Conference Sessions and Workshops Thursday, September 25, 2014 9:00 – 11:30 Strand A: Concurrent Workshops Session 1: Teacher Effectiveness for Language Learning – Introduction to TELL Presenter: Lisa A. Harris, Virginia Department of Education What does a model foreign language teacher look like? Participants will use the Virginia Foreign Language Professional Development Framework, the Virginia Standards for the Professional Practice of Foreign Language Teachers (VSSPT/FL), and the Teacher Effectiveness for Language Learning Project (TELL) to identify and explore characteristics of effective foreign language teachers. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels / All Languages English Harrison 1 PR1, PR3 1 Thursday, September 25 Session 2: 30 Years and Counting: More Best Practices of a Teacher Who Loves What She Does (Part 1) Presenter: Barbara Peterson, Breaking the Barrier, Inc. This workshop is back by popular demand! Participants will explore a wider variety of topics, including practice, review, evaluation, grading, conversation and other communicative activities, culture, individualization, projects, and best handouts. Leave the workshop energized and with myriad activities and strategies to use in your classroom on Monday and throughout the school year! Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 3: Secondary / All Languages English Harrison 2 P2, P8, LE7 There’s an App for That: Apps Every World Language Teacher Should Have Presenters: Sharon Scinicariello, University of Richmond Stacey Powell, Auburn University Kristy Britt, University of South Alabama Mobile apps offer the possibility of “anytime, anywhere” organization and learning. They can also increase exposure to the target language and culture, foster collaboration and language production, and encourage lifelong learning. Participants in this workshop will engage in hands-on exploration of useful apps for world language teachers and students. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels / All Languages English Harrison 3 LT1, LT2, LT3 2 Thursday, September 25 Session 4: Using Authentic Spanish Literature in the Middle and High School Spanish Language Classroom: Strategies and Suggestions for Teaching Presenter: Mario Núñez, Santillana USA Publishing During this workshop, participants will review the new Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) and its implications for Spanish teachers teaching Spanish in a world language instructional model. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Elementary / Secondary / Spanish Spanish Harrison 4 P1, P2, LE5, LT1 Session 5: Rencontre autour de l'album Presenter: Janine Kotwica, Centre André François L'album, qui s'adresse à l'adulte autant qu'à l'enfant, est un genre littéraire et artistique à part entière qui acquiert, petit à petit, ses lettres de noblesse. Quelle est sa place en milieu scolaire ? Quelles sont ses caractéristiques ? Le choix du critique, bibliothécaire, ou enseignant, est-il une démarche subjective ou peut-il obéir à des critères identifiables ? Comment le questionner pour en extraire la substantifique moelle sans nuire à l'émotion et à la séduction du texte et des images ? Cette rencontre vise à tenter de répondre à ces interrogations à partir de quelques titres incontournables du paysage éditorial. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels / French French Taylor 1 LT1, LT2, P2 3 Thursday, September 25 12:45 – 3:15 Strand B: Concurrent Workshops Session 6: Have a Real Conversation? Can-Do! Presenter: Norah Lulich Jones, Fluency Language Consulting Let’s take a fun and interactive look at the key elements of authentic interpersonal speaking – training students to have realistic conversations instead of what can seem like police interrogations! You will gain practical insights, objectives, and lesson plans that integrate conversational elements with Can-Do Statements (NCSSFL-ACTFL). Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 7: All Levels / All Languages English Harrison 1 P3, P5, LE7, PF3 30 Years and Counting: More Best Practices of a Teacher Who Loves What She Does (Part 2) Presenter: Barbara Peterson, Breaking the Barrier, Inc. This workshop is back by popular demand! Participants will explore a wider variety of topics, including practice, review, evaluation, grading, conversation and other communicative activities, culture, individualization, projects, and best handouts. Leave the workshop energized and with myriad activities and strategies to use in your classroom on Monday and throughout the school year! Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Secondary / All Languages English Harrison 2 P2, P8, LE7 4 Thursday, September 25 Session 8: An Introductory Workshop for Online Language Teaching Presenters: Kathryn Murphy-Judy, Virginia Commonwealth University Marlene Johnshoy, University of Minnesota Betsy Louis, Virtual Virginia Brianne Moore-Adams, Virtual Virginia Whether you are teaching fully or partially online language courses, this workshop, led by three online practitioners, will walk you through the ins and outs, ups and downs, of teaching online mainly at beginning and intermediate levels of the secondary (I-IV) and post-secondary (first/second year) education. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 9: Secondary / Post-Secondary/ All Languages English Harrison 3 P8, LT1, LT2, LT3 Pipiemus: Social Media and the Latin Teacher Presenter: Jo Feingold, Lafayette High School Let’s tweet! This session focuses on Twitter and other social media for the Latin teacher. We will go through the steps of creating an account, finding people to follow, searching effectively to find Latin content that does not pertain to salsa, and curating your professional network using tools such as HootSuite. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels / Latin English Harrison 4 LT1, LT2, LT6 5 Thursday, September 25 Session 10: How to Choose the Right Book for Your French Class Presenter: Janine Kotwica, Centre André François A specialist in French youth literature, Madame Janine Kotwica, will discuss the fundamental question of the criteria to take into account when selecting books for your students depending on their abilities and the goals you hope to achieve, Come and learn how to evaluate books like an expert! Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 11: Elementary / Secondary / French French Taylor 1 P9, LT1 Murder, Romance and Fantasy Presenter: Cindie Kelly, Massaponax High School Using The Niebelungenlied as a vehicle, participants will learn how to develop an interdisciplinary unit that engages students in a wide range of activities addressing history, geography, music, and cultural mores incorporating language development and culminating with a student development project. Participants provided with samples and handouts. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Secondary / German German Taylor 2 P2, P3, P7, LT1 6 Thursday, September 25 Session 12: La música de la vida Presenter: María del Mar Torres Ruiz, Embassy of Spain ¿Te suenan Serrat, Sabina, Aute, Rosana, Cecilia, o Mari Trini? En este entretenido taller, conoceremos a los artistas y sus carreras musicales, analizaremos las letras de sus canciones y reflexionaremos sobre los aspectos culturales que emanan de sus temas más populares. La presentación tendrá un formato dinámico con el fin de facilitar la participación activa de todos los participantes y se incluirán recursos didácticos. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels / Spanish Spanish Taylor 1 P2, P9, LT1, LT5 3:30 – 6:00 Strand C: Concurrent Workshops Session 13: Stationenlernen with German Youth Literature Presenter: Natalie Eppelsheimer, Middlebury College, Goethe-Institut Trainer Network Participants will learn how to teach effectively with learning stations. They will complete and reflect on a sample learning circle based on Elke Heidenreich’s Wissen, was man will, followed by a discussion on possible set-ups, role-assignments, and rules for station learning in the foreign language classroom. In the second part of the workshop, participants will create their own station learning activities with short texts. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s) Secondary / Post-secondary / German German Harrison 1 P2, P7, P8, E5 7 Thursday, September 25 Session 14: Calling All Web Designers Presenter: Shirley Hall, Ocean Lakes High School Are you interested in creating a working website for your students? This is a session for you. You will be presented with several websites that you can embed into your class and then you will receive the opportunity to build your own. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 15: All Levels / All Languages English Harrison 2 LT1, LT2, LT6 Operation LAPIS: Students Saving the World, One Classroom at a Time Presenter: Emily Anne Lewis, Herndon High School This program will show how a student engages Operation LAPIS (game-based learning) and utilizes its tools to personalize his/her learning experience. Attendees will see the benefits game-based learning provides and then experience them firsthand as they participate in a mission from Operation LAPIS from a student’s perspective. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels / Latin English Harrison 3 P8, LE5, LT1,C5 8 Thursday, September 25 Session 16: I get it! From Boring to Engaging: Using Minicuentos to Teach Reading Strategies Presenter: Lily Anne Goetz, Longwood University Are your students bored or frustrated with incomprehensible literature assignments? This interactive, hands-on session will give you strategies for using minicuentos, authentic literary readings that offer a rich context for teaching reading strategies. Participants will receive models and will produce lessons incorporating pre-reading and post-reading activities that will motivate students and lead them to that moment of insight when they ”get it” on their own. You are invited to bring a short literary text for use during the workshop. Handouts and sample lesson plans will be provided. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): VCCS Session 17: All Levels / Spanish Spanish Harrison 4 P9, LE5, LE6 How to Be Ready for Cyber Snow Days: Free Online Resources that Help Create a Virtual Classroom Presenter: Takako Shigehisa, Northern Virginia Community College Severe winter weather caused schools to declare a high number of snow days this year, which presented an opportunity for teachers to search and implement ways to teach outside the classroom without changing the curriculum. The presenter will share resources such as Nearpod, Blendspace, Leanist and more. Examples of student engagement, outcome, and assessment will be shown. The presenter will demonstrate, step by step, how to create a virtual classroom. By the end of the session, the participants will create virtual lessons with multimedia components as well as various interactive tools online that are free of charge. The participants are strongly encouraged to bring their computers or tablets to this workshop. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): VCCS / Secondary / Post-secondary / All Languages English Taylor 1 LT1, LT2, LT3, LT4 9 Friday, September 26 9:00 – 9:45 Strand D: Concurrent Sessions Session 18: MOPI Breakfast and Closing Session (7:45 9:45) Presenter: Lisa A. Harris, Virginia Department of Education This session will include a review of the process to apply for ACTFL certification as a MOPI tester. The workshop is open only to teachers who attended the MOPI pre-conference workshop. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 19: Restricted to MOPI workshop participants English Room 11 PF1, PF2, PF3, PR2 Advocacy: A Toolkit! Presenter: Cindie Kelly, Massaponax High School Interested in growing your advocacy skills? Are you ready to promote study, learning, and use of all world languages? You may not realize it but every time you share that you are a world language teacher you are advocating and advocacy matters! In this session you will earn how to develop a toolkit to help you become a more effective advocate with special focus on advocating within your community, person-to-person, and via media. Handouts will be provided. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels / All Languages English Harrison 3 C1, C4, C5, PR1, PR5 10 Friday, September 26 Session 20: Sails of Liberty: Teaching around the Hermoine Lafayette Voyage Presenter: Andree M. King, Alliance Française of Charlottesville This presentation will offer teachers Internet resources and e-communications with paired classes in France to commemorate the crossing of the Hermione, Lafayette 's frigate, a symbol of the Enlightenment shared by the American and the French people up to today. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 21: All Levels / French English Taylor 3 P9, LE6, LT3, C5 Going Further with Modern Connections Presenter: Shirley L. Hall, Ocean Lakes High School This presentation will look at creating units with a spin by finding modern connections to the subject matter. Participants will also learn various approaches to embed technology, games, and much more. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Secondary / Latin English Taylor 4 P2, P7, P8 11 Friday, September 26 Session 22: From Bored to Engaged: Teaching in a New Age Presenters: Elizabeth Williams, Battlefield High School Mallory Trowbridge, Battlefield High School Catherine Porter-Lucas, Battlefield High School The participants will experience a variety of new and familiar engaging instructional strategies that are easily adapted to any grade level or subject to provide differentiation for all learners. Please join us and create your own activity to take back to your classroom for immediate use. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 23: All Levels / All Languages English Ampitheatre P4, LT1, LT2, LT3 Standards Based Learning Duolingo Presenters: Kimberly A. Martinez, Salem High School Paola Brinkley, Salem High School Are your students able to participate successfully in a spontaneous conversation in the target language? Standards based learning combined with duolingo in the classroom incorporates listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities to meet the three modes of communication. The recycling of information and repetitive practice will improve students’ ability to utilize the target language. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels / All Languages English Room D LE7, LT2 12 Friday, September 26 Session 24: Flipping the World Language Classroom: Tools for Instructors and Individual Student Learning and Practice: Part I Presenter: Greg Rivera, Cengage Learning, Lorain County Community College What exactly is flipping the world languages classroom? We will define flipping the classroom and talk about how flipping the classroom allows you to be creative and engage students. We will focus on using the language, not just talking about it, planning out activities, and some tools of the trade. These online tools include solutions for: collaboration/community, creating presentations, student production, social interaction, sharing of content and cultural immersion. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 25: All Levels / All Languages English Room H LT 1, LT 2, LT3 Motivating Students to Learn German by Staging Well-Known German Texts on Film and Stage Presenters: John F. Reynolds, Longwood University Carrie Collenburg-Gonzales, Longwood University Brett Martz, Longwood University Using excerpts from German and Austrian plays, adapted and performed by students of German, the session will demonstrate how works by major German authors can be used successfully to motivate students to pursue further study of German and, by performing the works, increase their language proficiency. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Secondary / Post-secondary / German German Room I P9, LE6, LE7, LT1 13 Friday, September 26 Session 26: Usage of English-Derived Loan Words by Native Japanese Speakers Who Live in the United States Presenter: Miwa Takeda, Former Graduate Student, Waseda University この発表は、アメリカに暮らす日本語母語話者が使う、英語 由来の外来語を調査・分析したものです。例えば、日本で「 チャイルドシート」と呼ばれているものは、アメリカでは「 カーシート」と呼ばれることが多々あります。このような外 来語使用における差異を、アメリカ在住の日本人およそ60人 に対する調査から収集し、年齢・性別・英語への習熟度等を 軸としてまとめました。この発表では、実証的に言葉の変化 を観察するための見方を同時に解説してゆきます。普段から 使い、教えている日本語という言語がどのような姿をしてい るか見直し、再発見することを楽しんでいただければと思い ます。 Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels / Japanese Japanese Room J PR2, PR3 14 Friday, September 26 Session 27: Spanish Culture in the Classroom: Scholarship Presentation Presenter: Alexandra Shourds, Powhatan School Come explore ways to introduce students to current events and cultural aspects of Spain. Through photos, technology, and experiences students will catch a glimpse of daily life in Spain. Culturally rich resources will explore a variety of topics including popular television shows, clothing styles and trends, architecture, history, and typical food eaten in Spain. This will be an interactive session and handouts will be provided. