King Henry Vlll and Anne of Cleves What really went wrong? By

King Henry Vlll and Anne of Cleves
What really went wrong?
By Linda LoFaro
It is a beautiful autumn morning October 1537 at Whitehall Palace
at Kingston on the river Thames. The leaves on the trees are turning
all kinds of colors from greens, gold’s, reds, oranges, yellows, and
burgundy’s. The sun is shining over the palace as it reflects off the
river like a mirror.
There is a fine mist hovering over the river, it blankets the palace
gardens and meadows, tiny droplets of water twinkle like diamonds
on necklace on each blade of grass, each flower and over the
boughs of every tree. As the sunlight hits the mist you can see a
rainbow of color falls over the palace.
What a sight to behold. For, it s grand and glorious day. The
town’s people are excited to hear of the news that the king has a son.
They are out and about selling their goods; you can hear the sounds
of dogs barking, children playing in the village, carriages rolling by in
and out of the palace gates as well as members of court riding
horses to deliver messages of good will for his majesty and Queen
The kitchens in Hampton Court Palace are getting ready for the
days events to celebrate the birth of his majesty’s son the Prince
Edward Vl. They are preparing a wonderful feast with all kinds of
fresh meats, vegetables, fruits, wine, cheese and cakes
Suddenly his majesty is called by the guard * your majesty* your
Majesty * it is the queen she needs you * he runs to queen Jane’s
chambers, is in shock at what he see’s. She is gravely ill from giving
birth to her son.
He, knows what it is, he tells everyone to leave the room so that he
may be alone with her, she has childbed fever. He kneels at her
bedside and prays for her to get well. He kisses her softly on the lips,
holds her hands, he feels her very last breath leave her body as he
puts his head down and cries.
The great love of his life has passed on. He is stricken with
inconsolable grief and goes into seclusion. He has fallen in to
despair; he will not talk to anyone except his friend the court fool Will
Two years have passed since the death of Queen Jane and his
majesty has been approach by Sir Thomas Cromwell begging him if
he would consider another marriage.
After much thought and consideration his majesty considers a
marriage to Anne of Cleves. In March of 1539 he sends his
Ambassadors to Cleves, Germany to meet with his highness the
Duke of Cleves and being to make the arrangements.
It is September 1539 He sends the ambassadors back to Swan
Castle in Cleves, Germany where Anne and her sister Amelia have
been called upon to appear before his majesty’s ambassadors, so
that they may report back to his majesty on their appearance.
He has sent Mr. Holbein with the ambassador to paint a portrait of
her and was told to enhance it. The ambassadors are appearing
before his highness the duke of Cleves, as they discuss a treaty and
an alliance of the two countries and the marriage of either one of his
sisters to his majesty King Henry Vlll.
Meanwhile his majesty receives word that there are enemy ships
flying the black eagle flag. A signal fire is set and a currier is sent to
Hampton Court Palace with documents to let the king know who and
what was happening with the ships that we spotted off shore.
The report was from Sir Thomas Chaney warden of the ports
there are 68 imperial ships spotted in the English channel bound for
Spain and not England, and that they meant no harm to the cost. The
hulls of the ships were filled with provisions for the emperor’s voyage
to Constantinople.
The Kings Ambassadors have sent back a portrait of the lady Anne
he looks over the portrait. And sends word back to his highness the
Duke of Cleves that his majesty will take the hand of his sister in
His Majesty’s Ambassadors make there second trip to Swan Castle
to see the duke. They tell him that the king is most anxious to marry
his sister, that he forfeits that the requirement of a dowry. And will
pay to be introduced to the league.
But there still remains one problem the fact that Anne was precontracted to the Duke of Lorraine’s son. His highness Duke William
tells them, that “the contract was never ratified and is not binding in
law or any other way”. The Duke agrees and sends his ambassadors
to England to make final arrangements. Duke William tells his sister
that she is to marry the King of England, King Henry Vlll by the New
Anne was in her chambers sitting by the window doing her
needlepoint and saying prayers. There was a new blanket of freshly
fallen snow on the ground and as the sun hits it sparkles, the boughs
of the trees are covered they glisten with the newly fallen snow, and
ice sickles hang from the roof of the castle. Billowing smoke rises
from the chimneys of Swan Castle.
