Dialectical journal - Fall River Public Schools


Dialectical Journal

Name:___________________________________ Date:___________________

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Part I: Journal entries ( Class work )

Directions: Select THREE pieces of evidence from the writing. The evidence should be a short passage from the text (no more than a few sentences) that interests you. Then provide a short summary of what the passage means to you. As you reflect on the passage, think of three additional questions that arise from the text. You do not need to know the answer to these questions. You must pose one of each of the following three types of questions:

1) Literal question: A simple question that asks for straight forward facts. Literal questions may begin with the following: How is…?; Where is…?; Describe…?; What is…?

2) Inferential question: a question that requires context clues to extrapolate or to make an educated guess about the topic. Inferential questions could begin with the following: What other ways could…?; How would you solve the problem…?; What do you think would happen if…?

3) Thematic question: a creative question or one that requires a connection to another topic.

Thematic questions could begin with: Design an alternative way to…?; What do you think would happen if…?; Is this related to…?.


Evidence 1 This new type of solar panel is currently under development and consists of organic photovoltaic cells sandwiched between sheets of graphene. A photovoltaic cell is a small device that converts the sun’s energy into electricity.

What does it mean? Graphene could be used in new types of solar panels

Literal question

Inferential question

What types of organic photovoltaic cells are used?

How much energy do they/could they produce?

Have any been tested yet?

What would happen on cloudy or rainy days?

Would the use of these devices decrease air pollution?

Thematic question Could they be adapted for use in car?

Could they be used in construction materials to build solar sky scrapers?

Do the cells produce energy the way plants do?

Evidence 1

What does it mean?

Literal question

Inferential question

Thematic question

Evidence 2

What does it mean?

Literal question

Inferential question

Thematic question

Dialectical Journal

Name:___________________________________ Date:___________________

Title of



Part II: Vocabulary ( Homework )

Directions: Choose a word that do not know the meaning, or that you are unclear of the meaning.

For that word indicate the part of speech and definition. Also, write one original sentence using the word you have selected.

Word Part of speech


Sentence using the word