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 28: Elementary / Secondary / Spanish Spanish Room 2 P2, LE5, LT1, LT3 The eTextbook Revolution and Your Classroom Presenter: Steve Giroux, Teacher’s Discovery The magic, passion and human instinct a teacher brings into the four walls of a classroom cannot be replaced or even mimicked by a computer. The Voces® vision is to integrate technology into the real classroom, enhancing student understanding of culture how it manifests itself in the Spanish language. Here is how Voces® eTextbooks -in your hands- make it happen. Let's spend less on textbooks and more on teachers. [eTextbooks for Intro Spanish, Spanish 1 and 2.] Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Secondary / Spanish English Room 3 LT1, LT3, P9 15 Friday, September 26 Session 29: Promoting French Language Study by Supporting French Teachers Presenters: Jean-Claude Duthion, Embassy of France Céline Jobé, Embassy of France This session will provide teachers of French with updates and information on the actions of the Educational Services Department of the French Embassy. A variety of programs designed for the professional development of teachers of French will be presented: workshops organized throughout the year with the goal of helping teachers hone their skills and connect with each other on the local level; short-term pedagogical grants for study at specialized centers in France; summer universities lasting 3 to 5 days; the creation of a distance learning module to help teachers expand their knowledge of contemporary France. The Embassy also offers a variety of other tools to support the teaching of French: partnerships with schools in France; information on accessing pedagogical resources; help organizing contests and large events; hosting French-language teaching assistants; and support for French immersion programs. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels / French French Room 8 LT6, C5, PR2, PR3, PR4 16 Friday, September 26 Session 30: Great Apps for All Language Learners Presenter: Kholoud Mayees, Hylton High School How does one design effective lessons that integrate technology and fully involve students? This session will help teachers gear their instruction toward a more student-centered classroom and to use more performance based assessments. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 31: All Levels / All Languages English Room 12 P1, P2, P3, P8 Teacher-Made Stories to Promote Literacy Presenters: Elizabeth Stickley, Loudoun County Public Schools Sarah Sierralta, Loudoun County Public Schools Yuliel Cruz, Loudoun County Public Schools Ever try to find just the right book to supplement your lesson only to find that not one quite supports what you have taught? In this Best Practices presentation, you will learn how to use curricular themes to increase student literacy through simple teacher-written stories with interactive comprehension activities. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Elementary / Secondary / Spanish Spanish Room 15 E4, P1, P2, P3 17 Friday, September 26 VCCS Session 32: Mi amigo quiere subjuntivo Presenter: Miguel A. Lechuga, Germanna Community College Students often find learning the subjunctive mood challenging and frustrating. The presenter has developed an easy, fun, and successful way to present this concept. The presenter will share the method he developed and the attendees will leave ready to teach this concept to their own students. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 33: VCCS / All Levels / Spanish / French / Italian English Room 16 P2, LE5, LE7 Exploring the Rich Historical Heritage of the Storytelling and Music of Senegal Presenter: Francesca Chery, Fred M. Lynn Middle School As a recent participant in the Fulbright-Hays Group Project Abroad Program to Senegal, the presenter intends to share her experience and knowledge of the Senegalese oral tradition by incorporating authentic materials that facilitate the understanding of relationships among cultural products, practices, and perspectives. In this session, the teachers will explore and experience the role of oral traditions and folklore in the West African culture, specifically Senegal, through music and realia. They will have the opportunity to analyze and experience several traditional instruments from Senegal and recreate a storytelling circle where students are encouraged to communicate in the target language. In order to facilitate a deeper understanding, a Kirikou unit as well as several learning and interactive tools that incorporate all three modes of communication will be shared. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels / French French Room 17 P9, E4, LT1, LT2 18 Friday, September 26 Session 34: Experiential Learning: Language Immersion and Service Learning Opportunities Presenter: Jenni Williams, Education First Looking for ways to engage students in authentic use of the target language? Learn about language immersion programs in China, France, Spain, and Costa Rica and service learning programs worldwide that immerse students in the local community. Join us to discuss how to make this possible for your students! Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Secondary / All Languages English Room 18 C5, LE5, LE6, LE7 10:00 – 10:45 Strand E: Concurrent Sessions Session 35: HOT Collaborative Assessments Presenter: JoAna Smith, Nottoway County Public Schools Attendees will learn strategies to assist in incorporating group assessments using higher order thinking in the world language classroom. The assessments will incorporate Marzano strategies, TIP (teacher innovation progression), differentiation (for ESL and GT students), rubrics, and Project Based Learning. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels / All Languages English Harrison 3 PF1, PF2, PF3 19 Friday, September 26 VCCS Session 36: Bringing Language to Life: Practical and Fun Strategies for Active Teaching and Learning Presenter: Gabriela Christie -Toletti, Tidewater Community College World language instructors will explore ways to achieve active teaching and learning that emphasizes the students’ participation in the learning process by creating an environment that continuously encourages students to apply their linguistic knowledge while acquiring intercultural understanding. Attendees will learn successful learner-centered activities that use varied strategies designed to accommodate different learning styles and interests. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 37: VCCS / All Levels/ All Languages English Harrison 4 P2, P7, P8, LE5 From Front Royal to Charleville: Making the Global Connection Presenter: Heidi Trude, Skyline High School Students, teachers, administrators, parents, and the community all stand to benefit from international school partnerships. This session will examine ways to extend learning opportunities for students through the creation of international school partnerships. Participants will also learn strategies and ideas to ensure the success of the partnership. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels / All Languages English Taylor 3 LE7, LT1, LT2, C5 20 Friday, September 26 Session 38: In Medias Res: Cultural Context and Language Acquisition in the Latin Classroom Presenter: Jacquelyn Wilkins, William Byrd High and Middle Schools Integrating culture into the Latin classroom is often relegated to toga-wrapping and feast days. In this session, participants will see how authentic Roman cultural integration can occur in every level of Latin to support and enrich language acquisition. Examples will be examined and then participants will design a project. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 39: Secondary / Latin English Taylor 4 P9, LE6, LT3 Revised 2014 Foreign Language Standards of Learning Presenter: Lisa A. Harris, Virginia Department of Education What is new and different in the revised Foreign Language Standards of Learning? The participants will receive an overview of changes to the SOL and engage in conversation with the VDOE Specialist for Foreign Languages on the revised standards. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Elementary / Secondary / All Languages English Ampitheatre P1, PR3, PR4 21 Friday, September 26 Session 40: Teaching the Lesson with Meaningful Input Strategies Presenter: Sharon B. Hahnlen, Liberty University Participants will explore ways to provide opportunities for students to engage in cultural observation (products and practices) and analysis (perspectives) of both the new and the students’ own cultures. This session will offer high-yield strategies to help students achieve daily performance objectives. Various aspects and theories of input will be highlighted. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 41: All Levels / All Languages English Room D LE4, LE5, LE6 Native Arab Students’ Perception of Diglossia Presenter: Hezi Brosh, United States Naval Academy Perceptions and beliefs of Arab students who study Modern Standard Arabic regarding diglossia, the gap between the spoken and the written varieties of the language, were collected through a questionnaire and follow-up semi-structured interviews with thirty Israeli Arab students in the 12th grade and their teachers. Come to the session and learn the results of this amazing research project. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Secondary / Post-secondary / Arabic English Room F C5, PR2, PR3 22 Friday, September 26 Session 42: Flipping the World Language Classroom: Tools for Instructors and Individual Student Learning and Practice: Part I Presenter: Andrew Tabor, Cengage Learning We will take the concepts and technologies learned in the first part of this session and put them to use. We will create a flipped lesson plan for one chapter of a language textbook, keeping these questions in mind: • What content will students consume outside of the classroom? • Will you try to use or transform content you already have? • Will you leverage some of the great content already available by textbook publishers or on the Internet? • How will you spend class time once students have taken in the assigned materials prior to class? Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 43: All Levels / All Languages English Room H LT 1, LT 2, LT3 Deutschlandmusik Was ist jetzt “in”? Update your German Music Collection Presenter: David Gardner, Warwick High School The world of music is an ever-changing world. Styles come and go. What was popular when you wrote that lesson plan or last went to Germany is not necessarily what kids are listening to today. Make sure that you stay on top of the current trends in popular culture. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Secondary / Post-secondary / German German Room I P9, LT1, LT3 23 Friday, September 26 Session 44: The Virginia Governor's Japanese Academy Presenter: Sachiko Sakamaki, Landstown High School This session provides in-depth information on the Japanese Academy, one of the Virginia Governor's Foreign Language Academies, a three-week summer intensive language program for high school students in the Commonwealth of Virginia. As high school teachers of the Academy students, or college instructors of their future students, the audience will find this session quite interesting. A brief background and history of the Academy and an explanation of how the program is organized and operated will be presented. Examples of unique activities that are not restricted by traditional instructional settings in a regular classroom will be shared. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 45: Secondary / Post-secondary / Japanese Japanese Room J LE5, LE6, LE7, C5 Speak Up: Promoting Active Use of the Target Language Presenter: Norma J. Hernandez, Northumberland County Schools Get your students engaged and talking in the target language with classroom activities that are exciting, communicative, purposeful, fun, and drive your students towards proficiency. Audience: Language: Location: TELL Correlations: Secondary / Post-secondary / Spanish Spanish Room 2 P2, P8, LE5, LE7 24 Friday, September 26 Session 46: Music and Movement: A Powerful Tool for Language Learning Presenter: Andres Salguero, ¡Uno,Dos, Tres con Andrés! Singing songs is a great way to teach new vocabulary and develop speaking skills. With movement, kids retain new vocabulary by engaging kinetic memory…plus, it’s fun! Join us to sing and dance songs in Spanish both old and new that you can use to support language learning for your students. Audience: Languages of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 47: Elementary / Spanish Spanish and English Room 3 P2, LE6, E4, LT1 The Essential Question: The Glue That Binds Our Lessons Presenter: Elizabeth Sacco, EMC Publishing 21st Century Learning suggests that as World Language Teachers, we create lessons framed by an essential question. These questions anchor our lessons and promote those all-important critical thinking skills as they investigate social issues, all required by the Common Core State Standards. In this session we will explore how to successfully implement the use of essential questions from inception to assessment, highlighting activities from EMC's new World Language Programs, T'es branché? and ¡Qué chévere! Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Secondary / All Languages English Room 8 P3, PR4 25 Friday, September 26 Session 48: Complete Guide to Successful Implementation of Contextualized, Communicative Projects in the Target Language Presenter: Olivia Exum, Goochland County Public Schools Investigative projects add relevance, authenticity, and maximize engagement, but implementation may seem daunting or chaotic. In addition to receiving two ready-to implement project plans, colleagues will interact to create new projects, feel the benefits of these real-world, collaborative experiences, and learn how to successfully provide students these opportunities. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 49: All Levels / All Languages English Room 12 P2, C1, C5, LT2 Zorro and FUYJI Monster Make the Preterit Tense Easy Presenter: Virginia H. Wright, WP High School Learning the preterit tense with all its rules is easy and fun with FUJYI land mnemonic storyboard. Take your students on an adventure through the land of FUYJI to learn and enjoy the rules of the Spanish preterit tense. The participants will leave with exciting materials to use in their own classes. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Secondary / Post-secondary / Spanish English Room 15 P2, P7, LT1, LT2 26 Friday, September 26 VCCS Session 50: Analyzing Student Interaction in the Distance Learning Classroom Presenter: Eric-Gene J. Shrewsbury, Patrick Henry Community College Empirical data from a 2011 case study of students taking Spanish through distance learning will be presented with discussion of the results. In response to the study’s outcomes, the researcher explains his application of these results as motivation to transition from using Blackboard discussion and voice boards to using groups offered in Facebook to increase the quantity and quality of student interactions while also providing exposure to authentic material. The researcher will also discuss techniques in course management used for his distance learning and face-toface courses that include OneNote, iAnnotate, and bContext. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 51: VCCS / All Levels / All Languages English Room 16 LT1, C5, PR3 Comment se servir de l'authentique Presenter: Catherine Mazzola, Appomattox Regional Governor’s School Learn how to build a lesson centered on an authentic document and turn your students into language detectives. Teach your students to study and hypothesize based on how they see the language is used so that they can build their own understanding of how a certain grammar concept works. In the process, brush up on your French pedagogical vocabulary. This lesson planning approach is based on the methods recommended by the Alliance Française of Bordeaux during a Stage Pédagogique in the summer of 2013. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels / French French Room 17 P2, P8, LE5 27 Friday, September 26 Session 52: Discover Languages: More than Just a Song and a Dance Presenters: Sean Smallman, Plaza Middle School Ken Yeatts, Great Neck Middle School Shirley Hall, Ocean Lakes High School Discover Languages Month and National Foreign Language Week should be celebrated with activities in every school that promote the benefits of learning languages; however, this does not happen in many schools. Why are these events important? How does one motivate one’s community to participate, or tie projects to standards and objectives? Gain ideas for making it happen! Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels / All Languages English Room 18 E4, C1, C4, C5 11:00 – 11:45 Strand F: Concurrent Sessions Session 53: Reach and Teach All Students Presenter: Norah L. Jones, Vista Higher Learning Engage with authentic short films, contemporary culture, crafted video tutorials, and instructional design. Experience innovative digital tools for 21st. Century as students to watch, listen, speak, write, personalize communication, and grow in confidence. Explore how all of these innovative tools and content lead to powerful teaching, mentoring, assessment, and evaluation. