homework binder soon. Parent Email Form If you provided your email address at back to school night, you do not need to complete this form. If you did not, please fill this out and return as soon as possible. Student Name______________________ Parent Name________________________ Email Address: _________________________________________________ Dear Parents/Guardians, I know life can get a bit hectic when kids start school and students have deadlines and assignment due dates. This year I will be using a text reminder application that will allow me to periodically send out classroom and school reminders via text message. This help take the burden off remembering due dates. To participate in receiving the text message reminders, simply text 81010 with the message @331ea5. Rest assured that you will not receive advertisement text messages and your number will remain private. You may choose to opt out of this at anytime by messaging “stop” to the above number. It is my hope to strengthen the home school connection. On the next page, you will find the invite from Remind. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Thank you, Miss Williams