Exam 2

Comp 354 Study Guide -- Exam 2 – Spring 2014
You can use one sheet of notes, both sides of an 8.5" x 11" sheet of paper during test. No other notes. We will take
the exam on computers using MS Word on Wednesday. If you have a problem with that, let me know in advance.
You will print out your exam at the end of the exam to turn it in.
Chapter 5 Process Synchronization
5.1 Background
Asynchronous nature of process execution
Cooperating processes and shared data
Race conditions
5.2 The Critical-Section Problem
Mutual exclusion
Bounded waiting
Solution requirements
5.3 Peterson's Solution – omit
5.4 Synchronization Hardware
Disabling interrupts
Atomic hardware instructions and their use
5.5 Mutex Locks
Acquiring and releasing
Spin locks
5.6 Semaphores
Counting and binary
Wait and signal
Block and wakeup
Deadlock and starvation
5.7 Classic Problems of Synchronization
Readers and writers
Dining philosophers
5.8 Monitors – omit
5.9 Synchronization Examples - omit
Chapter 6 CPU Scheduling
6.1 Basic Concepts
CPU and I/O bursts
Preemptive and non-preemptive scheduling
Dispatch latency
6.2 Scheduling Criteria
CPU utilization, throughput, Turnaround time, average waiting time, response time
6.3 Scheduling Algorithms
Exponential averaging
Shortest remaining time first
Priority scheduling
Starvation and aging
Round robin
Multilevel queue scheduling
Multilevel Feedback Queue
6.4 Thread Scheduling
Scheduled by kernel
6.5 Multiple-Processor Scheduling
Asymmetric multiprocessing and Symmetric multiprocessing (SMP)
Processor affinity
Load balancing
6.6 Real-Time CPU Scheduling
Hard vs. soft real-time systems
Application response time
Rate monotonic scheduling
Earliest Deadline First Scheduling (EDF)
Proportional Share Scheduling
6.7 Operating-System Examples - omit
Chapter 7 Deadlocks
7.1 System Model
Resources and their use by processes
7.2 Deadlock Characterization
4 necessary conditions
Resource allocation graphs
7.3 Methods for Handling Deadlocks
Prevention and avoidance
7.4 Deadlock Prevention
Preventing at least one of the necessary conditions
7.5 Deadlock Avoidance
Safe state
Maintaining a safe state by use of resource allocation graph
Banker’s algorithm - omit
7.6 Deadlock Detection - omit
7.7 Recovery from Deadlock - omit
Chapter 8 Main Memory
8.1 Background
Virtual/logical memory space and physical memory space
Memory address binding
Base and limit registers
Dynamic linking
8.2 Swapping
Cost of context switching
I/O complications
8.3 Contiguous Memory Allocation
Dynamic allocation strategies
Compaction and coalescing
8.4 Segmentation
Segment table
Address mapping
8.5 Paging
Pages and page frames
Page tables
Address mapping
TLB and effective access time
Memory protection and shared access
8.6 Structure of the Page Table
Hierarchical Paging
Hashed Page Tables
Inverted Page Tables
8.7 Example: Intel 32 and 64-bit Architectures
IA-32 only
8.8 Example: ARM Architecture - omit