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Secondary / Post-secondary / All Languages English Harrison 3 P2, LE5, LE7, PF1, LT1 28 Friday, September 26 Session 54: How to Bridge the Gap Between High School and College World Language Classes Presenter: Angela Leruth, College of William and Mary This session identifies appropriate strategies for preparing high school students to adapt and to succeed in the college world language-learning environment. The attendees will explore ways to develop greater interaction between local high school and college language learners including mentorship structures. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 55: Secondary / College / University / All Languages English Harrison 4 P5, LE7, C1, C5 BYOD: Language Learning Goes Mobile Presenter: Jennifer Carson, Virginia Beach City Public Schools Harness the power of student-owned smartphones and tablets to promote engagement and collaboration in the world language classroom. Learn how one school district's Bring Your Own Device policy facilitates language learning. Bring your own device and join in! Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels / All Languages English Taylor 3 LT1, LT2, LT3, LE5 29 Friday, September 26 Session 56: Something Fishy This Way Comes: The How and Why of Garum Presenter: Lori M. Kissell, Liberty High School Garum was the ubiquitous condiment and spice of the Roman world. Come discover the production, trade, and uses of this product. Samples available for adventurous types to taste. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 57: All Levels / Latin English Taylor 4 LE6, LT3 Stop Testing and Start Assessing: Linking Assessment with Learning Presenter: Arnold Bleicher, ACTFL OPI Tester/Trainer and AAPPL Measure Lead Trainer Testing? Assessing? Formative? Summative? Performance? Proficiency? New terms recently introduced in the World Languages community appear to have blurred the lines between Proficiency and Performance. This session will focus on clearing up the confusion and will bring to light the subtle differences between Performance and Proficiency and how they work together, not in opposition. There are direct implications for classroom instruction and, in particular on assessing student progress in the acquisition of languages. We will; explore ideas on how to determine if a sample is on level and address the scoring of student samples. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels / All Languages English Ampitheatre PF1, PF2, PF4 30 Friday, September 26 Session 58: Discovering Chinese Pro: Creating a Holisitic iPad Classroom Presenter: Helen Yung, Better Chinese LLC Got iPads? Make Mandarin-learning interactive and effective for 1:1 learning or group work on both iPads and PCs. Discovering Chinese Pro is a comprehensive, four-year iPad curriculum for instructional delivery that engages students anytime, anywhere from any web-enabled device. Learn to use administrative tools to message, assign homework, grade, track student performance, and manage students through one interface. Come and hear how to implement best practices in Chinese iPad classrooms Audience: Languages of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 59: Secondary / Chinese English and Chinese Room B LT4, LT5 Learn how Reading and Speaking in the Target Language Can Energize Your Classroom Presenter: Effie Evans Hall, Woodgrove High School Feeling stale? Learn Effie’s two simple systems to help you jumpstart the energy level in YOUR classroom. The Euro Project (keeping students in the target language) and the Reading Project (starting each class with five minutes of reading studentselected material) provide an environment where passive language acquisition enhances learning. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels/ All Languages English Room D P2, LE4, LE7, LT1 31 Friday, September 26 Session 60: Integrated Approach to Teaching Arabic: Evidence from the Field Presenter: Marie-Claude Thomas, United States Naval Academy Diglossia is a situation in which two distinct varieties of Arabic are used by native speakers. This linguistic situation has implications for natives and non-natives. How do instructors decide what to teach first? The modern standard Arabic or the spoken variety? In this session, the presenter will share an integrated approach and the problems that it brings. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 61: Secondary / Post-secondary / Arabic English Room F LE7, PR2 Experience Culture in the Classroom: Performing Rakugo Presenter: Manako Fujiwara, George Mason University This session introduces a cultural reading course called Readings in Japanese Culture where students perform Rakugo as the final project. Through vocabulary building and grammar exercises, students read and learn three major genres of Japanese culture: fairy tales: Tsuru no ongaesh), myths: Shinwa, and traditional comical story telling: Rakugo. By reading Tsuru no ongaeshi students cultivate an understanding of the unique Japanese concept of On. Through the reading of Shinwa, students learn the legend of how Japan was created, and how it is related to Shinto. In the Rakugo reading, students learn to not only read the script and enjoy it, but they also have an opportunity to perform an original piece following its traditions. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels / Japanese Japanese Room J P9, LE5, LE6, PF1 32 Friday, September 26 Session 62: Tuning in to Authentic Spanish Presenter: Virginia Flores, Midlothian High School Diana Erazo, Cosby High School Expand the use of music in the Spanish classroom utilizing authentic Spanishlanguage music to teach grammar, vocabulary, culture, and real world issues and events that align with AP and IB themes. Go beyond the simple worksheets or listening activity to create thematic units or projects employing a variety of technological tools. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 63: Secondary / Post-secondary / Spanish Spanish Room 2 P1, P2, P3, LT1, LT3 News and Networking: Mobile-Ready Access to Spanish and French Culture Presenter: Dan Battisti, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt News and Networking gives your students access to high-interest, age-appropriate articles and video updated throughout the year. No need to spend time searching. Activities to support the articles and videos are included. Students share comments via a monitored blog. All participants will receive mobile-ready access to this site! Audience: Languages of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Secondary / Spanish / French English, Spanish and French Room 3 P9, LT1, LT3 33 Friday, September 26 VCCS Session 64: Reuse, Recycle, and Regain Their Attention with Songs Presenter: Cristina Sparks-Early, Northern Virginia Community College Songs are a phenomenal way to recycle vocabulary and grammar and to engage students in the world language classroom. Additionally, songs help students make cultural connections, reach the auditory learner, and add energy to a non-energetic day. The participants will explore numerous Spanish language songs that they will want to use in the classrooms on Monday! Audience: Languages of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 65: VCCS / All Levels / All languages English and Spanish Room 8 P2, P8, LE7, LT1 Going beyond PowerPoint and YouTube: Websites and Apps for German Teachers Presenter: Marcel Rotter, University of Mary Washington The session familiarizes participants with websites and apps that help economize prep time for German teachers, facilitate student interaction, and access authentic German resources. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Secondary / Post-secondary / German German Room 11 P9, LT1, LT2, LT3 34 Friday, September 26 Session 66: Imagination Vacation: Using Virtual Trips to Give Your Students the World Presenter: Autumn Yates, Edlin School Have you ever longed to give your students an opportunity to use their language and cultural skills in another country? Now you can, without ever leaving your classroom! Learn how to design an imaginary international field trip, combining vocabulary and culture into an exciting experience that your students will never forget. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 67: Elementary / All Languages English Room 12 LE5, LE6, LE7, LT1 Creating Authentic Learning Contexts Presenter: Wendy W. Amato, WorldStrides Session participants will explore a provided resource kit and collaborate on various uses and applications. Participants will receive templates for creating classroom personas, activities to develop personal connections to descriptive language and idioms, materials for cross-disciplinary lessons, guides for a range of technology integration, and assessment rubrics. Leave this session with renewed passion for teaching! Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Secondary / All Languages English Room 15 P2, P3, P7, P8 35 Friday, September 26 Session 68: Differentiating Instruction by Using Creative Stations in the Target Language Presenters: Gisele Vazquez Falls, Tallwood High School Tina Treptor, Ocean Lakes High School In this session, attendees will learn how to set up interactive, student-centered stations using a variety of strategies that range from the simple to the complex, while engaging students in the target language. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 69: All Levels / All Languages English Room 16 P2, P8, LE4, E5 Immigration espagnole au cours des Trente Glorieuses à travers l'étude du film Les femmes du 6ème étage Presenter: Isabelle Reeves, St. Anne’s Belfield The recent film Les femmes du 6ème étage focuses on the issue of Spanish immigration in the sixties in France, and could be used as part of a bigger unit on immigration. In order to grasp the full meaning of the film better, students need to have a better understanding of the nature of immigration that was taking place at the time and also to familiarize themselves with the type of society France was in the sixties. In addition, students will benefit from a short but effective overview of the 19th Century Parisian renovations led by the Baron Haussmann. The Internet, used effectively, can provide engaging previewing activities. This session will show participants how to design a civilization unit based on different media - in this case, film and Internet. The presenter will share practical lesson plans with the audience. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Secondary / Post-secondary / French French Room 17 P2, P9, LE6, LT3 36 Friday, September 26 Session 70: Task-Based Learning and Assessment: Strategies and Recommendations Presenter: Lamiaa Youssef, Norfolk State University This session presents an overview of task-based instruction. It provides rationales, strategies, and recommendations for the effective use of task-based activities and assessments in the world language classroom. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels / All Languages English Room 18 P2, P7, P8 12:00-2:00 Affiliate Organization Luncheons Session 71: VFSLA Luncheon Presenter: Suzette Wyhs, VFSLA President This business luncheon serves as the fall meeting for those who serve as district Supervisors of World Languages in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Membership varies depending on the size of the program in each district. New members are always welcome. Open only to supervisors who preregistered for the luncheon. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Foreign Language Supervisors English Room A C5, LT6 37 Friday, September 26 VCCS Session 72: VCCS Luncheon and Opening Session Presenters: Annette Waggoner, FLAVA President Abigail Stonerock, Director of Faculty Development, Virginia Community College System Ty Corbin, Dean of Educational Support Services, J. Sergeant Reynolds Community College Miguel Lechuga, WL Peer Group Chair The luncheon is open only to VCCS World Language Peer Group members who preregistered for the FLAVA Conference. Dr. Stonerock will provide greetings and remarks. Dr. Corbin, a member of the VCCS Faculty Evaluation Workgroup, will discuss important components of the New Evaluation System. A new WL Peer Group Chair will be elected. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 73: VCCS World Languages Peer Group English Auditorium C5, LT6 AATF Luncheon Presenter: Fabrice Teulon, AATF President This business luncheon serves as the fall meeting for AATF Virginia Members. New members are always welcome. Open only to members who preregistered for the luncheon. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): AATF Members French Room H C5, LT6 38 Friday, September 26 Session 74: CAV Luncheon Presenter: Fred Franko, CAV President This is a luncheon for teachers of Latin and classics in Virginia. New members are always welcome. Open only to members who preregistered for the luncheon. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): CAV Members English Room 4 C5, LT6 2:00 – 2:45 Strand G: Concurrent Sessions Session 75: What’s Flex Anyway? Examining an Exploratory World Language Model for Elementary School Presenters: Keisha Baylor, Newport News Public Schools Briana Basset Camden, Newport News Public Schools Many exploratory world language models are available, but how do they translate to elementary school? How can one engage elementary school students in language learning beyond providing worksheets, stories, and songs? The presenters will share and effective district model that utilizes smart technology that they developed over the past three years. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Elementary / All Languages English Harrison 3 P6, LT1, LT6 39 Friday, September 26 Session 76: Increase Student Engagement Through Games Presenter: Rosemary Carpenter, Poquoson High School This session will feature ways to create fun and excitement about learning vocabulary and grammar using a variety of games and competitions. Attendees will leave armed with new games and strategies to begin implementing in their classrooms immediately. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 77: Elementary / Secondary / All Languages English Harrison 4 P2, LE5 Spanish Immersion in High School: Communication and Culture Learning through Communities Presenter: Lucy Welbourn Johnson, University of Virginia This session will review key findings of a doctoral study related to the role of peer/ teacher communities and Spanish-speaking communities in the development of second language proficiency and cross-cultural awareness. Foreign language, Immersion and ELL educators and administrators alike are invited to explore the implications for their own practice. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Secondary / Post-secondary / All Languages English Taylor 3 PR3 40 Friday, September 26 Session 78: Teaching Latin Poetry to Twenty-first Century Teens Presenter: Cygnet Steer, Virginia Tech When Latin students first encounter poetry, they can become confused and frustrated. Often they begin to view poetry as simply awkward prose. I propose methods of approaching poetry to help avoid the frustration, and to enable the students to appreciate the subtlety and beauty of poetry. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 79: Secondary / Post-secondary / Latin English Taylor 4 P9, LE5, LE6 Thinking on Your Feet, Making Connections, and Communicative Activities Presenter: Victoria Bryant, Miller School of Albemarle In this session, ideas will be shared on ways to create ongoing activities that create a sense of safety and community through consistency and clear expectations. Examples of diaries, warm ups, and ways to maximize the use of the target language will be provided. A Google Drive will be shared and edited by all during the session. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels / All Languages English Ampitheatre C5, LT6 41 Friday, September 26 Session 80: Modern Chinese: An Innovative, Introductory College Program Presenter: Helen Yung, Better Chinese LLC Learn about Modern Chinese《現代中文》, a new, AP and ACTFL aligned college curriculum that gets students reading and speaking Chinese faster. Preview the innovative lesson-story approach, clear grammar instruction, and multimedia components. Come and see how language educators across the country are using Modern Chinese to engage their high school and college students with authentic and relative content in contemporary Chinese society. Audience: Languages of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 81: Secondary / Post-secondary /Chinese Chinese and English Room B P1, P9, LT1, LT2 Leveling the Playing Field: When Classroom Differentiation Is Not Enough – An Easy, Functional Solution for Schools Presenter: Olivia Exum, Goochland County Public Schools Is the mix of abilities in your world languages class proving discouraging for students, despite your well-designed, differentiated plans and materials? Learn how students at a rural Virginia school proposed diversifying their world language learning environments and brought new options to their school, equitably serving all types of learners without increasing costs! Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Secondary / All Languages English Room D P4 42 Friday, September 26 VCCS Session 82: Teaching Arabic Pronunciation Presenter: Sana N. Hilmi, Northern Virginia Community College The presenter will demonstrate different strategies used to teach pronunciation in Arabic or any other languages. The presenter will share the Arabic alphabet, its phonemes, and pronunciation. The presenter will share methods that are used to differentiate between similar sounds in Arabic. The presenter will provide tips and approaches to help students produce some difficult sounds. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 83: VCCS / All Levels / Arabic English Room F P2, LE7 Enter an Authentic Environment! Presenters: Hiromi Lamberson, Green Run High School Mai Fujii, Bayside High School This session explores creative ways to use Skype, Edmodo, and other digital tools in the classroom. Those apps have many possibilities to challenge students, while taking them away from the closed classroom environment and bringing them into the real world. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels / Japanese Japanese Room J LT1, LT2, LT3 43 Friday, September 26 Session 84: Project-based Learning: Cultura afrolatina Presenter: Josie Sevilla, Grafton High School This session will provide an overview of effective strategies that will enable attendees to enrich the cultural component of their courses by incorporating afrolatino culture into regular units of study. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 85: Secondary / Spanish English Room 2 P7, LE4, LT3 Using Animoto in the Classroom Presenters: Anita Knight, Patrick County High School Angela Rose, Patrick County High School This session will focus on the use of the Animoto program in the classroom as a technological resource to enhance instruction. The presenters will share valuable strategies and activities that you can begin to implement immediately. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Secondary / Spanish Spanish Room 3 LT2, LT3 44 Friday, September 26 Session 86: Going beyond Bratwurst and Sauerkraut at the Virginia Governor’s German Academy Presenter: Bettina Staudt, Jamestown High School This session will be a summary of a German teacher’s experience at the Virginia Governor’s German Academy at Washington and Lee University, hoping to encourage other educators to become part of the program and to promote this wonderful opportunity for students in their respective school divisions. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 87: Secondary / German German Room 8 LE5, C5, LT6, PR3 AATF Virginia Welcomes Fabrice Bracq Presenter: Fabrice Teulon, AATF President Come see Fabrice Bracq present his short-film Diagnostic, as shown at the VCU 2014 French Film Festival. After the film, participate in an interview with the director. Dr. Semyc is a specialist of a widespread disease for which there is no cure to date. To announce the diagnosis is a difficult exercise, that he however has mastered to perfection. Le Dr Semyc est un spécialiste d'une maladie très répandue pour laquelle il n'existe aucun traitement à ce jour. Annoncer le diagnostic est donc un exercice délicat qu'il maitrise à la perfection. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels / French French Room 11 PR2, PR3 45 Friday, September 26 Session 88: Using Integrated Performance Assessments Presenter: Mary O’Donnell, James Madison University In this session, participants will see an overview of how they might use the ACTFL Integrated Performance Assessment (IPA) to prepare thematic units incorporating materials from world language textbooks. Specific examples will be shared. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): VCCS Session 89: All Levels / All Languages English Room 12 P3, P6, PF1, PF3 How We Teach Difficult Grammar Topics in the Spanish Class Presenters: Alexander Scott, Virginia Western Community College Thelma Simpson, Virginia Western Community College The presenters will discuss and share ideas that they use to teach difficult grammar topics with a student-centered approach that helps to develop listening, oral, written, and reading skills. A cultural component is integrated with each lesson. The practical issues of day-to-day lesson planning to develop teaching skills that promote student motivation through positive reinforcement will be emphasized. The session will be conducted in Spanish. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): VCCS / All Levels / Spanish Spanish Room 16 P2, P3, P8, LE6 46 Friday, September 26 Session 90: Get to Know Van Gogh! Presenter: Beth Marshall, Riverbend High School Looking to pique the interest of your right-brain learners in the classroom? This session will present the history of Vincent Van Gogh's life growing up in Holland and ending in France. We will study his unique artistic style and give specific lessons on how to introduce Van Gogh into your classroom through activities such as puzzles, pastel drawings, a virtual art museum visit, or even playing a game of "Pin the ear on Vincent". Lessons will target a variety of levels from beginning French classes up to AP. Participants in the session will brainstorm on the many ways to use art and art history in daily lessons, and even have an opportunity to create their own masterpiece. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 91: Elementary / Secondary / French French Room 17 P2, P7, P8, LT1 Speak Naturally: Using Unscripted Language Videos in the Classroom Presenter: George Van den Bergh, Finding authentic language videos on websites such as Youtube is a challenge. Are they relevant to the curriculum? Are they appropriate for the students’ age and ability? In this session attendees will use to find quality videos and incorporate them into lessons to improve students’ oral and aural skills. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Secondary / All Languages English Room 18 P9, LE7, LT1, LT2 47 Friday, September 26 3:00 – 3:45 Strand H: Concurrent Sessions Session 92: Spending Too Much Time on Discipline? Presenter: Jeannine Tate, Do you have students who are taking up valuable teaching time? Learn practical classroom management strategies that eliminate repeated warnings, requests, and low level disturbances. This approach teaches behavioral expectations and provides a model to show students how to take responsibility for their own behavior. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 93: Elementary / Secondary / All Languages English Harrison 3 E1, E2, E3 Dare to Differentiate: First-Step Strategies for the World Language Classroom Presenters: Karlena Sakas, John Handley High School Sarah Elliston, John Handley High School Eric Echelberger, John Handley High School Looking for new and improved ways to reach even more of your language learners, whether they are advanced, on grade level, or struggling? The presenters will review the basics, then share strategies in this interactive session led by one Latin and two German teachers. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels / All Languages English Harrison 4 E1, P1, P2, P8 48 Friday, September 26 Session 94: Academic Vocabulary and ELLs: Unlocking the Puzzle Presenters: Deanna Nisbet, Regent University Evie Tindall, Regent University This session will provide attendees with strategies for teaching academic vocabulary to English language learners. The presenters will provide an overview of academic vocabulary, guidance in the selection of vocabulary for classroom instruction, introduce effective instructional strategies, and make recommendations that foster meaningful practice. Handouts will be provided. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 95: All Levels / ESOL English Taylor 3 P4, LE5, PR3 The Handwriting on the Wall: The Herculaneum Graffiti Project Presenters: Margaret Hicks, L.C. Bird High School Donna Dollings, James River High School Kathryn Clikeman, University of Richmond Gia Nyhuis, University of Richmond Megan Rebman, Millsaps College Mary Beth Smith, Washington & Lee University How do you look for ancient Roman graffiti? How are we cataloguing it to make it accessible for scholars and students? Learn what an archaeological team of undergraduate students, Latin professors, and secondary Latin teachers did this past summer in Herculaneum as they located, analyzed, recorded, and documented their discoveries – treasures that originally were mere scratches on the wall. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels / Latin English Taylor 4 LE5, LE6 49 Friday, September 26 Session 96: Making the Most of National Foreign Language Week: Project Ideas to Engage the Whole School Presenter: Lisa A. Harris, Virginia Department of Education National Foreign Language Week offers a unique opportunity for world language teachers to engage the whole school and community in language learning opportunities. The participants will review sample project descriptions, rubrics, and plans to make National Foreign Language Week a community event. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 97: Elementary / Secondary /All Languages English Ampitheatre E1, C1, C4, C5 Transitioning Beginning Chinese Language Teachers into U.S. Classrooms via Support of Online Professional Development Presenters: Xiaoyan Ma, Virginia Tech Lihong Wang, Confucius Institute at George Mason University This session will feature an online professional development module for beginning Chinese language teachers as a support and resources platform where the beginning teachers can interact with the online Community of Practice to discuss their challenges, learn instructional strategies, solve instructional problems, and develop into highly effective classroom educators. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s) All Levels / Chinese English Room B C5, PR2, PR3 50 Friday, September 26 Session 98: How Well Do You Know Your Alphabet?: Recognize Future Needs Presenter: Douglas Bowman, Jefferson County Schools Take a few steps at the beginning in order for the students to skip most of the issues associated with so-called irregular spellings. Take steps to help the learners read more efficiently and have an easier time at pronunciation. The presenter will provide practical samples in Spanish with comparisons in German, Danish, and Italian. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 99: All Levels / All Languages English Room D LE7 Bridging the Gap: From SLA to Day-to-Day Presenter: Scott Grapin, Pascack Valley High School Teachers exit pre-service programs with admirable goals of creating classrooms that promote proficiency only to be met with curricula and benchmark assessments that are hardly conducive to implementation. Along with a demonstration lesson, this session will provide a recipe for teaching with comprehensible input (CI) with the goal of bridging the gap between research and practice to accelerate student proficiency. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels / All Languages / ESOL English Room F P1, LE4, LE7 51 Friday, September 26 Session 100: A Bottom-up Vertical Articulation Project for the Betterment of Curriculum and Professional Development Using the Minna no can-do Site Presenters: Tomomi Sato, University of Virginia Aiko Kitamura, College of William and Mary Mayumi Hino, Ocean Lakes High School Kyoko Vaughan, Hayfield Secondary School This session introduces a teacher-initiated vertical articulation project. Four Japanese teachers examined the issues that underlie program articulation. They reviewed their goals of language instruction and held a discussion on the meaning of dekiru: what students can do with language rather than what they know about it. They discussed the evaluation of students' proficiency, which led to discuss the usage of the Minna no can-do Site as a tool for assessing the consistency between goals, curricula, assessment tools and classroom activities. This presentation reports the work-in-progress of this project. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels / Japanese Japanese Room J PF3, P7, LE5, PR3 52 Friday, September 26 Session 101: Designing Modules: Planning, Learning Experience and Collaboration Presenter: Patricia Orozco, University of Mary Washington Recent increases in class size and great diversity in the student population has made an impact on the process of course design. In this session, attendees will see how a modular curriculum offers an approachable model that can be applied to foreign language learning. Participants will design advanced and achievable modules. Audience: Language of the presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): VCCS Session 102: Secondary / Post-secondary / Spanish Spanish Room 2 P2, P4, P8 Practical Strategies for the Spanish Heritage Speaker Classroom Presenter: Eddie Enriquez Arana, Northern Virginia Community College Effective learning strategies and course materials for building a Spanish for heritage speakers program will be the cornerstone of this session. Attendees will develop insights into heritage speakers’ learning needs and skills. Additionally, the matter of effective placement will also be discussed. Sample course materials for participants’ engagement will be provided. Audience: Language of Presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): VCCS / Secondary / Post-secondary / Spanish English Room 3 P2, P4, P8 53 Friday, September 26 Session 103: Use the World as Your Classroom Presenter: Ivan Lopez, This session will showcase effective ways to educate high school students abroad both in and out of the classroom. Anyone can participate in an educational tour; however, are your students improving their foreign language or gaining interest in the world’s rich cultural history? Our academically focused programs provide students the opportunity to take college level classes with a fun balance of cultural activities and excursions. In addition, they will live like a local in their destinations. How does this affect student interest and discipline in your classroom upon return? Come find out! Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 104: Post-Secondary / All Languages English Room 8 LT1, LT3, C5 Critical Thinking Learning in the Classroom Presenters: Emily Stewart, Cambridge University Press Laura Usselman, Cambridge University Press Critical thinking allows learners to think about their own thoughts (metacognition) and the reasons behind their points of view. Students reflect on their own ways of making decisions and/or solving problems. Recall and rote memorization only require surface-level thinking. This session will focus on five activities to integrate critical thinking into your Spanish classroom. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Secondary / Spanish English Room 12 P2, LE5, LE6 54 Friday, September 26 Session 105: Skills-Centric Teaching Presenter: Warren Warsaw, Norfolk Academy Verb conjugations. Vocabulary lists. Memorized dialogues. Throw them all out! Teaching a language is all about giving students skills for today's world. Whether accessing materials online or traveling internationally, students expect to know how to navigate in the language. They want to be able to read newspaper articles, understand radio programs, write coherent e-mails, and engage in authentic conversations. To that end, teachers need to rethink how they teach. A skillscentric approach helps students quickly and confidently decode what they hear and read, and to write and speak in real-life situations. The session will move quickly from the theoretical to the practical. Handouts will be given. Read excerpts in different languages, listen to podcasts in French, and invent stories spawned by a photograph. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Secondary / French English Room 15 P7, P9, LE4, LE5 55 Friday, September 26 VCCS Session 106: Teaching World Language Online – Without Overdosing on Coffee or Red Bull Presenter: Polly Nelson, Lord Fairfax Community College This session is intended for those who are interested in offering online world language courses and would like to take advantage of the examples and experiences of a colleague who has established a rigorous, manageable, and effective community college online Spanish program. Topics covered will include text and materials, course structure and approach, sample assignments, common pitfalls, time management for instructors, and academic honesty. There will be time for questions, sharing, and collaboration. Come and learn how to teach online courses effectively without being overwhelmed with management tasks…and still get some beauty sleep each night! Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 107: VCCS / All Levels / All Languages English Room 16 LT1, LT3, PR3 On est les meilleurs! Presenter: Karine Boulle, St. Anne’s Belfield After Spanish took over her department in 2002, the presenter had to redefine how she was teaching, but more particularly how others were viewing French. Her classes went from 70 students per grade to 10 students. Since she implemented the simple techniques that she will demonstrate in this session, her classes have doubled in size, and many students who are currently taking Spanish or Latin mention how they wish they had taken French. The idea is not to reinvent what we are doing, but simply to modify certain elements of our class to change the perspective. This session will also include promotional activities that are easy to implement. Participants will be given lesson plans and will be able to adapt this lesson to the level of each student. