American Dream Writing Assignment (9/3-ongoing)

American Dream Writing Assignment: Analytical Paragraph
Analysis of a concept requires one to explain a concept, as well as argue a certain point of view.
Your task: In a well-organized and developed paragraph, analyze the current controversy over the American Dream.
Follow these steps for success!
Create a thesis statement for the first sentence of your paragraph that states your argument (your point of view or opinion
about the American Dream without using first person).
In the next few sentences, explain why there is such controversy over the American Dream, using at least one piece of
evidence from the sources we looked at to demonstrate.
Argue for your point of view as stated in your thesis/topic sentence: Use evidence from the various sources looked at (three
articles, four videos, and a song) to argue this point of view (select the best evidence for support).
Again, do NOT use first person!
* For the first draft, use your current knowledge about writing structure and conventions to do the best job you can. We will do
several drafts of this assignment though, and have lessons in class about structure, how to integrate text, and academic language.
We will also peer review each others’ drafts.
*If you find at any point in this process that you need additional assistance, please consider attending the NPHS Writing Center for
help. Tutors and teachers are available to help you during lunch or after school in E4.
*Final draft needs to be in MLA format with a Works Cited page. We will review how to do this in class before the final draft is due,
using Assignments turned in without a Works Cited will receive a 0.
American Dream Writing Assignment: Analytical Paragraph
Analysis of a concept requires one to explain a concept, as well as argue a certain point of view.
Your task: In a well-organized and developed paragraph, analyze the current controversy over the American Dream.
Follow these steps for success!
Create a thesis statement for the first sentence of your paragraph that states your argument (your point of view or opinion
about the American Dream without using first person).
In the next few sentences, explain why there is such controversy over the American Dream, using at least one piece of
evidence from the sources we looked at to demonstrate.
Argue for your point of view as stated in your thesis/topic sentence: Use evidence from the various sources looked at (three
articles, four videos, and a song) to argue this point of view (select the best evidence for support).
Again, do NOT use first person!
* For the first draft, use your current knowledge about writing structure and conventions to do the best job you can. We will do
several drafts of this assignment though, and have lessons in class about structure, how to integrate text, and academic language.
We will also peer review each others’ drafts.
*If you find at any point in this process that you need additional assistance, please consider attending the NPHS Writing Center for
help. Tutors and teachers are available to help you during lunch or after school in E4.
*Final draft needs to be in MLA format with a Works Cited page. We will review how to do this in class before the final draft is due,
using Assignments turned in without a Works Cited will receive a 0.