The castle windows are frosted over they glistens with tiny shapes
of snowflakes that look like the crown jewels against the windows it
looks like a painting that only Master Holbein could paint.
Anne is in her room the fireplace is on to keep her warm and it
makes her room very cozy. Still with all the comforts that she has she
is not sure of what to think. Since she is not schooled in the social
graces, of the English people. Since she is from another country and
only knows her own customs and ways of her country. She, knows
needlepoint, how to read and write in German. Anne lived a very
sheltered life in Germany with her brother the duke and her sister
So here in lies problem number one there is a language barrier for
her. Communication and understanding were a big problem. She is
worried and knows what has happened to the kings past wives. What
will happen to her? What will the king be like? So many questions
and so little time for her to get the answers that she seeks.
She is told that she must make ready to board ship and sail to
Chequers, Calais Castle, which is in English, occupied France. She
goes to see her brother the Duke of Cleves and tells him that she
does not want to go. She does not want to marry the king for she
fears what will happen to her.
The Duke insists because of the alliance with the king and the two
countries. So her ladies in waiting pack all her things and leave for
It is December 1539 and his Majesty has asked his grace the Duke
of Suffolk to go to Chequers, Calais Castle which is in English
occupied France to meet the lady Anne of Cleves. He arrives at the
Castle where he waits for Anne. She arrives at the castle and is
wearing all black and is wearing a veil to cover her face.
The Duke of Suffolk, and members of his majesty’s court greet her.
The Duke sits with her and talks to her, to see what she has been
told about the king and he discovers that she knows nothing of great
importance. So he teaches her to play cards and other games.
It is winter and the ocean is churning and the waves are crashing up
against the cliffs and the rocks along the great wall of the castle.
The sky is changing the clouds are moving and as they change there
shapes their colors change. The sky has gone from white, to light
gray, dark gray, black, the thunder is so loud and the lighting become
more and more violent the waves get higher and higher as they crash
against the rocks and the sky gets darker and darker.
His grace, informs her that because of the violent winter storm they
will have to wait until the weather clears to set sail for England.
The weather clears they board ship and set sail for England but
the ocean is rough and the ship is being tossed around Anne has
gotten sea sick and just wants to go back to her country and to all the
comforts of home.
She cannot help but think about the king and what will it be like when
she arrives. And they first meet. she is full of apprehension and
despair and is very scared. how could she have know what was to
come next.
They arrive in England and she is taken to Rochester Castle where
she is shown to her chambers with her lades in waiting. She waits for
the king to come and welcome her.
Mean while the king is having second thoughts and is not sure
what to think he is very anxious is wondering why his most trusted
advisor; Mr. Cromwell is so vested in this marriage.
Even though Mr. Cromwell has expressed that it would be a great
alliance for the two countries something is just not sitting well with
him there are to many questions and to many outside influences for
the king.
The kind decides to go to Rochester to meet the lady Anne. To
welcome her. When he arrives in Rochester he is in disbelief as to
what he sees. She is not very pretty at all. And cannot speak any
English and has an odor about her. Though she is dressed in a
beautiful crimson and gold gown and looks very regal. The king
approaches her and kisses. her she does not know what to do.
His Majesty welcomes her and tells her he will see her later. He
travels to Whitehall Palace and calls for a meeting of the council and
expresses how unhappy he is. He yells out “I like her not”, “I like her
not “ he sits upon his throne and proceeds to express how very
unhappy he is.
The council has gathered in the king’s chambers he tells them that
“It seems that princes in marriage suffer more than poor men since
they have to take what is brought to them and poor men are free to
choose. He feels deceived about Anne of Cleves. He yells at Sir John
his Ambassador in anger “that she looks like a horse a Flanders
mare” he asks my lord Cromwell what remedy? The Duke of Suffolk
Responds and say that Cromwell had been following the Cleves
since the beginning. The king wants to know what options he has to
get out of the marriage.
And that he wants out of the marriage and treaty agreement with
the Duke of Cleves. Master Cromwell tells the king that there is no
way out of the marriage the king replies *I am not well handled Mr.
Cromwell. The king leaves his chambers and council leaves and the
meeting is over.
Anne of Cleves arrives at Whitehall Palace the king greets her and
she is introduced to the kings children. The king is having dinner with
the duke of Suffolk and discusses how he wants to get out of the
marriage he is anxious and is not happy. The duke suggests that Mr.