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels / French French Room 17 P2, P8 56 Friday, September 26 Session 108: Music, Technology and Communication in the Flipped Classroom: Playing Hard While Learning Hard Presenter: Gonzalo Gallardo, J. Michael Lunsford Middle School This session will examine “flipped” (technology-assisted) instruction, and how it promotes differentiation in the classroom. After reviewing implementation strategies (video creation, tracking views, incentives, etc.), the presenter will discuss the role of music, communication, reading, and games in a flipped classroom, how this format has impacted students and parents, and how you can incorporate these strategies into your practice. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Elementary / Secondary / All Languages English Room 18 P2, P9, LE5, LT1 4:00 – 4:45 Strand I: Concurrent Sessions Session 109: Score Big with Strong Language Goals Presenter: Marleny Perdomo, Arlington Public Schools Writing language objectives is an essential component of effective instruction, yet many times this step is not fully addressed in lesson planning and development to ensure the best language experience for the students. This hands-on session will focus on developing language outcomes for listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The participants will develop their own goals that they can use in instruction the next day. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Secondary / All Languages English Harrison 3 P1, P3, P5, P7 57 Friday, September 26 Session 110: Make and Take: Hands-on Activities for the Language Classroom Presenter: Ginny Ogden, Jefferson Forest High School Come to get ideas to actively engage your language students. With these hands-on activities, you will encourage their creativity and communication skills. Create exciting activities that will be ready to use Monday morning. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 111: Secondary / All Languages English Harrison 4 P2, P8 Going Native! Foreign Language-ESOL Collaboration Presenters: Alysse Cullinan, L.C. Bird High School Megan O’Neill, L.C. Bird High School Khadijah Luqman, L.C. Bird High School The population of English language learners continues to increase. This session will provide attendees with strategies for collaboration between World Language and ESOL teachers that will benefit all students by increasing their speaking skills. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels / ESOL English Taylor 3 P4, LE7 58 Friday, September 26 Session 112: Using The Handwriting on the Wall Presenters: Donna Dollings, James River High School Margaret Hicks, L.C. Bird High School How can ancient inscriptions and graffiti be used in the classroom to reinforce grammar and cultural knowledge? Participants will share their suggestions and work together to develop new approaches with help from two teachers who participated in the Herculaneum Graffiti Project. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 113: All Levels / Latin English Taylor 4 LE5, LE6, LE7 Build a Better Block Presenter: Rachel McAllister, Staunton River High School Block scheduling is challenging in the language classroom, requiring creative strategies to engage students the whole period. Attendees will learn successful strategies, including station work and mini-projects to help them plan creatively. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Secondary / All Languages English Ampitheatre P2, P8 59 Friday, September 26 Session 114: Matryoshka and More! Presenters: Elena Ksenjek, Virginia Beach City Public Schools Lyudmyla Yuzhbabenko, Virginia Beach City Public Schools Alfreda Pohrivchak, Virginia Beach City Public Schools This presentation will showcase successful strategies for teaching Russian to high school students. Engaging activities, which generate enthusiasm and promote student oral language proficiency, will be emphasized. Participants are encouraged to join in the discussion. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Secondary / Russian Russian Room A P2, P8, LE7 60 Friday, September 26 Session 115: Enhancing Chinese Language Teaching in a College Setting: Strategies and Considerations Presenters: Hongchu Fu, Washington and Lee University Yanhong Zhu, Washington and Lee University Shihua Lu, Washington and Lee University Shu Su, Washington and Lee University This session aims at discussing Chinese language teaching strategies at all levels in a college setting. Focusing the discussions on the linguistic, the pedagogical, as well as the cultural aspects of language teaching, this panel hopes to explore new ways of teaching that can enhance the effectiveness of Chinese language instruction. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 116: All Levels / Chinese Chinese Room B P6, LE6, LE7, PR3 PBL and Interdisciplinary Studies: Buzzwords with Real Language Application Presenter: Cammie R. Williams, William Byrd High School Most teachers realize the value of connecting languages to other disciplines. Learn numerous techniques and activities that encourage language use and cross-content. Take away lessons to implement immediately or later in the school year. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Secondary / All Languages English Room D P3, P5, P6, P8 61 Friday, September 26 VCCS Session 117: Integrating VoiceThread into Your Classroom Activities and Assessments Presenter: Silvana McGillis, Northern Virginia Community College VoiceThread provides a unique environment where students engage with course content and their peers in a way that is more rewarding and effective than textbased learning systems. It allows an effective model for the role of a 21st century teacher-facilitator while simultaneously fostering a student-centered learning environment. Attendees will receive tips and strategies for using VoiceThread Attendees will discover the secret to making assessment fun, relevant, and inclusive. These tips will be valuable whether teaching online or traditional courses. Attendees will receive a collection of web-based resources. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 118: VCCS / All Levels / All languages English Room I PF2, LT1, LT2 Incorporating Online Kanji Learning Tools into Reading Instruction to Enhance Selfdirected Kanji Learning Presenters: Yoshiko Mori, Georgetown University Motoko Omori, Georgetown University Kumi Sato, Georgetown University In this presentation, we will demonstrate how the Japanese language program at Georgetown University has been incorporating online kanji learning lessons into reading instruction. We will demonstrate how our objectives are exemplified in our lessons and discuss the synergistic benefits we can expect from the combined effect outside the classroom online tools and structured classroom instruction. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels / Japanese Japanese Room J P2, LT1, LT3 62 Friday, September 26 Session 119: Having Your Students Speak the Language Through Music Presenter: Aucelia Corliss, Corporate Landing Middle School In this hands-on and interactive workshop, participants will use listening, speaking, reading and writing strategies to analyze a contemporary Spanish song. The participants will leave with effective activities that will help them teach their students to speak in the target language through music. Audience: Language of Presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 120: Secondary / Post-secondary / Spanish English Room 2 P7, P8, P9, LE5 AP Language and Culture: It’s Not about the Exam, It’s about the Future Presenter: Olivia Exum, Goochland County Public Schools Teaching AP? Come learn about designing/refining your syllabus, providing and facilitating engaging, authentic opportunities for language use, emphasizing key language skills, and much more! Share ideas, bring questions, and take home a sample syllabus, syllabus templates, one group project plan, one individual project plan, and at least three ready-to-use lesson/activity plans. Audience: Language of Presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Secondary / Post-Secondary / Spanish Spanish Room 3 P1, P2, P8 63 Friday, September 26 Session 121: German Swap Shop Presenters: Marcel Rotter, Mary Washington University AATG members The workshop gives German instructors of all levels a forum to exchange and discuss concrete ideas in teaching. Contributions will be solicited from the AATG membership beforehand. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 122: All Levels / German German Room 8 C5, LT6, PR3 Not Just Another Composition: Writing for Children in the L2 as Community-Based Learning Presenter: Jennifer Shotwell, Randolph-Macon College Participants will see an example of community-based learning in which elementarylevel French students wrote and designed picture books to send to children in Terre Noire, Haiti. Through the help of students and teachers at a local K-12 French Immersion School, students in first-year French at Randolph-Macon College learned techniques for storyboarding and writing books with universal appeal. Participants in this session will gain ideas on how to implement such a project and potentially build relationships with community partners at the same time. The presenter will discuss project planning and pacing, lessons learned, and rubric design. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels / French English Room 11 P2, P3, LE7, PF1 64 Friday, September 26 Session 123: Teach Better, Work Less! Presenter: Karine Boulle, St. Anne’s-Belfield Learn ten innovative techniques that will engage your students, make them 21st century learners, and free up your time! This session will provide concrete examples on how to gain more time by simply shifting what you already do well. Even experienced teachers will learn new tricks! Participants will be able to adapt these techniques to their students’ levels. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 124: All Levels / All Languages English Room 12 P2, P8, LT1 Enhancing Your ASL Program Presenters: Elizabeth Bush, Loudon County Public Schools Gabriel Love, Loudon County Public Schools Promoting ASL at the secondary level can be difficult as students, parents, and counselors have misconceptions about the language or class. This session will help teachers and program leaders address these concerns while making their programs energetic and visible around their schools. In-class activities to actively engage learners will be shared. The use of technology for teachers and students will be demonstrated. Sample projects, presentations, and school-wide activities will be shared, along with directions and rubrics. The ASL program at your school will get an energizing lift with these activities. Please join us! Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Secondary / ASL ASL Room 15 P2, P4, LT3, PR3 65 Friday, September 26 Session 125: Comparing Students' Perceptions of Online and Face-to-Face Language Learning Presenter: Noreen Davis La Piana, Liberty University This session will discuss the findings of a study that examined students’ perceptions towards online language learning and face-to-face learning. A survey of multiple intelligences combined with an Online Learning Readiness Survey was distributed to 2,177 community college and university students in order to measure the strength of each of the nine intelligences each student possessed, as well as their perceptions of readiness for online language learning. Student preference for online/hybrid versus traditional language class was also considered. Attendees will learn the results of the study and implications for designing and delivering effective instruction. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 126: Post-secondary / All Languages English Room 16 LT6, PR3 Les chansons que nous aimons Presenter: Ruth Ferree, University of Virginia Grâce aux sites Web, on peut facilement découvrir les chansons populaires. Soient les comptines d'enfants ou le rock, les chansons sont attirantes et souvent les élèves les répètent sans y réfléchir. Je présenterai mes favorites avec des suggestions pour les employer. Je vous invite à apporter les vôtres. Chantons! Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Secondary / French French Room 17 P8, P9, LT1, LT3 66 Friday, September 26 5:00 – 5:45 FLAVA Opening Reception Session 127: FLAVA Opening Ceremony and Reception Presenter: Annette Waggoner, FLAVA President Everyone is cordially invited to attend the FLAVA Opening Ceremony and Reception. Enjoy wonderful hors d’oeuvres and the company of your friends and colleagues! Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels / All Languages English Auditorium PR1, PR3, PR4 67 Friday, September 26 7:00 – 9:30 Professional Organization Meetings and Receptions Session 128: AATG Business Meeting, Reception and Film Presenters: Marcel Rotter, AATG President AATG members AATG members are invited to attend the AATG business meeting, reception, and film screening. In commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, this year’s German movie will be Westwind (2011). Summary (IMDB): While training for sculling championship at summer camp in Hungary in 1988 East German teenage twin sisters meet young guys vacationing from Hamburg. In the meeting of east and west the bond between sisters is tested. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 129: All Levels/ German German Room 8 C5, LT6 Embassy of Japan Reception and MAATJ Business Meeting Presenter: Keiko Abrams, MAATJ President MAATJ members are invited to attend the MAATJ business meeting and a wonderful reception sponsored by the Embassy of Japan. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels/ Japanese Japanese Room F C5, LT6 68 Friday, September 26 Session 130: AATSP Business Meeting and Reception Presenter: Debbie Sommer, AATSP President AATSP members are invited to attend the AATSP business meeting and a wonderful reception sponsored by Santillana USA. There will be salsa lessons. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s) Session 131: All Levels/ Spanish Spanish Room H C5, LT6 EF Education First Reception Presenter: Jenni Williams, EF Education First Invited guests will attend the EF Education First Reception sponsored by EF Education First. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s) All Levels/ All Languages English Room I C5, LT6 69 Saturday, September 27, 2014 9:00 – 9:45 Strand J: Concurrent Sessions VCCS Session 132: VCCS World Languages Peer Group Breakfast and Working Session (8:00 -9:45) Presenters: Miguel Lechuga, WL Peer Group, Chair Patrick Tompkins, Dean of Communications, Humanities, and Social Studies, Thomas Nelson Community College Dr. Patrick Tompkins will address the VCCS World Languages Peer Group members. The breakfast session is open only to the VCCS World Languages Peer Group members who preregistered for the FLAVA Conference. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 133: Restricted to VCCS WL Peer Group Members English Auditorium C5, LT6, PR3 Speak Up Everyone! Let’s Get Them Talking Presenter: Josie Sevilla, Grafton High School This is a highly informative session with strategies for getting your students to talk using the target language, every class meeting. Attendees will learn exciting techniques to encourage students to speak using the target language. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels / All Languages English Harrison 3 LE5, LE7 70 Saturday, September 27 Session 134: Whodunnit? Using Crime Shows in a Second Semester Language Course Presenter: Sarah Szczepanski, University of Kentucky The qualities and familiarity of crime shows allow instructors to create a thematic unit to increase second language proficiency as well as cultural competency. Topics include: selection of episodes, strategies for incorporating language lessons into the presentation of a television show, and valid means of assessment. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 135: All Levels / All Languages English Harrison 4 P2, P7, P8, PF1 Networking and Study Abroad Presenter: Robert Barnes, United States Army A major part of the study abroad experience is becoming accustomed to a new place, learning the language of the host nation, and fighting homesickness. Networking is a skill that assists the student studying abroad with these issues as well as prepares him for his return home and provides worldwide educational, business and social contacts that serve for a lifetime. Learn how to network as a study abroad student. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Post-secondary / All Languages English Taylor 3 C5, LT6 71 Saturday, September 27 Session 136: Roman Rhetoric and Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar Presenter: George Fredric Franko, Hollins University Shakespeare crams his plays with the rhetorical and stylistic devices studied in Latin authors. This presentation will suggest how Julius Caesar can enrich lessons with its familiar subject matter, relevance to the AP Latin syllabus, overlap with English literature, good auxiliary resources, and potential for fun in performing the rhetoric. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 137: All Levels / Latin English Taylor 4 P1, P8, P9, E4 Practical Applications of Video in the Communicative Higher Education Classroom Presenter: Susana Marin, George Mason University The use of multimedia has been strongly recommended to enhance the learning of world languages. This session will demonstrate easy and practical ways to facilitate interpretative, interpersonal, and presentational communication with the use of video in the post-secondary classroom. These activities can be easily modified to use at all levels of language instruction. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Post-secondary / All Languages English Harrison 1 LE7, LT1, LT2 72 Saturday, September 27 Session 138: Fun with Chinese: Engaging Students with Culture-Centered Activities Presenter: Lili Chao, Corporate Landing Middle School In this session, the presenter will share and model multiple techniques that incorporate culture, music, arts, and games, providing students with exciting language learning experience. Participants will engage in hands-on activities with resources they can use in their own classrooms to enhance their students’ listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 139: Elementary / Secondary / Chinese English Room B P7, P9, LE7 Unleash the Creativity Presenter: Terea James, Tunstall High School It’s time to open the box and let the creativity flow. Discover new ways to encourage the students to express themselves and practice what they have learned using student-created videos, word art and, PowerPoint presentations. Examples will be in French but can be adjusted for any language. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels / All Languages English Room D P2, LE7, LT2 73 Saturday, September 27 Session 140: Incorporate Holiday Activities Through Games Presenter: Melanie Nunes, River Bend Middle School Need an activity before a holiday? Use games to teach holiday vocabulary. The presenter will share a game that she designed that effectively teaches vocabulary and cultural perspectives and practices. Come and learn how to play this great game with your students! Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s) Elementary / Secondary / German German Room F P2, P8 Session 141: A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words Presenter: Autumn Yates, Edlin School The study of art and Spanish does not have to be mutually exclusive. This session will demonstrate how to introduce some of the history’s most iconic Spanish and Latin American artists within the context of thematic vocabulary, and how to conclude each study with a relatable art project. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s) Elementary / Secondary / Spanish English Room H P9, LE6, LT3 74 Saturday, September 27 Session 142: Incredible Immersion!: Measuring Language Acquisition at the Governor’s Foreign Language Academies Presenter: D. Rudy Smith, Robinson Secondary School Virginia’s full-immersion language academies offer the opportunity for growth and maturity in the areas of language acquisition and culture awareness. This session will delve into the growth patterns of students who participate in the Governor’s Spanish Academy. The tool to assess this growth is ACTFL’s newly developed AAPPL testing program. The AAPPL program will be discussed, student activities to promote the growth of language and culture will be presented, and outcomes will be reviewed. Come to learn how students go from good to superb and how we can prove that this is the case! Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 143: Secondary / All Languages English Room I PF1, PF3, PF4 Japanese Grammar from the Learner's Point of View: Reducing & Clarifying Rules Presenter: Akira Suzuki, University of Richmond The fewer rules that learners must manage, the smaller the load they carry on their shoulders in studying a language. Native speakers of any language tend to think from the native speaker's point of view. Japanese language is no exception. Japanese native speakers have no doubt about existing traditional Japanese syntax, as it is the only syntax they know. In this session teachers will have an opportunity to view Japanese syntax in a non-traditional way. The objective is to help students acquire Japanese language skills by reducing the traditional rules of syntax and clarifying syntax to them. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels / Japanese Japanese Room J P2, P4, LE7 75 Saturday, September 27 Session 144: La Tertulia: Acquire Spanish Naturally Through Stimulating Conversation Presenter: María Jesús Centeno, University of Alabama at Birmingham Improving oral proficiency in a foreign language requires more practice than the classroom allows. In this presentation, attendees will learn new ideas for practicing Spanish outside the classroom. The audience will have the opportunity to share their own ideas and activities. Audience: Language of the presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 145: All Levels / Spanish Spanish Room 2 LE7, C5 Tour of Latin America through Music and Dance Presenter: Andrés Salguero, ¡Uno, Dos, Tres con Andrés! Expand the horizons for Spanish students and give them cultural context by exposing them to the diversity in Latin American cultures. In this journey - with stops in Mexico, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, and more – we will learn about musical rhythms and dances from the Latin American world. Audience: Languages of the presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Elementary / Secondary / Spanish Spanish and English Room 3 P8, P9, LE6 76 Saturday, September 27 Session 146: Creating Successful ELLs: 3 Ways to Foster Resilience Presenter: Michelle Abrams-Terry, Henrico Public Schools You have the power to make a difference! This session will provide attendees with three strategies to help ELL students be academically and socially successful in school. Session participants will engage in various hands-on and discussion activities. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 147: All Levels / ESOL English Room 8 P2, P4, LE7 A Content-Based Approach to Advanced French Language Classes: Three Examples Presenters: Antoine Guibal, University of Virginia Dorothee Polanz, University of Virginia Nathan Brown, University of Virginia Three instructors at UVA share their different approaches to teaching the same advanced French language class. Come learn how they engage students in speaking and listening activities through diverse fields such as French theatre, French culture in America today, and contemporary French TV and radio. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Secondary / Post-secondary / French English Room 11 P8, P9, LE7, LT1 77 Saturday, September 27 Session 148: Three Activities for Complete Student Engagement Presenter: Zach Neumann, Larkspur Middle School In this session, attendees will participate in three classroom activities that they can use to engage every student while using the target language! This is what fun learning looks like! Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 149: Secondary/ All Languages English Room 12 P8, LE7 Games and Incentives for World Language Classrooms Presenter: Linda Lynch, Poquoson High School This session will focus on using games and incentives to assist teachers in motivating students to participate orally in class using the targeted language. Shyness, a fear of failure, and seeing no use for learning the target language prevent many foreign language students from participating orally in class. Motivating students to speak the language will be more successful if the lessons are fun and have meaning. We will discuss games, electronics, incentives, and websites, such as, Edmodo, Zondle, Señor Wooly, and Quizlet that can be used to motivate oral participation and add meaning to the lessons for students. (If time permits, we will play a few sample games) Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Secondary / Spanish English Room 15 P8, LT2 78 Saturday, September 27 Session 150: The Artful French Classroom: From Paris to the Côte d'Ivoire! Presenters: Twyla Kitts, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts Allison Carneiro Da Silva, Stonewall Jackson Middle School Monica Johnston, Collegiate School This session presents strategies for creating learning environments that promote inquiry skills using works of art as prompts for writing exercises, vocabulary building, and conversational practice. Discussion focuses on providing a meaningful context for teaching language skills and investigating Francophone culture through art-related essential questions and scaffolded exercises. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 151: Secondary / French French Room 17 P8, P9, LT3 Join the Fight for a Virginia State Seal of Biliteracy Presenters: Annette Waggoner, Longwood University Marleny Perdomo, Arlington Public Schools Why is it important for our students to earn a Virginia State seal of biliteracy on their diplomas? Why implement it? During this session, the participants will get answers to these questions in addition to learning about procedures of awarding the SSB, state requirements, benefits, and costs for schools. Bring your ideas! A discussion will be generated to develop outreach strategies, award design, seeking endorsement and spreading the word. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Secondary / All Languages English Room 18 C5, LT6, PR3, PR5 79 Saturday, September 27 10:00 – 10:45 Strand K: Concurrent Sessions Session 152: Engaging Your Students’ Brains! Presenter: Charles Kesner, Cumberland County School Zombies are everywhere in today’s pop culture. When the presenter added zombies to his curriculum the students were suddenly speaking to “survive”. This presentation demonstrates how a curriculum based around popular trends improves problem solving, listening, speaking, reading, writing, collaboration, engagement, soft skills, intercultural competence, and more. All the while keeping the classroom friendly. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 153: All Levels/ All Languages English Harrison 3 P2, LE5, LE7 Drama Techniques: A Powerful Tool in Language Learning Presenter: Mónica Mulholland, George Washington University Drama techniques enhance language learning at all levels of instruction. In this lively and practical workshop, the participants will learn by doing and will take away multiple ideas that they can adapt to their specific classroom situation. The main focus will be on the experimentation of engaging students in drama games and role-play. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels/ All Languages English Harrison 4 P2, P8, LE5 80 Saturday, September 27 Session 154: Web 2.0 and Beyond Presenter: Jennifer Carson, Virginia Beach City Public Schools Take your students’ language learning to another level with a variety of new Internet sites and applications that engage, inform, and inspire creativity. Be the first teacher in your school to use DuoLingo, Kahoot, Prezi, or Powtoons. Bring your own device and play along! Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 155: All Levels / All Languages English Taylor 3 LT1, LT2, LE3, LT4 Caesar’s Splintered Personality: A Tiered Approach toward Teaching Leadership to Latin Students Presenter: Norman M. Achin, Chantilly High School Caesar’s writings are dense and complex as much due to his style as to what they say about his character and leadership. Students can understand this concretely through modern leadership and personality theory, and relate it to their own lives. By doing so, we explore a fresh approach to understanding Caesar in the modern world. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels / Latin English Taylor 4 P2, LE6 81 Saturday, September 27 Session 156: Turn to Your Neighbor and… Taking Advantage of Student Interactions Presenter: Ruth Ferree, University of Virginia When it comes to learning new vocabulary, multiple meaningful encounters matter. From quick flashes of spontaneous speech to games, and project-based activities, peer interactions multiply opportunities for negotiating meaning and practice with vocabulary. Come experiment with quick activities you can use immediately and examine strategies for organizing longer peer-to-peer interactions. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 157: All Levels/ All Languages English Ampitheater LE5, LE7 Use of Input and Output Theory in Designing K-12 Exercises Presenter: Yun Zhu, St. Catherine’s School Based on the Input Hypothesis and Output Hypothesis, the presenter discusses how to design exercises/tasks in K-12 classrooms to achieve students’ proficiency level of the target language and communicative competence on four levels: linguistic, sociolinguistic, discourse, and strategic competence. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Elementary / Secondary Chinese Room A P2, P5, P8, LE7 82 Saturday, September 27 Session 158: Integrating National Foreign Language Learning Standards at College Level Presenter: Yan Xie, Liberty University Integrating the foreign language learning standards at college level is not only theoretically feasible but also practically rewarding. Attendees will better understand why it is significant to implement the standards. They will also be familiarized with how to practice the standards through the presenter’s sharing of teaching experiences. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s) Session 159: All Levels / Chinese Chinese Room B P1, P2, P7, LE7 Classroom Management, Discipline, and Best Practices for Student Engagement Presenter: Meriem Bacha, Beech Tree Elementary School In this session, the presenter will demonstrate how classroom management saves time when it is linked to building relationships and to applying the best practices of teaching. Attendees will learn the impact of laying down rules for classroom procedures, controlling their body language, and differentiating their teaching to reach all students. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Elementary / Secondary/ All Languages English Room D E1, E2, P2, LE3 83 Saturday, September 27 Session 160: So, My Boss Wants Me to Develop Professionally and How Do I Do That? Presenter: Dick Kuettner, Washington and Lee University Spend some time with Dick Kuettner, FLAVA’s professional development head and president-elect to learn more of FLAVA’s on-going and future initiatives for growth in the profession. Learn what constitutes professional development, learn how maximizing your involvement can provide you a more rewarding career, and come ready to discuss your needs and aspirations. The only prerequisites for attending this session are having a genuine interest in teaching and a strong desire to have your students achieve their maximum potential. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s) Session 161: All Levels / All Languages English Room H PR1, PR2, PR3, PR4 A Business Japanese Curriculum for Everyone Presenter: Shoko Hamano, George Washington University In this session, the summary of the outcomes of the Business Japanese seminar (May 2014) organized by George Washington University will be presented. Various methods for incorporating business-related topics into curriculum at all levels of Japanese teaching will be introduced, followed by description of Business Japanese modules developed at George Washington University, such as the Bed and Breakfast Brochure Project and the Convenience Store Case Study. The presentation will conclude by summarizing the common threads that run through pre-college and college curricula and suggesting a few ideas to further enrich both. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Secondary / Post-secondary / Japanese Japanese Room J P2, P7, LE5, LE7 84 Saturday, September 27 Session 162: ¡Pon Samba en tu Salsa! Presenters: Jeffrey Kirkman, Harrisonburg High School Phil Yutzy, Harrisonburg High School The World Cup is over; the Olympics are coming! O FUTURO É AGORA! Don’t ignore Brazil in your Spanish Language classroom. It’s easy to incorporate Brazil into your Spanish curriculum. The benefits to your students’ language, cultural and professional successes are incredible! Don’t leave them behind! Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 163: Secondary / Spanish Spanish Room 2 P2, P5, LE6 Activities for a Spanish Oral Proficiency Class Presenter: Alejandra B. Sobrado, Virginia Tech This presentation will provide opportunities for Spanish teachers to improve their students’ oral proficiency in Spanish through participation in a variety of oral exercises and exchanges. Audience: Language of the presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Secondary / Post-secondary / Spanish Spanish Room 3 LE5, LE7 85 Saturday, September 27 Session 164: Wordplay, Wordsmithing, Fantasy, and Ideas Presenter: Viktoria Van Eck, Peninsula Catholic High School This workshop for upper-level German will demonstrate language mastery with poems and short stories. We will discuss, read, and listen to selections, taking a voyage of discovery into German literature. Translations may introduce these works and their authors to an English-speaking audience. