Click Here for Descriptions of Each Step in the Project

3rd Independent Study Project:
Pet Parade
Note: The students’ final work will be presented on a tri-fold, free-standing board. Students may
save documents to their Google drive from home.
Pet Choice Picture Chart: Choose a pet you may want to own when you are older. Make a
Google Doc or print out the pictures.
Traits List: On Google Docs, you will write about the animal you have chosen as your pet and
record the positive traits or attributes for your animal.
Write two paragraphs explaining why you made your choice. The first paragraph should
include the reasons you did not choose other animals. The second paragraph should
describe why you chose the animal you did.
When listing the traits of the animal you chose, you should consider things like care
requirements, cost of ownership, feeding and space needs when listing your attributes.
In the document, type the animal’s name in bold, and include the attributes in a bulleted
list underneath.
Life Cycle Illustration: Research your pet and find out what its life cycle is. PebbleGo will be an
excellent place to start you can locate it on the Resource page of the Fern Bluff Elementary
Website. Be sure to include the citation information from PebbleGo or other locations. You may
draw or cut and paste photos onto a Google Doc.
Detailed Pet Supply and Cost Table: On the worksheet provided in class, research and record
the cost of the supplies your pet will need. I can also share the worksheet with you via Google
and the class website. You should be able to find information for this worksheet on the Petco
or Petsmart websites. If you are having trouble finding this information for your pet, please ask
Mrs. Wooldridge for help.
Monthly Care Schedule: Make a list of the basic needs for your pet. This will include food,
water, shelter, cleaning, and health care.
Research what is appropriate for your pet in each area and make a plan for how often
you will need to care for your pet in each area. Will anyone help you? If so, who? What
will their job be?
Make the list neatly on paper or save to a Google Doc.
Pet Toy: Create a 3D model of a toy for your pet. You may use any materials you have at
home. Be ready to share your model at McNeil High School.
3rd Independent Study Project:
Pet Parade
Cinquain Poem: On a Google Doc or on paper, create a cinquain poem. The poem should be
centered. The title of the poem will be your animal’s name. Include an illustration for your poem.
Line 1 - a one word title (or 2 syllables)
Line 2 - a 2 word phrase that describes your title or you can just use two words (or 4 syllables)
Line 3 - a 3 word phrase that describes an action relating to your title or just actions words (or 6 syllables)
Line 4 - a 4 word phrase that describes a feeling relating to your topic or just feeling words (or 8 syllables)
Line 5 - one word that refers back to your title (or 2 syllables)
Choose 1 of the following 3:
Choice #1 Song: Using the tune of another song or an original tune, write a song about your
pet. You can tell a story, share your emotions about your pet, or tell facts about your pet in this
song. You can add instrumentation or sing without accompaniment. Tape record your song to
share with the class. Present your lyrics neatly written or typed on a Google document as
Choice #2 Comic Strip: Tell a short story about your pet in a humorous way using a comic strip.
Use at least six frames to tell a story using dialogue in speech balloons. Draw and color pictures
in each frame as well.
Choice #3 Commercial: Create a 30 to 90 second commercial for your animal. This can be live
action, with stuffed toys, claymation, a PhotoStory, or any other video format you choose. If you
create it at home, please bring it on a CD, DVD, or flash drive so that we may view it in class.
You are advertising your pet as the best pet to own. If you choose the commercial, please be
prepared to present this at McNeil as part of your display with your own, battery-powered
technology (example: ipad or laptop).
Cover Page: In your neatest handwriting or a Google doc create an eye-catching original title
for your project as well as your First and Last Name. Decorate your display and make it look
neat and eye-catching.
Presentation: Due November 17
You will show your Display Board to the class, introducing your animal to the class. Then, you
will show the toy you created as well as your commercial, comic strip, or play your song.