Cromwell may have over stepped his reach in this matter. The king
agrees. Once again the king is influenced by others.
Still the council continues to get involved and the king becomes
more confused. The wound in his leg is not healing and he is in more
pain than ever before. It is festering, bleeding, swelling, getting bigger
and the poison is spreading though out his leg and his body. And is
affecting his mind and everything that he does.
He is told that he needs to secure a second heir to the throne and
keep the Tudor Dynasty alive and the line of succession on going.
But still this did not please the king and the days wore on and he kept
trying to get out of the marriage.
For to him is about a marriage sight unseen was like buyer
beware. It went against everything the king believed in. and his
council should have known that from the start.
Still Mr. Cromwell could not find a way out and the king was getting
more and more angry. Trying to figure out why it was so important to
Mr. Cromwell. He finally discovers that it is about the alliance of the
Protestant league. This was a very big mistake and only caused
more problems along the way.
Most Monarchs married for alliances. but his majesty married the
women he was attracted to. And who was best suited to give him a
Time passes and it is his wedding day Henry Marries Anne, on Jan
6 1540. And still he asks Mr. Cromwell is there any legal remedy
Mr. Cromwell replies “none that was possible to discover “ the king
replies I am not well Handled” Mr. Cromwell replies “I think if you got
to know her better you might like her”. This angers the king and he
attacks Mr. Cromwell. And stomps off and goes to the chapel where
Anne of Cleves if waiting with her family and members of the kings
court are there to witness the marriage
He is in no way attracted to her Anne was not his type. Her looks,
the language barrier, her manners and customs were not what the
king wanted and could abide by. Not to mention that she, the lady
Anne was not impressed with his majesty she was not fawning over
him and finding him irresistible as others had.
It is there wedding night and they sit and play cards and the king
express that he would like to go to bed they get in to bed and the king
looks at her, he begins to untie her gown and fondle her breasts and
the her womanly hallows she resists and turns away from the king
and he lies their in frustration. He is not sexually attracted to her in
any way and could not consummate the marriage.
He finds that she was not experienced in love and being with a
man or how to please or pleasure him. And has smells about her.
Though he is very kind to her he cannot consummate the marriage
hard as he tries. So he tries to pleasure himself but cannot seem to
do that
The council meets one more time and the king tells them that he
still has not consummated his marriage and suggests that the pre
contract with the Duke of Lorraine’s son was valid. And therefore he
has married another mans wife. He leaves in frustration.
She was not his choice. As with his other wives, even if the marriage
did not work, he could not blame anyone but himself to be
responsible for his actions.
Council tells the king that they found a flaw in the pre contract and
that he would be able to get the marriage annulled. Because of the
words used in the contract, that is was indeed valid. At the time the
agreement was made with the duke of Cleves that he in fact married
another mans wife.
Thus he sends someone to tell the lady Anne that for this reason
that the marriage is null and void and that he will provide for her as
long as she does not contest it. And that she was to be referred to as
his dear sister.
She was to renounce her title as queen and would have to stay in the
kingdom where she would be provided for and would continue to
receive the king’s good graces and generosity. So on June 24 1540
she was asked to leave court and in July she was told of the kings
decision feeling saddened and humiliated she did as the king asked
and wished him well.
Through it all Anne was loved and admired by all in the kingdom and
known as the most kindest and most gracious queen that the people
had known.
The problem was that others had chosen her for him and so he
blamed others for his poor choices. This gave him the perfect “out”
and for all the other reasons that he did not want to be in this
Scholars of the Tudor history through the centuries have pondered
the centuries the man and the enigma that was Henry VIII. Six fives,
arguably six failures. But which of these was the greatest failure?
Some would say that Anne Boleyn and Katherine Howard would be
by far the worst as to what went wrong because it ended fatally for
them. But one must consider that the marriage to Anne of Cleves
was the most disastrous of all these unions. So it was on July 9,
1540 that the marriage to Anne of Cleves was annulled. If not for the
toll of life, there were severe repercussions, for the marriage itself.
The void that it left had to be filled by young Katherine Howard, and
the downfall that would follow, as well as the further lack of any male
In the end Anne lived her life out at Hever Castle where should have
plenty of pretty dresses to wear and would be able to visit the king.
Anne died on July 16th 1557