Ch7 pages 181-191 Guided Reading Questions

Guided Reading Questions
Ch 7, Religion
pgs 181-191
Name: ____________________________________________________ Period: ____
Vocabulary: (Make a note of any new or difficult words that you fine in the reading).
1. Define: monotheistic religion, polytheistic religion and animistic religion
2. BCE stands for:
3. By 500 BCE, 4 major hearths of religion and philosophy were developed in the
world. Identify each hearth and its location.
4. The two religions with the greatest number of adherents (followers) in the world
today are _____ and _____.
5. Define: universalizing religion. List 3 major religions which fall into this
6. Define: ethnic religion.
7. Ethnic religions tend to be “spatially concentrate”. Explain what is meant by this
8. Judaism is an ethnic religion, but is not considered to be “spatially concentrate.”
Explain why not.
9. Identify the following for Hinduism:
a. Classification:
b. Ranking in number of adherents:
c. Prophet or a Founding Thinker:
d. Hearth:
e. Sacred Text and Worship Center:
f. Significant and/or Holy Places
10. Identify / explain: karma, reincarnation, caste system, Mahatma Gandhi.
11. Discuss the diffusion of Hinduism.
12. Identify the following for Buddhism:
a. Classification:
b. Ranking in number of adherents:
c. Prophet or a Founding Thinker:
d. Hearth:
e. Sacred Text and Worship Center:
f. Significant and/or Holy Places
g. Doctrine
13. Discuss the diffusion of Buddhism.
14. Identify the following for Shintoism:
a. Classification:
b. Ranking in number of adherents
c. Hearth
d. Doctrine
15. Identify the following for Taoism:
a. Classification:
b. Hearth
c. Doctrine
d. Feng Shui
16. Identify the following for Confucianism:
a. Classification
b. Hearth
c. Doctrine
17. Discuss the diffusion of Chinese Religions.
18. Identify the following for Judaism:
a. Classification:
b. Ranking in number of adherents:
c. Prophet or a Founding Thinker:
d. Hearth:
e. Reform movement
f. Orthodox movement
g. Conservative movement
19. Discuss the diffusion of Judaism.
20. Identify the following for Christianity:
a. Classification:
b. Ranking in number of adherents:
c. Prophet or a Founding Thinker:
d. Hearth:
e. Eastern Orthodox Church
f. Roman Catholic Church
g. Protestant