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 165: Secondary / German German Room 8 P9, LE5, LE7, LT1 Améliorer l'enseignement de Français Langue Etrangère (FLE): SPCD en France Presenters: Kathryn Sheely Wheelock, Wakefield High School Each year, the French government awards teacher-training grants, Stages Pédagogiques de Courte durée, to improve skills and methodologies for teaching French language and culture. Benefit from one participant's experience and return to your own novice through advanced level classrooms with collaborative online resources and specially-designed pedagogical projects. Bring your own device, please. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Secondary / French French Room 11 LT6, PR2, PR3, PR4 86 Saturday, September 27 Session 166: Go Global with International School Partnerships Presenter: Lisa Harris, Virginia Department of Education Preparing students to be globally competitive is a continuing challenge for all schools. Establishing direct ties to schools in other countries is one way to help give students an international perspective. Areas of discussion will include partnership opportunities, pathways for developing international school-to-school partnerships, and examples of successful partnership projects. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): VCCS Session 167: All Levels / All Languages English Room 12 C5, LT3, LT6 Did Your Students FLIP for You? Presenter: Cristina Sparks-Early, Northern Virginia Community College Now that we are flipping our classrooms, we need to ascertain that our students are flipping with us, and not flipping out. This session will show teachers numerous quick, warm-up activities that serve as informal assessments to let the instructors know that their students are learning. Audience: Languages of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): VCCS / All Levels / All languages English and Spanish Room 15 P8, PF2 87 Saturday, September 27 VCCS Session 168: Teaching Culture Through Multimedia Presenters: Carmen R. Figueroa, Northern Virginia Community College Chaiya Mohanty Ortiz, Northern Virginia Community College Research has demonstrated that engaging students in the learning process increases their attention and focus, motivates them to practice higher-level thinking skills, and promotes meaningful learning experiences. This session will focus on teaching culture through multimedia using unique technology and 100% student active engagement. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 169: VCCS / All Levels / All languages English Room 16 P8, LT3 Beyond the Menu: Using Authentic Materials in Integrated Performance Assessments Presenters: Schuyler Stephens, Loudon County Public Schools The use of authentic materials is a key way to introduce the study of culture and promote cultural competence. Furthermore, using "real language" in the world languages classroom naturally supports performance-based objectives. Despite the obvious benefits, the goal of using authentic language may be hard to achieve in all levels; for the novice learner, the language product may be frustratingly difficult, or the associated task overly simple, relying more on visual cues than grasp of target language or culture. This session will present immediately usable sample learning, practice and integrated performance assessment activities that use authentic materials for all levels. You will learn where to find and how to incorporate products of the target language easily in your instruction and thereby increase learner motivation. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels / French French Room 17 P9, PF1, PF3, LT2 88 Saturday, September 27 Session 170: All About Oral Assessment Presenters: Michele Martin, Christopher Newport University Craig Griffin, Poquoson High School Helen Small, Newport News Public Schools This panel will focus on oral assessment for any language at any level. We will look at the what, when, and how. Plus, we will ask: Do we give students choices? Do we let them prepare? Can they work with other students? Do we develop specific grading rubrics each time? Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels/ All Languages English Room 18 PF1, PF2, PF3 11:00 – 11:45 Strand L: Concurrent Sessions Session 171: World Language Teachers as Cultural Mediators: Effective Practice for Intercultural Competency Presenter: Olga Ivonne Corretjer, George Mason University With the increasing presence of multicultural students in today’s schools, teachers desire to become effective “cultural mediators”. Often, they lack the professional training to do so. Through interactive games and introduction to cultural-teaching models, the attendees will partake in outlining approaches to incorporate effective practices for intercultural competency in their classrooms. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels / All Languages English Harrison 3 P2, P4, P5 89 Saturday, September 27 Session 172: Language for the 21st Century: Practical Applications Presenter: Sarab Al Ani, Yale University ACTFL introduced a skills map for teaching world languages that would fit students of the 21st. Century. This map includes a number of crucial skills that students must master. This presentation introduces and explores some practical applications of those skills, shedding some light on issues such as: practical aspects and examples of the use of technology in language teaching, program based teaching and classroom based assessment. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 173: All Levels/ All Languages English Harrison 4 PF1, LT3 Engage and Inspire Student Creativity with Tech Tools Presenters: Elena Ksenjek, Virginia Beach City Public Schools Lyudmyla Yuzhbabenko, Virginia Beach City Public Schools Alfreda Pohrivchak, Virginia Beach City Public Schools Learn how using technology in the world language classroom engages students in learning. Global collaboration will be a focus area during this presentation that promotes a student-centered learning experience. Wordles, Vokis, E-pals, etc. are some of the applications that will be presented for all language teachers (with Russian examples). Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels / All Languages English Taylor 3 LT1, LT2, LT3 90 Saturday, September 27 Session 174: The Question of Peace, from Classical Rome to the United Nations and Beyond Presenter: Robert Graf, Blue Ridge Middle School A tour of the ARA PACIS of Emperor Augustus in Rome, and classical Latin quotes on peace and justice, will introduce a PowerPoint that can be used for discussion in Middle School and High School Latin or History classes about peace initiatives in the world of yesterday, today and tomorrow. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 175: All Levels / Latin English Taylor 4 P5, P8, LT3 Art Inspired by Poetry Reading Presenter: Najoua Benothane, Woodside High School The concept of a transcription of a poem into a painting started as an IPA (Integrative Performance Assessment) project in a world language classroom. This innovative strategy of teaching allows students to reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines such as art history, history of a specific country, the target language, and the form of poetry. By integrating subjects such as mathematics, art history, French history and world languages, this project is able to meet many standards. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels/ All Languages English Ampitheatre P1, P8, LE5, PF1 91 Saturday, September 27 Session 176: Integrate Google Drive in Chinese Classrooms Presenter: Yuqing Yao, Prince William County Public Schools The presenter will show how to use a Google presentation to teach in class. Students will use a Google Form to submit a Can Do Statement, a pre-assessment and a post-assessment. In this session, participants will have an overview of how to use Google Forms to assess student learning. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 177: Elementary / Chinese Chinese Room A PF3, LT4 Chinese Language Students’ Challenges and Effective Teaching Strategies Presenters: Peng Yu, College of William and Mary Qian Su, College of William and Mary Lei Ma, Confucius Institute at College of William and Mary Tai Pan, Confucius Institute at College of William and Mary Students of Chinese language are facing a variety of challenges throughout their studies. This panel discussion aims at identifying those key challenges and discuss effective teaching strategies. The panel will engage the audience in a conversation to discuss best practices in order to help students overcome those challenges. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Secondary / Post-secondary / Chinese Chinese Room B P4, P5, LT6, C5 92 Saturday, September 27 Session 178: Language Learning Is Not Catch Me If You Can Presenters: Brandi Hernández, Booker T. Washington High School Pura I. Bellido, Booker T. Washington High School Activities for language learning are often an outgrowth of the teacher’s personality, interests and / or learning style. In this session, the participants will engage in activities that encourage all learners to try something new or that is not currently in their interest profile. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 179: All Levels/ All Languages English Room D P2, P8, LT6 An Innovative Instructional Methodology of Critical Thinking Method to Teach Arabic Presenter: Randa Annous, Virginia Commonwealth University In teaching Arabic, making students understand the connection between the writing system and the spoken language is a critical skill. In this session, the presenter will demonstrate how to teach Arabic letters and connect them to how to read words in order to assist students in acquiring the sound system as well as novice reading skills. Audience: Languages of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Secondary / Post-secondary / Arabic English and Arabic Room F LE5, LE7 93 Saturday, September 27 Session 180: The eTextbook Revolution and Your Classroom Presenter: Steve Giroux, Teacher’s Discovery The magic, passion and human instinct a teacher brings into the four walls of a classroom cannot be replaced or even mimicked by a computer. The Voces® vision is to integrate technology into the real classroom, enhancing student understanding of culture how it manifests itself in the Spanish language. Here is how Voces® eTextbooks -in your hands- make it happen. Let's spend less on textbooks and more on teachers. [eTextbooks for Intro Spanish, Spanish 1 and 2.] Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 181: Secondary / Spanish English Room I LT1, LT3, P9 Japanese Articulation and Beyond Presenter: Yasu-Hiko Tohsaku, University of California San Diego There have been various projects and efforts made to exchange information and curricula among the teachers of the Japanese language. The Japan Foundation and the University of Virginia have funded multiple groups to conduct the Japanese Articulation Projects. As the project is coming to the end of a three-year term, the workshop is designed to elicit discussion as to how to maintain the project as a sustainable action and not a short-term exercise. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels / Japanese Japanese Room J C5, LT6, PR3 94 Saturday, September 27 VCCS Session 182: Practicality in World Language Instruction Presenter: Juvenal E. Abrego-Meneses, J Sergeant Reynolds Community College The concept of practicality has been misunderstood, misused, and even unknown by many foreign language instructors. This workshop has been designed to provide foreign language instructors with various instructional strategies that exemplify the use of the Practical Language Approach, and its benefits for both students and teachers who seek to be successful in the process of learning and teaching a world language. Audience: Language of the presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 183: VCCS / All Levels / Spanish Spanish Room 2 LE5, LE7, PR3 ¡Se me olvidó! – How to Use Storytelling to Help Students Remember the Toughest Vocabulary Presenter: Nancy Feigenbaum, Bruton High School Not all students can memorize verb charts, but they won’t forget the story about the giant snake that swallowed the student—or the location phrases used to tell it. This workshop explains how to turn required vocabulary and grammar into memorable tales. The examples are in Spanish. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Secondary / Spanish Spanish Room 3 LE5, LE7 95 Saturday, September 27 Session 184: How to Promote Your German Program Successfully Presenter: Friedericke Braun, Zentralstelle für das Auslandsschulwesen The session familiarizes participants with resources and strategies to promote the study of German and of German programs. The session will answer questions such as: How do you get your program noticed, how do you get funding, who are your partners in promoting the program? Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 185: All Levels / German German Room 8 LT6, C1, C5 Alexandre Dumas en cuisine Presenter: Fabrice Teulon, Virginia Tech Alexandre Dumas (1802-1870) is best known, of course for his historical novels, such as The Three Musketeers, The Count of Monte Cristo, or Queen Margot. A fine cook himself, he wrote also a Great Dictionary of Cuisine (Le Grand dictionnaire de la cuisine) that includes more than 3,000 recipes. The text belongs to a period that redefined cooking and gave gastronomy and culinary writing a specific place in the literary production of the time. As we will show in this session, The Great dictionary is not only a simple corpus of recipes, but it also provides both a unique perspective on the development of cooking in nineteenth-century France and on gastronomy. The session will include specific examples to be used in the classroom, as well as a detailed bibliography on the subject. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels / French French Room 11 P9, LT1 96 Saturday, September 27 Session 186: Unique Uses of Technology Presenter: Wasan Al Quaisi, Arlington Public Schools In this session the presenter will demonstrate how to use two engaging software programs for a flipped or on-line classroom: and They are free and can be downloaded from the Internet. They can also be used for K-16 for informal and quick assignments. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): VCCS Session 187: All Levels / All Languages English Room 12 LT1, LT3 Promoting Learning of Language and Culture Presenter: Ana Ruiz-Fodor, Danville Community College This session will focus on the use of cultural aspects that assist cognitive learning processes when acquiring new languages. Attendees will be treated to a cultural approach to consolidate language acquisition. Resources to be used for the benefit of all students at all levels will be shared. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): VCCS / All Levels / All languages English Room 15 LE5, LT1 97 Saturday, September 27 VCCS Session 188: Lights, Camera, Action: Video Projects for Every Language Learner Presenter: Martha Davis, Northern Virginia Community College Student presentations no longer need to involve nervously standing in front of one’s peers with prepared notes or a PowerPoint presentation. Widespread video technology in smart phones, tablets and laptops enables students to be producers, directors and stars in their own movies that both educate and entertain. In this session, the participants will view authentic student video clips from the 100-level commercials to the 200-level original telenovelas. Handouts that include video project themes, guidelines, and grading rubrics will be provided. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 189: VCCS / All Levels / All languages English Room 16 PF1, LT2 L'Immersion française à l'Académie Française Presenters: Katy Jones, Governor’s French Academy Erin Taylor Dougherty, Governor’s French Academy The attendees will learn how the Governor's French Academy operates. Everyone will participate in A day at the Academy. There will be mini-activities. Attendees will receive a mini-agenda for our day at the Academy, with sample classes, conversation courses, a presentation, afternoon activities, Beaux Arts activities, les affaires activities, and a surprise! Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Secondary / French French Room 17 LE5, LE7, LT6, PR3 98 Saturday, September 27 Session 190: K-7 Language Learning: A Unique Approach Presenters: Sofia Sequeira, Washington and Lee University Laura Noker, Washington and Lee University The presenter will discuss how post-secondary student volunteers are able to implement a program of language learning for students in local elementary and middle schools. The languages currently taught are French, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, and German. This is a model that can work for all communities. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Post-secondary/ All Languages English Room 18 LT1, C2, C5 99 Saturday, September 27 12:00 – 1:45 FLAVA Awards Luncheon Session 191: FLAVA Awards Luncheon Presenter: Sue Robertson, Chair, FLAVA Recognition and Awards Everyone who pre-registered is cordially invited to attend the FLAVA Awards Luncheon. The following FLAVA Awards will be presented: • The David E. Cox Excellence in Teaching Award K-12 • The R. Marshall Brannon Excellence in Teaching Award Post-Secondary • The Helen P. Warriner-Burke Distinguished Service Award • The Friend of FLAVA Award • College/University Student Recognition Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All pre-registered FLAVA members English Adams C5, LT6 100 Saturday, September 27 2:00 – 3:30: Strand M: Concurrent Workshops Session 192: Linguafolio: Introduction Presenter: Helen Small, Newport News Public Schools An introduction to and overview of LinguaFolio, a student self-assessment and portfolio system designed to improve language learning and cultural competence as it promotes autonomous and lifelong learning. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 193: All Levels/ All Languages English Ampitheatre PF1, PF2, PF3 Successful Teacher Candidate Thematic Units Presenter: Sharon B. Hahnlen, Liberty University This workshop will demonstrate how Methods and Capstone instructors can help their teacher candidates develop meaningful and teachable thematic units, which integrate Standards (SOL, 5 Cs, WIDA, ISTE), and Literacy into fully functional thematic units. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Post-secondary / All Languages English Room D P1, P2, P3, P6 101 Saturday, September 27 Session 194: Using Technology Tools to Enhance Language Learning Presenter: Maha Sweis-Dababneh, DePaul University and Moraine Valley Community College The presenter is the 2012 Innovation of the Year Award winner at Moraine Valley Community College for developing Arabic online courses. The presenter will share online Open Educational Resources (OER) that enable students to learn the target language. The presenter will discuss free online educational resources and various ways to enhance second-language acquisition in, and beyond, the physical classroom. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 195: All Levels / All Languages English Room F P2, LT1, LT6 Bringing the Reading Method to Life in the Latin Class Without Sacrificing Grammar! Presenter: Lindsay Herndon, Spotsylvania High School The reading method of Latin instruction strives to teach students by experiencing the language through stories and incorporating grammar as a means to reading. In this session attendees will see ways of bringing the reading method to life while still incorporating grammar effectively. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Secondary / Latin English Room I P9, LE5, LE6 102 Saturday, September 27 Session 196: Re-evaluating Oral Performance Assessment: Is My Good the Same as Yours? Presenters: Tomoko Marshall, University of Virginia Mieko Kawai, University of Virginia What exactly does good speaking performance mean? Common assessing instruments such as the ACTFL OPI aim to provide tools that are reliable and valid; however, teachers’ subjective judgments affect the results. In this workshop, participants will use a sample rubric written in Can-do statements to rate speech samples, discuss rationales for the ratings, and discover their own biases. The participants will learn how to set realistic and practical goals of instruction and to plan appropriate daily classroom activities to achieve these goals. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 197: All Levels / Japanese Japanese Room J PF1, PF2, PF3, PF4 Beyond the Book: Ideas for Student Engagement Presenter: Rebecca McQueen, Staunton River High School Designed for German III, IV, and V, this session will offer ideas to put language into action beyond the textbook and worksheets. Topics range from cartoons, to Pixibücher, cooking videos, and even Erlkönig. Whether you need something quick or something more extensive, you will come away with new ideas to get your students engaged in the language. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Secondary / German German Room 8 P9, LE5, LE6, LT1 103 Saturday, September 27 Session 198: Prototypes in Spanish Linguistics- Part I Presenter: Terrell A. Morgan, Ohio State University Come get your mind around Prototype Theory and see how it can help you explain notoriously difficult aspects of Spanish grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. This approach will cast new light on parts of speech, the personal “a”, indirect objects, the subjunctive, loan words, nicknames, and other areas of grammar. Audience: Language of the presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 199: All Levels / Spanish Spanish Room 11 LE7, PR2, PR3 Descriptive Feedback: A Way to Support Student Learning Presenters: Inmar Romero, Prince William County Schools Maritza Blandon, Prince William County Schools Gimara Richards, Prince William County Schools Descriptive feedback is one of the most innovative tools in the 21st century to support and enhance student learning. The more students believe in their abilities and skills, the more they are likely to succeed learning a language. In this workshop, attendees will learn how to provide descriptive feedback in order to empower their students to achieve their learning goals. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels / All Languages English Room 12 PF2 104 Saturday, September 27 Session 200: Mobile Apps to Foster Learner Engagement Presenters: Sharon Scinicariello, University of Richmond Stacey Powell, Auburn University Kristy Britt, University of South Alabama Whether used in or beyond the classroom, mobile apps, particularly those created for use in the target culture, are an effective tool to foster learner engagement and the use of the target language in context. Participants will discuss, create, and evaluate learner-centered activities using apps as both resources and production tools. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 201: All Levels / All Languages English Room 15 LT1, LT2, LT3 Teletandem: Engaging Students with Native Speakers Presenters: Lulú de Panbehchi, Virginia Commonwealth University Tony Brinckwirth, Virginia Commonwealth University Greg Hellman, Virginia Commonwealth University In a teletandem session, students from different countries connect via Skype or similar technology and help each other learn to communicate using the target language. The goals of this workshop are to present the teletandem theory, how to start a teletandem collaboration, and to inform on the best practices of technology for conducting teletandem sessions. The presenters will share their teletandem sessions in Spanish and will provide examples from the long-running teletandems in Portuguese and Mandarin. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels / All Languages English Room 16 LT1, LT2, LT6, C5 105 Saturday, September 27 Session 202: Prunelle et Mélodie Presenters: Isabelle Reeves, St. Anne’s Belfield Amy deGraff, Randolph-Macon College Teaching short films is particularly appealing to the language teacher. A film-short can be viewed over one class period and discussed either in depth or broadly. In addition, a film-short is usually simple, focusing on one idea and is highly symbolic. Students are invited to consider the film-short in many different ways and to approach it as they would a poem, decoding visual cues and inferring meaning. In this session, after a viewing of the film, presenters will propose a way to teach Prunelle et Mélodie and will share their ideas with participants. This session is meant to be both informative and interactive. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 203: All Levels / French French Room 17 P9, LE5, LT1 BYOD: Bring Your Own Device-Learn. Set-up and Plan Technology Lessons for your Language Classroom Presenter: Ginny Ogden, Bedford County Public Schools Need help setting up meaningful technology lessons in your Foreign Language Classroom? Would you like to incorporate more technology and increase student participation and language use? This is the workshop for you!! Bring your own device and we will practice and learn how to use different apps and programs to engage your students and get them to communicate in the target language. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels / All Languages English Room 18 LT1, LT2, LT3 106 Saturday, September 27 3:45 – 5:15 Strand N: Concurrent Workshops Session 204: The Governor’s Foreign Language Academies: How to Tackle the Application for Success Presenter: Deborah Sommer, Hampton City Schools The workshop will review the process that best facilitates the successful submission of applications for students to the immersion and other language academies. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 205: Secondary / All Languages English Ampitheatre LT6, C5, PR3 The Latin Classroom: Flipped! Presenter: Laura Berg, Northside High School Learn how to create a flipped language classroom using various technologies. Discuss the pros and cons of such a classroom and brainstorm solutions to common problems. Explore how flipping your classroom can help your students succeed. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels / Latin English Room A P2, LE5, LE7, LT1 107 Saturday, September 27 Session 206: All Things Considered: Language Classroom Edition Presenters: Alice Ann Mahoney, L. C. Bird High School Khadijah Luqman, L. C. Bird High School Are you struggling with staying in the target language? Are you tired of the same bell-ringer? Are you having difficulty transitioning between activities? Do you have five minutes that you need to fill? After attending this hands-on workshop, you will walk away with procedures, resources, and activities for staying in the target language, anticipatory sets, making transitions, and lesson closure. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 207: All Levels / All Languages English Room D P8, LE4. LT6 Teaching Arabic at Higher Level Presenter: Ismael Khalil, Al-Mamoor School In this hands-on workshop, the presenter will lead attendees in acquiring new instructional techniques to improve the teaching of the Arabic language. These methods will enable teachers to better prepare their students to improve their critical thinking skills and their awareness of the Arab culture. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels / Arabic Arabic Room F LT6, PR2, PR3 108 Saturday, September 27 Session 208: SMART Goals for Language Learners Presenter: Lisa A. Harris, Virginia Department of Education The Code of Virginia requires that student academic progress be a part of teacher evaluation. Goal setting is a viable option as one measure of academic progress for all teachers. The participants will learn how to write, evaluate, and monitor SMART goals for foreign language students. Audience: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 209: Elementary / Secondary / All Languages Room I PF1, PF2, PF3 From How to Teach to Why Teach Japanese Presenter: Yasu-Hiko Tohsaku, University of California San Diego Since the need and interest in learning the Japanese language increased in the early 80s, the Japanese language educators have concentrated on what to teach and how to teach it. As the world’s needs and interests shift in the 21st century, Japanese language educators need to consider why we teach Japanese. During this workshop, we will discuss and brainstorm the new direction as well as the reasons why we teach Japanese. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels / Japanese Japanese Room J LT6, PR3 109 Saturday, September 27 Session 210: Passport to Education Presenter: Lisa Zajur, Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Passport To Education promotes the importance of education to Virginia's Hispanic community, who are the youngest demographic in the U.S., who continue to be the fastest growing segment of our labor force, having the highest dropout rate than any other ethnic group. Passport To Education supports Hispanic students with a wide range of academic standing, who demonstrate significant risk factors, including low family income and parental educational attainment, who, can go to college but may not without intervention. There are clear, established links between literacy, education and subsequent entry into the workforce. Passport To Education helps Hispanic middle and high school students, and their families, understand the many aspects of the U.S. school system and the resources available to them, while marketing higher education as a viable and important next step. Passport to Education addresses specific language and cultural challenges that Hispanic students and families face in understanding the importance of higher education and the means to achieve it. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 211: All Levels / All Languages English Room 8 P4, P5, LE5, LT1 Prototypes in Spanish Linguistics- Part II Presenter: Terrell A. Morgan, Ohio State University Come get your mind around Prototype Theory and see how it can help you explain notoriously difficult aspects of Spanish grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. This approach will cast new light on parts of speech, the personal “a”, indirect objects, the subjunctive, loan words, nicknames, and other areas of grammar. Audience: Language of the presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels / Spanish Spanish Room 11 LE7, PR3 110 Saturday, September 27 Session 212: Integration of Content and Language in the FLES Classroom Presenter: Marleny Perdomo, Arlington Public Schools Students learn best when they can connect language to content and when they have multiple opportunities to practice the language they acquire. The mathematics and science elementary curriculum provide many opportunities for FLES students to put into practice basic language functions and vocabulary they have acquired, thereby maximizing language output while revisiting content area concepts. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Session 213: Elementary / Spanish Spanish Room 12 P1, P7, LE5, LE7 Oral Practice and Assessment via Google Voice Presenter: Jennifer Herner, Fluvanna County High School The presenter will discuss innovative ways to increase oral communication and to assess it properly. Learn how to set up and use Google Voice for oral practice and assessment in world languages. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): Secondary / All Languages English Room 15 LE7, PF2, LT2 111 Saturday, September 27 Session 214: Academic Vocabulary and English Language Learners: The Importance of Tier Two Words Across Curricula Presenter: Sarah Eqab, Prince William County Schools Academic vocabulary is the linguistic glue that holds school tasks, texts, and tests together. It creates cohesion and clarity in writing and oral discourse. In this session, the attendees will learn how vocabulary is divided into three tiers, that tier two vocabulary is often overlooked, and effective strategies to help students learn and retain tier two vocabulary. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels / ESOL English Room 16 P2, P7, LE7 112 Saturday, September 27 Session 215: La culture de la Côte d'Ivoire: Sociéte Presenters: Patricia Cummins, Virginia Commonwealth University Brahima Kone, Virginia Commonwealth University Lindsey Fitzgerald, Virginia Commonwealth University Le French West Africa Project de VCU a envoyé cinq futurs enseignants en Afrique de l'Ouest en été 2014. Ils ont trouvé des matériaux pédagogiques visant les trois Ps de la culture. Les produits de la culture: Le premier intervenant présentera une liste des sites web sur les arts et la littérature orale. Il présentera une chanson, un conte de la tradition orale, et un exemple de l'artisanat. Certains sites web contiennent des guides pédagogiques, et l'intervenant fera des suggestions pour la classe de français suivant l’âge des enfants. Les perspectives de la culture: Le deuxième intervenant parlera des écoles, des organisations non-gouvernementales, et des entreprises de l'Afrique de l'Ouest. Le troisième intervenant se concentrera sur les pratiques culturelles. Les intervenants fourniront les coordonnées des enseignants africains qui s'intéressent à des communications par e-mail ou par Skype. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels / French French Room 17 LT3, LT6, C5, PR3 113 Saturday, September 27 Session 216: Take Your Phones Out! Integrating Mobile Devices in the Language Classroom Presenters: Claudia Deferre, Prince William County Schools Jennifer Guido, Prince William County Schools Current high school teachers will present most recent classroom-tested and learnerapproved apps suitable for language learning. Student practice, digital portfolio, and teacher support tools will be presented. Teachers will leave with practical knowledge that can be implemented immediately in the classroom. Audience: Language of presentation: Location: TELL Correlation(s): All Levels / All Languages English Room 18 LT1, LT2, LT3, LT6 114